Esempio n. 1
void TestGeoDataTrack::simpleParseTest()
    GeoDataDocument* dataDocument = parseKml( simpleExampleContent );
    GeoDataFolder *folder = dataDocument->folderList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( folder->placemarkList().size(), 1 );
    GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = folder->placemarkList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( placemark->geometry()->geometryId(), GeoDataTrackId );
    GeoDataTrack* track = static_cast<GeoDataTrack*>( placemark->geometry() );
    QCOMPARE( track->size(), 7 );
        QDateTime when = track->whenList().at( 0 );
        QCOMPARE( when, QDateTime( QDate( 2010, 5, 28 ), QTime( 2, 2, 9 ), Qt::UTC ) );
        GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesList().at( 0 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), -122.207881 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 37.371915 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 156.000000 );
        GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesAt( QDateTime( QDate( 2010, 5, 28 ), QTime( 2, 2, 9 ), Qt::UTC ) );
        QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), -122.207881 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 37.371915 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 156.000000 );

    delete dataDocument;
Esempio n. 2
void TestPhotoOverlay::simpleParseTest()
  QString const centerContent (
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
        "<kml xmlns=\"\""
        " xmlns:gx=\"\">"
        "  <PhotoOverlay>"
        "    <rotation>12.455</rotation>"
        "    <ViewVolume>"
        "        <near>1000</near>"
        "        <leftFov>-60</leftFov>"
        "        <rightFov>60</rightFov>"
        "        <bottomFov>-45</bottomFov>"
        "        <topFov>45</topFov>"
        "    </ViewVolume>"
        "    <ImagePyramid>"
        "        <tileSize>219</tileSize>"
        "        <maxWidth>22</maxWidth>"
        "        <maxHeight>36</maxHeight>"
        "        <gridOrigin>lowerLeft</gridOrigin>"
        "    </ImagePyramid>"
        "    <Point>"
        "        <coordinates>45.78665,0.6565</coordinates>"
        "    </Point>"
        "    <shape>sphere</shape>"
        "  </PhotoOverlay>"
        "</kml>" );

    GeoDataDocument* dataDocument = parseKml( centerContent  );
    QCOMPARE( dataDocument->folderList().size(), 1 );
    GeoDataFolder *folder = dataDocument->folderList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( folder->size(), 1 );
    GeoDataPhotoOverlay *overlay = dynamic_cast<GeoDataPhotoOverlay*>( folder->child( 0 ) );
    QVERIFY( overlay != 0 );

    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlay->rotation(), 12.455, 0.0001 );

    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlay->viewVolume().near(), 1000.0, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlay->viewVolume().leftFov(), -60.0, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlay->viewVolume().rightFov(), 60.0, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlay->viewVolume().bottomFov(), -45.0, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlay->viewVolume().topFov(), 45.0, 0.0001 );

    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlay->imagePyramid().tileSize(), 219, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlay->imagePyramid().maxWidth(), 22, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlay->imagePyramid().maxHeight(), 36, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlay->imagePyramid().gridOrigin(), GeoDataImagePyramid::LowerLeft, 0.0001 );

    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlay->point().coordinates().longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 45.78665, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlay->point().coordinates().latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 0.6565, 0.0001 );

    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlay->shape(), GeoDataPhotoOverlay::Sphere, 0.0001 );

    delete dataDocument;
Esempio n. 3
void TestGeoDataTrack::withoutTimeTest()
    //"Simple Example" from kmlreference; when elements emptied
    QString content(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
"<kml xmlns=\"\""
" xmlns:gx=\"\">"
"  <Placemark>"
"    <gx:Track>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.207881 37.371915 156.000000</gx:coord>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.205712 37.373288 152.000000</gx:coord>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.204678 37.373939 147.000000</gx:coord>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.203572 37.374630 142.199997</gx:coord>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.203451 37.374706 141.800003</gx:coord>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.203329 37.374780 141.199997</gx:coord>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.203207 37.374857 140.199997</gx:coord>"
"    </gx:Track>"
"  </Placemark>"
"</kml>" );

