Esempio n. 1
void updateVerletList(const string &verletStringId,
                      Particles & particles,
                      Grid & grid,
                      double radius)
    double radiusSquared = radius*radius;

    int verletId = particles.getVerletId(verletStringId);
    const unordered_map<int, GridPoint*> &gridpoints = grid.gridpoints();
    const mat & R = particles.r();
    const vector<int> &mygridPoints = grid.myGridPoints();

#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int i=0; i<mygridPoints.size(); i++)
        double dx, dy, dz;
        int gridId =;
        const GridPoint & gridPoint = *;

        for(const pair<int, int> & idCol_i:gridPoint.particles())
            int id_i = idCol_i.first;
            vector<int> verletList;
            const vec & r_i = R.col(idCol_i.second);

            for(const pair<int, int> & idCol_j:gridPoint.particles())
                int id_j = idCol_j.first;
                if(id_i == id_j)

                const vec & r_j = R.col(idCol_j.second);
                dx = r_i(0) - r_j(0);
                dy = r_i(1) - r_j(1);
                dz = r_i(2) - r_j(2);

                double drSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;

                if(drSquared < radiusSquared)

            // Neighbouring cells
            const vector<GridPoint*> & neighbours = gridPoint.neighbours();

            for(const GridPoint *neighbour:neighbours)
                for(const pair<int, int> & idCol_j:neighbour->particles())
                    const vec & r_j = R.col(idCol_j.second);
                    dx = r_i(0) - r_j(0);
                    dy = r_i(1) - r_j(1);
                    dz = r_i(2) - r_j(2);

                    double drSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;

                    if(drSquared < radiusSquared)

#pragma omp critical
                particles.setVerletList(id_i, verletList, verletId);
            particles.setVerletList(id_i, verletList, verletId);
Esempio n. 2
void TestGemm
( Orientation orientA, Orientation orientB,
  Int m, Int n, Int k, T alpha, T beta, const Grid& g, 
  bool print, bool correctness )
    double startTime, runTime, realGFlops, gFlops;
    DistMatrix<T> A(g), B(g), COrig(g), C(g);

    if( orientA == NORMAL )
        Uniform( A, m, k );
        Uniform( A, k, m );
    if( orientB == NORMAL )
        Uniform( B, k, n );
        Uniform( B, n, k );
    Uniform( COrig, m, n );
    if( print )
        Print( A, "A" );
        Print( B, "B" );
        Print( COrig, "COrig" );

    // Test the variant of Gemm that keeps A stationary
    C = COrig;
    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "Stationary A Algorithm:" << endl;
    mpi::Barrier( g.Comm() );
    startTime = mpi::Time();
    Gemm( orientA, orientB, alpha, A, B, beta, C, GEMM_SUMMA_A );
    mpi::Barrier( g.Comm() );
    runTime = mpi::Time() - startTime;
    realGFlops = 2.*double(m)*double(n)*double(k)/(1.e9*runTime);
    gFlops = ( IsComplex<T>::val ? 4*realGFlops : realGFlops );
    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "  Time = " << runTime << " seconds. GFlops = " 
             << gFlops << endl;
    if( print )
        ostringstream msg;
        msg << "C := " << alpha << " A B + " << beta << " C";
        Print( C, msg.str() );
    if( correctness )
        TestCorrectness( orientA, orientB, alpha, A, B, beta, COrig, C, print );

    // Test the variant of Gemm that keeps B stationary
    C = COrig;
    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "Stationary B Algorithm:" << endl;
    mpi::Barrier( g.Comm() );
    startTime = mpi::Time();
    Gemm( orientA, orientB, alpha, A, B, beta, C, GEMM_SUMMA_B );
    mpi::Barrier( g.Comm() );
    runTime = mpi::Time() - startTime;
    realGFlops = 2.*double(m)*double(n)*double(k)/(1.e9*runTime);
    gFlops = ( IsComplex<T>::val ? 4*realGFlops : realGFlops );
    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "  Time = " << runTime << " seconds. GFlops = " 
             << gFlops << endl;
    if( print )
        ostringstream msg;
        msg << "C := " << alpha << " A B + " << beta << " C";
        Print( C, msg.str() );
    if( correctness )
        TestCorrectness( orientA, orientB, alpha, A, B, beta, COrig, C, print );

    // Test the variant of Gemm that keeps C stationary
    C = COrig;
    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "Stationary C Algorithm:" << endl;
    mpi::Barrier( g.Comm() );
    startTime = mpi::Time();
    Gemm( orientA, orientB, alpha, A, B, beta, C, GEMM_SUMMA_C );
    mpi::Barrier( g.Comm() );
    runTime = mpi::Time() - startTime;
    realGFlops = 2.*double(m)*double(n)*double(k)/(1.e9*runTime);
    gFlops = ( IsComplex<T>::val ? 4*realGFlops : realGFlops );
    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "DONE. " << endl
             << "  Time = " << runTime << " seconds. GFlops = " 
             << gFlops << endl;
    if( print )
        ostringstream msg;
        msg << "C := " << alpha << " A B + " << beta << " C";
        Print( C, msg.str() );
    if( correctness )
        TestCorrectness( orientA, orientB, alpha, A, B, beta, COrig, C, print );
    if( orientA == NORMAL && orientB == NORMAL )
        // Test the variant of Gemm for panel-panel dot products
        if( g.Rank() == 0 )
            cout << "Dot Product Algorithm:" << endl;
        C = COrig;
        mpi::Barrier( g.Comm() );
        startTime = mpi::Time();
        Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, alpha, A, B, beta, C, GEMM_SUMMA_DOT );
        mpi::Barrier( g.Comm() );
        runTime = mpi::Time() - startTime;
        realGFlops = 2.*double(m)*double(n)*double(k)/(1.e9*runTime);
        gFlops = ( IsComplex<T>::val ? 4*realGFlops : realGFlops );
        if( g.Rank() == 0 )
            cout << "DONE. " << endl
                 << "  Time = " << runTime << " seconds. GFlops = " 
                 << gFlops << endl;
        if( print )
            ostringstream msg;
            msg << "C := " << alpha << " A B + " << beta << " C";
            Print( C, msg.str() );
        if( correctness )
            ( orientA, orientB, alpha, A, B, beta, COrig, C, print );
Esempio n. 3
void CCmpPathfinder::TerrainUpdateHelper(bool expandPassability)

    CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
    CmpPtr<ICmpWaterManager> cmpWaterManager(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
    CmpPtr<ICmpTerrain> cmpTerrain(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
    CTerrain& terrain = GetSimContext().GetTerrain();

    if (!cmpTerrain || !cmpObstructionManager)

    u16 terrainSize = cmpTerrain->GetTilesPerSide();
    if (terrainSize == 0)

    if (!m_TerrainOnlyGrid || m_MapSize != terrainSize)
        m_MapSize = terrainSize;

        m_TerrainOnlyGrid = new Grid<NavcellData>(m_MapSize * Pathfinding::NAVCELLS_PER_TILE, m_MapSize * Pathfinding::NAVCELLS_PER_TILE);

    Grid<u16> shoreGrid = ComputeShoreGrid();

    // Compute initial terrain-dependent passability
    for (int j = 0; j < m_MapSize * Pathfinding::NAVCELLS_PER_TILE; ++j)
        for (int i = 0; i < m_MapSize * Pathfinding::NAVCELLS_PER_TILE; ++i)
            // World-space coordinates for this navcell
            fixed x, z;
            Pathfinding::NavcellCenter(i, j, x, z);

            // Terrain-tile coordinates for this navcell
            int itile = i / Pathfinding::NAVCELLS_PER_TILE;
            int jtile = j / Pathfinding::NAVCELLS_PER_TILE;

            // Gather all the data potentially needed to determine passability:

            fixed height = terrain.GetExactGroundLevelFixed(x, z);

            fixed water;
            if (cmpWaterManager)
                water = cmpWaterManager->GetWaterLevel(x, z);

            fixed depth = water - height;

            // Exact slopes give kind of weird output, so just use rough tile-based slopes
            fixed slope = terrain.GetSlopeFixed(itile, jtile);

            // Get world-space coordinates from shoreGrid (which uses terrain tiles)
            fixed shoredist = fixed::FromInt(shoreGrid.get(itile, jtile)).MultiplyClamp(TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE);

            // Compute the passability for every class for this cell
            NavcellData t = 0;
            for (PathfinderPassability& passability : m_PassClasses)
                if (!passability.IsPassable(depth, slope, shoredist))
                    t |= passability.m_Mask;

            m_TerrainOnlyGrid->set(i, j, t);

    // Compute off-world passability
    // WARNING: CCmpRangeManager::LosIsOffWorld needs to be kept in sync with this
    const int edgeSize = 3 * Pathfinding::NAVCELLS_PER_TILE; // number of tiles around the edge that will be off-world

    NavcellData edgeMask = 0;
    for (PathfinderPassability& passability : m_PassClasses)
        edgeMask |= passability.m_Mask;

    int w = m_TerrainOnlyGrid->m_W;
    int h = m_TerrainOnlyGrid->m_H;

    if (cmpObstructionManager->GetPassabilityCircular())
        for (int j = 0; j < h; ++j)
            for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i)
                // Based on CCmpRangeManager::LosIsOffWorld
                // but tweaked since it's tile-based instead.
                // (We double all the values so we can handle half-tile coordinates.)
                // This needs to be slightly tighter than the LOS circle,
                // else units might get themselves lost in the SoD around the edge.

                int dist2 = (i*2 + 1 - w)*(i*2 + 1 - w)
                            + (j*2 + 1 - h)*(j*2 + 1 - h);

                if (dist2 >= (w - 2*edgeSize) * (h - 2*edgeSize))
                    m_TerrainOnlyGrid->set(i, j, m_TerrainOnlyGrid->get(i, j) | edgeMask);
        for (u16 j = 0; j < h; ++j)
            for (u16 i = 0; i < edgeSize; ++i)
                m_TerrainOnlyGrid->set(i, j, m_TerrainOnlyGrid->get(i, j) | edgeMask);
        for (u16 j = 0; j < h; ++j)
            for (u16 i = w-edgeSize+1; i < w; ++i)
                m_TerrainOnlyGrid->set(i, j, m_TerrainOnlyGrid->get(i, j) | edgeMask);
        for (u16 j = 0; j < edgeSize; ++j)
            for (u16 i = edgeSize; i < w-edgeSize+1; ++i)
                m_TerrainOnlyGrid->set(i, j, m_TerrainOnlyGrid->get(i, j) | edgeMask);
        for (u16 j = h-edgeSize+1; j < h; ++j)
            for (u16 i = edgeSize; i < w-edgeSize+1; ++i)
                m_TerrainOnlyGrid->set(i, j, m_TerrainOnlyGrid->get(i, j) | edgeMask);

    if (!expandPassability)

    // Expand the impassability grid, for any class with non-zero clearance,
    // so that we can stop units getting too close to impassable navcells.
    // Note: It's not possible to perform this expansion once for all passabilities
    // with the same clearance, because the impassable cells are not necessarily the
    // same for all these passabilities.
    for (PathfinderPassability& passability : m_PassClasses)
        if (passability.m_Clearance == fixed::Zero())

        int clearance = (passability.m_Clearance / Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToInfinity();
        ExpandImpassableCells(*m_TerrainOnlyGrid, clearance, passability.m_Mask);
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "Rician3D example");
  ElementType *Ty = new FP32Type();
  Grid        *GD = new Grid(3);

  Field *U = new Field(GD, Ty, "U");
  Field *G = new Field(GD, Ty, "G");
  Field *F = new Field(GD, Ty, "F");
  Field *R = new Field(GD, Ty, "R");

  FP32Constant *ConstOne = new FP32Constant(1.0);
  FP32Constant *Epsilon  = new FP32Constant(1.0e-20);
  FP32Constant *Sigma    = new FP32Constant(1.0000001);
  FP32Constant *Lambda   = new FP32Constant(1.0000001);
  Expression   *Sigma2   = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, Sigma, Sigma);
  Expression   *Gamma    = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::DIV, Lambda, Sigma2);
  FP32Constant *C1       = new FP32Constant(2.38944);
  FP32Constant *C2       = new FP32Constant(0.950037);
  FP32Constant *C3       = new FP32Constant(4.65314);
  FP32Constant *C4       = new FP32Constant(2.57541);
  FP32Constant *C5       = new FP32Constant(1.48937);
  FP32Constant *DT       = new FP32Constant(5.0);

  IntConstant *Offsets[3];

