void LightFlareData::prepRender( SceneState *state, LightFlareState *flareState ) { PROFILE_SCOPE( LightFlareData_prepRender ); // No elements then nothing to render. if ( mElementCount == 0 ) return; // We need these all over the place later. const Point3F &camPos = state->getCameraPosition(); const RectI &viewport = GFX->getViewport(); const Point3F &lightPos = flareState->lightMat.getPosition(); LightInfo *lightInfo = flareState->lightInfo; bool isVectorLight = lightInfo->getType() == LightInfo::Vector; // Perform visibility testing on the light... // Project the light position from world to screen space, we need this // position later, and it tells us if it is actually onscreen. Point3F lightPosSS; bool onscreen = MathUtils::mProjectWorldToScreen( lightPos, &lightPosSS, viewport, GFX->getWorldMatrix(), gClientSceneGraph->getNonClipProjection() ); U32 visDelta = U32_MAX; U32 fadeOutTime = 20; U32 fadeInTime = 125; // Fade factor based on amount of occlusion. F32 occlusionFade = 1.0f; bool lightVisible = true; if ( !state->isReflectPass() ) { // It is onscreen, so raycast as a simple occlusion test. U32 losMask = STATIC_COLLISION_MASK | ShapeBaseObjectType | StaticTSObjectType | ItemObjectType | PlayerObjectType; GameConnection *conn = GameConnection::getConnectionToServer(); if ( !conn ) return; bool needsRaycast = true; // NOTE: if hardware does not support HOQ it will return NULL // and we will retry every time but there is not currently a good place // for one-shot initialization of LightFlareState if ( flareState->occlusionQuery == NULL ) flareState->occlusionQuery = GFX->createOcclusionQuery(); if ( flareState->fullPixelQuery == NULL ) flareState->fullPixelQuery = GFX->createOcclusionQuery(); if ( flareState->occlusionQuery && ( ( isVectorLight && flareState->worldRadius > 0.0f ) || ( !isVectorLight && mOcclusionRadius > 0.0f ) ) ) { // Always treat light as onscreen if using HOQ // it will be faded out if offscreen anyway. onscreen = true; U32 pixels = -1; GFXOcclusionQuery::OcclusionQueryStatus status = flareState->occlusionQuery->getStatus( true, &pixels ); String str = flareState->occlusionQuery->statusToString( status ); Con::setVariable( "$Flare::OcclusionStatus", str.c_str() ); Con::setIntVariable( "$Flare::OcclusionVal", pixels ); if ( status == GFXOcclusionQuery::Occluded ) occlusionFade = 0.0f; if ( status != GFXOcclusionQuery::Unset ) needsRaycast = false; RenderPassManager *pass = state->getRenderPass(); OccluderRenderInst *ri = pass->allocInst<OccluderRenderInst>(); Point3F scale( Point3F::One ); if ( isVectorLight && flareState->worldRadius > 0.0f ) scale *= flareState->worldRadius; else scale *= mOcclusionRadius; ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Occluder; ri->query = flareState->occlusionQuery; ri->query2 = flareState->fullPixelQuery; ri->position = lightPos; ri->scale = scale; ri->orientation = pass->allocUniqueXform( lightInfo->getTransform() ); ri->isSphere = true; state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); if ( status == GFXOcclusionQuery::NotOccluded ) { U32 fullPixels; flareState->fullPixelQuery->getStatus( true, &fullPixels ); occlusionFade = (F32)pixels / (F32)fullPixels; // Approximation of the full pixel count rather than doing // two queries, but it is not very accurate. /* F32 dist = ( camPos - lightPos ).len(); F32 radius = scale.x; radius = ( radius / dist ) * state->getWorldToScreenScale().y; occlusionFade = (F32)pixels / (4.0f * radius * radius); occlusionFade = mClampF( occlusionFade, 0.0f, 1.0f ); */ } } Con::setFloatVariable( "$Flare::OcclusionFade", occlusionFade ); if ( needsRaycast ) { // Use a raycast to determine occlusion. bool fps = conn->isFirstPerson(); GameBase *control = conn->getControlObject(); if ( control && fps ) control->disableCollision(); RayInfo rayInfo; if ( gClientContainer.castRayRendered( camPos, lightPos, losMask, &rayInfo ) ) occlusionFade = 0.0f; if ( control && fps ) control->enableCollision(); } lightVisible = onscreen && occlusionFade > 0.0f; // To perform a fade in/out when we gain or lose visibility // we must update/store the visibility state and time. U32 currentTime = Sim::getCurrentTime(); if ( lightVisible != flareState->visible ) { flareState->visible = lightVisible; flareState->visChangedTime = currentTime; } // Save this in the state so that we have it during the reflect pass. flareState->occlusion = occlusionFade; visDelta = currentTime - flareState->visChangedTime; } else // state->isReflectPass() { occlusionFade = flareState->occlusion; lightVisible = flareState->visible; visDelta = Sim::getCurrentTime() - flareState->visChangedTime; } // We can only skip rendering if the light is not visible, and it // has elapsed the fadeOutTime. if ( !lightVisible && visDelta > fadeOutTime ) return; // In a reflection we only render the elements with zero distance. U32 elementCount = mElementCount; if ( state->isReflectPass() ) { elementCount = 0; for ( ; elementCount < mElementCount; elementCount++ ) { if ( mElementDist[elementCount] > 0.0f ) break; } } if ( elementCount == 0 ) return; // A bunch of preparatory math before generating verts... const Point2I &vpExtent = viewport.extent; Point3F viewportExtent( vpExtent.x, vpExtent.y, 1.0f ); Point2I halfViewportExtentI( viewport.extent / 2 ); Point3F halfViewportExtentF( (F32)halfViewportExtentI.x * 0.5f, (F32)halfViewportExtentI.y, 0.0f ); Point3F screenCenter( 0,0,0 ); Point3F oneOverViewportExtent( 1.0f / viewportExtent.x, 1.0f / viewportExtent.y, 1.0f ); lightPosSS.y -= viewport.point.y; lightPosSS *= oneOverViewportExtent; lightPosSS = ( lightPosSS * 2.0f ) - Point3F::One; lightPosSS.y = -lightPosSS.y; lightPosSS.z = 0.0f; Point3F flareVec( screenCenter - lightPosSS ); F32 flareLength = flareVec.len(); flareVec.normalizeSafe(); Point3F basePoints[4]; basePoints[0] = Point3F( -0.5, 0.5, 0.0 ); basePoints[1] = Point3F( -0.5, -0.5, 0.0 ); basePoints[2] = Point3F( 0.5, -0.5, 0.0 ); basePoints[3] = Point3F( 0.5, 0.5, 0.0 ); Point3F rotatedBasePoints[4]; rotatedBasePoints[0] = basePoints[0]; rotatedBasePoints[1] = basePoints[1]; rotatedBasePoints[2] = basePoints[2]; rotatedBasePoints[3] = basePoints[3]; Point3F fvec( -1, 0, 0 ); F32 rot = mAcos( mDot( fvec, flareVec ) ); Point3F rvec( 0, -1, 0 ); rot *= mDot( rvec, flareVec ) > 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f; vectorRotateZAxis( rotatedBasePoints[0], rot ); vectorRotateZAxis( rotatedBasePoints[1], rot ); vectorRotateZAxis( rotatedBasePoints[2], rot ); vectorRotateZAxis( rotatedBasePoints[3], rot ); // Here we calculate a the light source's influence on the effect's size // and brightness... // Scale based on the current light brightness compared to its normal output. F32 lightSourceBrightnessScale = lightInfo->getBrightness() / flareState->fullBrightness; // Scale based on world space distance from camera to light source. F32 lightSourceWSDistanceScale = ( isVectorLight ) ? 