int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { try { std::cout << "BIG FAT WARNING: this server is currently under development. If you find any errors (you most likely will)"; std::cout << " report them to mantis or the forums." << std::endl << std::endl; FileSystemHandler::Cleanup(); FileSystemHandler::Initialize(false); CGameServer* server = 0; CGameSetup* gameSetup = 0; if (argc > 1) { std::string script = argv[1]; std::cout << "Loading script: " << script << std::endl; gameSetup = new CGameSetup(); // to store the gamedata inside if (!gameSetup->Init(script)) // read the script provided by cmdline { std::cout << "Failed to load script" << std::endl; return 1; } std::cout << "Starting server..." << std::endl; // Create the server, it will run in a separate thread const std::string modArchive = archiveScanner->ModNameToModArchive(gameSetup->baseMod); GameData* data = new GameData(); data->SetMap(gameSetup->mapName, archiveScanner->GetMapChecksum(gameSetup->mapName)); data->SetMod(gameSetup->baseMod, archiveScanner->GetModChecksum(modArchive)); data->SetScript(gameSetup->scriptName); server = new CGameServer(gameSetup->hostport, false, data, gameSetup); if (gameSetup->autohostport > 0) server->AddAutohostInterface(gameSetup->autohostport); else { std::cout << "You should specify an AutohostPort in the script" << std::endl; } while (!server->HasFinished()) // check if still running #ifdef _WIN32 Sleep(1000); #else sleep(1); // if so, wait 1 second #endif delete server; // delete the server after usage delete gameSetup; } else { std::cout << "usage: dedicated <full_path_to_script>" << std::endl; } FileSystemHandler::Cleanup(); } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cout << "Exception raised: " << err.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
float MinMax::eval(GameData const &gd, GameData::team t) const { static int counter(0); ChessBoard c(gd); float pieceVal[2] = {0, 0}; const std::list<PieceInfo *> *pieces; pieces = c.getPieces(t); for (std::list<PieceInfo *>::const_iterator it = pieces->begin() ; it != pieces->end() ; ++it) { pieceVal[t] += m_piecesVal[(*it)->getPiece()]; delete *it; // Un-alloc 9 } delete pieces; // Un-alloc 2 pieces = c.getPieces(gd.getOtherTeam(t)); for (std::list<PieceInfo *>::const_iterator it = pieces->begin() ; it != pieces->end() ; ++it) { pieceVal[gd.getOtherTeam(t)] += m_piecesVal[(*it)->getPiece()]; delete *it; // Un-alloc 9 } delete pieces; // Un-alloc 2 if ((pieceVal[t] - pieceVal[gd.getOtherTeam(t)]) != 0 && false) { std::cout << gd << std::endl; std::cout << (pieceVal[t] - pieceVal[gd.getOtherTeam(t)]) << " = " << pieceVal[t] << " - " << pieceVal[gd.getOtherTeam(t)] << std::endl; } counter++; return (pieceVal[t] - pieceVal[gd.getOtherTeam(t)]); }
void GuiGameList::render() { if(mTheme) mTheme->render(); //header if(!mTheme->getBool("hideHeader")) Renderer::drawCenteredText(mSystem->getDescName(), 0, 1, 0xFF0000FF, Renderer::getDefaultFont(Renderer::LARGE)); if(mDetailed) { //divider if(!mTheme->getBool("hideDividers")) Renderer::drawRect(Renderer::getScreenWidth() * mTheme->getFloat("listOffsetX") - 4, Renderer::getDefaultFont(Renderer::LARGE)->getHeight() + 2, 8, Renderer::getScreenHeight(), 0x0000FFFF); //if we're not scrolling and we have selected a non-folder if(!mList->isScrolling() && mList->getSelectedObject() && !mList->getSelectedObject()->isFolder()) { GameData* game = (GameData*)mList->getSelectedObject(); std::string desc = game->getDescription(); if(!desc.empty()) Renderer::drawWrappedText(desc, Renderer::getScreenWidth() * 0.03, mScreenshot->getOffsetY() + mScreenshot->getHeight() + 12, Renderer::getScreenWidth() * (mTheme->getFloat("listOffsetX") - 0.03), mTheme->getColor("description"), mTheme->getDescriptionFont()); } mScreenshot->render(); } mList->render(); }
