GeoDataDocument* MapQuestRunner::parse( const QByteArray &content ) const { QDomDocument xml; if ( !xml.setContent( content ) ) { mDebug() << "Cannot parse xml file with routing instructions."; return 0; } // mDebug() << xml.toString(2); QDomElement root = xml.documentElement(); GeoDataDocument* result = new GeoDataDocument(); result->setName( "MapQuest" ); GeoDataPlacemark* routePlacemark = new GeoDataPlacemark; routePlacemark->setName( "Route" ); GeoDataLineString* routeWaypoints = new GeoDataLineString; QDomNodeList shapePoints = root.elementsByTagName( "shapePoints" ); if ( shapePoints.size() == 1 ) { QDomNodeList geometry = 0 ).toElement().elementsByTagName( "latLng" ); for ( int i=0; i<geometry.size(); ++i ) { double const lat = geometry.item( i ).namedItem( "lat" ).toElement().text().toDouble(); double const lon = geometry.item( i ).namedItem( "lng" ).toElement().text().toDouble(); GeoDataCoordinates const position( lon, lat, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); routeWaypoints->append( position ); } } routePlacemark->setGeometry( routeWaypoints ); QTime time; time = time.addSecs( root.elementsByTagName( "time" ).at( 0 ).toElement().text().toInt() ); qreal length = routeWaypoints->length( EARTH_RADIUS ); const QString name = nameString( "MQ", length, time ); const GeoDataExtendedData data = routeData( length, time ); routePlacemark->setExtendedData( data ); result->setName( name ); result->append( routePlacemark ); QMap<int,int> mapping; QDomNodeList maneuvers = root.elementsByTagName( "maneuverIndexes" ); if ( maneuvers.size() == 1 ) { maneuvers = 0 ).childNodes(); for ( int i=0; i<maneuvers.size(); ++i ) { mapping[i] = i ).toElement().text().toInt(); if ( mapping[i] == routeWaypoints->size() ) { --mapping[i]; } } } QDomNodeList instructions = root.elementsByTagName( "maneuver" ); unsigned int const lastInstruction = qMax<int>( 0, instructions.length()-1 ); // ignore the last 'Welcome to xy' instruction for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < lastInstruction; ++i ) { QDomElement node = instructions.item( i ).toElement(); QDomNodeList maneuver = node.elementsByTagName( "turnType" ); QDomNodeList textNodes = node.elementsByTagName( "narrative" ); QDomNodeList points = node.elementsByTagName( "startPoint" ); QDomNodeList streets = node.elementsByTagName( "streets" ); Q_ASSERT( mapping.contains( i ) ); if ( textNodes.size() == 1 && maneuver.size() == 1 && points.size() == 1 && mapping.contains( i ) ) { GeoDataPlacemark* instruction = new GeoDataPlacemark; instruction->setName( 0 ).toElement().text() ); GeoDataExtendedData extendedData; GeoDataData turnType; turnType.setName( "turnType" ); turnType.setValue( maneuverType( 0 ).toElement().text().toInt() ) ); extendedData.addValue( turnType ); if ( streets.size() == 1 ) { GeoDataData roadName; roadName.setName( "roadName" ); roadName.setValue( 0 ).toElement().text() ); extendedData.addValue( roadName ); } instruction->setExtendedData( extendedData ); int const start = mapping[i]; int const end = mapping.contains(i+1) ? mapping[i+1] : routeWaypoints->size()-1; if ( start >= 0 && start < routeWaypoints->size() && end < routeWaypoints->size() ) { instruction->setName( textNodes.item( 0 ).toElement().text() ); GeoDataLineString *lineString = new GeoDataLineString; for ( int j=start; j<=end; ++j ) { *lineString << GeoDataCoordinates( routeWaypoints->at( j ).longitude(), routeWaypoints->at( j ).latitude() ); } if ( !lineString->isEmpty() ) { instruction->setGeometry( lineString ); result->append( instruction ); } } } } if ( routeWaypoints->size() < 1 ) { delete result; result = 0; } return result; }
void GeoDataLineStringPrivate::toDateLineCorrected( const GeoDataLineString & q, QVector<GeoDataLineString*> & lineStrings ) { const bool isClosed = q.isClosed(); const QVector<GeoDataCoordinates>::const_iterator itStartPoint = q.constBegin(); const QVector<GeoDataCoordinates>::const_iterator itEndPoint = q.constEnd(); QVector<GeoDataCoordinates>::const_iterator itPoint = itStartPoint; QVector<GeoDataCoordinates>::const_iterator itPreviousPoint = itPoint; TessellationFlags f = q.tessellationFlags(); GeoDataLineString * unfinishedLineString = 0; GeoDataLineString * dateLineCorrected = isClosed ? new GeoDataLinearRing( f ) : new GeoDataLineString( f ); qreal currentLon = 0.0; qreal previousLon = 0.0; int previousSign = 1; bool unfinished = false; for (; itPoint != itEndPoint; ++itPoint ) { currentLon = itPoint->longitude(); int currentSign = ( currentLon < 0.0 ) ? -1 : +1 ; if( itPoint == q.constBegin() ) { previousSign = currentSign; previousLon = currentLon; } // If we are crossing the date line ... if ( previousSign != currentSign && fabs(previousLon) + fabs(currentLon) > M_PI ) { unfinished = !unfinished; GeoDataCoordinates previousTemp; GeoDataCoordinates currentTemp; interpolateDateLine( *itPreviousPoint, *itPoint, previousTemp, currentTemp, q.tessellationFlags() ); *dateLineCorrected << previousTemp; if ( isClosed && unfinished ) { // If it's a linear ring and if it crossed the IDL only once then // store the current string inside the unfinishedLineString for later use ... unfinishedLineString = dateLineCorrected; // ... and start a new linear ring for now. dateLineCorrected = new GeoDataLinearRing( f ); } else { // Now it can only be a (finished) line string or a finished linear ring. // Store it in the vector if the size is not zero. if ( dateLineCorrected->size() > 0 ) { lineStrings << dateLineCorrected; } else { // Or delete it. delete dateLineCorrected; } // If it's a finished linear ring restore the "remembered" unfinished String if ( isClosed && !unfinished && unfinishedLineString ) { dateLineCorrected = unfinishedLineString; } else { // if it's a line string just create a new line string. dateLineCorrected = new GeoDataLineString( f ); } } *dateLineCorrected << currentTemp; *dateLineCorrected << *itPoint; } else { *dateLineCorrected << *itPoint; } previousSign = currentSign; previousLon = currentLon; itPreviousPoint = itPoint; } // If the line string doesn't cross the dateline an even number of times // then need to take care of the data stored in the unfinishedLineString if ( unfinished && unfinishedLineString && !unfinishedLineString->isEmpty() ) { *dateLineCorrected << *unfinishedLineString; delete unfinishedLineString; } lineStrings << dateLineCorrected; }