static void transformValues(::KeyValue keyValue, std::pair<std::string, GridClientVariant>& pair) {

    GridClientVariant key;

    GridClientObjectWrapperConvertor::unwrapSimpleType(keyValue.key(), key);
    GridClientObjectWrapperConvertor::unwrapSimpleType(keyValue.value(), pair.second);

    pair.first = key.toString();
static bool getBoolValue(const string& binary, GridClientVariant& var) {
    assert(binary.size() == 1);

    var.set(binary[0] == 1 ? true : false);

    return true;
bool GridClientObjectWrapperConvertor::wrapSimpleType(const GridClientVariant& var, ObjectWrapper& objWrapper) {
    GridClientVariantVisitorImpl visitor(objWrapper);
    objWrapper.set_binary((void*) NULL, 0);

    return objWrapper.type() != NONE;
static bool getInt64Value(const string& binary, GridClientVariant& var) {
    int64_t res;

    GridClientByteUtils::bytesToValue((const int8_t*), binary.size(), res);


    return true;
static bool getBytesValue(const string& binary, GridClientVariant& var) {
    std::vector<int8_t> v(binary.size());

    std::copy(binary.begin(), binary.end(), v.begin());


    return true;
void GridClientProtobufMarshaller::unwrap(const ObjectWrapper& objWrapper, GridClientMessageCacheModifyResult& msgRes) {
    ProtoResponse resp;

    unwrapResponse(objWrapper, resp);

    fillResponseHeader(resp, msgRes);

    if (resp.has_resultbean()) {
        const ObjectWrapper& boolWrapper = resp.resultbean();
        GridClientVariant var;

        GridClientObjectWrapperConvertor::unwrapSimpleType(boolWrapper, var);


static bool getFloatValue(const string& binary, GridClientVariant& var) {
    int32_t res;

    GridClientByteUtils::bytesToValue((const int8_t*), binary.size(), res);

    float floatVal = GridFloatHasheableObject::intBitsToFloat(res);


    return true;
static bool getDoubleValue(const string& binary, GridClientVariant& var) {
    int64_t res;

    GridClientByteUtils::bytesToValue((const int8_t*), binary.size(), res);

    double doubleVal = GridDoubleHasheableObject::longBitsToDouble(res);


    return true;
static bool doUnwrapSimpleType(const ObjectWrapper& objWrapper, GridClientVariant& var) {

    GG_LOG_DEBUG("Unwrap simple type: %s", objWrapper.DebugString().c_str());

    string binary = objWrapper.binary();

    bool unwrapRes = false;

    switch (objWrapper.type()) {
        case NONE:
            return true;
        case BOOL:
            return getBoolValue(binary, var);

        case BYTE:
            return getByteValue(binary, var);

        case BYTES:
            return getBytesValue(binary, var);

        case INT32:
            return getInt32Value(binary, var);

        case INT64:
            return getInt64Value(binary, var);

        case SHORT:
            return getInt16Value(binary, var);

        case STRING:
            return true;

        case DOUBLE:
            return getDoubleValue(binary, var);

        case FLOAT:
            return getFloatValue(binary, var);

        case TASK_BEAN:
            return getTaskTesult(binary, var);

        default: // Non-simple type


    return unwrapRes;
Esempio n. 10
static long doGetValue(const TCacheMetrics& metricsMap, std::string name) {
    GridClientVariant v(name);

    TCacheMetrics::const_iterator it = metricsMap.find(name);

    assert(it != metricsMap.end());

    long res = 0;

    if (it != metricsMap.end()) {
        GridClientVariant var = it->second;

        assert(var.hasInt() || var.hasLong());

        if (var.hasInt())
            res = var.getInt();
            res = (long) var.getLong();

    return res;
Esempio n. 11
 * Runs an In-Memory Data Grid client example.
 * @param client A client reference.
void clientDataExample(TGridClientPtr& client) {
    TGridClientComputePtr cc = client->compute();