void ConfigsObjectsWidget::on_removeObject_pressed() { GameObject *currentObject = NULL; GameData *gameData = GameData::getInstance(); if(ui->listPersonagem->currentItem() != NULL) { currentObject = (GameObject*) ui->listPersonagem->currentItem()->data(Qt::UserRole).value<void*>(); if(currentObject != NULL) { if(MessageBoxes::showConfirmBox(std::string(tr("Deseja realmente remover o objeto?").toStdString().c_str()))) { if(!gameData->verifyObjectUsedById(currentObject->id)) { this->optionsController->removeObject(currentObject); ui->scrollArea->setWidget(NULL); specificWidget->removeAllWidgets(); } else { MessageBoxes::showMessageBox(QString::fromUtf8(tr("Não é possível remover o objeto, pois ele é utilizado em outro lugar.").toStdString().c_str())); } } } } populaListaPersonagem(); }
void CPreGame::StartServer(const std::string& setupscript) { assert(!gameServer); ScopedOnceTimer startserver("PreGame::StartServer"); GameData* startupData = new GameData(); CGameSetup* setup = new CGameSetup(); setup->Init(setupscript); startupData->SetRandomSeed(static_cast<unsigned>(gu->usRandInt())); if (setup->mapName.empty()) { throw content_error("No map selected in startscript"); } // We must map the map into VFS this early, because server needs the start positions. // Take care that MapInfo isn't loaded here, as map options aren't available to it yet. vfsHandler->AddArchiveWithDeps(setup->mapName, false); // Loading the start positions executes the map's Lua. // This means start positions can NOT be influenced by map options. // (Which is OK, since unitsync does not have map options available either.) setup->LoadStartPositions(); const std::string& modArchive = archiveScanner->ArchiveFromName(setup->modName); const std::string& mapArchive = archiveScanner->ArchiveFromName(setup->mapName); startupData->SetModChecksum(archiveScanner->GetArchiveCompleteChecksum(modArchive)); startupData->SetMapChecksum(archiveScanner->GetArchiveCompleteChecksum(mapArchive)); good_fpu_control_registers("before CGameServer creation"); startupData->SetSetup(setup->gameSetupText); gameServer = new CGameServer(settings->hostIP, settings->hostPort, startupData, setup); delete startupData; gameServer->AddLocalClient(settings->myPlayerName, SpringVersion::GetFull()); good_fpu_control_registers("after CGameServer creation"); }
Sprite::Sprite(string *nomeArquivo, Vector2 *pos, int nframes, int spacing) { animationSurfaces = (std::vector<SDL_Surface*>***) calloc(1, sizeof(std::vector<SDL_Surface*>**)); animationSurfaces[0] = (std::vector<SDL_Surface*>**) calloc(1, sizeof(std::vector<SDL_Surface*>)); SDL_Surface *animationSheet; int stepX, stepY; GameData *gameData = GameData::getInstance(); animationSheet = gameData->loadIMG(nomeArquivo->c_str()); if(animationSheet == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Arquivo %s n encontrado. Abortando... \n", nomeArquivo->c_str()); exit(1); } stepX = (animationSheet->w - spacing*(nframes - 1))/nframes; stepY = (animationSheet->h); int k = 0; for(k = 0; k < nframes; k++) { animationSurfaces[0][0]->at(k) = cropAnimationSheet(animationSheet, k, 0, stepX, stepY); } SDL_FreeSurface(animationSheet); }
void EventsWidget::on_pushButtonNewVar_pressed() { NewVariableDialog *newVariableDialog = new NewVariableDialog(NULL, this); newVariableDialog->setWindowTitle(QString::fromUtf8(tr("Nova variável").toStdString().c_str())); VariableData *variableData = newVariableDialog->exec(); if(variableData != NULL) { GameObject *gameObject = (GameObject*) ui->comboBoxTarget->itemData(ui->comboBoxTarget->currentIndex(), Qt::UserRole).value<void*>(); if(gameObject != NULL) { gameObject->addVariable(variableData); } else { GameData *gameData = GameData::getInstance(); gameData->addVariable(variableData); } QListWidgetItem *itemVariable = new QListWidgetItem(QString(variableData->name.c_str())); itemVariable->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue((void*) variableData)); ui->listWidgetVariables->addItem(itemVariable); } }