  Offsets[0]          = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[1]          = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[2]          = new IntConstant(0);
  Expression *U_0_0_0 = new FieldRef(U, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]           = new IntConstant(1);
  Offsets[1]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[2]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Expression *U_p1_0_0 = new FieldRef(U, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]           = new IntConstant(-1);
  Offsets[1]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[2]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Expression *U_m1_0_0 = new FieldRef(U, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[1]           = new IntConstant(1);
  Offsets[2]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Expression *U_0_p1_0 = new FieldRef(U, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[1]           = new IntConstant(-1);
  Offsets[2]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Expression *U_0_m1_0 = new FieldRef(U, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[1]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[2]           = new IntConstant(1);
  Expression *U_0_0_p1 = new FieldRef(U, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[1]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[2]           = new IntConstant(-1);
  Expression *U_0_0_m1 = new FieldRef(U, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]          = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[1]          = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[2]          = new IntConstant(0);
  Expression *G_0_0_0 = new FieldRef(G, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]           = new IntConstant(1);
  Offsets[1]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[2]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Expression *G_p1_0_0 = new FieldRef(G, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]           = new IntConstant(-1);
  Offsets[1]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[2]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Expression *G_m1_0_0 = new FieldRef(G, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[1]           = new IntConstant(1);
  Offsets[2]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Expression *G_0_p1_0 = new FieldRef(G, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[1]           = new IntConstant(-1);
  Offsets[2]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Expression *G_0_m1_0 = new FieldRef(G, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[1]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[2]           = new IntConstant(1);
  Expression *G_0_0_p1 = new FieldRef(G, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[1]           = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[2]           = new IntConstant(-1);
  Expression *G_0_0_m1 = new FieldRef(G, 3, Offsets);

  Offsets[0]          = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[1]          = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[2]          = new IntConstant(0);
  Expression *R_0_0_0 = new FieldRef(R, 3, Offsets);

  Expression *T1 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::SUB, U_0_0_0, U_0_p1_0);
  T1             = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, T1, T1);

  Expression *T2 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::SUB, U_0_0_0, U_0_m1_0);
  T2             = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, T2, T2);

  Expression *T3 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::SUB, U_0_0_0, U_0_0_p1);
  T3             = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, T3, T3);

  Expression *T4 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::SUB, U_0_0_0, U_0_0_m1);
  T4             = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, T4, T4);

  Expression *T5 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::SUB, U_0_0_0, U_p1_0_0);
  T5             = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, T5, T5);

  Expression *T6 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::SUB, U_0_0_0, U_m1_0_0);
  T6             = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, T6, T6);

  Expression *T7  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, Epsilon, T1);
  Expression *T8  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, T7, T2);
  Expression *T9  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, T8, T3);
  Expression *T10 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, T9, T4);
  Expression *T11 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, T10, T5);
  Expression *T12 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, T11, T6);

  Expression *T13 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::DIV, ConstOne, T12);
  Function *Func = new Function(G, T13);
  Func->setLowerBound(0, 1);
  Func->setLowerBound(1, 1);
  Func->setLowerBound(2, 1);
  Func->setUpperBound(0, 1);
  Func->setUpperBound(1, 1);
  Func->setUpperBound(2, 1);


  Offsets[0]          = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[1]          = new IntConstant(0);
  Offsets[2]          = new IntConstant(0);
  Expression *F_0_0_0 = new FieldRef(F, 3, Offsets);

  T1 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, U_0_0_0, F_0_0_0);
  T2 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::DIV, T1, Sigma2);
  T3 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, C2, T2);
  T4 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, T2, T3);
  T5 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, C1, T4);
  T6 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, T2, T5);

  T7  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, C5, T2);
  T8  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, T2, T7);
  T9  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, C4, T8);
  T10 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, T2, T9);
  T11 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, C3, T10);
  T12 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::DIV, T6, T11);

  Func = new Function(R, T12);
  Func->setLowerBound(0, 1);
  Func->setLowerBound(1, 1);
  Func->setLowerBound(2, 1);
  Func->setUpperBound(0, 1);
  Func->setUpperBound(1, 1);
  Func->setUpperBound(2, 1);


  T1  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, U_0_p1_0, G_0_p1_0);
  T2  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, U_0_m1_0, G_0_m1_0);
  T3  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, U_0_0_p1, G_0_0_p1);
  T4  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, U_0_0_m1, G_0_0_m1);
  T5  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, U_p1_0_0, G_p1_0_0);
  T6  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, U_m1_0_0, G_m1_0_0);
  T7  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, Gamma, F_0_0_0);
  T8  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, T7, R_0_0_0);
  T9  = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, DT, T8);
  T10 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, U_0_0_0, T9);

  T1 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::MUL, DT, G_0_p1_0);
  T2 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, ConstOne, T1);
  T3 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, T2, G_0_m1_0);
  T4 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, T3, G_0_0_p1);
  T5 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, T4, G_0_0_m1);
  T6 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, T5, G_p1_0_0);
  T7 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, T6, G_m1_0_0);
  T8 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::ADD, T7, Gamma);

  T1 = new BinaryOp(BinaryOp::DIV, T10, T8);

  Func = new Function(U, T1);
  Func->setLowerBound(0, 1);
  Func->setLowerBound(1, 1);
  Func->setLowerBound(2, 1);
  Func->setUpperBound(0, 1);
  Func->setUpperBound(1, 1);
  Func->setUpperBound(2, 1);



  CudaBackEnd BE(GD);
  BE.setBlockSize(0, BlockSizeX);
  BE.setBlockSize(1, BlockSizeY);
  BE.setBlockSize(2, BlockSizeZ);
  BE.setElements(0, ElementsX);
  BE.setElements(1, ElementsY);
  BE.setElements(2, ElementsZ);;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 5
static Widget* convert_xmlelement_to_widget(TiXmlElement* elem, Widget* root)
  const char *elem_name = elem->Value();
  JWidget widget = NULL;
  JWidget child;

  /* TODO error handling: add a message if the widget is bad specified */

  // Boxes
  if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "box") == 0) {
    bool horizontal  = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "horizontal");
    bool vertical    = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "vertical");
    bool homogeneous = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "homogeneous");

    widget = new Box((horizontal ? JI_HORIZONTAL:
                      vertical ? JI_VERTICAL: 0) |
                     (homogeneous ? JI_HOMOGENEOUS: 0));
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "vbox") == 0) {
    bool homogeneous = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "homogeneous");

    widget = new VBox();
    if (homogeneous)
      widget->setAlign(widget->getAlign() | JI_HOMOGENEOUS);
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "hbox") == 0) {
    bool homogeneous = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "homogeneous");

    widget = new HBox();
    if (homogeneous)
      widget->setAlign(widget->getAlign() | JI_HOMOGENEOUS);
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "boxfiller") == 0) {
    widget = new BoxFiller();
  // Button
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "button") == 0) {
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");

    widget = new Button(text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL);
    if (widget) {
      bool left   = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "left");
      bool right  = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
      bool top    = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "top");
      bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");
      bool closewindow = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "closewindow");
      const char *_bevel = elem->Attribute("bevel");

      widget->setAlign((left ? JI_LEFT: (right ? JI_RIGHT: JI_CENTER)) |
                       (top ? JI_TOP: (bottom ? JI_BOTTOM: JI_MIDDLE)));

      if (_bevel != NULL) {
        char* bevel = base_strdup(_bevel);
        int c, b[4];
        char *tok;

        for (c=0; c<4; ++c)
          b[c] = 0;

        for (tok=ustrtok(bevel, " "), c=0;
             tok=ustrtok(NULL, " "), ++c) {
          if (c < 4)
            b[c] = ustrtol(tok, NULL, 10);

        setup_bevels(widget, b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]);

      if (closewindow) {
          ->Click.connect(Bind<void>(&Widget::closeWindow, widget));
  // Check
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "check") == 0) {
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");
    const char *looklike = elem->Attribute("looklike");

    text = (text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL);

    if (looklike != NULL && strcmp(looklike, "button") == 0) {
      widget = new CheckBox(text, JI_BUTTON);
    else {
      widget = new CheckBox(text);

    if (widget) {
      bool center = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "center");
      bool right  = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
      bool top    = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "top");
      bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");

      widget->setAlign((center ? JI_CENTER:
                        (right ? JI_RIGHT: JI_LEFT)) |
                       (top    ? JI_TOP:
                        (bottom ? JI_BOTTOM: JI_MIDDLE)));
  /* combobox */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "combobox") == 0) {
    widget = new ComboBox();
  /* entry */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "entry") == 0) {
    const char *maxsize = elem->Attribute("maxsize");
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");

    if (maxsize != NULL) {
      bool readonly = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "readonly");

      widget = new Entry(ustrtol(maxsize, NULL, 10),
                         text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL);

      if (readonly)
  /* grid */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "grid") == 0) {
    const char *columns = elem->Attribute("columns");
    bool same_width_columns = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "same_width_columns");

    if (columns != NULL) {
      widget = new Grid(ustrtol(columns, NULL, 10),
  /* label */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "label") == 0) {
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");

    widget = new Label(text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL);
    if (widget) {
      bool center = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "center");
      bool right  = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
      bool top    = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "top");
      bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");

      widget->setAlign((center ? JI_CENTER:
                        (right ? JI_RIGHT: JI_LEFT)) |
                       (top    ? JI_TOP:
                        (bottom ? JI_BOTTOM: JI_MIDDLE)));
  /* listbox */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "listbox") == 0) {
    widget = new ListBox();
  /* listitem */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "listitem") == 0) {
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");

    widget = new ListBox::Item(text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL);
  /* splitter */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "splitter") == 0) {
    bool horizontal = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "horizontal");
    bool vertical = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "vertical");

    widget = new Splitter(horizontal ? JI_HORIZONTAL:
                          vertical ? JI_VERTICAL: 0);
  /* radio */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "radio") == 0) {
    const char* text = elem->Attribute("text");
    const char* group = elem->Attribute("group");
    const char *looklike = elem->Attribute("looklike");

    text = (text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL);
    int radio_group = (group ? ustrtol(group, NULL, 10): 1);

    if (looklike != NULL && strcmp(looklike, "button") == 0) {
      widget = new RadioButton(text, radio_group, JI_BUTTON);
    else {
      widget = new RadioButton(text, radio_group);

    if (widget) {
      bool center = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "center");
      bool right  = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
      bool top    = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "top");
      bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");

      widget->setAlign((center ? JI_CENTER:
                        (right ? JI_RIGHT: JI_LEFT)) |
                       (top    ? JI_TOP:
                        (bottom ? JI_BOTTOM: JI_MIDDLE)));
  /* separator */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "separator") == 0) {
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");
    bool center      = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "center");
    bool right       = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
    bool middle      = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "middle");
    bool bottom      = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");
    bool horizontal  = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "horizontal");
    bool vertical    = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "vertical");

    widget = new Separator(text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL,
                           (horizontal ? JI_HORIZONTAL: 0) |
                           (vertical ? JI_VERTICAL: 0) |
                           (center ? JI_CENTER:
                            (right ? JI_RIGHT: JI_LEFT)) |
                           (middle ? JI_MIDDLE:
                            (bottom ? JI_BOTTOM: JI_TOP)));
  /* slider */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "slider") == 0) {
    const char *min = elem->Attribute("min");
    const char *max = elem->Attribute("max");
    int min_value = min != NULL ? ustrtol(min, NULL, 10): 0;
    int max_value = max != NULL ? ustrtol(max, NULL, 10): 0;

    widget = new Slider(min_value, max_value, min_value);
  /* textbox */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "textbox") == 0) {
    //bool wordwrap = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "wordwrap");

    /* TODO add translatable support */
    /* TODO here we need jxmlelem_get_text(elem) */
    /* widget = jtextbox_new(tag->text, wordwrap ? JI_WORDWRAP: 0); */
  /* view */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "view") == 0) {
    widget = new View();
  /* window */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "window") == 0) {
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");

    if (text) {
      bool desktop = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "desktop");

      if (desktop)
        widget = new Frame(true, NULL);
        widget = new Frame(false, TRANSLATE_ATTR(text));
  /* colorpicker */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "colorpicker") == 0) {
    widget = new ColorButton(Color::fromMask(), app_get_current_pixel_format());

  // Was the widget created?
  if (widget) {
    const char *name      = elem->Attribute("name");
    const char *tooltip   = elem->Attribute("tooltip");
    bool selected         = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "selected");
    bool disabled         = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "disabled");
    bool expansive        = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "expansive");
    bool magnetic         = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "magnetic");
    bool noborders        = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "noborders");
    const char *width     = elem->Attribute("width");
    const char *height    = elem->Attribute("height");
    const char *minwidth  = elem->Attribute("minwidth");
    const char *minheight = elem->Attribute("minheight");
    const char *maxwidth  = elem->Attribute("maxwidth");
    const char *maxheight = elem->Attribute("maxheight");
    const char *childspacing = elem->Attribute("childspacing");

    if (name != NULL)

    if (tooltip != NULL)
      jwidget_add_tooltip_text(widget, tooltip, JI_LEFT);

    if (selected)

    if (disabled)

    if (expansive)

    if (magnetic)

    if (noborders)

    if (childspacing)
      widget->child_spacing = ustrtol(childspacing, NULL, 10);

    if (width || minwidth ||
        height || minheight) {
      int w = (width || minwidth) ? ustrtol(width ? width: minwidth, NULL, 10): 0;
      int h = (height || minheight) ? ustrtol(height ? height: minheight, NULL, 10): 0;
      jwidget_set_min_size(widget, w*jguiscale(), h*jguiscale());

    if (width || maxwidth ||
        height || maxheight) {
      int w = (width || maxwidth) ? strtol(width ? width: maxwidth, NULL, 10): INT_MAX;
      int h = (height || maxheight) ? strtol(height ? height: maxheight, NULL, 10): INT_MAX;
      jwidget_set_max_size(widget, w*jguiscale(), h*jguiscale());

    if (!root)
      root = widget;