1.0f : getMin( 10.0f / ( lightPos - camPos ).len(), 1.5f ); // Scale based on screen space distance from screen position of light source to the screen center. F32 lightSourceSSDistanceScale = ( 1.5f - ( lightPosSS - screenCenter ).len() ) / 1.5f; // Scale based on recent visibility changes, fading in or out. F32 fadeInOutScale = 1.0f; if ( lightVisible && visDelta < fadeInTime && flareState->occlusion ) fadeInOutScale = (F32)visDelta / (F32)fadeInTime; else if ( !lightVisible && visDelta < fadeOutTime ) fadeInOutScale = 1.0f - (F32)visDelta / (F32)fadeOutTime; // This combined scale influences the size of all elements this effect renders. // Note we also add in a scale that is user specified in the Light. F32 lightSourceIntensityScale = lightSourceBrightnessScale * lightSourceWSDistanceScale * lightSourceSSDistanceScale * fadeInOutScale * flareState->scale * occlusionFade; // The baseColor which modulates the color of all elements. ColorF baseColor; if ( flareState->fullBrightness == 0.0f ) baseColor = ColorF::BLACK; else // These are the factors which affect the "alpha" of the flare effect. // Modulate more in as appropriate. baseColor = ColorF::WHITE * lightSourceBrightnessScale * occlusionFade; // Fill in the vertex buffer... const U32 vertCount = 4 * elementCount; if ( flareState->vertBuffer.isNull() || flareState->vertBuffer->mNumVerts != vertCount ) flareState->vertBuffer.set( GFX, vertCount, GFXBufferTypeDynamic ); GFXVertexPCT *pVert = flareState->vertBuffer.lock(); const Point2I &widthHeightI = mFlareTexture.getWidthHeight(); Point2F oneOverTexSize( 1.0f / (F32)widthHeightI.x, 1.0f / (F32)widthHeightI.y ); for ( U32 i = 0; i < elementCount; i++ ) { Point3F *basePos = mElementRotate[i] ? rotatedBasePoints : basePoints; ColorF elementColor( baseColor * mElementTint[i] ); if ( mElementUseLightColor[i] ) elementColor *= lightInfo->getColor(); Point3F elementPos; elementPos = lightPosSS + flareVec * mElementDist[i] * flareLength; elementPos.z = 0.0f; F32 maxDist = 1.5f; F32 elementDist = mSqrt( ( elementPos.x * elementPos.x ) + ( elementPos.y * elementPos.y ) ); F32 distanceScale = ( maxDist - elementDist ) / maxDist; distanceScale = 1.0f; const RectF &elementRect = mElementRect[i]; Point3F elementSize( elementRect.extent.x, elementRect.extent.y, 1.0f ); elementSize *= mElementScale[i] * distanceScale * mScale * lightSourceIntensityScale; if ( elementSize.x < 100.0f ) { F32 alphaScale = mPow( elementSize.x / 100.0f, 2 ); elementColor *= alphaScale; } elementColor.clamp(); Point2F texCoordMin, texCoordMax; texCoordMin = elementRect.point * oneOverTexSize; texCoordMax = ( elementRect.point + elementRect.extent ) * oneOverTexSize; pVert->color = elementColor; pVert->point = ( basePos[0] * elementSize * oneOverViewportExtent ) + elementPos; pVert->texCoord.set( texCoordMin.x, texCoordMax.y ); pVert++; pVert->color = elementColor; pVert->point = ( basePos[1] * elementSize * oneOverViewportExtent ) + elementPos; pVert->texCoord.set( texCoordMax.x, texCoordMax.y ); pVert++; pVert->color = elementColor; pVert->point = ( basePos[2] * elementSize * oneOverViewportExtent ) + elementPos; pVert->texCoord.set( texCoordMax.x, texCoordMin.y ); pVert++; pVert->color = elementColor; pVert->point = ( basePos[3] * elementSize * oneOverViewportExtent ) + elementPos; pVert->texCoord.set( texCoordMin.x, texCoordMin.y ); pVert++; } flareState->vertBuffer.unlock(); // Create and submit the render instance... RenderPassManager *renderManager = state->getRenderPass(); ParticleRenderInst *ri = renderManager->allocInst<ParticleRenderInst>(); ri->vertBuff = &flareState->vertBuffer; ri->primBuff = &mFlarePrimBuffer; ri->translucentSort = true; ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Particle; ri->sortDistSq = ( lightPos - camPos ).lenSquared(); ri->modelViewProj = &MatrixF::Identity; ri->bbModelViewProj = ri->modelViewProj; ri->count = elementCount; // Only draw the light flare in high-res mode, never off-screen mode ri->systemState = ParticleRenderInst::AwaitingHighResDraw; ri->blendStyle = ParticleRenderInst::BlendGreyscale; ri->diffuseTex = &*(mFlareTexture); ri->softnessDistance = 1.0f; // Sort by texture too. ri->defaultKey = ri->diffuseTex ? (U32)ri->diffuseTex : (U32)ri->vertBuff; renderManager->addInst( ri ); }
