Esempio n. 1
 int ArdbServer::GeoSearch(ArdbConnContext& ctx, RedisCommandFrame& cmd)
     GeoSearchOptions options;
     std::string err;
     if (0 != options.Parse(cmd.GetArguments(), err, 1))
         fill_error_reply(ctx.reply, "%s", err.c_str());
         return 0;
     ValueDataDeque res;
     int ret = m_db->GeoSearch(ctx.currentDB, cmd.GetArguments()[0], options, res);
     CHECK_ARDB_RETURN_VALUE(ctx.reply, ret);
     fill_array_reply(ctx.reply, res);
     return 0;
Esempio n. 2
File: geo.cpp Progetto: boreys/ardb
 int Ardb::GeoSearch(Context& ctx, RedisCommandFrame& cmd)
     GeoSearchOptions options;
     std::string err;
     if (0 != options.Parse(cmd.GetArguments(), err, 1))
         fill_error_reply(ctx.reply, "%s", err.c_str());
         return 0;
     ValueObject meta;
     int ret = GetMetaValue(ctx, cmd.GetArguments()[0], ZSET_META, meta);
     CHECK_ARDB_RETURN_VALUE(ctx.reply, ret);
     ctx.reply.type = REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY;
     if (0 != ret)
         return 0;
     uint64 t1 = get_current_epoch_millis();
     uint32 min_radius = 75; //magic number
     if (options.asc && options.limit > 0 && options.offset == 0 && options.radius > min_radius)
         uint32 old_radius = options.radius;
         options.radius = min_radius;
             int point_num = GeoSearchByOptions(ctx, meta, options);
             if(point_num < 0)
             if (options.radius == old_radius)
             if (point_num > 0)
                 if (point_num >= options.limit)
                 options.radius *= sqrt((options.limit / point_num) + 1);
                 options.radius *= 8;
             if (options.radius > old_radius)
                 options.radius = old_radius;
         } while (options.radius <= old_radius);
         GeoSearchByOptions(ctx, meta, options);
     ctx.reply.type = REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY;
     uint64 t2 = get_current_epoch_millis();
     DEBUG_LOG("####Cost %llums to range geosearch", t2 - t1);
     return 0;
Esempio n. 3
void test_geo(Ardb& db)
    DBID dbid = 0;
    db.ZClear(dbid, "mygeo");
    double x = 300.3;
    double y = 300.3;

    double p_x = 1000.0;
    double p_y = 1000.0;
    double raius = 1000;
    GeoPointArray cmp;
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
        char name[100];
        sprintf(name, "p%u", i);
        double xx = x + i * 0.1;
        double yy = y + i * 0.1;
        if (((xx - p_x) * (xx - p_x) + (yy - p_y) * (yy - p_y)) < raius * raius)
            GeoPoint p;
            p.x = xx;
            p.y = yy;
        GeoAddOptions add;
        add.coord_type = 2;
        add.x = x + i * 0.1;
        add.y = y + i * 0.1;
        add.value = name;
        db.GeoAdd(dbid, "mygeo", add);
    if(db.GetL1Cache() != NULL)
        db.GetL1Cache()->SyncLoad(dbid, "mygeo");
    GeoSearchOptions options;
    StringArray args;
    std::string err;
    string_to_string_array("MERCATOR 1000.0 1000.0 RADIUS 1000 ASC WITHCOORDINATES WITHDISTANCES", args);
    options.Parse(args, err);
    ValueDataDeque result;
    db.GeoSearch(dbid, "mygeo", options, result);
    CHECK_FATAL(cmp.size() != result.size() / 4, "Search failed with %u elements while expected %u", result.size() / 4,
    uint64 start = get_current_epoch_millis();
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
        options.x = p_x + i * 0.1;
        options.y = p_y + i * 0.1;
        options.radius = 100;
        db.GeoSearch(dbid, "mygeo", options, result);
    uint64 end = get_current_epoch_millis();
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < result.size(); i += 4)
        INFO_LOG("GeoPoint:%s x:%.2f, y:%.2f, distance:%.2f", result[i].bytes_value.c_str(),
                 result[i + 1].NumberValue(), result[i + 2].NumberValue(), result[i + 3].NumberValue());

    INFO_LOG("Found %d points for search while expected %d points", result.size() / 4, cmp.size());
    INFO_LOG("Cost %lldms to geo search 100000 zset elements 10000 times", (end - start));