    // Children
    TiXmlElement* child_elem = elem->FirstChildElement();
    while (child_elem) {
      child = convert_xmlelement_to_widget(child_elem, root);
      if (child) {
        // Attach the child in the view
        if (widget->type == JI_VIEW) {
        // Add the child in the grid
        else if (widget->type == JI_GRID) {
          const char* cell_hspan = child_elem->Attribute("cell_hspan");
          const char* cell_vspan = child_elem->Attribute("cell_vspan");
          const char* cell_align = child_elem->Attribute("cell_align");
          int hspan = cell_hspan ? ustrtol(cell_hspan, NULL, 10): 1;
          int vspan = cell_vspan ? ustrtol(cell_vspan, NULL, 10): 1;
          int align = cell_align ? convert_align_value_to_flags(cell_align): 0;
          Grid* grid = dynamic_cast<Grid*>(widget);
          ASSERT(grid != NULL);

          grid->addChildInCell(child, hspan, vspan, align);
        // Just add the child in any other kind of widget
      child_elem = child_elem->NextSiblingElement();

    if (widget->type == JI_VIEW) {
      bool maxsize = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "maxsize");
      if (maxsize)

  return widget;
Esempio n. 6
const std::vector<Field*> Sudoku::getGridElements(const Field* refField) const
	Grid* grid = (Grid*) refField->belongsTo;
	return grid->getGridElements();
Esempio n. 7
MAD::MAD(Grid **grid_) {

  ifc_polygon = NULL;
  river_polygon = NULL;
  ascii_grids = NULL;
  spp_polygon = NULL;

  PetscReal mx = 1.;
  PetscReal my = 1.;
  PetscReal mz = 1.;

  PetscInt nx, ny, nz;

  char filename[1024];
  PetscBool option_found;

  FileIO *file = new FileIO(filename);
  delete file;

  PetscReal dx;
  PetscReal dy;
  PetscReal dz;// */

  PetscReal len_x = 120.;
  PetscReal len_y = 122;
  PetscReal len_z = 60.;

  dx = len_x/(PetscReal)nx;
  dy = len_y/(PetscReal)ny;
  dz = len_z/(PetscReal)nz;

  PetscInt n = nx*ny*nz;

  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"nx = %d, dx = %f, lenx = %f\n",nx,dx,nx*dx);
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"ny = %d, dy = %f, leny = %f\n",ny,dy,ny*dy);
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"nz = %d, dz = %f, lenz = %f\n",nz,dz,nz*dz);
  *grid_ = new Grid(nx,ny,nz);
  Grid *grid = *grid_;

// grid spacing with a bias
#if 0
  PetscReal sum_x = 0.;
  PetscReal sum_y = 0.;
  dx = 0.8470329472543
  PetscReal *dx_array = new double[nx];
  PetscReal *dy_array = new double[ny];
  PetscReal *dz_array = new double[nz];
  for (int i=0; i<nx; i++)
    dx_array[i] = 10.;
  for (int i=0; i<ny; i++)
    dy_array[i] = 10.;
  for (int i=0; i<nz; i++)
    dz_array[i] = 0.25;

  for (int i=11; i<19; i++) {
    dx_array[i] = 10.*pow(1.30242241518419,(double)(10-i));
    sum_x += dx_array[i];

  for (int i=19; i<89; i++) {
    dx_array[i] = 1.;
    sum_x += dx_array[i];

  for (int i=89; i<97; i++) {
    dx_array[i] = 10.*pow(1.30242241518419,(double)(i-97));
    sum_x += dx_array[i];

  for (int i=97; i<9; i++) {
    dy_array[110+i] = 10.*pow(1.353088,i+1.);
    dy_array[9-i] = 10.*pow(1.353088,i+1.);
    sum_y += dy_array[9-i];

//  grid->setOrigin(593618.9,114565.1,70.);
  grid->setRotation(34.); // must come before ->setOrigin()

//  grid->computeCoordinates();
//  grid->computeConnectivity();

  ifc_polygon = new Polygon();

#if 0
  char ascii_filename[1024];
  AsciiGrid **ascii_grid = new AsciiGrid*[2];
  ascii_grid[0] = new AsciiGrid(ascii_filename);
  ascii_grid[1] = new AsciiGrid("default",2,2,-1.e10,-1.e10,1.e10,-9999.,

  AsciiGrid::nasciigrids = 6;
  string *grid_filenames = new string[AsciiGrid::nasciigrids];
#if 0

  ascii_grids = new AsciiGrid*[AsciiGrid::nasciigrids];
  for (PetscInt i=0; i<AsciiGrid::nasciigrids; i++) {
    char filename[32];
    ascii_grids[i] = new AsciiGrid(filename);

  PetscInt mod = grid->num_cells_ghosted/10;
  for (PetscInt i=0; i<grid->num_cells_ghosted; i++) {
    PetscInt material_id = 0;
    PetscReal x = grid->cells[i].getX();
    PetscReal y = grid->cells[i].getY();
    PetscReal z = grid->cells[i].getZ();
    for (PetscInt ilayer=0; ilayer<AsciiGrid::nasciigrids; ilayer++) {
      PetscReal zlayer = ascii_grids[ilayer]->computeElevationFromCoordinate(x,y);
      if (zlayer > ascii_grids[ilayer]->nodata && zlayer >= z) {
        material_id = ascii_grids[ilayer]->getMaterialId();
    if (material_id == 0) grid->cells[i].setActive(0);
    if (river_polygon) {
      if (!river_polygon->pointInPolygon(x,y)) {
    if (i%mod == 0) {
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%d of %d cells mapped with materials and activity.\n",



#if 0


#if 0
  BoundarySet *river = grid->getBoundarySet("East");
  BoundarySet *west = grid->getBoundarySet("West");
  BoundarySet *north = grid->getBoundarySet("North");
  BoundarySet *south = grid->getBoundarySet("South");
  BoundarySet *recharge = grid->getBoundarySet("Top");

  Condition *new_condition = new Condition("river.bc");
  river->condition = new_condition;
  new_condition = new Condition("west.bc");
  west->condition = new_condition;
  new_condition = new Condition("recharge.bc");
  recharge->condition = new_condition;
  new_condition = NULL;

void TimestepSchemeStrang::Step(
	bool fFirstStep,
	bool fLastStep,
	const Time & time,
	double dDeltaT
) {
	// Get a copy of the grid
	Grid * pGrid = m_model.GetGrid();

	// Get a copy of the HorizontalDynamics
	HorizontalDynamics * pHorizontalDynamics =

	// Get a copy of the VerticalDynamics
	VerticalDynamics * pVerticalDynamics =

	// Half a time step
	double dHalfDeltaT = 0.5 * dDeltaT;

	// Vertical timestep
	if (fFirstStep) {
		pVerticalDynamics->StepImplicit(0, 0, time, dHalfDeltaT);

	} else {
		pGrid->LinearCombineData(m_dCarryoverCombination, 0, DataType_State);

	// Forward Euler
	if (m_eExplicitDiscretization == ForwardEuler) {
		pGrid->CopyData(0, 4, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(0, 4, time, dDeltaT);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(0, 4, time, dDeltaT);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(4, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(4, DataType_Tracers);

	// Explicit fourth-order Runge-Kutta
	} else if (m_eExplicitDiscretization == RungeKutta4) {
		pGrid->CopyData(0, 1, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(0, 1, time, dHalfDeltaT);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(0, 1, time, dHalfDeltaT);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(1, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(1, DataType_Tracers);

		pGrid->CopyData(0, 2, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(1, 2, time, dHalfDeltaT);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(1, 2, time, dHalfDeltaT);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(2, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(2, DataType_Tracers);

		pGrid->CopyData(0, 3, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(2, 3, time, dDeltaT);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(2, 3, time, dDeltaT);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(3, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(3, DataType_Tracers);

		pGrid->LinearCombineData(m_dRK4Combination, 4, DataType_State);

		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(3, 4, time, dDeltaT / 6.0);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(3, 4, time, dDeltaT / 6.0);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(4, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(4, DataType_Tracers);

	// Explicit strong stability preserving third-order Runge-Kutta
	} else if (m_eExplicitDiscretization == RungeKuttaSSP3) {

		pGrid->CopyData(0, 1, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(0, 1, time, dDeltaT);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(0, 1, time, dDeltaT);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(1, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(1, DataType_Tracers);

		pGrid->LinearCombineData(m_dSSPRK3CombinationA, 2, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(1, 2, time, 0.25 * dDeltaT);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(1, 2, time, 0.25 * dDeltaT);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(2, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(2, DataType_Tracers);

		pGrid->LinearCombineData(m_dSSPRK3CombinationB, 4, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(2, 4, time, (2.0/3.0) * dDeltaT);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(2, 4, time, (2.0/3.0) * dDeltaT);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(4, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(4, DataType_Tracers);

	// Explicit Kinnmark, Gray and Ullrich third-order five-stage Runge-Kutta
	} else if (m_eExplicitDiscretization == KinnmarkGrayUllrich35) {

		pGrid->CopyData(0, 1, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(0, 1, time, dDeltaT / 5.0);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(0, 1, time, dDeltaT / 5.0);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(1, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(1, DataType_Tracers);

		pGrid->CopyData(0, 2, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(1, 2, time, dDeltaT / 5.0);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(1, 2, time, dDeltaT / 5.0);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(2, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(2, DataType_Tracers);

		pGrid->CopyData(0, 3, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(2, 3, time, dDeltaT / 3.0);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(2, 3, time, dDeltaT / 3.0);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(3, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(3, DataType_Tracers);

		pGrid->CopyData(0, 2, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(3, 2, time, 2.0 * dDeltaT / 3.0);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(3, 2, time, 2.0 * dDeltaT / 3.0);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(2, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(2, DataType_Tracers);

			m_dKinnmarkGrayUllrichCombination, 4, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(2, 4, time, 3.0 * dDeltaT / 4.0);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(2, 4, time, 3.0 * dDeltaT / 4.0);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(4, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(4, DataType_Tracers);

	// Explicit strong stability preserving five-stage third-order Runge-Kutta
	} else if (m_eExplicitDiscretization == RungeKuttaSSPRK53) {

		const double dStepOne = 0.377268915331368;

		pGrid->CopyData(0, 1, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(0, 1, time, dStepOne * dDeltaT);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(0, 1, time, dStepOne * dDeltaT);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(1, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(1, DataType_Tracers);

		pGrid->CopyData(1, 2, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(1, 2, time, dStepOne * dDeltaT);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(1, 2, time, dStepOne * dDeltaT);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(2, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(2, DataType_Tracers);

		const double dStepThree = 0.242995220537396;

		pGrid->LinearCombineData(m_dSSPRK53CombinationA, 3, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(2, 3, time, dStepThree * dDeltaT);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(2, 3, time, dStepThree * dDeltaT);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(3, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(3, DataType_Tracers);

		const double dStepFour = 0.238458932846290;

		pGrid->LinearCombineData(m_dSSPRK53CombinationB, 0, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(3, 0, time, dStepFour * dDeltaT);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(3, 0, time, dStepFour * dDeltaT);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(0, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(0, DataType_Tracers);

		const double dStepFive = 0.287632146308408;

		pGrid->LinearCombineData(m_dSSPRK53CombinationC, 4, DataType_State);
		pHorizontalDynamics->StepExplicit(0, 4, time, dStepFive * dDeltaT);
		pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(0, 4, time, dStepFive * dDeltaT);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(4, DataType_State);
		pGrid->PostProcessSubstage(4, DataType_Tracers);

	// Invalid explicit discretization
	} else {
		_EXCEPTIONT("Invalid explicit discretization");

	// Apply hyperdiffusion
	pGrid->CopyData(4, 1, DataType_State);
	pHorizontalDynamics->StepAfterSubCycle(4, 1, 2, time, dDeltaT);

	// Vertical timestep
	double dOffCenterDeltaT = 0.5 * (1.0 + m_dOffCentering) * dDeltaT;

	pGrid->CopyData(1, 0, DataType_State);
	pVerticalDynamics->StepImplicit(0, 0, time, dOffCenterDeltaT);

	pGrid->LinearCombineData(m_dOffCenteringCombination, 0, DataType_State);

	if (!fLastStep) {
		pGrid->LinearCombineData(m_dCarryoverFinal, 1, DataType_State);