    GeoDataDocument* dataDocument = parseKml( content );
    GeoDataFolder *folder = dataDocument->folderList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( folder->placemarkList().size(), 1 );
    GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = folder->placemarkList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( placemark->geometry()->geometryId(), GeoDataTrackId );
    GeoDataTrack* track = static_cast<GeoDataTrack*>( placemark->geometry() );
    QCOMPARE( track->size(), 7 );
        GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesList().at( 0 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), -122.207881 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 37.371915 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 156.000000 );

        const GeoDataLineString *lineString = track->lineString();
        QCOMPARE( lineString->size(), 7 );
        GeoDataCoordinates coord = lineString->at( 0 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), -122.207881 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 37.371915 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 156.000000 );

    delete dataDocument;
Esempio n. 4
void TestScreenOverlay::simpleParseTest()
  QString const centerContent (
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
        "<kml xmlns=\"\""
        " xmlns:gx=\"\">"
        "  <ScreenOverlay>"
        "    <overlayXY x=\"2.5\" y=\"-0.5\" xunits=\"fraction\" yunits=\"fraction\"/>"
        "    <screenXY x=\"0.5\" y=\"0.5\" xunits=\"insetpixels\" yunits=\"pixels\"/>"
        "    <rotationXY x=\"1.5\" y=\"3.5\" xunits=\"fraction\" yunits=\"insetPixels\"/>"
        "    <size x=\"23\" y=\"0.5\" xunits=\"pixels\" yunits=\"insetPixels\"/>"
        "    <rotation>23</rotation>"
        "    <drawOrder>9</drawOrder>"
        "  </ScreenOverlay>"
        "</kml>" );

    GeoDataDocument* dataDocument = parseKml( centerContent  );
    QCOMPARE( dataDocument->folderList().size(), 1 );
    GeoDataFolder *folder = dataDocument->folderList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( folder->size(), 1 );
    GeoDataScreenOverlay *overlay = dynamic_cast<GeoDataScreenOverlay*>( folder->child( 0 ) );
    QVERIFY( overlay != 0 );

    QCOMPARE( overlay->overlayXY().xunit(), GeoDataVec2::Fraction );
    QCOMPARE( overlay->overlayXY().yunit(), GeoDataVec2::Fraction );
    QCOMPARE( overlay->overlayXY().y(), -0.5 );
    QCOMPARE( overlay->overlayXY().x(), 2.5 );

    QCOMPARE( overlay->screenXY().xunit(), GeoDataVec2::Fraction ); // spelling error in kml, so fallback to default
    QCOMPARE( overlay->screenXY().yunit(), GeoDataVec2::Pixels );
    QCOMPARE( overlay->screenXY().x(), 0.5 );
    QCOMPARE( overlay->screenXY().y(), 0.5 );

    QCOMPARE( overlay->rotationXY().xunit(), GeoDataVec2::Fraction );
    QCOMPARE( overlay->rotationXY().yunit(), GeoDataVec2::InsetPixels );
    QCOMPARE( overlay->rotationXY().x(), 1.5 );
    QCOMPARE( overlay->rotationXY().y(), 3.5 );

    QCOMPARE( overlay->size().xunit(), GeoDataVec2::Pixels );
    QCOMPARE( overlay->size().yunit(), GeoDataVec2::InsetPixels );
    QCOMPARE( overlay->size().x(), 23.0 );
    QCOMPARE( overlay->size().y(), 0.5 );

