Esempio n. 1
void ScreenSelect::Init()
	IDLE_COMMENT_SECONDS.Load( m_sName, "IdleCommentSeconds" );
	IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS.Load( m_sName, "IdleTimeoutSeconds" );
	ALLOW_DISABLED_PLAYER_INPUT.Load( m_sName, "AllowDisabledPlayerInput" );


	// Load messages to update on
	split( UPDATE_ON_MESSAGE, ",", m_asSubscribedMessages );
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < m_asSubscribedMessages.size(); ++i )
		MESSAGEMAN->Subscribe( this, m_asSubscribedMessages[i] );
	// Subscribe to PlayerJoined, if not already.
	if( !MESSAGEMAN->IsSubscribedToMessage(this, Message_PlayerJoined) )
		this->SubscribeToMessage( Message_PlayerJoined );

	// Load choices
		// Instead of using NUM_CHOICES, use a comma-separated list of choices.
		// Each element in the list is a choice name. This level of indirection 
		// makes it easier to add or remove items without having to change a
		// bunch of indices.
		vector<RString> asChoiceNames;
		split( CHOICE_NAMES, ",", asChoiceNames, true );

		for( unsigned c=0; c<asChoiceNames.size(); c++ )
			RString sChoiceName = asChoiceNames[c];

			GameCommand mc;
			mc.ApplyCommitsScreens( false );
			mc.m_sName = sChoiceName;
			Commands cmd = ParseCommands( CHOICE(sChoiceName) );
			mc.Load( c, cmd );
			m_aGameCommands.push_back( mc );

		LuaHelpers::ReportScriptErrorFmt("Screen \"%s\" does not set any choices.", m_sName.c_str());
Esempio n. 2
void ScreenSelect::Init()
	IDLE_COMMENT_SECONDS.Load( m_sName, "IdleCommentSeconds" );
	IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS.Load( m_sName, "IdleTimeoutSeconds" );
	ALLOW_DISABLED_PLAYER_INPUT.Load( m_sName, "AllowDisabledPlayerInput" );


	// Load messages to update on
	split( UPDATE_ON_MESSAGE, ",", m_asSubscribedMessages );
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < m_asSubscribedMessages.size(); ++i )
		MESSAGEMAN->Subscribe( this, m_asSubscribedMessages[i] );
	// Subscribe to PlayerJoined, if not already.
	if( !MESSAGEMAN->IsSubscribedToMessage(this, Message_PlayerJoined) )
		this->SubscribeToMessage( Message_PlayerJoined );

	// Load choices
	// Allow lua as an alternative to metrics.
	RString choice_names= CHOICE_NAMES;
	if(choice_names.Left(4) == "lua,")
		RString command= choice_names.Right(choice_names.size()-4);
		Lua* L= LUA->Get();
		if(LuaHelpers::RunExpression(L, command, m_sName + "::ChoiceNames"))
			if(!lua_istable(L, 1))
				LuaHelpers::ReportScriptError(m_sName + "::ChoiceNames expression did not return a table of gamecommands.");
				size_t len= lua_objlen(L, 1);
				for(size_t i= 1; i <= len; ++i)
					lua_rawgeti(L, 1, i);
					if(!lua_isstring(L, -1))
						LuaHelpers::ReportScriptErrorFmt(m_sName + "::ChoiceNames element %zu is not a string.", i);
						RString com= SArg(-1);
						GameCommand mc;
						mc.m_sName = ssprintf("%zu", i);
						Commands cmd= ParseCommands(com);
						mc.Load(i, cmd);
					lua_pop(L, 1);
		lua_settop(L, 0);
		// Instead of using NUM_CHOICES, use a comma-separated list of choices.
		// Each element in the list is a choice name. This level of indirection 
		// makes it easier to add or remove items without having to change a
		// bunch of indices.
		vector<RString> asChoiceNames;
		split( CHOICE_NAMES, ",", asChoiceNames, true );

		for( unsigned c=0; c<asChoiceNames.size(); c++ )
			RString sChoiceName = asChoiceNames[c];

			GameCommand mc;
			mc.ApplyCommitsScreens( false );
			mc.m_sName = sChoiceName;
			Commands cmd = ParseCommands( CHOICE(sChoiceName) );
			mc.Load( c, cmd );
			m_aGameCommands.push_back( mc );