	//pGrid->CopyData(0, 1, DataType_State);
	//pVerticalDynamics->StepExplicit(0, 1, time, dDeltaT);
	//pVerticalDynamics->StepImplicit(0, 0, time, dDeltaT);
	if (0) {
	//if (fLastStep) {
		DataVector<double> dDifference;
		dDifference[0] = -1.0;
		dDifference[1] = 1.0;
		pGrid->LinearCombineData(dDifference, 0, DataType_State);
	} else {
		pGrid->CopyData(4, 0, DataType_State);
Esempio n. 9
 * hex-constraints.exe [TreeSearch arguments] --rules [file]
 * Load the rules from the given file (possibly with values?) and use that to generate
 * all of the constraints for the linear program.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	// TODO: Make grid and conf be changeable by arguments?
	int grid_type = HEXAGONAL_GRID;
	bool blowup = false; // do blowup?
	bool tblowup = false; // do tight blowup?
	bool tbt  = false;
	bool tt  = false;
	bool ttt  = false;
	bool dual = false; // do dual? (after blowup, maybe?)

	for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--hexagonal")== 0)
			grid_type = HEXAGONAL_GRID;
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--hexnorot")== 0)
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--square")== 0)
			grid_type = SQUARE_GRID;
		}if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--triangular")== 0)
			grid_type = TRIANGULAR_GRID;
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--identifying")== 0)
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--dominating")== 0)
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--locating")== 0)
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--strongidentifying")== 0)
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--openneighborhood")== 0)
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--neighbor")== 0)
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--tblowup")== 0)
			tblowup = true;
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--blowup")== 0)
			blowup = true;
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--dual")== 0)
			dual = true;
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--tdt")== 0)
			tbt = true;
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--tt")== 0)
			tt = true;
		if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--ttt")== 0)
			ttt = true;

	Grid* grid = 0;

	switch ( grid_type )
			grid =  new HexagonalGrid(12);
			grid =  new HexagonalGridNoRotate(12);
			grid =  new SquareGrid(12);
			grid =  new TriangularGrid(12);
	if ( blowup )
		Grid* oldgrid = grid;
		grid = oldgrid->getBlowup();
		delete oldgrid;

	if ( tblowup )
		Grid* oldgrid = grid;
		grid = oldgrid->getTightBlowup();
		delete oldgrid;

	if ( dual )
		Grid* oldgrid = grid;
		grid = oldgrid->getDual();
		delete oldgrid;

	if ( tbt )
		Grid* oldgrid = grid;
		grid = oldgrid->getTightBlowup();
		delete oldgrid;

		oldgrid = grid;
		grid = oldgrid->getDual();
		delete oldgrid;
		oldgrid = grid;
		grid = oldgrid->getTightBlowup();
		delete oldgrid;
	if ( tt )
		Grid* oldgrid = grid;
		grid = oldgrid->getTightBlowup();
		delete oldgrid;

		oldgrid = grid;
		grid = oldgrid->getTightBlowup();
		delete oldgrid;

	if ( ttt )
		Grid* oldgrid = grid;
		grid = oldgrid->getTightBlowup();
		delete oldgrid;

		oldgrid = grid;
		grid = oldgrid->getTightBlowup();
		delete oldgrid;

		oldgrid = grid;
		grid = oldgrid->getTightBlowup();
		delete oldgrid;

	Configuration* conf = new IdentifyingCodeConfiguration(grid, mode);

	LinearProgram* lp = new LinearProgram();

	ConstraintGenerator* generator = new ConstraintGenerator(grid, conf, lp);

	generator->importArguments(argc, argv);


	delete generator;
	delete conf;
	delete grid;
	delete lp;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 10
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(ExposedModelGUITestCase, ExposedModelFixture)
   model::Viewer viewer;
   viewer.height = 500;
   viewer.width = 500;
   model.addElement("viewer", viewer);
   model.addElement<bool>("myTab", false);
      model.addElement<bool>("myBool", false);
   model.addElement<std::string>("myVal", "THIS WORKS!");

   const char* restrictions[] = {"select1", "select2", "select3", "select4"};
   model.addElementWithRestriction<std::string>("myVal2", "select1",
                                                       &restrictions[0], &restrictions[4]);

   model.addConstrainedElement<int>("myIntBA", 5,0, 900);
   model.addConstrainedElement<double>("myDouble", 10., 0., 11.);
   model.addElement<bool>("myButton", false);

   using namespace model::gui;
   TabLayout* root = new TabLayout();
   HorizontalLayout *superLayout = new HorizontalLayout();

   Grid *mainGrid = new Grid(10, 1);
   Tab *mainTab = new Tab("myTab");

   // Used to hold our two input fields.

   // Simple Label-input-layout
   Grid *input1Grid = new Grid(3,2);
   mainGrid->setChild(0,0, input1Grid);
   input1Grid->setChild(0, 0, new Label("myVal"));
   input1Grid->setChild(0, 1, new TextInput("myVal"));

   input1Grid->setChild(1,0, new Label("myVal2"));
   input1Grid->setChild(1,1, new ComboBox("myVal2"));

   input1Grid->setChild(2,0, new Label("myVal2"));
   input1Grid->setChild(2,1, new RadioButtons("myVal2"));

   mainGrid->setChild(1, 0, new SpinBox("myIntBA"));
   mainGrid->setChild(2, 0, new TextInput("myIntBA"));
   mainGrid->setChild(3, 0, new CheckBox("myTab"));
   mainGrid->setChild(4, 0, new CheckBox("myTab"));
   mainGrid->setChild(5, 0, new Button("myButton"));
   mainGrid->setChild(6, 0, new HorizontalSlider("myIntBA"));
   mainGrid->setChild(8,0, new DoubleSpinBox("myDouble"));
   mainGrid->setChild(9, 0, new CheckBox("myBool"));

   ElementGroup* elemGroup = new ElementGroup("myTab", false);

   elemGroup->setChild(new TextInput("myVal"));
   mainGrid->setChild(7, 0, elemGroup);

   Grid* canvasGrid = new Grid(2,1);
   Canvas *canvas = new Canvas("viewer");

   canvasGrid->setChild(0,0, canvas);
   VerticalLayout* verticalLayout = new VerticalLayout;
   verticalLayout->setVisibilityKey( "myBool" );

   canvasGrid->setChild(1,0, verticalLayout);

   model.setGUILayout(root, DESKTOP);

   std::vector<model::StateSchemaElement> elements;
Esempio n. 11
void TestCholeskyMod
( bool testCorrectness, bool print, UpperOrLower uplo, Int m, Int n, 
  Base<F> alpha, const Grid& g )
    DistMatrix<F> T(g), A(g);
    HermitianUniformSpectrum( T, m, 1e-9, 10 );
    if( testCorrectness )
        if( g.Rank() == 0 )
            cout << "  Making copy of original matrix...";
        A = T;
        if( g.Rank() == 0 )
            cout << "DONE" << endl;
    if( print )
        Print( T, "A" );

    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "  Starting Cholesky factorization...";
    double startTime = mpi::Time();
    Cholesky( uplo, T );
    double runTime = mpi::Time() - startTime;
    double realGFlops = 1./3.*Pow(double(m),3.)/(1.e9*runTime);
    double gFlops = ( IsComplex<F>::val ? 4*realGFlops : realGFlops );
    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "DONE\n"
             << "  Time = " << runTime << " seconds. GFlops = " 
             << gFlops << endl;
    MakeTrapezoidal( uplo, T );
    if( print )
        Print( T, "Cholesky factor" );

    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "  Generating random update vectors...";
    DistMatrix<F> V(g), VMod(g);
    Uniform( V, m, n );
    Scale( F(1)/Sqrt(F(m)*F(n)), V );
    VMod = V;
    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "DONE" << endl;
    if( print )
        Print( V, "V" );

    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "  Starting Cholesky modification...";
    startTime = mpi::Time();
    CholeskyMod( uplo, T, alpha, VMod );
    runTime = mpi::Time() - startTime;
    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "DONE\n"
             << "  Time = " << runTime << " seconds." << endl;
    if( print )
        Print( T, "Modified Cholesky factor" );

    if( testCorrectness )
        TestCorrectness( uplo, T, alpha, V, A );
Esempio n. 12
  void dump_grid(const Grid & grid, FILE * stream)
    dump_grid_range(grid, grid.GetXBegin(), grid.GetYBegin(),
		    grid.GetXEnd() - 1, grid.GetYEnd() - 1,
Esempio n. 13
			T set_incident_angle(const T &theta) const
				T n = round(sin(theta)/(lens.lambda*grid.dg_min()));
				return (isZero(theta))?0:asin(n*lens.lambda*grid.dg_min());
void createSolidMaze(Grid& maze, int row, int column)
	SFCOORD curTile = { column, row };
	stack<SFCOORD> tileList;

	while (!tileList.empty())

		vector<int> moves;
		neighborsSF(maze, curTile, moves);

		if (!moves.empty())
			SFCOORD temp;
			switch (moves[0])
			case 1: // Down
				temp.x = curTile.x;
				temp.y = curTile.y - 2;

				maze.getTile(curTile.y - 1, curTile.x)->setWall(false);
				maze.getTile(curTile.y - 2, curTile.x)->setWall(false);

				//cout << maze.getTile(row - 1, column)->isWall();
				//cout << maze.getTile(row - 2, column)->isWall();
				curTile = temp;


			case 2: // Up
				temp.x = curTile.x;
				temp.y = curTile.y + 2;

				maze.getTile(curTile.y + 1, curTile.x)->setWall(false);
				maze.getTile(curTile.y + 2, curTile.x)->setWall(false);
				curTile = temp;


			case 3: // Left
				temp.x = curTile.x - 2;
				temp.y = curTile.y;

				maze.getTile(curTile.y, curTile.x - 1)->setWall(false);
				maze.getTile(curTile.y, curTile.x - 2)->setWall(false);
				curTile = temp;


			case 4: // Right 			
				temp.x = curTile.x + 2;
				temp.y = curTile.y;

				maze.getTile(curTile.y, curTile.x + 1)->setWall(false);
				maze.getTile(curTile.y, curTile.x + 2)->setWall(false);
				curTile = temp;

			curTile =;
Esempio n. 15
void MyStrategy::move(const Car& self, const World& world, const Game& game, Move& move) {
    if (!inited) {
        inited = true;

        gr = ToGrid(world.getTilesXY());
        gr = gr.Transposed();
        ::grid << gr;
        for (auto& w : world.getWaypoints()) {
            tiles << "col: " << w[0] << " row: " << w[1] << endl;
            waypoints.emplace_back(w[1], w[0]);
        auto is_neighbor = [&](const Position& p, grid::Direction d) {
            return neighbors[static_cast<int>(gr[p])][d];
        // shouldn't use grid at all here... or push values inside is_neighbor
        // but there maybe some cool logic
        BFS<TileType, decltype(is_neighbor)> bfs;
        bfs.Init(gr, is_neighbor);

        bfs.FindShortestPaths({14,2}, {13,13});

        for (int i = 0; i < world.getWaypoints().size(); ++i) {
            int i_next = (i+1) % world.getWaypoints().size();
            auto res = bfs.FindShortestPaths(waypoints[i], waypoints[i_next]);
            ways << waypoints[i] << "; " << waypoints[i_next] << endl;
            for (auto r : res) {
                for (auto p : r) {
                    ways << p << "; ";
                ways << endl;
            ways << endl;


    Position next_tile{self.getNextWaypointY(), self.getNextWaypointX()};

    Point target;
    target.x = (next_tile.col + 0.5) * game.getTrackTileSize();
    target.y = (next_tile.row + 0.5) * game.getTrackTileSize();
//   if (next_tile.ManhattanDistance(currentTile(self)) <= 2) {
    switch (world.getTilesXY()[next_tile.col][next_tile.row]) {
        target.x += game.getTrackTileSize()/2 - game.getTrackTileMargin() - self.getWidth()/3;
        target.y += game.getTrackTileSize()/2 - game.getTrackTileMargin() - self.getWidth()/3;
//            nextWaypointX += cornerTileOffset;
//            nextWaypointY += cornerTileOffset;
        target.x -= (game.getTrackTileSize()/2 - game.getTrackTileMargin()  - self.getWidth()/3);
        target.y += game.getTrackTileSize()/2 - game.getTrackTileMargin() - self.getWidth()/3;

//            nextWaypointX -= cornerTileOffset;
//            nextWaypointY += cornerTileOffset;
        target.x += game.getTrackTileSize()/2 - game.getTrackTileMargin() - self.getWidth()/3;
        target.y -= (game.getTrackTileSize()/2 - game.getTrackTileMargin() - self.getWidth()/3);

//            nextWaypointX += cornerTileOffset;
//            nextWaypointY -= cornerTileOffset;
        target.x -= (game.getTrackTileSize()/2 - game.getTrackTileMargin() - self.getWidth()/3);
        target.y -= (game.getTrackTileSize()/2 - game.getTrackTileMargin() - self.getWidth()/3);