    QCOMPARE( overlay->rotation(), 23.0 );
    QCOMPARE( overlay->drawOrder(), 9 );

    delete dataDocument;
Esempio n. 5
void TestListStyle::simpleParseTest()
  QString const content (
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
        "<kml xmlns=\"\""
        " xmlns:gx=\"\">"
        "  <name>The one and only BalloonStyle test case</name>"
        "  <Style id=\"my-list-style\">"
        "    <ListStyle>"
        "      <listItemType>checkOffOnly</listItemType>"
        "      <bgColor>aa112233</bgColor>"
        "      <ItemIcon>"
        "        <state>open error</state>"
        "        <href></href>"
        "      </ItemIcon>"
        "      <ItemIcon>"
        "        <state>closed</state>"
        "        <href></href>"
        "      </ItemIcon>"
        "    </ListStyle>"
        "  </Style>"
        "  <Folder>"
        "  <Placemark>"
        "    <name>The first placemark</name>"
        "    <styleUrl>#my-list-style</styleUrl>"
        "    <Point><coordinates>80.0,30.0</coordinates></Point>"
        "  </Placemark>"
        "  </Folder>"
        "</kml>" );

    GeoDataDocument* dataDocument = parseKml( content  );
    QCOMPARE( dataDocument->folderList().size(), 1 );
    GeoDataFolder *folder = dataDocument->folderList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( folder->size(), 1 );
    GeoDataPlacemark *placemark1 = dynamic_cast<GeoDataPlacemark*>( folder->child( 0 ) );
    QVERIFY( placemark1 != nullptr );

    QCOMPARE( placemark1->name(), QString( "The first placemark" ) );
    QCOMPARE( placemark1->style()->listStyle().listItemType(), GeoDataListStyle::CheckOffOnly );
    QCOMPARE( placemark1->style()->listStyle().backgroundColor().red(), 51 );
    QCOMPARE( placemark1->style()->listStyle().itemIconList().at(0)->state(), GeoDataItemIcon::Open | GeoDataItemIcon::Error );
    QCOMPARE( placemark1->style()->listStyle().itemIconList().at(0)->iconPath(), QString( "" ) );
    QCOMPARE( placemark1->style()->listStyle().itemIconList().at(1)->state(), GeoDataItemIcon::Closed );
    QCOMPARE( placemark1->style()->listStyle().itemIconList().at(1)->iconPath(), QString( "" ) );

    delete dataDocument;
Esempio n. 6
void BookmarkManagerPrivate::resetBookmarkDocument()
    if ( m_bookmarkDocument ) {
        m_treeModel->removeDocument( m_bookmarkDocument );
        delete m_bookmarkDocument;

    GeoDataFolder* folder = new GeoDataFolder;
    folder->setName( QObject::tr( "Default" ) );

    m_bookmarkDocument = new GeoDataDocument;
    m_bookmarkDocument->setDocumentRole( BookmarkDocument );
    m_bookmarkDocument->setName( QObject::tr("Bookmarks") );
    m_bookmarkDocument->append( folder );
    m_treeModel->addDocument( m_bookmarkDocument );
Esempio n. 7
QVariant TargetModel::bookmarkData ( int index, int role ) const
    switch( role ) {
    case Qt::DisplayRole: {
        GeoDataFolder* folder = dynamic_cast<GeoDataFolder*>( m_bookmarks[index]->parent() );
        Q_ASSERT( folder && "Internal bookmark representation has changed. Please report this as a bug at" );
        if ( folder ) {
            return QString(folder->name() + QLatin1String(" / ") + m_bookmarks[index]->name());
    case Qt::DecorationRole: return QIcon( ":/icons/bookmarks.png" );
    case MarblePlacemarkModel::CoordinateRole: return qVariantFromValue( m_bookmarks[index]->lookAt()->coordinates() );

    return QVariant();
Esempio n. 8
void TestNetworkLink::simpleParseTest()
    QString const centerContent (
    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
    "<kml xmlns=\"\""
    " xmlns:gx=\"\">"
    " <NetworkLink>"
    "  <refreshVisibility>1</refreshVisibility> <!-- boolean -->"
    "  <flyToView>1</flyToView>                 <!-- boolean -->"
    "  <Link>"
    "   <href></href>"
    "   <refreshMode>onChange</refreshMode>"
    "   <refreshInterval>2.1</refreshInterval>"
    "   <viewRefreshMode>never</viewRefreshMode>"
    "   <viewRefreshTime>4.2</viewRefreshTime>"
    "   <viewBoundScale>1.5</viewBoundScale>"
    "   <viewFormat>BBOX=[bboxWest],[bboxSouth],[bboxEast],[bboxNorth]</viewFormat>"
    "   <httpQuery>SiteType=sw,gw,sp&amp;SiteCode=all&amp;Format=ge</httpQuery>"
    "  </Link>"
    " </NetworkLink>"