GameData::GameData(const GameData &src) { this->m_field = new PlayingField(*(src.GetField())); this->m_history = new HistorySave(*(src.GetHistory())); this->m_player1 = new Player(*(src.GetPlayer1())); this->m_player2 = new Player(*(src.GetPlayer2())); this->m_currentPlayer = src.GetCurrentPlayer()->GetColor() == this->m_player1->GetColor() ? this->m_player1 : this->m_player2; }
void Obstacle::render(GameData &data) { if (obsType == COLUMN) data.renderModel(GameData::COLUMN_MODEL_INDEX, getXPosition(), getYPosition(), getZPosition(), getYAngle(), 0.0f, 2.0f); else if (obsType == BARREL) data.renderModel(GameData::BARREL_MODEL_INDEX, getXPosition(), getYPosition(), getZPosition(), getYAngle(), 0.0f, 2.0f); if (DEBUG) renderBoundingCilinder(); }
int main(int argv, char *args[]) { if(game.Setup() < 0) return -1; game.Run(); game.Shutdown(); return 0; }
void CPreGame::StartServer(const std::string& setupscript) { assert(!gameServer); GameData* startupData = new GameData(); CGameSetup* setup = new CGameSetup(); setup->Init(setupscript); startupData->SetRandomSeed(static_cast<unsigned>(gu->usRandInt())); if (! setup->mapName.empty()) { // would be better to use MapInfo here, but this doesn't work LoadMap(setup->mapName); // map into VFS std::string mapDefFile; const std::string extension = setup->mapName.substr(setup->mapName.length()-3); if (extension == "smf") mapDefFile = std::string("maps/")+setup->mapName.substr(0,setup->mapName.find_last_of('.'))+".smd"; else if(extension == "sm3") mapDefFile = string("maps/")+setup->mapName; else throw std::runtime_error("CPreGame::StartServer(): Unknown extension: " + extension); MapParser mp(setup->mapName); LuaTable mapRoot = mp.GetRoot(); const std::string mapWantedScript = mapRoot.GetString("script", ""); const std::string scriptFile = mapRoot.GetString("scriptFile", ""); if (!mapWantedScript.empty()) { setup->scriptName = mapWantedScript; } } // here we now the name of the script to use CScriptHandler::SelectScript(setup->scriptName); std::string scriptWantedMod; scriptWantedMod = CScriptHandler::Instance().chosenScript->GetModName(); if (!scriptWantedMod.empty()) { setup->modName = archiveScanner->ModArchiveToModName(scriptWantedMod); } LoadMod(setup->modName); std::string modArchive = archiveScanner->ModNameToModArchive(setup->modName); startupData->SetModChecksum(archiveScanner->GetModChecksum(modArchive)); std::string mapFromScript = CScriptHandler::Instance().chosenScript->GetMapName(); if (!mapFromScript.empty() && setup->mapName != mapFromScript) { //TODO unload old map LoadMap(mapFromScript, true); } startupData->SetMapChecksum(archiveScanner->GetMapChecksum(setup->mapName)); setup->LoadStartPositions(); good_fpu_control_registers("before CGameServer creation"); startupData->SetSetup(setup->gameSetupText); gameServer = new CGameServer(settings.get(), false, startupData, setup); gameServer->AddLocalClient(settings->myPlayerName, SpringVersion::GetFull()); good_fpu_control_registers("after CGameServer creation"); }
bool Matrix::init(){ if (!Layer::init()){ return false; } auto GUI = CSLoader::createNode("MatrixLayer.csb"); this->addChild(GUI, -1); time = static_cast<Text*>(GUI->getChildByName("Text_Time")); scores = static_cast<Text*>(GUI->getChildByName("Text_Scores")); deal = static_cast<Button*>(GUI->getChildByName("Button_Deal")); deal->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(Matrix::dealEvent, this)); promot = static_cast<Button*>(GUI->getChildByName("Button_Promot")); promot->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(Matrix::promotEvent, this)); leave = static_cast<Button*>(GUI->getChildByName("Button_Leave")); leave->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(Matrix::leaveEvent, this)); cancel = static_cast<Button*>(GUI->getChildByName("Button_Cancel")); cancel->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(Matrix::cancelEvent, this)); back = static_cast<Button*>(GUI->getChildByName("Button_Return")); back->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(Matrix::backEvent, this)); Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize(); SpriteFrameCache::getInstance()->addSpriteFramesWithFile("poker.plist"); GameData* gd = GameData::getInstance(); this->scheduleUpdate(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ vector<Card*> temp; _matrix.push_back(temp); } //加载牌 loadCards(_res, gd->getHard()); //洗牌 shuffleCards(_res); shuffleCards(_res); //发牌 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){ dealCards(10, false, true); } dealCards(4, false, true); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){>change(); } this->setTouchEnabled(true); return true; }
void TileSet::reloadTilesetImage() { GameData *gameData = GameData::getInstance(); printf("ProjectDirectory: %s\n", gameData->getProjectDirectory().c_str()); printf("t:: %s\n", gameData->getProjectDirectory().append("/").append(file).c_str()); tilesetImage = getTilesetAlphaImage(true); }
Window::Window(const char *_title, unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height, bool _fullscreen) : title(_title), fullscreen(_fullscreen), width(_width), height(_height) { GameData *gameData = GameData::getInstance(); if (this->width == 0) this->width = gameData->getWidth(); if (this->height == 0) this->height = gameData->getHeight(); this->window.setKeyRepeatEnabled(false); }
bool Career::getHomePlacementFlag(void) { GameData* gameData = getGameData( "HPF" ); if( !gameData ) { gameData = new GameData( sizeof(bool) ); *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(gameData->getData()) = false; addGameData( "HPF", gameData ); } return *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(gameData->getData()); }
bool Career::getLicensedFlag(void) { GameData* gameData = getGameData( "LCF" ); if( !gameData ) { gameData = new GameData( sizeof(bool) ); *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(gameData->getData()) = false; addGameData( "LCF", gameData ); } return *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(gameData->getData()); }
void TestAttal::testGameData() { GameData * data = new GameData(); GenericBase * base = data->getNewBase( 1 ); base->setId( 1 ); GameData * data2 = new GameData(*data); GenericBase * base2 = data2->getBaseById( 1 ); QCOMPARE( base, base2 ); GameData data3(*data); GenericBase * base3 = data3.getBaseById( 1 ); QCOMPARE( base, base3 ); }
bool Career::getAcrobaticsSkill(Acrobatics skill) { GameData* gameData = getGameData( actobaticsGameData ); if( !gameData ) { // create gamedata for acrobatics and reset its contents gameData = new GameData( sizeof(unsigned int) ); memset( gameData->getData(), 0, gameData->getSize() ); addGameData( actobaticsGameData, gameData ); } unsigned int bitset = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>( gameData->getData() ); return ( bitset & skill ) != 0; }
void ObjectStateUpdateSystem::serveShooting( Ship * shooter, GameData &mGameData ) { if( shooter->isShooting() == true) { //get player's data required to create new bullet Ogre::Quaternion playerOrientation = shooter->getOrientation(); Ogre::Vector3 playerPos = shooter->getPosition(); Bullet* newBullet = mGameData.instantiateBullet(shooter->getBulletIDFromActiveWeapon()); //set player pos newBullet->setPosition(playerPos); //set player orientation newBullet->setOrientation(playerOrientation); //set owner newBullet->setOwner(shooter); //set time to live newBullet->getTTLComponent().setTimeToLive(3.0); //set speed newBullet->setTargetVelocityValue( 1.0 ); newBullet->setCurrentSpeedToMax(newBullet->getForwardVector() ); //set shooting as false shooter->unsetShoot(); } }