//            nextWaypointX -= cornerTileOffset;
//            nextWaypointY -= cornerTileOffset;
    case RIGHT_HEADED_T:
    case LEFT_HEADED_T:
    case TOP_HEADED_T:
    case CROSSROADS:
//   }
    double angleToWaypoint = self.getAngleTo(target.x, target.y);
    double speedModule = hypot(self.getSpeedX(), self.getSpeedY());

    move.setWheelTurn(angleToWaypoint * 100. / PI);

    if (speedModule != prevSpeed) {
        stats << speedModule << endl;
    prevSpeed = speedModule;
    if (speedModule * speedModule * abs(angleToWaypoint) > 2.5 * 2.5 * PI || speedModule > 30 ) {
Esempio n. 16
void GaussSeidelRB::Compute(Grid& sol, Grid& rhs)
  const Stencil& mat = MG::GetDiscretization()->GetStencil();
  const vmg_float prefactor_inv = 1.0 / MG::GetDiscretization()->OperatorPrefactor(sol);
  const vmg_float diag_inv = 1.0 / mat.GetDiag();
  const int off = rhs.Global().LocalBegin().Sum() - rhs.Local().HaloSize1().Sum();
  const LocalIndices& local = rhs.Local();
  Comm& comm = *MG::GetComm();

   * Compute first halfstep

  // Start asynchronous communication

  // Smooth part not depending on ghost cells
  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 local.Begin()+1, local.End()-1,
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off+1);

  // Finish asynchronous communication

   * Smooth near boundary cells

  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 Index(local.Begin().X()+1, local.End().Y(), local.End().Z()),
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off+1);

  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 Index(local.End().X()-1, local.Begin().Y(), local.Begin().Z()),
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off+1);

  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 Index(local.Begin().X()+1, local.Begin().Y(), local.Begin().Z()),
		 Index(local.End().X()-1, local.Begin().Y()+1, local.End().Z()),
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off+1);

  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 Index(local.Begin().X()+1, local.End().Y()-1, local.Begin().Z()),
		 Index(local.End().X()-1, local.End().Y(), local.End().Z()),
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off+1);

  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 Index(local.Begin().X()+1, local.Begin().Y()+1, local.Begin().Z()),
		 Index(local.End().X()-1, local.End().Y()-1, local.Begin().Z()+1),
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off+1);

  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 Index(local.Begin().X()+1, local.Begin().Y()+1, local.End().Z()-1),
		 Index(local.End().X()-1, local.End().Y()-1, local.End().Z()),
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off+1);

   * Compute second halfstep

  // Start asynchronous communication

  // Smooth part not depending on ghost cells
  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 local.Begin()+1, local.End()-1,
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off);

  // Finish asynchronous communication

   * Smooth near boundary cells

  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 Index(local.Begin().X()+1, local.End().Y(), local.End().Z()),
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off);

  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 Index(local.End().X()-1, local.Begin().Y(), local.Begin().Z()),
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off);

  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 Index(local.Begin().X()+1, local.Begin().Y(), local.Begin().Z()),
		 Index(local.End().X()-1, local.Begin().Y()+1, local.End().Z()),
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off);

  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 Index(local.Begin().X()+1, local.End().Y()-1, local.Begin().Z()),
		 Index(local.End().X()-1, local.End().Y(), local.End().Z()),
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off);

  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 Index(local.Begin().X()+1, local.Begin().Y()+1, local.Begin().Z()),
		 Index(local.End().X()-1, local.End().Y()-1, local.Begin().Z()+1),
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off);

  ComputePartial(sol, rhs, mat,
		 Index(local.Begin().X()+1, local.Begin().Y()+1, local.End().Z()-1),
		 Index(local.End().X()-1, local.End().Y()-1, local.End().Z()),
		 prefactor_inv, diag_inv, off);
Esempio n. 17
void TestCholesky
( bool testCorrectness, bool pivot, bool unblocked, bool print, bool printDiag,
  UpperOrLower uplo, Int m, const Grid& g )
    DistMatrix<F> A(g), AOrig(g);
    DistMatrix<Int,UPerm,STAR> pPerm(g);

    HermitianUniformSpectrum( A, m, 1e-9, 10 );
    if( testCorrectness )
        if( g.Rank() == 0 )
            cout << "  Making copy of original matrix...";
        AOrig = A;
        if( g.Rank() == 0 )
            cout << "DONE" << endl;
    if( print )
        Print( A, "A" );

    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "  Starting Cholesky factorization...";
    mpi::Barrier( g.Comm() );
    const double startTime = mpi::Time();
    if( pivot )
        if( unblocked )
            if( uplo == LOWER )
                cholesky::LUnblockedPivoted( A, pPerm );
                cholesky::UUnblockedPivoted( A, pPerm );
            Cholesky( uplo, A, pPerm );
        Cholesky( uplo, A );
    mpi::Barrier( g.Comm() );
    const double runTime = mpi::Time() - startTime;
    const double realGFlops = 1./3.*Pow(double(m),3.)/(1.e9*runTime);
    const double gFlops = ( IsComplex<F>::val ? 4*realGFlops : realGFlops );
    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "DONE.\n"
             << "  Time = " << runTime << " seconds. GFlops = " 
             << gFlops << endl;
    if( print )
        Print( A, "A after factorization" );
        if( pivot )
            Print( pPerm, "pPerm" );
    if( printDiag )
        Print( A.GetRealPartOfDiagonal(), "diag(A)" );
    if( testCorrectness )
        TestCorrectness( pivot, uplo, A, pPerm, AOrig );
Esempio n. 18
void Turn(Player & player1, Grid & newgrid, Playerslist & list, ofstream &fout, int turn = -1, int p = 0)
    if(player1.alive == false)
        cout << player1.Getname() << " is dead." << endl;
    char player_type = player1.Get_type();
    int AP = 5;
    string verb, noun, s;
    cout << endl << endl << player1.Getname();
    switch (player_type)
        case 's': cout << "(me)" << endl; break;
        case 'f': cout << "(friend)" << endl; break;
        case 'e': cout << "(enemy)" << endl; break;
        default: cout << "invalid playertype" << endl; break;
    cout << "Turn " << turn << endl << endl;

        string Result;                 
        ostringstream convert; 
        convert << turn;
        Result = convert.str();
        fstream f2in;
        fstream f3in;"/Users/laria/Documents/c++/rpg/rpg/f" + Result + ".txt");"/Users/laria/Documents/c++/rpg/rpg/e" + Result + ".txt");
    while(AP > 0)
        if(newgrid.Search_Inv(player1.Getname(), player1.Get_x(), player1.Get_y()) == false)
            newgrid.Add_Inv(player1, player1.Get_x(), player1.Get_y());
        cout << endl;
        if(player_type == 's')
            newgrid.Describe_inv(player1.Get_x(), player1.Get_y());
        //cout << list.Get("player3").alive;

        if(AP < 1)
        if(player_type == 's')
            cout << "Action points: " << AP << endl;
        if (player_type == 's')
            getline(cin, s, '\n');
            fout << s;
            fstream fin;
        else if (p == 2)
Esempio n. 19
void TestSyrk
( UpperOrLower uplo, Orientation orientation,
  Int m, Int k, T alpha, T beta, const Grid& g, bool print, bool correctness,
  Int colAlignA=0, Int rowAlignA=0, Int colAlignC=0, Int rowAlignC=0,
  bool contigA=true, bool contigC=true )
    DistMatrix<T> A(g), C(g);
    A.Align( colAlignA, rowAlignA );
    C.Align( colAlignC, rowAlignC );

    if( orientation == NORMAL )
        if( !contigA )
            A.Resize( m, k );
            A.Resize( m, k, 2*A.LDim() );
        Uniform( A, m, k );
        if( !contigA )
            A.Resize( k, m );
            A.Resize( k, m, 2*A.LDim() );
        Uniform( A, k, m );
    if( !contigC )
        C.Resize( m, m );
        C.Resize( m, m, 2*C.LDim() );
    Uniform( C, m, m );
    MakeTrapezoidal( uplo, C );
    auto COrig = C;
    if( print )
        Print( A, "A" );
        Print( C, "C" );

    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "  Starting Syrk...";
    mpi::Barrier( g.Comm() );
    const double startTime = mpi::Time();
    Syrk( uplo, orientation, alpha, A, beta, C );
    mpi::Barrier( g.Comm() );
    const double runTime = mpi::Time() - startTime;
    const double realGFlops = double(m)*double(m)*double(k)/(1.e9*runTime);
    const double gFlops = ( IsComplex<T>::value ? 4*realGFlops : realGFlops );
    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "DONE. " << endl
             << "  Time = " << runTime << " seconds. GFlops = " 
             << gFlops << endl;
    if( print )
        ostringstream msg;
        if( orientation == NORMAL )
            msg << "C := " << alpha << " A A' + " << beta << " C";
            msg << "C := " << alpha << " A' A + " << beta << " C";
        Print( C, msg.str() );

    if( correctness )
        ( uplo, orientation, alpha, A, beta, COrig, C, print );
Esempio n. 20
void init_geostat_stuff(char *argv[]){
Grilla 1 grande:

Nx,ny,nz: 20 x 30 x 12
Xmn,ymn,zmn: -180, -280, 6
Xsiz,ysiz,zsiz: 40 x 40 x 12

 Grilla 2 grande:

Nx,ny,nz: 40 x 60 x 12
Xmn,ymn,zmn: -190, -290, 6
Xsiz,ysiz,zsiz: 20 x 20 x 12

 Grilla 3 grande:

Nx,ny,nz: 80 x 120 x 12
Xmn,ymn,zmn: -195, -295, 6
Xsiz,ysiz,zsiz: 10 x 10 x 12

 Grilla 1chica:

Nx,ny,nz: 20 x 30 x 12
Xmn,ymn,zmn: 152.5, 227.5, 6
Xsiz,ysiz,zsiz: 5 x 5 x 12

 Grilla 2 chica:

Nx,ny,nz: 40 x 60 x 12
Xmn,ymn,zmn: 151.25, 226.25, 6
Xsiz,ysiz,zsiz: 2.5 x 2.5 x 12

 Grilla 3 chica:

Nx,ny,nz: 80 x 120 x 12
Xmn,ymn,zmn: 150.625, 225.625, 6
Xsiz,ysiz,zsiz: 1.25 x 1.25 x 12

	//Grid grid = Grid();
	grid = Grid();

	// Grilla 1 grande
	grid.nodes[0] = 20; 	// nx
	grid.nodes[1] = 30; 	// ny
	grid.nodes[2] = 12; 	// nz
	grid.start[0] = -180.0;	// xmn
	grid.start[1] = -280.0;	// ymn
	grid.start[2] = 6;	// zmn
	grid.size[0] = 40.0;	// xsiz
	grid.size[1] = 40.0;	// ysiz
	grid.size[2] = 12;	// zsiz
	////gridSize=7200, inputSize=2376, total=9576
	////gridSize=7200, inputSize=2327, total=9527  <- deleted_rows

	// Grilla 2 grande
	//grid.nodes[0] = 40; 	// nx
	//grid.nodes[1] = 60; 	// ny
	//grid.nodes[2] = 12; 	// nz
	//grid.start[0] = -190.0;	// xmn
	//grid.start[1] = -290.0;	// ymn
	//grid.start[2] = 6;	// zmn
	//grid.size[0] = 20.0;	// xsiz
	//grid.size[1] = 20.0;	// ysiz
	//grid.size[2] = 12;	// zsiz
	////gridSize=28800, inputSize=2376, total=31176

//	// Grilla 3 grande
//	grid.nodes[0] = 80; 	// nx
//	grid.nodes[1] = 120; 	// ny
//	grid.nodes[2] = 12; 	// nz
//	grid.start[0] = -195.0;	// xmn
//	grid.start[1] = -295.0;	// ymn
//	grid.start[2] = 6;	// zmn
//	grid.size[0] = 10.0;	// xsiz
//	grid.size[1] = 10.0;	// ysiz
//	grid.size[2] = 12;	// zsiz
//	//gridSize=115200, inputSize=2376, total=117576
//	//gridSize=115200, inputSize=2327, total=117527  nscore

	// Grilla 2 chica
	//grid.nodes[0] = 40; 	// nx
	//grid.nodes[1] = 60; 	// ny
	//grid.nodes[2] = 12; 	// nz
	//grid.start[0] = 151.25;	// xmn
	//grid.start[1] = 226.25;	// ymn
	//grid.start[2] = 6;	// zmn
	//grid.size[0] = 2.5;	// xsiz
	//grid.size[1] = 2.5;	// ysiz
	//grid.size[2] = 12;	// zsiz
	////gridSize=28800, inputSize=2376, total=31176
	//gridSize=28800, inputSize=2327, total=31127  nscore

	// Grilla 3 chica
	//grid.nodes[0] = 80; 	// nx
	//grid.nodes[1] = 120; 	// ny
	//grid.nodes[2] = 12; 	// nz
	//grid.start[0] = 150.625;	// xmn
	//grid.start[1] = 225.625;	// ymn
	//grid.start[2] = 6;	// zmn
	//grid.size[0] = 1.25;	// xsiz
	//grid.size[1] = 1.25;	// ysiz
	//grid.size[2] = 12;	// zsiz
	////gridSize=115200, inputSize=2376, total=117576