    GeoDataDocument* dataDocument = parseKml( centerContent  );
    QCOMPARE( dataDocument->folderList().size(), 1 );
    GeoDataFolder *folder = dataDocument->folderList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( folder->size(), 1 );
    GeoDataNetworkLink *networkLink = dynamic_cast<GeoDataNetworkLink*>( folder->child( 0 ) );
    QVERIFY( networkLink != 0 );

    QCOMPARE( networkLink->refreshVisibility(), true );
    QCOMPARE( networkLink->flyToView(), true );
    QCOMPARE( networkLink->link().href(), QString("") );
    QCOMPARE( networkLink->link().refreshMode(), GeoDataLink::OnChange );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( networkLink->link().refreshInterval(), 2.1, 0.0001 );
    QCOMPARE( networkLink->link().viewRefreshMode(), GeoDataLink::Never);
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( networkLink->link().viewRefreshTime(), 4.2, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( networkLink->link().viewBoundScale(), 1.5, 0.0001 );
    QCOMPARE( networkLink->link().viewFormat(), QString("BBOX=[bboxWest],[bboxSouth],[bboxEast],[bboxNorth]") );
    QCOMPARE( networkLink->link().httpQuery(), QString("SiteType=sw,gw,sp&SiteCode=all&Format=ge"));

Esempio n. 9
void TestBalloonStyle::simpleParseTest()
  QString const content (
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
        "<kml xmlns=\"\""
        " xmlns:gx=\"\">"
        "  <name>The one and only BalloonStyle test case</name>"
        "  <Style id=\"my-balloon-style\">"
        "    <BalloonStyle>"
        "      <bgColor>aa112233</bgColor>"
        "      <textColor>bb445566</textColor>"
        "      <text>This is my balloon style. There are many like it, but this is mine.</text>"
        "      <displayMode>hide</displayMode>"
        "    </BalloonStyle>"
        "  </Style>"
        "  <Folder>"
        "  <Placemark>"
        "    <name>The first placemark</name>"
        "    <styleUrl>#my-balloon-style</styleUrl>"
        "    <Point><coordinates>80.0,30.0</coordinates></Point>"
        "  </Placemark>"
        "  </Folder>"
        "</kml>" );

    GeoDataDocument* dataDocument = parseKml( content  );
    QCOMPARE( dataDocument->folderList().size(), 1 );
    GeoDataFolder *folder = dataDocument->folderList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( folder->size(), 1 );
    GeoDataPlacemark *placemark1 = dynamic_cast<GeoDataPlacemark*>( folder->child( 0 ) );
    QVERIFY( placemark1 != 0 );

    QCOMPARE( placemark1->name(), QString( "The first placemark" ) );
    QCOMPARE( placemark1->style()->balloonStyle().backgroundColor().red(), 51 );
    QCOMPARE( placemark1->style()->balloonStyle().textColor().blue(), 68 );
    QCOMPARE( placemark1->style()->balloonStyle().displayMode(), GeoDataBalloonStyle::Hide );
    QString const text = "This is my balloon style. There are many like it, but this is mine.";
    QCOMPARE( placemark1->style()->balloonStyle().text(), text );

    delete dataDocument;
Esempio n. 10
void GeoDataContainer::unpack( QDataStream& stream )
    GeoDataFeature::unpack( stream );

    int count;
    stream >> count;