    TGridClientNodeList nodes = cc->nodes();

    if (nodes.empty()) {
        cerr << "Failed to connect to grid in cache example, make sure that it is started and connection "
                "properties are correct." << endl;



    cout << "Current grid topology: " << nodes.size() << endl;

    // Random node ID.
    GridUuid randNodeId = nodes[0]->getNodeId();

    // Get client projection of grid partitioned cache.
    TGridClientDataPtr rmtCache = client->data(CACHE_NAME);

    TGridClientVariantSet keys;

    // Put some values to the cache.
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < KEYS_CNT; i++) {
        ostringstream oss;

        oss << "val-" << i;

        string v = oss.str();

        string key = boost::lexical_cast<string>(i);

        rmtCache->put(key, v);

        GridUuid nodeId = rmtCache->affinity(key);

        cout << ">>> Storing key " << key << " on node " << nodeId << endl;


    TGridClientNodeList nodelst;
    TGridClientNodePtr p = client->compute()->node(randNodeId);


    // Pin a remote node for communication. All further communication
    // on returned projection will happen through this pinned node.
    TGridClientDataPtr prj = rmtCache->pinNodes(nodelst);

    GridClientVariant key0 = GridClientVariant(boost::lexical_cast<string>(0));

    GridClientVariant key6 = GridClientVariant(boost::lexical_cast<string>(6));

    GridClientVariant val = prj->get(key0);

    cout << ">>> Loaded single value: " << val.debugString() << endl;

    TGridClientVariantMap vals = prj->getAll(keys);

    cout << ">>> Loaded multiple values, size: " << vals.size() << endl;

    for (TGridClientVariantMap::const_iterator iter = vals.begin(); iter != vals.end(); ++iter)
        cout << ">>> Loaded cache entry [key=" << iter->first <<
                ", val=" << iter->second << ']' << endl;

    TGridBoolFuturePtr futPut = prj->putAsync(key0, "new value for 0");

    cout << ">>> Result of asynchronous put: " << (futPut->get() ? "success" : "failure") << endl;

    unordered_map<GridUuid, TGridClientVariantMap> keyVals;

    GridUuid nodeId = rmtCache->affinity(key0);

    for (int32_t i = 0; i < KEYS_CNT; i++) {
        ostringstream oss;

        oss << "updated-val-" << i;

        string v = oss.str();

        string key = boost::lexical_cast<string>(i);

        keyVals[nodeId][key] = v;

    for (unordered_map<GridUuid, TGridClientVariantMap>::iterator iter = keyVals.begin();
            iter != keyVals.end(); ++iter)

    vector<TGridBoolFuturePtr> futs;

    for (unordered_map<GridUuid, TGridClientVariantMap>::iterator iter = keyVals.begin();
            iter != keyVals.end(); ++iter) {
       TGridBoolFuturePtr fut = rmtCache->putAllAsync(iter->second);


    for (vector<TGridBoolFuturePtr>::iterator iter = futs.begin(); iter != futs.end(); ++iter)
       cout << ">>> Result of async putAll: " << (iter->get()->get() ? "success" : "failure") << endl;

    cout << ">>> Value for key " << key0.debugString() << " is " <<
            rmtCache->get(key0).debugString() << endl;

    // Asynchronous gets, too.
    TGridClientFutureVariant futVal = rmtCache->getAsync(key0);

    cout << ">>> Asynchronous value for key " << key0.debugString() << " is " <<
        futVal->get().debugString() << endl;

    // Multiple values can be fetched at once. Here we batch our get
    // requests by affinity nodes to ensure least amount of network trips.
    for (unordered_map<GridUuid, TGridClientVariantMap>::iterator iter = keyVals.begin();
            iter != keyVals.end(); ++iter) {
       GridUuid uuid = iter->first;

       TGridClientVariantMap m = iter->second;

       TGridClientVariantSet keys;

       for (TGridClientVariantMap::const_iterator miter = m.begin(); miter != m.end(); ++miter )

       // Since all keys in our getAll(...) call are mapped to the same primary node,
       // grid cache client will pick this node for the request, so we only have one
       // network trip here.

