Esempio n. 1
 * Writes a description of the graph to the given stream, using the Dot 
 * language.
 * The method allows for both directed graphs and non-directed graphs, the
 * latter are required for drawing purposes (since Dot will not produce the
 * arrow heads and the splines terminate before reaching the nodes).
 * @param	str			The stream to write to
 * @param	sType		Either "graph" or "digraph"
 * @param	sEdge		The edge connector ("--" or "->")
 * @param	bWriteCall	true to write call information, false otherwise
void GraphWidget::write(QTextStream& str, const QString& sType, 
	const QString& sEdge, bool bWriteCall)
	QFont font;
	QDictIterator<GraphNode> itr(m_dictNodes);
	GraphEdge* pEdge;
	Encoder enc;
	font = Config().getFont(KScopeConfig::Graph);

	// Header
	str << sType << " G {\n";
	// Graph attributes
	str << "\tgraph [rankdir=" << Config().getGraphOrientation() << ", "
		<< "kscope_zoom=" << m_dZoom 
		<< "];\n";
	// Default node attributes
	str << "\tnode [shape=box, height=\"0.01\", style=filled, "
		<< "fillcolor=\"" << Config().getColor(KScopeConfig::GraphNode).name()
		<< "\", "
		<< "fontcolor=\"" << Config().getColor(KScopeConfig::GraphText).name()
		<< "\", "
		<< "fontname=\"" << << "\", "
		<< "fontsize=" << QString::number(font.pointSize())
		<< "];\n";
	// Iterate over all nodes
	for (; itr.current(); ++itr) {
		// Write a node
		str << "\t" << itr.current()->getFunc() << ";\n";
		// Iterate over all edges leaving this node		
		QDictIterator<GraphEdge> itrEdge(itr.current()->getOutEdges());
		for (; itrEdge.current(); ++itrEdge) {
			pEdge = itrEdge.current();
			str << "\t" << pEdge->getHead()->getFunc() << sEdge
				<< pEdge->getTail()->getFunc();
			// Write call information
			if (bWriteCall) {
				str << " ["
					<< "kscope_file=\"" << pEdge->getFile() << "\","
					<< "kscope_line=" << pEdge->getLine() << ","
					<< "kscope_text=\"" << enc.encode(pEdge->getText()) << "\"" 
					<< "]";
			str << ";\n";
	// Close the graph
	str << "}\n";