    for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
        int featureId;
        stream >> featureId;
        switch( featureId ) {
            case GeoDataDocumentId:
                /* not usable!!!! */ break;
            case GeoDataFolderId:
                GeoDataFolder *folder = new GeoDataFolder;
                folder->unpack( stream );
                d->m_vector.append( folder );
            case GeoDataPlacemarkId:
                GeoDataPlacemark *placemark = new GeoDataPlacemark;
                placemark->unpack( stream );
                d->m_vector.append( placemark );
            case GeoDataNetworkLinkId:
            case GeoDataScreenOverlayId:
            case GeoDataGroundOverlayId:
            default: break;
Esempio n. 11
void TestGroundOverlay::simpleParseTest()
  QString const centerContent (
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
        "<kml xmlns=\"\""
        " xmlns:gx=\"\">"
        "</kml>" );

    GeoDataDocument* dataDocument = parseKml( centerContent  );
    QCOMPARE( dataDocument->folderList().size(), 1 );
    GeoDataFolder *folder = dataDocument->folderList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( folder->size(), 2 );
    GeoDataGroundOverlay *overlayFirst = dynamic_cast<GeoDataGroundOverlay*>( folder->child( 0 ) );
    GeoDataGroundOverlay *overlaySecond = dynamic_cast<GeoDataGroundOverlay*>( folder->child( 1 ) );
    QVERIFY( overlayFirst != 0 );
    QVERIFY( overlaySecond != 0 );

    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlayFirst->altitude(), 0.0, 0.0001 );

    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlayFirst->altitudeMode(), Absolute, 0.0001 );
    QCOMPARE( overlayFirst->drawOrder(), 0 );

    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlayFirst->latLonBox().north(), 37.91904192681665 * DEG2RAD, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlayFirst->latLonBox().south(), 37.46543388598137 * DEG2RAD, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlayFirst->latLonBox().east(), 15.35832653742206 * DEG2RAD, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlayFirst->latLonBox().west(), 14.60128369746704 * DEG2RAD, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlayFirst->latLonBox().rotation(), -0.1556640799496235 * DEG2RAD, 0.0001 );

    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlaySecond->altitude(), 233.0, 0.0001 );

    QCOMPARE( overlaySecond->altitudeMode(), ClampToGround );
    QCOMPARE( overlaySecond->drawOrder(), 2 );

    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlaySecond->latLonBox().north(), 23.3765376 * DEG2RAD, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlaySecond->latLonBox().south(), 1.5743867869 * DEG2RAD, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlaySecond->latLonBox().east(), 33.78365874 * DEG2RAD, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlaySecond->latLonBox().west(), 94.352435642 * DEG2RAD, 0.0001 );
    QFUZZYCOMPARE( overlaySecond->latLonBox().rotation(), 6.346364378 * DEG2RAD, 0.0001 );

    delete dataDocument;
Esempio n. 12
void TestTour::simpleParseTest()
  QString const centerContent (
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
        "<kml xmlns=\"\""
        " xmlns:gx=\"\">"
        "   <gx:Tour>"
        "       <name>My Tour</name>"
        "       <description>This is my tour.</description>"
        "   </gx:Tour>"
        "   <gx:Tour id=\"tourId\">"
        "       <gx:Playlist>"
        "           <gx:TourControl id=\"space\">"
        "               <gx:playMode>pause</gx:playMode>"
        "           </gx:TourControl>"
        "       </gx:Playlist>"
        "   </gx:Tour>"
        "   <gx:Tour id=\"animUpd\">"
        "       <name>TourAnim</name>"
        "       <description>Tour with AnimatedUpdate</description>"
        "       <gx:Playlist>"
        "           <gx:AnimatedUpdate>"
        "               <gx:duration>5.0</gx:duration>"
        "               <Update>"
        "                   <targetHref>Whatever.jpg</targetHref>"
        "               </Update>"
        "           </gx:AnimatedUpdate>"
        "       </gx:Playlist>"
        "   </gx:Tour>"
        "</kml>" );

    GeoDataDocument* dataDocument = parseKml( centerContent );
    QCOMPARE( dataDocument->folderList().size(), 1 );
    GeoDataFolder *folder = dataDocument->folderList().at( 0 );