void NetworkSaver::send_event(GameData data, signed int number_of_attempts) { bool success = false; signed int counter = 1; //Format data std::string formatted_event_data; formatted_event_data = data.to_json(); //formatted_event_data = data.to_xml(); if (not gloB->exposer_offline_mode) { while ((counter <= number_of_attempts) and (not success) and (not gloB->exposer_offline_mode)) { //ostringstream tmpmsg; //tmpmsg << "Attempt number " << counter; //Log::log(Log::INFO, tmpmsg.str()); try { send_event_attempt(formatted_event_data); success = true; } catch (std::exception &ex) { ostringstream tmpmsg; tmpmsg << "Exception in attempt #"<< counter <<": " << ex.what(); Log::log(Log::ERROR, tmpmsg.str()); counter++; //break; } } } }
void BackgroundsGraphicsScene::setBackground(Background *background) { GameData *gameData = GameData::getInstance(); this->background = background; if(background != NULL) { for(std::vector<QGraphicsPixmapItem*>::iterator it = pixmapItems.begin(); it != pixmapItems.end(); ++it) { QGraphicsPixmapItem *graphisPixmapItem = *it; delete graphisPixmapItem; } pixmapItems.clear(); for(std::vector<BgLayer*>::iterator it = background->layerList->begin(); it != background->layerList->end(); ++it) { BgLayer *bgLayer = *it; QGraphicsPixmapItem *graphicsPixmapItem = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap(QString(gameData->getProjectDirectory().append("/").append(bgLayer->fileName).c_str()))); pixmapItems.push_back(graphicsPixmapItem); graphicsPixmapItem->setPos(bgLayer->displacementX, bgLayer->displacementY); addItem(graphicsPixmapItem); } this->update(); } }
void PlayerStatusBars :: Update (GameData& GlobalGameData) { PlayerDatabase* playerDb = GlobalGameData.GetPlayerDatabase(); player = playerDb->GetCurrentPlayer (); if (player == NULL) { PlayerName.clear(); NumberOfStationsBeingTracked = 0; } else { PlayerName = player->GetName(); NumberOfStationsBeingTracked = player->GetNumStations(); ShipArchetype* ship = player->GetShip (); PlayerShipTracking = static_cast<float>( ship->GetHealth () ); PlayerShipShieldTracking = static_cast<float>( ship->GetShieldLevel () ); for (int i=0; i<NumberOfStationsBeingTracked; i++) { SpaceStation* station = player->GetStation(i); StationTracking[i] = static_cast<float>( station->GetHealth () ); StationShieldTracking[i] = static_cast<float>( station->GetShieldLevel () ); } } }
void Draw() { device->CreateStateBlock(D3DSBT_ALL, &state); state->Capture(); device->SetVertexShader(nullptr); // draw try { if (memory.UpdateAll()) { device->GetCreationParameters(&cparams); GetClientRect(cparams.hFocusWindow, &gameWindow); if (gameWindow.bottom / 1080.0 != heightModifier || gameWindow.right / 1920.0 != widthModifier) { heightModifier = gameWindow.bottom / 1080.0; widthModifier = gameWindow.right / 1920.0; D3DXCreateFont(device, (int)(40 * heightModifier * (heightModifier + .75 * (1 - heightModifier))), 0, FW_NORMAL, 1, false, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, 5, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, L"Verdana", &pFont); int left = (int)(855 * widthModifier); int top = (int)(304 * heightModifier); int right = (int)(left + 285 * widthModifier); int bottom = (int)(top + 50 * heightModifier); rectangle = { left, top, right, bottom }; textrect = { left, top, right, bottom }; } if (memory.IsOnEndScreen.Current()) { DrawIGTRectangle(); DrawIGT(); } } } catch (...) { pFont->DrawTextA(NULL, "Exception", -1, &textrect, DT_CENTER, textColor); } //release state->Apply(); state->Release(); }