       TGridClientVariantMap map = rmtCache->getAll(keys);

       cout << ">>> Values from node [nodeId=" + uuid.uuid() + ", values=[" << endl;

       for (TGridClientVariantMap::const_iterator miter = map.begin(); miter != map.end(); ++miter) {
           if (miter != map.begin())
               cout << ", " << endl;
           cout << "[key=" << miter->first << ", value=" << miter->second << ']';

       cout << ']' << endl;

    // Multiple values may be retrieved asynchronously, too.
    // Here we retrieve all keys at once. Since this request
    // will be sent to some grid node, this node may not be
    // the primary node for all keys and additional network
    // trips will have to be made within grid.

    TGridClientVariantMap map = rmtCache->getAllAsync(keys)->get();

    cout << ">>> Values retrieved asynchronously: " << endl;

    for (TGridClientVariantMap::const_iterator miter = map.begin(); miter != map.end(); ++miter) {
        if (miter != map.begin())
            cout << ", " << endl;

        cout << "[key=" << miter->first << ", value=" << miter->second << ']';

    cout << endl;

    // Contents of cache may be removed one by one synchronously.
    // Again, this operation is affinity aware and only the primary
    // node for the key is contacted.
    bool res = rmtCache->remove(key0);

    cout << ">>> Result of removal: " << (res ? "success" : "failure") << endl;

    // ... and asynchronously.
    TGridBoolFuturePtr futRes = rmtCache->removeAsync(boost::lexical_cast<string>(1));

    cout << ">>> Result of asynchronous removal: " << (futRes->get() ? "success" : "failure") << endl;

    // Multiple entries may be removed at once synchronously...
    TGridClientVariantSet keysRemove;


    bool rmvRslt = rmtCache->removeAll(keysRemove);

    cout << ">>> Result of removeAll: " << (rmvRslt ? "success" : "failure") << endl;

    // ... and asynchronously.


    TGridBoolFuturePtr rmvFut = rmtCache->removeAllAsync(keysRemove);

    cout << ">>> Result of asynchronous removeAll: " << (rmvFut->get() ? "success" : "failure") << endl;

    // Values may also be replaced.
    res = rmtCache->replace(key6, "newer value for 6");

    cout << ">>> Result for replace for existent key6 is " << (res ? "success" : "failure") << endl;

    // Asynchronous replace is supported, too. This one is expected to fail, since key0 doesn't exist.
    futRes = rmtCache->replaceAsync(key0, "newest value for 0");

    res = futRes->get();

    cout << ">>> Result for asynchronous replace for nonexistent key0 is " <<
            (res ? "success" : "failure") << endl;

    rmtCache->put(key0, boost::lexical_cast<string>(0));

    // Compare and set are implemented, too.
    res = rmtCache->cas(key0, "newest cas value for 0", boost::lexical_cast<string>(0));

    cout << ">>> Result for put using cas is " << (res ? "success" : "failure") << endl;

    // CAS can be asynchronous.
    futRes = rmtCache->casAsync(key0, boost::lexical_cast<string>(0), "newest cas value for 0");

    res = futRes->get();

    // Expected to fail.
    cout << ">>> Result for put using asynchronous cas is "
        << (res? "success" : "failure") << endl;

    // It's possible to obtain cache metrics using data client API.
    GridClientDataMetrics metrics = rmtCache->metrics();
    cout << ">>> Cache metrics : " << metrics << endl;

    TGridClientFutureDataMetrics futMetrics = rmtCache->metricsAsync();

    cout << ">>> Cache asynchronous metrics: " << futMetrics->get() << endl;

    key0 = GridClientVariant("0");

    GridClientVariant val0("new value for 0");

    rmtCache->put(key0, val0);

    randNodeId = nodes[0]->getNodeId();

    TGridClientComputePtr clientCompute = client->compute();

    cout << "RandNodeId is " << randNodeId.uuid() << endl;

    p = clientCompute->node(randNodeId);

    TGridClientComputePtr compPrj = clientCompute->projection(*p);