	//VariographicModel vm = VariographicModel();
	vm = VariographicModel();
	vm.nuggetEffect = 0.1;
	st = new VariographicModelStructure();
	st->angle[0] = 0;
	st->angle[1] = 0;
	st->angle[2] = 0;
	st->range[0] = 100;
	st->range[1] = 100;
	st->range[2] = 100;
	st->sill = 0.9;
	st->type = VariographicModelStructure::SphericalModel;
	vm.size = 1;
	vm.structures = new VariographicModelStructure*[1];
	vm.structures[0] = st;
	//0.1 Pepa + 0.9 Esférico (100,100,100)

	//double **inputPoints;
	//double *inputValues;

	//int gridSize = grid.length();
	gridSize = grid.length();
	//int inputSize;
	char *inputFile = argv[1] ;//"/home/exequiel/workspace/PGSL-lib/data/muestras.dat";
	//char *outputFile = argv[2] ;//"/home/exequiel/Projects/alges/oscar_peredo/covamatrix-dense.txt";

	load(inputFile,&inputPoints,&inputValues,0,1,2,3,0,1e100, &inputSize);

	//FILE *fout = fopen(outputFile,"w");
	//FILE *fout = stdout;

	printf("gridSize=%d, inputSize=%d, total=%d\n",gridSize,inputSize,gridSize+inputSize);

	//double * pi;
	//double * pj;
	//double cmax;
	//double cova;
    	cmax = vm.nuggetEffect;
    	for (int i = 0; i < vm.size; i++) {
        	cmax += vm.structures[i]->sill;

Esempio n. 21
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    TimerList tm;

    tm["total"] = new Timer("[Main] Total runtime for this proc");
    tm["grid"] = new Timer("[Main] Grid generation");
    tm["stencils"] = new Timer("[Main] Stencil generation");
    tm["settings"] = new Timer("[Main] Load settings"); 
    tm["decompose"] = new Timer("[Main] Decompose domain"); 
    tm["consolidate"] = new Timer("[Main] Consolidate subdomain solutions"); 
    tm["updates"] = new Timer("[Main] Broadcast solution updates"); 
    tm["send"] = new Timer("[Main] Send subdomains to other processors (master only)"); 
    tm["receive"] = new Timer("[Main] Receive subdomain from master (clients only)"); 
    tm["timestep"] = new Timer("[Main] Advance One Timestep"); 
    tm["tests"] = new Timer("[Main] Test stencil weights"); 
    tm["weights"] = new Timer("[Main] Compute all stencils weights"); 
    tm["oneWeight"] = new Timer("[Main] Compute single stencil weights"); 
    tm["heat_init"] = new Timer("[Main] Initialize heat"); 
    // grid should only be valid instance for MASTER
    Grid* grid = NULL; 
    Domain* subdomain; 


    Communicator* comm_unit = new Communicator(argc, argv);

    cout << " Got Rank: " << comm_unit->getRank() << endl;
    cout << " Got Size: " << comm_unit->getSize() << endl;


    ProjectSettings* settings = new ProjectSettings(argc, argv, comm_unit->getRank());

    int dim = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("DIMENSION", ProjectSettings::required); 

    fillGlobalProjectSettings(dim, settings);

    int max_num_iters = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("MAX_NUM_ITERS", ProjectSettings::required); 
    double max_global_rel_error = settings->GetSettingAs<double>("MAX_GLOBAL_REL_ERROR", ProjectSettings::optional, "1e-1"); 
    double max_local_rel_error = settings->GetSettingAs<double>("MAX_LOCAL_REL_ERROR", ProjectSettings::optional, "1e-1"); 

    int use_gpu = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("USE_GPU", ProjectSettings::optional, "1"); 
    int local_sol_dump_frequency = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("LOCAL_SOL_DUMP_FREQUENCY", ProjectSettings::optional, "100"); 
    int global_sol_dump_frequency = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("GLOBAL_SOL_DUMP_FREQUENCY", ProjectSettings::optional, "200"); 

    int prompt_to_continue = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("PROMPT_TO_CONTINUE", ProjectSettings::optional, "0"); 
    int debug = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("DEBUG", ProjectSettings::optional, "0"); 

    double start_time = settings->GetSettingAs<double>("START_TIME", ProjectSettings::optional, "0.0"); 
    double end_time = settings->GetSettingAs<double>("END_TIME", ProjectSettings::optional, "1.0"); 
    double dt = settings->GetSettingAs<double>("DT", ProjectSettings::optional, "1e-5"); 
    int timescheme = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("TIME_SCHEME", ProjectSettings::optional, "1"); 
    int weight_method = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("WEIGHT_METHOD", ProjectSettings::optional, "1"); 
    int compute_eigenvalues = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("DERIVATIVE_EIGENVALUE_TEST", ProjectSettings::optional, "0");
    int use_eigen_dt = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("USE_EIGEN_DT", ProjectSettings::optional, "1");

    if (comm_unit->isMaster()) {

        int ns_nx = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("NS_NB_X", ProjectSettings::optional, "10"); 
        int ns_ny = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("NS_NB_Y", ProjectSettings::optional, "10");
        int ns_nz = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("NS_NB_Z", ProjectSettings::optional, "10");

        int stencil_size = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("STENCIL_SIZE", ProjectSettings::required); 


        grid = getGrid(dim);


        Grid::GridLoadErrType err = grid->loadFromFile(); 
        if (err == Grid::NO_GRID_FILES) 
            printf("************** Generating new Grid **************\n"); 
//            grid->setSortBoundaryNodes(true); 
        if ((err == Grid::NO_GRID_FILES) || (err == Grid::NO_STENCIL_FILES)) {
            std::cout << "Generating stencils files\n";
            grid->setNSHashDims(ns_nx, ns_ny, ns_nz);
//            grid->generateStencils(Grid::ST_BRUTE_FORCE);   
            // DEFINTELY: exact
            // MIGHT BE: approximate
//            grid->generateStencils(Grid::ST_HASH);   

        int x_subdivisions = comm_unit->getSize();		// reduce this to impact y dimension as well 
        int y_subdivisions = (comm_unit->getSize() - x_subdivisions) + 1; 

        // TODO: load subdomain from disk

        // Construct a new domain given a grid. 
        // TODO: avoid filling sets Q, B, etc; just think of it as a copy constructor for a grid
        Domain* original_domain = new Domain(dim, grid, comm_unit->getSize()); 
        // pre allocate pointers to all of the subdivisions
        std::vector<Domain*> subdomain_list(x_subdivisions*y_subdivisions);
        // allocate and fill in details on subdivisions

        std::cout << "Generating subdomains\n";
        original_domain->generateDecomposition(subdomain_list, x_subdivisions, y_subdivisions); 

        subdomain = subdomain_list[0]; 
        for (int i = 1; i < comm_unit->getSize(); i++) {
            std::cout << "Sending subdomain[" << i << "]\n";
            comm_unit->sendObject(subdomain_list[i], i); 

        printf("----------------------\nEND MASTER ONLY\n----------------------\n\n\n");

    } else {
        cout << "MPI RANK " << comm_unit->getRank() << ": waiting to receive subdomain"
            << endl;

        subdomain = new Domain(); // EMPTY object that will be filled by MPI
        comm_unit->receiveObject(subdomain, 0); // Receive from CPU (0)


    if (debug) {
        subdomain->printNodeList("All Centers Needed by This Process"); 

        printf("CHECKING STENCILS: ");
        for (int irbf = 0; irbf < (int)subdomain->getStencilsSize(); irbf++) {
            //  printf("Stencil[%d] = ", irbf);
            StencilType& s = subdomain->getStencil(irbf); 
            if (irbf == s[0]) {
                //	printf("PASS\n");
                //    subdomain->printStencil(s, "S"); 
            } else {
                printf("FAIL on stencil %d\n", irbf);

    RBFFD* der;
    if (use_gpu) {
        der = new RBFFD_CL(RBFFD::LAPL | RBFFD::X | RBFFD::Y | RBFFD::Z, subdomain, dim, comm_unit->getRank()); 
    } else {
        der = new RBFFD(RBFFD::LAPL | RBFFD::X | RBFFD::Y | RBFFD::Z, subdomain, dim, comm_unit->getRank()); 

    int use_var_eps = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("USE_VAR_EPSILON", ProjectSettings::optional, "0");
    if (use_var_eps) {
        double alpha = settings->GetSettingAs<double>("VAR_EPSILON_ALPHA", ProjectSettings::optional, "1.0"); 
        double beta = settings->GetSettingAs<double>("VAR_EPSILON_BETA", ProjectSettings::optional, "1.0"); 
        //der->setVariableEpsilon(subdomain->getStencilRadii(), subdomain->getStencils(), alpha, beta); 
        der->setVariableEpsilon(alpha, beta); 
    } else {
        double epsilon = settings->GetSettingAs<double>("EPSILON", ProjectSettings::required);

#if 0
    // Try loading all the weight files
    int err = der->loadFromFile(RBFFD::X); 
    err += der->loadFromFile(RBFFD::Y); 
    err += der->loadFromFile(RBFFD::Z); 
    err += der->loadFromFile(RBFFD::LAPL); 

    if (err) { 
        printf("start computing weights\n");

        // NOTE: good test for Direct vs Contour
        // Grid 11x11, vareps=0.05; Look at stencil 12. SHould have -100, 25,
        // 25, 25, 25 (i.e., -4,1,1,1,1) not sure why scaling is off.

        cout << "end computing weights" << endl;


        cout << "end write weights to file" << endl;

    if (settings->GetSettingAs<int>("RUN_DERIVATIVE_TESTS", ProjectSettings::optional, "1")) {
        bool weightsPreComputed = true; 
        bool exitIfTestFailed = settings->GetSettingAs<int>("BREAK_ON_DERIVATIVE_TESTS", ProjectSettings::optional, "1");
        // The test class only computes weights if they havent been done already
        DerivativeTests* der_test = new DerivativeTests(dim, der, subdomain, weightsPreComputed);
        if (use_gpu) {
            // Applies weights on both GPU and CPU and compares results for the first 10 stencils
        // Test approximations to derivatives of functions f(x,y,z) = 0, x, y, xy, etc. etc.
        // For now we can only test eigenvalues on an MPI size of 1 (we could distribute with Par-Eiegen solver)
        if (comm_unit->getSize() == 1) {
            if (compute_eigenvalues) 
                // FIXME: why does this happen? Perhaps because X Y and Z are unidirectional? 
                // Test X and 4 eigenvalues are > 0
                // Test Y and 30 are > 0
                // Test Z and 36 are > 0
                // NOTE: the 0 here implies we compute the eigenvalues but do not run the iterations of the random perturbation test
                der_test->testEigen(RBFFD::LAPL, 0);


    ExactSolution* exact = getExactSolution(dim); 

    TimeDependentPDE* pde; 
    // We need to provide comm_unit to pass ghost node info
#if 0
    if (use_gpu) {
        pde = new HeatPDE(subdomain, der, comm_unit, true); 
    } else 
        // Implies initial conditions are generated
        // true here indicates the weights are computed. 
        pde = new HeatPDE(subdomain, der, comm_unit, uniformDiffusion, true);
    pde->setStartEndTime(start_time, end_time);


    // Broadcast updates for timestep, initial conditions for ghost nodes, etc. 