bool LightFlareData::_testVisibility(const SceneRenderState *state, LightFlareState *flareState, U32 *outVisDelta, F32 *outOcclusionFade, Point3F *outLightPosSS) { // Reflections use the results from the last forward // render so we don't need multiple queries. if ( state->isReflectPass() ) { *outOcclusionFade = flareState->occlusion; *outVisDelta = Sim::getCurrentTime() - flareState->visChangedTime; return flareState->visible; } // Initialize it to something first. *outOcclusionFade = 0; // First check to see if the flare point // is on scren at all... if not then return // the last result. const Point3F &lightPos = flareState->lightMat.getPosition(); const RectI &viewport = GFX->getViewport(); MatrixF projMatrix; state->getCameraFrustum().getProjectionMatrix(&projMatrix); if( state->isReflectPass() ) projMatrix = state->getSceneManager()->getNonClipProjection(); bool onScreen = MathUtils::mProjectWorldToScreen( lightPos, outLightPosSS, viewport, GFX->getWorldMatrix(), projMatrix ); // It is onscreen, so raycast as a simple occlusion test. const LightInfo *lightInfo = flareState->lightInfo; const bool isVectorLight = lightInfo->getType() == LightInfo::Vector; const bool useOcclusionQuery = isVectorLight ? flareState->worldRadius > 0.0f : mOcclusionRadius > 0.0f; bool needsRaycast = true; // NOTE: if hardware does not support HOQ it will return NULL // and we will retry every time but there is not currently a good place // for one-shot initialization of LightFlareState if ( useOcclusionQuery ) { // Always treat light as onscreen if using HOQ // it will be faded out if offscreen anyway. onScreen = true; needsRaycast = false; // Test the hardware queries for rendered pixels. U32 pixels = 0, fullPixels = 0; GFXOcclusionQuery::OcclusionQueryStatus status; flareState->occlusionQuery.getLastStatus( false, &status, &pixels ); flareState->fullPixelQuery.getLastStatus( false, NULL, &fullPixels ); if ( status == GFXOcclusionQuery::NotOccluded && fullPixels != 0 ) *outOcclusionFade = mClampF( (F32)pixels / (F32)fullPixels, 0.0f, 1.0f ); if( !flareState->occlusionQuery.isWaiting() ) { // Setup the new queries. RenderPassManager *rpm = state->getRenderPass(); OccluderRenderInst *ri = rpm->allocInst<OccluderRenderInst>(); ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Occluder; ri->query = flareState->occlusionQuery.getQuery(); ri->query2 = flareState->fullPixelQuery.getQuery(); ri->isSphere = true; ri->position = lightPos; if ( isVectorLight && flareState->worldRadius > 0.0f ) ri->scale.set( flareState->worldRadius ); else ri->scale.set( mOcclusionRadius ); ri->orientation = rpm->allocUniqueXform( lightInfo->getTransform() ); // Submit the queries. state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); } } const Point3F &camPos = state->getCameraPosition(); if ( needsRaycast ) { // Use a raycast to determine occlusion. GameConnection *conn = GameConnection::getConnectionToServer(); if ( !conn ) return false; const bool fps = conn->isFirstPerson(); GameBase *control = conn->getControlObject(); if ( control && fps ) control->disableCollision(); RayInfo rayInfo; if ( !gClientContainer.castRay( camPos, lightPos, LosMask, &rayInfo ) ) *outOcclusionFade = 1.0f; if ( control && fps ) control->enableCollision(); } // The raycast and hardware occlusion query only calculate if // the flare is on screen... if does not account for being // partially offscreen. // // The code here clips a box against the viewport to // get an approximate percentage of onscreen area. // F32 worldRadius = flareState->worldRadius > 0 ? flareState->worldRadius : mOcclusionRadius; if ( worldRadius > 0.0f ) { F32 dist = ( camPos - lightPos ).len(); F32 pixelRadius = state->projectRadius(dist, worldRadius); RectI visRect( outLightPosSS->x - pixelRadius, outLightPosSS->y - pixelRadius, pixelRadius * 2.0f, pixelRadius * 2.0f ); F32 fullArea = visRect.area(); if ( visRect.intersect( viewport ) ) { F32 visArea = visRect.area(); *outOcclusionFade *= visArea / fullArea; onScreen = true; } else *outOcclusionFade = 0.0f; } const bool lightVisible = onScreen && *outOcclusionFade > 0.0f; // To perform a fade in/out when we gain or lose visibility // we must update/store the visibility state and time. const U32 currentTime = Sim::getCurrentTime(); if ( lightVisible != flareState->visible ) { flareState->visible = lightVisible; flareState->visChangedTime = currentTime; } // Return the visibility delta for time fading. *outVisDelta = currentTime - flareState->visChangedTime; // Store the final occlusion fade so that it can // be used in reflection rendering later. flareState->occlusion = *outOcclusionFade; return lightVisible; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Core rendering method for this control. /// /// This method scans through all the current client ShapeBase objects. /// If one is named, it displays the name and damage information for it. /// /// Information is offset from the center of the object's bounding box, /// unless the object is a PlayerObjectType, in which case the eye point /// is used. /// /// @param updateRect Extents of control. void afxGuiTextHud::onRender( Point2I, const RectI &updateRect) { // Background fill first if (mShowFill) GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill(updateRect, mFillColor.toColorI()); // Must be in a TS Control GuiTSCtrl *parent = dynamic_cast<GuiTSCtrl*>(getParent()); if (!parent) return; // Must have a connection and control object GameConnection* conn = GameConnection::getConnectionToServer(); if (!conn) return; GameBase * control = dynamic_cast<GameBase*>(conn->getControlObject()); if (!control) return; // Get control camera info MatrixF cam; Point3F camPos; VectorF camDir; conn->getControlCameraTransform(0,&cam); cam.getColumn(3, &camPos); cam.getColumn(1, &camDir); F32 camFovCos; conn->getControlCameraFov(&camFovCos); camFovCos = mCos(mDegToRad(camFovCos) / 2); // Visible distance info & name fading F32 visDistance = gClientSceneGraph->getVisibleDistance(); F32 visDistanceSqr = visDistance * visDistance; F32 fadeDistance = visDistance * mDistanceFade; // Collision info. We're going to be running LOS tests and we // don't want to collide with the control object. static U32 losMask = TerrainObjectType | TerrainLikeObjectType | ShapeBaseObjectType; if (!mEnableControlObjectOcclusion) control->disableCollision(); if (mLabelAllShapes) { // This section works just like GuiShapeNameHud and renders labels for // all the shapes. // All ghosted objects are added to the server connection group, // so we can find all the shape base objects by iterating through // our current connection. for (SimSetIterator itr(conn); *itr; ++itr) { ///if ((*itr)->getTypeMask() & ShapeBaseObjectType) ///{ ShapeBase* shape = dynamic_cast<ShapeBase*>(*itr); if ( shape ) { if (shape != control && shape->getShapeName()) { // Target pos to test, if it's a player run the LOS to his eye // point, otherwise we'll grab the generic box center. Point3F shapePos; if (shape->getTypeMask() & PlayerObjectType) { MatrixF eye; // Use the render eye transform, otherwise we'll see jittering shape->getRenderEyeTransform(&eye); eye.getColumn(3, &shapePos); } else { // Use the render transform instead of the box center // otherwise it'll jitter. MatrixF srtMat = shape->getRenderTransform(); srtMat.getColumn(3, &shapePos); } VectorF shapeDir = shapePos - camPos; // Test to see if it's in range F32 shapeDist = shapeDir.lenSquared(); if (shapeDist == 0 || shapeDist > visDistanceSqr) continue; shapeDist = mSqrt(shapeDist); // Test to see if it's within our viewcone, this test doesn't // actually match the viewport very well, should consider // projection and box test. shapeDir.normalize(); F32 dot = mDot(shapeDir, camDir); if (dot < camFovCos) continue; // Test to see if it's behind something, and we want to // ignore anything it's mounted on when we run the LOS. RayInfo info; shape->disableCollision(); SceneObject *mount = shape->getObjectMount(); if (mount) mount->disableCollision(); bool los = !gClientContainer.castRay(camPos, shapePos,losMask, &info); shape->enableCollision(); if (mount) mount->enableCollision(); if (!los) continue; // Project the shape pos into screen space and calculate // the distance opacity used to fade the labels into the // distance. Point3F projPnt; shapePos.z += mVerticalOffset; if (!parent->project(shapePos, &projPnt)) continue; F32 opacity = (shapeDist < fadeDistance)? 1.0: 1.0 - (shapeDist - fadeDistance) / (visDistance - fadeDistance); // Render the shape's name drawName(Point2I((S32)projPnt.x, (S32)projPnt.y),shape->getShapeName(),opacity); } } } } // This section renders all text added by afxGuiText effects. for (S32 i = 0; i < text_items.size(); i++) { HudTextSpec* spec = &text_items[i]; if (spec->text && spec->text[0] != '\0') { VectorF shapeDir = spec->pos - camPos; // do range test F32 shapeDist = shapeDir.lenSquared(); if (shapeDist == 0 || shapeDist > visDistanceSqr) continue; shapeDist = mSqrt(shapeDist); // Test to see if it's within our viewcone, this test doesn't // actually match the viewport very well, should consider // projection and box test. shapeDir.normalize(); F32 dot = mDot(shapeDir, camDir); if (dot < camFovCos) continue; // Test to see if it's behind something, and we want to // ignore anything it's mounted on when we run the LOS. RayInfo info; if (spec->obj) spec->obj->disableCollision(); bool los = !gClientContainer.castRay(camPos, spec->pos, losMask, &info); if (spec->obj) spec->obj->enableCollision(); if (!los) continue; // Project the shape pos into screen space. Point3F projPnt; if (!parent->project(spec->pos, &projPnt)) continue; // Calculate the distance opacity used to fade text into the distance. F32 opacity = (shapeDist < fadeDistance)? 1.0 : 1.0 - (shapeDist - fadeDistance) / (25.0f); if (opacity > 0.01f) drawName(Point2I((S32)projPnt.x, (S32)projPnt.y), spec->text, opacity, &spec->text_clr); } } // Restore control object collision if (!mEnableControlObjectOcclusion) control->enableCollision(); // Border last if (mShowFrame) GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRect(updateRect, mFrameColor.toColorI()); reset(); }