    GridClientVariant rslt = compPrj->affinityExecute("org.gridgain.examples.client.api.GridClientExampleTask", CACHE_NAME, key0);

    cout << ">>> Affinity execute : there are totally " << rslt.toString() << " test entries on the grid" <<

    futVal = compPrj->affinityExecuteAsync("org.gridgain.examples.client.api.GridClientExampleTask", CACHE_NAME, key0);

    cout << ">>> Affinity execute async : there are totally " << futVal->get().toString() <<
        " test entries on the grid" << endl;
Esempio n. 12
void clientComputeExample(TGridClientPtr client) {
    TGridClientComputePtr clientCompute = client->compute();

    TGridClientNodeList nodes = clientCompute->nodes();

    if (nodes.empty()) {
        cerr << "Failed to connect to grid in compute example, make sure that it is started and connection "
                "properties are correct." << endl;



    cout << "Current grid topology: " << nodes.size() << endl;

    GridUuid randNodeId = nodes[0]->getNodeId();

    cout << "RandNodeId is " << randNodeId.uuid() << endl;

    TGridClientNodePtr p = clientCompute->node(randNodeId);

    TGridClientComputePtr prj = clientCompute->projection(*p);

    GridClientVariant rslt = prj->execute("org.gridgain.examples.client.GridClientExampleTask");

    cout << ">>> GridClientNode projection : there are totally " << rslt.toString() <<
        " test entries on the grid" << endl;

    TGridClientNodeList prjNodes;


    prj = clientCompute->projection(prjNodes);

    rslt = prj->execute("org.gridgain.examples.client.GridClientExampleTask");

    cout << ">>> Collection execution : there are totally " << rslt.toString() <<
        " test entries on the grid" << endl;

    GridUuidNodePredicate* uuidPredicate = new GridUuidNodePredicate(randNodeId);

    TGridClientNodePredicatePtr predPtr(uuidPredicate);

    prj = clientCompute->projection(predPtr);

    rslt = prj->execute("org.gridgain.examples.client.GridClientExampleTask");

    cout << ">>> Predicate execution : there are totally " << rslt.toString() <<
        " test entries on the grid" << endl;

    // Balancing - may be random or round-robin. Users can create
    // custom load balancers as well.
    TGridClientLoadBalancerPtr balancer(new GridClientRandomBalancer());

    prj = clientCompute->projection(predPtr, balancer);

    rslt = prj->execute("org.gridgain.examples.client.GridClientExampleTask");

    cout << ">>> Predicate execution with balancer : there are totally " << rslt.toString() <<
            " test entries on the grid" << endl;

    // Now let's try round-robin load balancer.
    balancer = TGridClientLoadBalancerPtr(new GridClientRoundRobinBalancer());

    prj = prj->projection(prjNodes, balancer);

    rslt = prj->execute("org.gridgain.examples.client.GridClientExampleTask");

    cout << ">>> GridClientNode projection : there are totally " << rslt.toString() <<
            " test entries on the grid" << endl;

    TGridClientFutureVariant futVal = prj->executeAsync("org.gridgain.examples.client.GridClientExampleTask");


    if (futVal->success())
       cout << ">>> Execute async : there are totally " << futVal->result().toString() <<
       " test entries on the grid" << endl;
       cout << ">>> Execute async failed" << endl;

    TGridClientDataPtr rmtCache = client->data("partitioned");

    GridClientVariant key0((int32_t)0);

    GridClientVariant val0("new value for 0");

    rmtCache->put(key0, val0);

    rslt = prj->affinityExecute("org.gridgain.examples.client.GridClientExampleTask", "partitioned", key0);

    cout << ">>> Affinity execute : there are totally " << rslt.toString() << " test entries on the grid" <<

    futVal = prj->affinityExecuteAsync("org.gridgain.examples.client.GridClientExampleTask", "partitioned", key0);


    if (futVal->success())
       cout << ">>> Affinity execute async : there are totally " << futVal->result().toString() <<
           " test entries on the grid" << endl;
       cout << ">>> Affinity execute async failed" << endl;

    vector<GridUuid> uuids;


    nodes = prj->nodes(uuids);

    cout << ">>> Nodes with UUID " << randNodeId.uuid() << " : ";