    //TODO:    pde->setRelErrTol(max_global_rel_error); 

    // Setup a logging class that will monitor our iteration and dump intermediate files
    // TODO: update VtuPDEWriter for the new PDE classes
    PDEWriter* writer = new VtuPDEWriter(subdomain, pde, comm_unit, local_sol_dump_frequency, global_sol_dump_frequency);
    PDEWriter* writer = new PDEWriter(subdomain, pde, comm_unit, local_sol_dump_frequency, global_sol_dump_frequency);

    // Test DT: 
    // 1) get the minimum avg stencil radius (for stencil area--i.e., dx^2)
    double avgdx = 1000.;
    std::vector<StencilType>& sten = subdomain->getStencils();
    for (size_t i=0; i < sten.size(); i++) {
        double dx = subdomain->getStencilRadius(i);
        if (dx < avgdx) {
            avgdx = dx; 
    // Laplacian = d^2/dx^2
    double sten_area = avgdx*avgdx;
    // Not sure where Gordon came up with this parameter.
    // for second centered difference and euler time we have nu = 0.5
    double nu = 0.1;
    //          dt <= nu/dx^2 
    // is valid for stability in some FD schemes. 
    double max_dt = nu*(sten_area);
	printf("dt = %f (max_dt = %f; 0.5dx^2 = %f)\n", dt, max_dt, 0.5*sten_area);
    // This appears to be consistent with Chinchipatnam2006 (Thesis)
    // TODO: get more details on CFL for RBFFD
    // note: checking stability only works if we have all weights for all
    // nodes, so we dont do it in parallel
    if (compute_eigenvalues && (comm_unit->getSize() == 1)) {
        RBFFD::EigenvalueOutput eigs = der->getEigenvalues();
        max_dt = 2. / eigs.max_neg_eig;
        printf("Suggested max_dt based on eigenvalues (2/lambda_max)= %f\n", max_dt);
        // CFL condition:
        if (dt > max_dt) {
            std::cout << "WARNING! your choice of timestep (" << dt << ") is TOO LARGE for to maintain stability of system. According to eigenvalues, it must be less than " << max_dt << std::endl;
            if (use_eigen_dt) {
                dt = max_dt;
            } else {

    std::cout << "[MAIN] ********* USING TIMESTEP dt=" << dt << " ********** " << std::endl;

    //    subdomain->printCenterMemberships(subdomain->G, "G = " );
    //subdomain->printBoundaryIndices("INDICES OF GLOBAL BOUNDARY NODES: ");
    int iter;

    int num_iters = (int) ((end_time - start_time) / dt);
    std::cout << "NUM_ITERS = " << num_iters << std::endl;

    for (iter = 0; iter < num_iters && iter < max_num_iters; iter++) {

#if 0
        char label[256]; 
        sprintf(label, "LOCAL INPUT SOLUTION [local_indx (global_indx)] FOR ITERATION %d", iter); 

        pde->advance((TimeDependentPDE::TimeScheme)timescheme, dt);

        // This just double checks that all procs have ghost node info.
        // pde->advance(..) should broadcast intermediate updates as needed,
        // but updated solution. 

        if (!(iter % local_sol_dump_frequency)) {

            std::cout << "\n*********** Rank " << comm_unit->getRank() << " Local Solution [ Iteration: " << iter << " (t = " << pde->getTime() << ") ] *************" << endl;
            pde->checkLocalError(exact, max_local_rel_error); 
        if (!(iter % global_sol_dump_frequency)) {
            if (comm_unit->isMaster()) {
                std::cout << "\n*********** Global Solution [ Iteration: " << iter << " (t = " << pde->getTime() << ") ] *************" << endl;
                pde->checkGlobalError(exact, grid, max_global_rel_error); 
#if 0
        sprintf(label, "LOCAL UPDATED SOLUTION [local_indx (global_indx)] AFTER %d ITERATIONS", iter+1); 

        //        double nrm = pde->maxNorm();
        if (prompt_to_continue && comm_unit->isMaster()) {
            std::string buf; 
            cout << "Press [Enter] to continue" << std::endl;
#if 1
    printf("after heat\n");

    // NOTE: all local subdomains have a U_G solution which is consolidated
    // into the MASTER process "global_U_G" solution. 
    //    subdomain->writeGlobalSolutionToFile(-1); 
    std::cout << "Checking Solution on Master\n";
    if (comm_unit->getRank() == 0) {
        pde->writeGlobalGridAndSolutionToFile(grid->getNodeList(), (char*) "FINAL_SOLUTION.txt");
#if 0
        // NOTE: the final solution is assembled, but we have to use the 
        // GLOBAL node list instead of a local subdomain node list
        cout << "FINAL ITER: " << iter << endl;
        std::vector<double> final_sol(grid->getNodeListSize()); 
        ifstream fin;"FINAL_SOLUTION.txt"); 

        int count = 0; 
        for (int count = 0; count < final_sol.size(); count++) {
            Vec3 node; 
            double val;
            fin >> node[0] >> node[1] >> node[2] >> val;
            if (fin.good()) {
                final_sol[count] = val;
                // std::cout << "Read: " << node << ", " << final_sol[count] << std::endl; 
        std::cout << "============== Verifying Accuracy of Final Solution =============\n"; 
        pde->checkGlobalError(exact, grid, max_global_rel_error); 
        std::cout << "============== Solution Valid =============\n"; 

void phong( const Renderer& /*renderer*/, const Grid& grid, std::shared_ptr<Value> result, std::shared_ptr<Value> normal, std::shared_ptr<Value> view, std::shared_ptr<Value> power_value )
    REYES_ASSERT( result );
    REYES_ASSERT( normal );
    REYES_ASSERT( view );
    REYES_ASSERT( power_value );
    result->reset( TYPE_COLOR, STORAGE_VARYING, grid.size() );
    std::shared_ptr<Value> P = grid.find_value( "P" );
    REYES_ASSERT( P->type() == TYPE_POINT );
    REYES_ASSERT( P->storage() == STORAGE_VARYING );
    REYES_ASSERT( P->size() == result->size() );
    const vector<std::shared_ptr<Light> >& lights = grid.lights();
    for ( vector<std::shared_ptr<Light> >::const_iterator i = lights.begin(); i != lights.end(); ++i )
        Light* light = i->get();
        REYES_ASSERT( light );
        vec3* colors = result->vec3_values();
        const vec3* positions = P->vec3_values();
        const vec3* normals = normal->vec3_values();
        const vec3* views = view->vec3_values();
        const float power = power_value->float_value();
        const vec3* light_colors = light->color()->vec3_values();
        const int size = result->size();

        switch ( light->type() )
            case LIGHT_SOLAR_AXIS:
            case LIGHT_SOLAR_AXIS_ANGLE:
                const vec3& light_direction = -light->position();
                if ( light->angle() == 0.0f )
                    const vec3 L = normalize( light_direction );
                    for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
                        const vec3 N = normalize( normals[i] );
                        if ( dot(N, L) >= 0.0f )
                            const vec3& Cl = light_colors[i];
                            const vec3& V = views[i];
                            const vec3 R = -V - 2.0f * dot(-V, N) * N;
                            colors[i] += Cl * powf( max(0.0f, dot(R, L)), power );
                    const vec3 L = normalize( light_direction );
                    const vec3& light_axis = light->axis();
                    const float light_angle_cosine = cosf( light->angle() );                    
                    for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
                        const vec3 N = normalize( normals[i] );
                        if ( dot(N, L) >= 0.0f && dot(light_axis, -N) >= light_angle_cosine )
                            const vec3& Cl = light_colors[i];
                            const vec3& V = views[i];
                            const vec3 R = -V - 2.0f * dot(-V, N) * N;
                            colors[i] += Cl * powf( max(0.0f, dot(R, L)), power );
            case LIGHT_ILLUMINATE:  
                const vec3& light_position = light->position();
                for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
                    const vec3 L = normalize( light_position - positions[i] );
                    const vec3 N = normalize( normals[i] );
                    if ( dot(N, L) >= 0.0f )
                        const vec3& Cl = light_colors[i];
                        const vec3& V = views[i];
                        const vec3 R = -V - 2.0f * dot(-V, N) * N;
                        colors[i] += Cl * powf( max(0.0f, dot(R, L)), power );
                const vec3& light_position = light->position();
                const vec3& light_axis = light->axis();
                const float light_angle_cosine = cosf( light->angle() );
                for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
                    const vec3 L = normalize( light_position - positions[i] );
                    const vec3 N = normalize( normals[i] );
                    if ( dot(N, L) >= 0.0f && dot(light_axis, -L) >= light_angle_cosine )
                        const vec3& Cl = light_colors[i];
                        const vec3& V = views[i];
                        const vec3 R = -V - 2.0f * dot(-V, N) * N;
                        colors[i] += Cl * powf( max(0.0f, dot(R, L)), power );
Esempio n. 23
main(int argc, char** argv)
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);
    osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->setMinimumNumStencilBits( 8 );

    osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);

    // load the .earth file from the command line.
    osg::Node* earthNode = MapNodeHelper().load( arguments, &viewer );
    if (!earthNode)
        OE_NOTICE << "Unable to load earth model." << std::endl;
        return 1;

    MapNode* mapNode = MapNode::findMapNode( earthNode );
    if ( !mapNode )
        OE_NOTICE << "Input file was not a .earth file" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    earthNode->setNodeMask( 0x1 );
    osgEarth::Util::EarthManipulator* earthManip = new EarthManipulator();
    viewer.setCameraManipulator( earthManip );

    osg::Group* root = new osg::Group();
    root->addChild( earthNode );

    //Create the MeasureToolHandler
    MeasureToolHandler* measureTool = new MeasureToolHandler(root, mapNode);    
    measureTool->setIntersectionMask( 0x1 );
    viewer.addEventHandler( measureTool );

    //Create some controls to interact with the measuretool
    ControlCanvas* canvas = new ControlCanvas( &viewer );
    root->addChild( canvas );
    canvas->setNodeMask( 0x1 << 1 );

    Grid* grid = new Grid();
    grid->setMargin( 10 );
    grid->setPadding( 10 );
    grid->setChildSpacing( 10 );
    grid->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
    grid->setAbsorbEvents( true );
    grid->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );    

    canvas->addControl( grid );

    //Add a label to display the distance
    // Add a text label:
    grid->setControl( 0, 0, new LabelControl("Distance:") );
    LabelControl* label = new LabelControl();
    label->setFont( osgEarth::Registry::instance()->getDefaultFont() );
    label->setFontSize( 24.0f );
    label->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_LEFT );    
    label->setText("click to measure");
    grid->setControl( 1, 0, label );

    //Add a callback to update the label when the distance changes
    measureTool->addEventHandler( new MyMeasureToolCallback(label) );
    Style style = measureTool->getLineStyle();
    style.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->color() = Color::Red;
    style.getOrCreate<LineSymbol>()->stroke()->width() = 4.0f;

    //Add a checkbox to control if we are doing path based measurement or just point to point
    grid->setControl( 0, 1, new LabelControl("Path"));
    CheckBoxControl* checkBox = new CheckBoxControl(false);
    checkBox->addEventHandler( new TogglePathHandler(measureTool));
    grid->setControl( 1, 1, checkBox);

    //Add a toggle to set the mode of the measuring tool
    grid->setControl( 0, 2, new LabelControl("Great Circle"));
    CheckBoxControl* mode = new CheckBoxControl(true);
    mode->addEventHandler( new ToggleModeHandler(measureTool));
    grid->setControl( 1, 2, mode);

    //Add a mouse coords readout:
    LabelControl* mouseLabel = new LabelControl();
    grid->setControl( 0, 3, new LabelControl("Mouse:"));
    grid->setControl( 1, 3, mouseLabel );
    viewer.addEventHandler(new MouseCoordsTool(mapNode, mouseLabel) );

    viewer.setSceneData( root );

    // add some stock OSG handlers:
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::StatsHandler());
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::WindowSizeHandler());
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::ThreadingHandler());
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::LODScaleHandler());
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgGA::StateSetManipulator(viewer.getCamera()->getOrCreateStateSet()));
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::HelpHandler(arguments.getApplicationUsage()));

void trace( const Renderer& /*renderer*/, const Grid& grid, std::shared_ptr<Value> result, std::shared_ptr<Value> /*point*/, std::shared_ptr<Value> /*reflection*/ )
    REYES_ASSERT( result );
    result->reset( TYPE_COLOR, STORAGE_VARYING, grid.size() );
Esempio n. 25
void QDesignerSharedSettings::setDefaultGrid(const Grid &grid)
    m_settings->setValue(QLatin1String(defaultGridKey), grid.toVariantMap());
void diffuse( const Renderer& /*renderer*/, const Grid& grid, std::shared_ptr<Value> color, std::shared_ptr<Value> normal )
    REYES_ASSERT( color );
    REYES_ASSERT( normal );
    REYES_ASSERT( int(normal->size()) == grid.size() );
    color->reset( TYPE_COLOR, STORAGE_VARYING, grid.size() );

    std::shared_ptr<Value> P = grid.find_value( "P" );
    REYES_ASSERT( P->type() == TYPE_POINT );
    REYES_ASSERT( P->storage() == STORAGE_VARYING );
    REYES_ASSERT( P->size() == color->size() );

    const vector<std::shared_ptr<Light> >& lights = grid.lights();
    for ( vector<std::shared_ptr<Light> >::const_iterator i = lights.begin(); i != lights.end(); ++i )
        Light* light = i->get();
        REYES_ASSERT( light );
        if ( light->type() != LIGHT_AMBIENT )
            const std::shared_ptr<Value>& light_color = light->color();
            REYES_ASSERT( light_color );
            vec3* colors = color->vec3_values();
            const vec3* positions = P->vec3_values();
            const vec3* normals = normal->vec3_values();
            const vec3* light_colors = light_color->vec3_values();
            const int size = color->size();

            switch ( light->type() )
                case LIGHT_SOLAR_AXIS:
                case LIGHT_SOLAR_AXIS_ANGLE:
                    const vec3& light_direction = -light->position();
                    if ( light->angle() == 0.0f )
                        for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
                            const vec3& L = light_direction;
                            const vec3& N = normals[i];
                            if ( dot(N, L) >= 0.0f )
                                const vec3& Cl = light_colors[i];
                                colors[i] +=  Cl * dot( N, normalize(L) );
                        const vec3& light_axis = light->axis();
                        const float light_angle_cosine = cosf( light->angle() );                    
                        for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
                            const vec3& L = light_direction;
                            const vec3& N = normals[i];
                            if ( dot(N, L) >= 0.0f && dot(light_axis, -N) >= light_angle_cosine )
                                const vec3& Cl = light_colors[i];
                                colors[i] +=  Cl * dot( N, normalize(L) );
                case LIGHT_ILLUMINATE:
                    const vec3& light_position = light->position();
                    for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
                        const vec3 L = normalize( light_position - positions[i] );
                        const vec3& N = normals[i];
                        if ( dot(N, L) >= 0.0f )
                            const vec3& Cl = light_colors[i];
                            colors[i] +=  Cl * dot( N, normalize(L) );
                case LIGHT_ILLUMINATE_AXIS_ANGLE:
                    const vec3& light_position = light->position();
                    const vec3& light_axis = light->axis();
                    const float light_angle_cosine = cosf( light->angle() );
                    for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
                        const vec3 L = normalize( light_position - positions[i] );
                        const vec3& N = normals[i];
                        if ( dot(N, L) >= 0.0f && dot(light_axis, -L) >= light_angle_cosine )
                            const vec3& Cl = light_colors[i];
                            colors[i] +=  Cl * dot( N, L );
Esempio n. 27
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  cerr << "Lattice MBR Grid search" << endl;