    GeoDataTour *tour_1 = dynamic_cast<GeoDataTour*>(folder->child(0));
    GeoDataTour *tour_2 = dynamic_cast<GeoDataTour*>(folder->child(1));
    GeoDataTour *tour_3 = dynamic_cast<GeoDataTour*>(folder->child(2));

    QVERIFY(tour_1 != 0);
    QVERIFY(tour_2 != 0);
    QVERIFY(tour_3 != 0);

    QCOMPARE(tour_1->id(), QString(""));
    QCOMPARE(tour_1->name(), QString("My Tour"));
    QCOMPARE(tour_1->description(), QString("This is my tour."));

    QCOMPARE(tour_2->id(), QString("tourId"));
    QCOMPARE(tour_2->name(), QString());
    QCOMPARE(tour_2->description(), QString());

    QCOMPARE(tour_3->id(), QString("animUpd"));
    QCOMPARE(tour_3->name(), QString("TourAnim"));
    QCOMPARE(tour_3->description(), QString("Tour with AnimatedUpdate"));

    GeoDataPlaylist *playlist = tour_2->playlist();
    QVERIFY(playlist != 0);

    GeoDataTourControl *control = dynamic_cast<GeoDataTourControl*>(
    QVERIFY(control != 0);
    QCOMPARE(control->id(), QString("space"));
    QCOMPARE(control->playMode(), GeoDataTourControl::Pause);

    GeoDataPlaylist *playlist2 = tour_3->playlist();
    QVERIFY(playlist2 != 0);

    GeoDataAnimatedUpdate *update = dynamic_cast<GeoDataAnimatedUpdate*>(playlist2->primitive(0));
    QVERIFY(update != 0);

    delete dataDocument;
Esempio n. 13
void TestGeoDataTrack::extendedDataParseTest()
    //"Example of Track with Extended Data" from kmlreference
    QString content(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
"<kml xmlns=\"\" xmlns:gx=\"\">"
"  <Document>"
"    <name>GPS device</name>"
"    <Snippet>Created Wed Jun 2 15:33:39 2010</Snippet>"
"    <Schema id=\"schema\">"
"      <gx:SimpleArrayField name=\"heartrate\" type=\"int\">"
"        <displayName>Heart Rate</displayName>"
"      </gx:SimpleArrayField>"
"      <gx:SimpleArrayField name=\"cadence\" type=\"int\">"
"        <displayName>Cadence</displayName>"
"      </gx:SimpleArrayField>"
"      <gx:SimpleArrayField name=\"power\" type=\"float\">"
"        <displayName>Power</displayName>"
"      </gx:SimpleArrayField>"
"    </Schema>"
"    <Folder>"
"      <name>Tracks</name>"
"      <Placemark>"
"        <name>2010-05-28T01:16:35.000Z</name>"
"        <styleUrl>#multiTrack</styleUrl>"
"        <gx:Track>"
"          <when>2010-05-28T02:02:09Z</when>"
"          <when>2010-05-28T02:02:35Z</when>"
"          <when>2010-05-28T02:02:44Z</when>"
"          <when>2010-05-28T02:02:53Z</when>"
"          <when>2010-05-28T02:02:54Z</when>"
"          <when>2010-05-28T02:02:55Z</when>"
"          <when>2010-05-28T02:02:56Z</when>"
"          <gx:coord>-122.207881 37.371915 156.000000</gx:coord>"
"          <gx:coord>-122.205712 37.373288 152.000000</gx:coord>"
"          <gx:coord>-122.204678 37.373939 147.000000</gx:coord>"
"          <gx:coord>-122.203572 37.374630 142.199997</gx:coord>"
"          <gx:coord>-122.203451 37.374706 141.800003</gx:coord>"
"          <gx:coord>-122.203329 37.374780 141.199997</gx:coord>"
"          <gx:coord>-122.203207 37.374857 140.199997</gx:coord>"
"          <ExtendedData>"
"            <SchemaData schemaUrl=\"#schema\">"
"              <gx:SimpleArrayData name=\"cadence\">"
"                <gx:value>86</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>103</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>108</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>113</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>113</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>113</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>113</gx:value>"
"              </gx:SimpleArrayData>"
"              <gx:SimpleArrayData name=\"heartrate\">"
"                <gx:value>181</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>177</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>175</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>173</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>173</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>173</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>173</gx:value>"
"              </gx:SimpleArrayData>"
"              <gx:SimpleArrayData name=\"power\">"
"                <gx:value>327.0</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>177.0</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>179.0</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>162.0</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>166.0</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>177.0</gx:value>"
"                <gx:value>183.0</gx:value>"
"              </gx:SimpleArrayData>"
"            </SchemaData>"
"          </ExtendedData>"
"        </gx:Track>"
"      </Placemark>"
"    </Folder>"
"  </Document>"
"</kml>" );