		LuaHelpers::ReportScriptErrorFmt("Screen \"%s\" does not set any choices.", m_sName.c_str());
Esempio n. 3
	virtual void LoadInternal( const Commands &cmds )
		ASSERT( cmds.v.size() == 1 );
		const Command &command = cmds.v[0];
		RString sParam = command.GetArg(1).s;
		ASSERT( command.m_vsArgs.size() == 2 );
		ASSERT( sParam.size() != 0 );

		m_bUseModNameForIcon = true;

		m_Def.m_sName = sParam;

		m_Default.Load( -1, ParseCommands(ENTRY_DEFAULT(sParam)) );

			// Parse the basic configuration metric.
			Commands lCmds = ParseCommands( ENTRY(sParam) );
			if( lCmds.v.size() < 1 )
				RageException::Throw( "Parse error in \"ScreenOptionsMaster::%s\".", sParam.c_str() );

			m_Def.m_bOneChoiceForAllPlayers = false;
			const int NumCols = StringToInt( lCmds.v[0].m_vsArgs[0] );
			for( unsigned i=1; i<lCmds.v.size(); i++ )
				const Command &cmd = lCmds.v[i];
				RString sName = cmd.GetName();

				if(	 sName == "together" )		m_Def.m_bOneChoiceForAllPlayers = true;
				else if( sName == "selectmultiple" )	m_Def.m_selectType = SELECT_MULTIPLE;
				else if( sName == "selectone" )		m_Def.m_selectType = SELECT_ONE;
				else if( sName == "selectnone" )	m_Def.m_selectType = SELECT_NONE;
				else if( sName == "showoneinrow" )	m_Def.m_layoutType = LAYOUT_SHOW_ONE_IN_ROW;
				else if( sName == "default" )		m_Def.m_iDefault = StringToInt( cmd.GetArg(1).s ) - 1; // match ENTRY_MODE
				else if( sName == "reloadrowmessages" )
					for( unsigned a=1; a<cmd.m_vsArgs.size(); a++ )
						m_vsReloadRowMessages.push_back( cmd.m_vsArgs[a] );
				else if( sName == "enabledforplayers" )
					for( unsigned a=1; a<cmd.m_vsArgs.size(); a++ )
						RString sArg = cmd.m_vsArgs[a];
						PlayerNumber pn = (PlayerNumber)(StringToInt(sArg)-1);
						ASSERT( pn >= 0 && pn < NUM_PLAYERS );
						m_Def.m_vEnabledForPlayers.insert( pn );
				else if( sName == "exportonchange" )
					m_Def.m_bExportOnChange = true;
				else if( sName == "broadcastonexport" )
					for( unsigned j=1; j<cmd.m_vsArgs.size(); j++ )
						m_vsBroadcastOnExport.push_back( cmd.m_vsArgs[j] );
					RageException::Throw( "Unkown row flag \"%s\".", sName.c_str() );

			for( int col = 0; col < NumCols; ++col )
				GameCommand mc;
				mc.ApplyCommitsScreens( false );
				mc.Load( 0, ParseCommands(ENTRY_MODE(sParam, col)) );
				/* If the row has just one entry, use the name of the row as the name of the
				 * entry. If it has more than one, each one must be specified explicitly. */
				if( mc.m_sName == "" && NumCols == 1 )
					mc.m_sName = sParam;
				if( mc.m_sName == "" )
					RageException::Throw( "List \"%s\", col %i has no name.", sParam.c_str(), col );

				if( !mc.IsPlayable() )
					LOG->Trace( "\"%s\" is not playable.", sParam.c_str() );

				m_aListEntries.push_back( mc );

				RString sName = mc.m_sName;
				RString sChoice = mc.m_sName;
				m_Def.m_vsChoices.push_back( sChoice );

		if( m_Def.m_selectType != SELECT_MULTIPLE && m_Def.m_iDefault == -1 )
			for( unsigned e = 0; e < m_aListEntries.size(); ++e )
				const GameCommand &mc = m_aListEntries[e];
				if( mc.IsZero() )
					m_Def.m_iDefault = e;