  Grid grid;
  grid.addParam(lmbr_p, "-lmbr-p", 0.5);
  grid.addParam(lmbr_r, "-lmbr-r", 0.5);
  grid.addParam(lmbr_prune, "-lmbr-pruning-factor",30.0);
  grid.addParam(lmbr_scale, "-mbr-scale",1.0);


  Parameter* params = new Parameter();
  if (!params->LoadParam(argc,argv)) {
  if (!StaticData::LoadDataStatic(params, argv[0])) {

  StaticData& staticData = const_cast<StaticData&>(StaticData::Instance());
  IOWrapper* ioWrapper = IOWrapper::GetIOWrapper(staticData);

  if (!ioWrapper) {
    throw runtime_error("Failed to initialise IOWrapper");
  size_t nBestSize = staticData.GetMBRSize();

  if (nBestSize <= 0) {
    throw new runtime_error("Non-positive size specified for n-best list");

  size_t lineCount = 0;
  InputType* source = NULL;

  const vector<float>& pgrid = grid.getGrid(lmbr_p);
  const vector<float>& rgrid = grid.getGrid(lmbr_r);
  const vector<float>& prune_grid = grid.getGrid(lmbr_prune);
  const vector<float>& scale_grid = grid.getGrid(lmbr_scale);

  while(ioWrapper->ReadInput(staticData.GetInputType(),source)) {

    Manager manager(*source, staticData.GetSearchAlgorithm());
    TrellisPathList nBestList;
    manager.CalcNBest(nBestSize, nBestList,true);
    //grid search
    for (vector<float>::const_iterator pi = pgrid.begin(); pi != pgrid.end(); ++pi) {
      float p = *pi;
      for (vector<float>::const_iterator ri = rgrid.begin(); ri != rgrid.end(); ++ri) {
        float r = *ri;
        for (vector<float>::const_iterator prune_i = prune_grid.begin(); prune_i != prune_grid.end(); ++prune_i) {
          size_t prune = (size_t)(*prune_i);
          for (vector<float>::const_iterator scale_i = scale_grid.begin(); scale_i != scale_grid.end(); ++scale_i) {
            float scale = *scale_i;
            cout << lineCount << " ||| " << p << " " << r << " " << prune << " " << scale << " ||| ";
            vector<Word> mbrBestHypo = doLatticeMBR(manager,nBestList);
            ioWrapper->OutputBestHypo(mbrBestHypo, lineCount, staticData.GetReportSegmentation(),



Esempio n. 28
main(int argc, char** argv)
    // allocate pager threads based on CPU configuration.
    int cores = Registry::capabilities().getNumProcessors();
    osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->setNumOfDatabaseThreadsHint( osg::clampAbove(cores, 2) );
    osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->setNumOfHttpDatabaseThreadsHint( osg::clampAbove(cores/2, 1) );

    // parse the command line.
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);
    osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);

    // set up the motion model.
    viewer.setCameraManipulator( new EarthManipulator() );

    // simple UI.
    VBox* vbox = new VBox();
    vbox->setMargin( 3 );
    vbox->setChildSpacing( 5 );
    vbox->setAbsorbEvents( true );
    vbox->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_RIGHT );
    vbox->setVertAlign ( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );

    // Control instructions:
    Grid* grid = vbox->addControl( new Grid() );
    grid->setControl( 0, 0, new LabelControl("Pan:"));
    grid->setControl( 1, 0, new LabelControl("Left mouse"));
    grid->setControl( 0, 1, new LabelControl("Zoom:"));
    grid->setControl( 1, 1, new LabelControl("Right mouse / scroll"));
    grid->setControl( 0, 2, new LabelControl("Rotate:") );
    grid->setControl( 1, 2, new LabelControl("Middle mouse"));
    grid->setControl( 0, 3, new LabelControl("Go to:"));
    grid->setControl( 1, 3, new LabelControl("Double-click"));


    // Load an earth file
    osg::Node* node = MapNodeHelper().load(arguments, &viewer);
    if ( !node )
        return usage( "Failed to load earth file." );
    viewer.setSceneData( node );

#ifdef Q_WS_X11
    // required for multi-threaded viewer on linux:

    QApplication app(argc, argv);

    QWidget* viewerWidget = new ViewerWidget( &viewer );
    QMainWindow win;
    win.setWindowTitle( "osgEarth -- The #1 Open Source Terrain SDK for Mission-Critical Applications" );
    win.setCentralWidget( viewerWidget );
    win.setGeometry(100, 100, 1024, 800);

    win.statusBar()->showMessage(QString("osgEarth.   Terrain on Demand.   Copyright 2013 Pelican Mapping.   Please visit"));;
Esempio n. 29
bool AI::constrant_check(Grid g, Cell c) {
	bool result = true;
	int i;
	int num = c.get_number();
	int rw = c.get_row()-1;
	int cl = c.get_col()-1;
	int sq = c.get_square();
	//Check that cell number is between 1-9
	if (num < 1 || num > 9) {
		printf("The cell number is not between one and nine\n");
		result = false;

	if(result) printf("Number check successful\n");

	//Check that the numbers in the Cell's row are different
	for (i = 0; i < COLS; i++) {
		Cell curr = g.get_cell(rw, i);
		if (c.get_number() == curr.get_number() && cl != i) {
			printf("Two Cells in row %d have the same number\n", rw+1);
			result = false;

	if (result) printf("Row check successful\n");

	//Check that the numbers in the Cell's column are different
	for (i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) {
		Cell curr = g.get_cell(i, cl);
		if (c.get_number() == curr.get_number() && rw != i) {
			printf("Two Cells in column %d have the same number\n", cl+1);
			result = false;

	if (result) printf("Column check successful\n");

	//Check that the numbers in the Cell's square are different

	int j;
	switch (sq) {
	case 1:
		i = 0;
		j = 0;
	case 2:
		i = 0;
		j = 3;
	case 3:
		i = 0;
		j = 6;
	case 4:
		i = 3;
		j = 0;
	case 5:
		i = 3;
		j = 3;
	case 6:
		i = 3;
		j = 6;
	case 7:
		i = 6;
		j = 0;
	case 8:
		i = 6;
		j = 3;
	case 9:
		i = 6;
		j = 6;

	int i_to = i + 3;
	int j_to = j + 3;

	//printf("i: %d, j: %d\n", i, j);
	//printf("i_to: %d, j_to: %d\n", i_to, j_to);

	for (; i < i_to; i++) {
		for (j = j_to - 3; j < j_to; j++) {
			Cell curr = g.get_cell(i, j);
			//printf("square %d\n", curr.get_number());
			if (c.get_number() == curr.get_number() && rw != i && cl != j) {
				printf("Two Cells in square %d have the same number\n", sq);
				result = false;

	return result;
    void operator()( const Grid & grid,
                     const unsigned dir,
                     const bool begin,
                     SurfaceMesh & surfaceMesh ) const
        //! Sanity check of direction
        VERIFY_MSG( (dir < Grid::dim), "Input argument for direction wrong" );

        //! Dimensions of the grid
        const MultiIndexType gridSizes = grid.gridSizes();

        //! Multi-index component to compare with
        const int mIndexComp = ( begin == false ? 0 : gridSizes[dir]-1 );

        //! Number of elements in the structured grid
        const std::size_t numElements = MultiIndex::length( gridSizes );

        //! Number of elements on the requested surface
        const std::size_t numElementsOnSurface = numElements / gridSizes[ dir ];

        //! Construct parametric geometry of the element
        const unsigned surfaceID =
            detail_::convertToSurfaceID<VolumeElement::shape>( dir, begin );

        //! List of indices of the parameter space vertices which form the surface
        typename ParameterSurface::Surface
            parameterSurfaceIndices = ParameterSurface::surfaceTable[ surfaceID ];

        //! Interpolation points of the surface shape function
        boost::array< typename SurfaceShapeFun::VecDim,
                      SurfaceShapeFun::numFun> surfaceSupportPoints;
        SurfaceShapeFun::supportPoints( surfaceSupportPoints );

        //! Vertices of the parameter volume
        boost::array< typename LinearVolumeFun::VecDim,
                      LinearVolumeFun::numFun> volumeVertices;
        LinearVolumeFun::supportPoints( volumeVertices );

        // --> Reorder for hiearchical ordering
        //     Then, the object ParameterFaces< shape, dim-1> can be used and
        //     ParamaterSurface discarded.

        //! Iterator to surface mesh elements
        typename SurfaceMesh::ElementPtrIter surfElemIter
            = surfaceMesh.elementsBegin();

        //! Linear shape function on the surface simplex
        LinearSimplexFun linearSimplexFun;

        //! Hexahedra will have two triangles per face
        const unsigned numSurfElementsPerElement = 

        //! Temporary storage of surface elements and nodes
        std::vector<SurfaceElement*> surfaceElements;
        surfaceElements.reserve( numElementsOnSurface * numSurfElementsPerElement );
        std::vector<SurfaceNode*>    surfaceNodes;

        //! node counter
        std::size_t nodeCtr = 0;

        //! Go through all elements
        for ( std::size_t e = 0; e < numElements; e ++ ) {

            //! Construct multi-index from linear counter
            const MultiIndexType eM = MultiIndex::wrap( e, gridSizes );

            //! Check if on requested boundary surface
            const bool onBoundary = ( eM[ dir ] == mIndexComp );

            //! If so, construct the surface element(s)
            if ( onBoundary ) {

                //! Get pointer to volume element
                VolumeElement * vep = grid.elementPtr( eM );

                //! Go through elements on the surface of the volume element
                for ( unsigned se = 0; se < numSurfElementsPerElement; se ++ ) {

                    //! Create new surface element
                    SurfaceElement * surfElem = new SurfaceElement;

                    //! Extract the surface simplex's vertices
                    boost::array<unsigned, numSurfSimplexVertices> surfSimplex;
                    detail_::ExtractSurfaceSimplex<VolumeElement::shape>()( parameterSurfaceIndices,
                                                                            se, surfSimplex );

                    //! Set volume element pointer
                    surfElem -> setVolumeElementPointer( vep );

                    //! Access to surface elements geometry nodes
                    typename SurfaceElement::NodePtrIter nodePtrIter =
                        surfElem -> nodesBegin();

                    //! Go through the parameter points of the surface element
                    typename SurfaceElement::ParamIter paramIter =
                        surfElem -> parametricBegin();
                    typename SurfaceElement::ParamIter paramEnd  =
                        surfElem -> parametricEnd();

                    for ( unsigned p = 0; paramIter != paramEnd;
                          ++paramIter, ++nodePtrIter, p++ ) {

                        //! ..
                        typename base::Vector<surfaceDim>::Type eta
                            = surfaceSupportPoints[ p ];

                        typename LinearSimplexFun::FunArray phi;
                        linearSimplexFun.evaluate( eta, phi );

                        typename base::Vector<volumeDim>::Type xi
                            = base::constantVector<volumeDim>( 0. );

                        for ( unsigned s = 0; s < phi.size(); s ++ ) {
                            xi += phi[s] * volumeVertices[ surfSimplex[s] ];


                        *paramIter = xi;

                        //! evaluate geometry at the parameter point
                        const typename VolumeElement::Node::VecDim x =
                            base::Geometry<VolumeElement>()( vep, xi );

                        //! convert to vector and pass to node
                        std::vector<double> xV( x.size() );
                        for ( int d = 0; d < x.size(); d ++ )
                            xV[d] = x[d];

                        SurfaceNode * surfNode = new SurfaceNode;
                        surfNode -> setX( xV.begin() );
                        surfNode -> setID( nodeCtr++ );
                        *nodePtrIter = surfNode;

                        surfaceNodes.push_back( surfNode );
                    } // end loop over surface element's nodes

                    //! Store element pointer
                    surfaceElements.push_back( surfElem );
                } // end loop over simplices per volume element
            } // end condition if volume element lies on requested bdry

        }// end loop over all volume elements

        surfaceMesh.allocate( surfaceNodes.size(), surfaceElements.size() );

        std::copy( surfaceNodes.begin(), surfaceNodes.end(),
                   surfaceMesh.nodesBegin() );
        std::copy( surfaceElements.begin(), surfaceElements.end(),
                   surfaceMesh.elementsBegin() );