    GeoDataDocument* dataDocument = parseKml( content );
    GeoDataFolder *folder = dataDocument->folderList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( folder->placemarkList().size(), 1 );
    GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = folder->placemarkList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( placemark->geometry()->geometryId(), GeoDataTrackId );
    GeoDataTrack* track = static_cast<GeoDataTrack*>( placemark->geometry() );
    QCOMPARE( track->size(), 7 );

        GeoDataSimpleArrayData *cadence = track->extendedData().simpleArrayData( "cadence" );
        QCOMPARE( cadence->size(), 7 );
        QCOMPARE( cadence->valueAt( 0 ), QVariant( "86" ) );
        QCOMPARE( cadence->valueAt( 6 ), QVariant( "113" ) );
        GeoDataSimpleArrayData *hr = track->extendedData().simpleArrayData( "heartrate" );
        QCOMPARE( hr->size(), 7 );
        QCOMPARE( hr->valueAt( 0 ), QVariant( "181" ) );
        QCOMPARE( hr->valueAt( 6 ), QVariant( "173" ) );
        GeoDataSimpleArrayData *power = track->extendedData().simpleArrayData( "power" );
        QCOMPARE( power->size(), 7 );
        QCOMPARE( power->valueAt( 0 ), QVariant( "327.0" ) );
        QCOMPARE( power->valueAt( 6 ), QVariant( "183.0" ) );

    delete dataDocument;
Esempio n. 14
void TestGeoData::parentingTest()
    GeoDataDocument *document = new GeoDataDocument;
    GeoDataFolder *folder = new GeoDataFolder;

    /// simple parenting test
    GeoDataPlacemark *placemark = new GeoDataPlacemark;
    QCOMPARE(placemark->parent(), document);

    /// simple append and child count test

    /// appending folder to document before feeding folder
    QCOMPARE(document->size(), 2);

    GeoDataPlacemark *placemark2 = new GeoDataPlacemark;
    QCOMPARE(folder->size(), 1);

    /// retrieve child and check it matches placemark
    GeoDataPlacemark *placemarkPtr;
    QCOMPARE(document->child(0)->nodeType(), placemark->nodeType());
    placemarkPtr = static_cast<GeoDataPlacemark*>(document->child(0));
    QCOMPARE(placemarkPtr, placemark);

    /// check retrieved placemark matches intented child
    int position = document->childPosition(placemarkPtr);
    QCOMPARE(position, 0);

    /// retrieve child two and check it matches folder
    GeoDataFolder *folderPtr;
    QCOMPARE(document->child(1)->nodeType(), folder->nodeType());
    folderPtr = static_cast<GeoDataFolder*>(document->child(1));
    QCOMPARE(folderPtr, folder);

    /// check retrieved folder matches intended child
    position = document->childPosition(folderPtr);
    QCOMPARE(position, 1);

    /// retrieve child three and check it matches placemark
    QCOMPARE(folderPtr->size(), 1);
    placemarkPtr = static_cast<GeoDataPlacemark*>(folderPtr->child(0));
    QCOMPARE(placemarkPtr->nodeType(), placemark2->nodeType());
    QCOMPARE(placemarkPtr, placemark2);