void Viewport :: Update (GameData& data) { PlayerDatabase* playerdb = data.GetPlayerDatabase(); if (playerdb != NULL) { UUID CurrentPLayerID = playerdb->GetCurrentPlayerID(); Player* player = playerdb->GetPlayer (CurrentPLayerID); Vector v = player->GetViewFocus (); v.z += NormalZDepth; SetCameraPosition(v); } float ViewAngle = 0.11f;// simply for setting the proper frustum glFrustum (-ViewAngle, ViewAngle, -ViewAngle, ViewAngle, 0.1, 9000); // I can't express how important setting the Frustrum before rotating and translating is. // We will end up with very strange clipping in 3-space if we don't keep these // ordered thusly. Vector LookAt = -CameraAngle; glRotated (LookAt.pitch, 1.0, 0, 0); glRotated (LookAt.yaw, 0, 1.0, 0); glRotated (LookAt.roll, 0, 0, 1.0); glTranslated (-Position.x, -Position.y, -Position.z); }
void Career::setAcrobaticsSkill(Acrobatics skill, bool isLearned) { GameData* gameData = getGameData( actobaticsGameData ); if( !gameData ) { // create gamedata for acrobatics and reset its contents gameData = new GameData( sizeof(unsigned int) ); memset( gameData->getData(), 0, gameData->getSize() ); addGameData( actobaticsGameData, gameData ); } // modify flag unsigned int bitset = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>( gameData->getData() ); if( isLearned ) bitset = bitset | skill; else bitset = bitset & ~skill; memcpy( gameData->getData(), &bitset, sizeof(unsigned int) ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- void ProjectileMgr :: ProcessMessages (GameData& GlobalGameData)//inherited, send all messages to the appropriate players { PlayerDatabase* playerdb = GlobalGameData.GetPlayerDatabase(); int NumMessages = ReceiveQueue.Count (); for (int i=0; i<NumMessages; i++) { const Events::GameEvent* msg = reinterpret_cast <const Events::GameEvent*> (ReceiveQueue.Dequeue()); switch (msg->GetType()) { case Events :: FireWeapon: { const Events::FireWeaponEvent* fw = reinterpret_cast <const Events::FireWeaponEvent*> (msg); UUID PlayerID = fw->GetPlayerID (); Player* p = playerdb->GetPlayer(PlayerID); if (p) { ShipArchetype* ship = p->GetShip(); if (ship) { AddBolt (*ship, PlayerID); } } } break; } } }
void ObjectStateUpdateSystem::removeDeadObjects( GameData& mGameData) { static int counter = 0; auto iterator = mGameData.getColidingObjectsIterator(); GameObject_WithCollider * removedObject; iterator.skipPlayer(); counter++; while (iterator.hasNext()) { removedObject = iterator.getNext(); if (removedObject->isDead()) { createExplosionFor(removedObject, mGameData); mGameData.removeGameObject(iterator); } } }
void ObjectStateUpdateSystem::updateShooting( GameData &mGameData ) { //creating bullets when player is shooting Player * player = mGameData.getPlayer(); if (player != NULL) { serveShooting(player, mGameData); } //parsing through enemies GameCollectionIterator<EnemyObject> enemyIterator = mGameData.getEnemies().getIterator(); EnemyObject* enemyIt; while (enemyIterator.hasNext()) { enemyIt = enemyIterator.getNext(); serveShooting(enemyIt, mGameData); } }
void Career::setMissionWalkthroughFlag(unsigned int tournamentId, unsigned int missionId, bool flag) { // this feature is not available for demo tournament if( tournamentId == database::TournamentInfo::getDemoTournament() ) return; // retrieve tournament record database::TournamentInfo* tournamentInfo = database::TournamentInfo::getRecord( tournamentId ); // check mission index is valid assert( missionId < tournamentInfo->getNumMissions() ); // retrieve correspoding gamedata GameData* gameData = getGameData( tournamentInfo->gameData ); assert( gameData ); Bitfield32* bitfield = reinterpret_cast<Bitfield32*>( gameData->getData() ); // save result bitfield->setBit( missionId, flag ); }
void Window::callGameplay() { GameData *gameData = GameData::getInstance(); sf::Event event; while (this->window.pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed || gameData->getMustQuit()) this->window.close(); if (gameData->getFullscreen() != this->fullscreen) this->switchFullscreen(); if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) this->gameplay->keyPressed(event.key.code); } this->gameplay->updateLogic(&this->time); this->gameplay->updateGraphics(); this->time = deltaClock.restart(); }