long long Geant4SensitiveDetector::getVolumeID(G4Step* aStep) {
  Geant4StepHandler step(aStep);
  Geant4VolumeManager volMgr = Geant4Mapping::instance().volumeManager();
  VolumeID id = volMgr.volumeID(step.preTouchable());

#if 0 //  additional checks ...
  const G4VPhysicalVolume* g4v = step.volume( step.pre );

  if ( id == Geant4VolumeManager::InvalidPath ) {
    ::printf("                 -->  Severe ERROR: Invalid placement path: touchable corrupted?\n");
  else if ( id == Geant4VolumeManager::Insensitive ) {
    ::printf("                 -->  WARNING: Only sensitive volumes may be decoded. %s\n" , g4v->GetName().c_str() );
  else if ( id == Geant4VolumeManager::NonExisting ) {
    ::printf("                 -->  WARNING: non existing placement path.\n");
  else {

    std::stringstream str;
    Geant4VolumeManager::VolIDDescriptor dsc;
    Geant4VolumeManager::VolIDFields& fields = dsc.second;
    volMgr.volumeDescriptor( step.preTouchable(), dsc );
    for(Geant4VolumeManager::VolIDFields::iterator i=fields.begin(); i!=fields.end();++i) {
      str << (*i).first->name() << "=" << (*i).second << " ";
    ::printf("                 -->  CellID: %X [%X] -> %s\n",id,dsc.first,str.str().c_str());
  return id;
/// Filter action. Return true if hits should be processed
bool Geant4ReadoutVolumeFilter::operator()(const G4Step* s) const    {
  Geant4StepHandler step(s);
  Geant4VolumeManager volMgr = Geant4Mapping::instance().volumeManager();
  VolumeID id = volMgr.volumeID(step.preTouchable());
  long64 key = m_key->value(id);
  if ( m_collection->key_min <= key && m_collection->key_max >= key )
    return true;
  return false;
long long Geant4SensitiveDetector::getCellID(G4Step* s) {
  StepHandler h(s);
  Geant4VolumeManager volMgr = Geant4Mapping::instance().volumeManager();
  VolumeID            volID  = volMgr.volumeID(h.preTouchable());
  Segmentation        seg    = m_readout.segmentation();
  if ( seg.isValid() )  {
    G4ThreeVector global = 0.5 * ( h.prePosG4()+h.postPosG4());
    G4ThreeVector local  = h.preTouchable()->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(global);
    Position loc(local.x()*MM_2_CM, local.y()*MM_2_CM, local.z()*MM_2_CM);
    Position glob(global.x()*MM_2_CM, global.y()*MM_2_CM, global.z()*MM_2_CM);
    VolumeID cID = seg.cellID(loc,glob,volID);
    return cID;
  return volID;