    /// check retrieved placemark matches intended child
    QCOMPARE(folderPtr->childPosition(placemarkPtr), 0);

    /// Set a style
    GeoDataIconStyle iconStyle;
    iconStyle.setIconPath( "myicon.png" );
    GeoDataStyle* style = new GeoDataStyle;
    style->setStyleId( "mystyle" );
    style->setIconStyle( iconStyle );
    GeoDataObject* noParent = 0;
    QCOMPARE( style->parent(), noParent );
    QCOMPARE( iconStyle.parent(), noParent );
    document->setStyle( style );
    QCOMPARE( style->parent(), document ); // Parent should be assigned now
    QCOMPARE( style->iconStyle().parent(), style );
    QCOMPARE( iconStyle.parent(), noParent ); // setIconStyle copies
    QCOMPARE( placemark->style()->parent(), noParent );
    placemark->setStyle( style );
    QCOMPARE( placemark->style()->parent(), placemark ); // Parent should be assigned now

    /// Set a style map
    GeoDataStyleMap* styleMap = new GeoDataStyleMap;
    styleMap->setStyleId( "mystylemap" );
    styleMap->insert( "normal", "#mystyle" );
    styleMap->insert( "highlight", "#mystyle" );
    document->addStyle( *style );
    document->setStyleMap( styleMap );
    QCOMPARE( placemark2->style()->parent(), noParent );
    placemark2->setStyleUrl( "#mystyle" );
    QCOMPARE( placemark2->style()->parent(), document ); // Parent is document, not placemark2
    QCOMPARE( iconStyle.iconPath(), QString( "myicon.png" ) );
    QCOMPARE( placemark2->style()->iconStyle().iconPath(), QString( "myicon.png" ) );
Esempio n. 15
void RoutingManagerPrivate::loadRoute(const QString &filename)
    QFile file( filename );
    if ( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
        mDebug() << "Can not read route from " << file.fileName();

    GeoDataParser parser( GeoData_KML );
    if ( ! &file ) ) {
        mDebug() << "Could not parse file: " << parser.errorString();

    GeoDocument *doc = parser.releaseDocument();
    bool loaded = false;

    GeoDataDocument* container = dynamic_cast<GeoDataDocument*>( doc );
    if ( container && container->size() > 0 ) {
        GeoDataFolder* viaPoints = dynamic_cast<GeoDataFolder*>( &container->first() );
        if ( viaPoints ) {
            loaded = true;
            QVector<GeoDataPlacemark*> placemarks = viaPoints->placemarkList();
            for( int i=0; i<placemarks.size(); ++i ) {
                if ( i < m_routeRequest.size() ) {
                    m_routeRequest[i] = *placemarks[i];
                } else {
                    m_routeRequest.append( *placemarks[i] );

            // clear unneeded via points
            const int viaPoints_needed = placemarks.size();
            for ( int i = m_routeRequest.size(); i > viaPoints_needed; --i ) {
                m_routeRequest.remove( viaPoints_needed );
        } else {
            mDebug() << "Expected a GeoDataDocument with at least one child, didn't get one though";

    if ( container && container->size() == 2 ) {
        GeoDataDocument* route = dynamic_cast<GeoDataDocument*>(&container->last());
        if ( route ) {
            loaded = true;
            m_alternativeRoutesModel.addRoute( route, AlternativeRoutesModel::Instant );
            m_alternativeRoutesModel.setCurrentRoute( 0 );
            m_state = RoutingManager::Retrieved;
            emit q->stateChanged( m_state );
            emit q->routeRetrieved( route );
        } else {
            mDebug() << "Expected a GeoDataDocument child, didn't get one though";

    if ( !loaded ) {
        mDebug() << "File " << filename << " is not a valid Marble route .kml file";
        if ( container ) {
            m_treeModel->addDocument( container );