Esempio n. 1
void GvPath::GetCumulativeTransform(Transform3 *T)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<mAncestryLength; ++i) {
    Geom *g = mAncestry[i];
    if (g->IsInstanceOf(TYPE_INFO(GeomWrapped))) {
      Transform3 *M = ((GeomWrapped*)g)->GetTransform();
      // Explanation of the order of multiplication: Our
      // transform libarary treats data points as row vectors;
      // transforms act on them by right multiplication, i.e.
      // [point] * [matrix] = [new point].  Transforms lower in
      // the heirarchy are closer to the data points (the one
      // just above the leaf node Geom being the one that acts
      // on it first), so the order in which the product of
      // transformations act on a point is:
      //  [point] * [transf n] * ... * [transf 1] * [transf 0]
      //   = [new point]
      // At this point, we've accumulated the product
      //  [transf i-1] ... [transf 0]
      // in T, and we're about to multiply it by [transf i]
      // (which is in M), so the order should be M * T.
      T->Concat(M, T);
Esempio n. 2
Transform3  *GvPath::GetLocalTransform()
  if (mAncestryLength <= 1) { return &Transform3::IDENTITY; }
  Geom *parent = mAncestry[mAncestryLength-2];
  if (!parent->IsInstanceOf(TYPE_INFO(GeomWrapped))) {
    return NULL;
  return ((GeomWrapped*)parent)->GetTransform();
Esempio n. 3
int GvPath::FindStack(UtLStack<Geom *> *stack, Geom *geom)
  Geom *g = *(stack->Top());
  if ( g == geom ) { return 1; }
  if (g->IsInstanceOf(TYPE_INFO(GeomParent))) {
    GeomParent *p = (GeomParent*)g;
    int nchildren = p->GetChildCount();
    for (int i=0; i<nchildren; ++i) {
      (*(stack->Push())) = p->GetChild(i);
      if (FindStack(stack, geom)) {
	return 1;
  return 0;