    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
        if (i != 0)
            cout << ", ";

        cout << *(nodes[i]);

    cout << endl;

    // Nodes may also be filtered with predicate. Here
    // we create projection which only contains local node.
    GridUuidNodePredicate* uuidNodePredicate = new GridUuidNodePredicate(randNodeId);

    TGridClientNodePredicatePtr predFullPtr(uuidNodePredicate);

    nodes = prj->nodes(predFullPtr);

    cout << ">>> Nodes filtered with predicate : ";

    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
        if (i != 0)
            cout << ", ";

        cout << *(nodes[i]);

    cout << endl;

    // Information about nodes may be refreshed explicitly.
    TGridClientNodePtr clntNode = prj->refreshNode(randNodeId, true, true);

    cout << ">>> Refreshed node : " << *clntNode << endl;

    TGridClientNodeFuturePtr futClntNode = prj->refreshNodeAsync(randNodeId, false, false);


    if (futClntNode->success())
        cout << ">>> Refreshed node asynchronously : " << *(futClntNode->result()) << endl;
        cout << ">>> Refresh node asynchronously failed." << endl;

    // Nodes may also be refreshed by IP address.
    string clntAddr = "";

    vector<GridSocketAddress> addrs = clntNode->availableAddresses(TCP);

    if (addrs.size() > 0)
        clntAddr = addrs[0].host();

    clntNode = prj->refreshNode(clntAddr, true, true);

    cout << ">>> Refreshed node by IP : " << *clntNode << endl;

    // Asynchronous version.
    futClntNode = prj->refreshNodeAsync(clntAddr, false, false);


    if (futClntNode->success())
        cout << ">>> Refreshed node by IP asynchronously : " << *futClntNode->result() << endl;
        cout << ">>> Refreshed node by IP asynchronously failed." << endl;

    // Topology as a whole may be refreshed, too.
    TGridClientNodeList top = prj->refreshTopology(true, true);

    cout << ">>> Refreshed topology : ";

    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < top.size(); i++) {
        if (i != 0)
            cout << ", ";

        cout << *top[i];

    cout << endl;

    // Asynchronous version.
    TGridClientNodeFutureList topFut = prj->refreshTopologyAsync(false, false);


    if (topFut->success()) {
        cout << ">>> Refreshed topology asynchronously : ";

        top = topFut->result();

        for (size_t i = 0 ; i < top.size(); i++) {
            if (i != 0)
                cout << ", ";

            cout << *top[i];

        cout << endl;
        cout << ">>> Refresh topology asynchronously failed." << endl;

    try {
        vector<string> log = prj->log(0, 1);

        cout << ">>> First log lines : " << endl;

        cout << log[0] << endl;
        cout << log[1] << endl;

        // Log entries may be fetched asynchronously.
        TGridFutureStringList futLog = prj->logAsync(1, 2);


        if (futLog->success()) {
            log = futLog->result();

            cout << ">>> First log lines fetched asynchronously : " << endl;
            cout << log[0] << endl;
            cout << log[1] << endl;
            cout << ">>> First log lines fetching asynchronously failed " << endl;

        // Log file name can also be specified explicitly.
        log = prj->log("work/log/gridgain.log", 0, 1);

        cout << ">>> First log lines from log file work/log/gridgain.log : " << endl;
        cout << log[0] << endl;
        cout << log[1] << endl;

        // Asynchronous version supported as well.
        futLog = prj->logAsync("work/log/gridgain.log", 1, 2);


        if (futLog->success()) {
            log = futLog->result();

            cout << ">>> First log lines from log file work/log/gridgain.log fetched asynchronously : " << endl;
            cout << log[0] << endl;
            cout << log[1] << endl;
            cout << ">>> First log lines from log file work/log/gridgain.log fetching asynchronously failed " << endl;
    catch (GridClientException&) {
        cout << "Log file was not found " << endl;

    cout << "In the end of example" << endl;
     * Thread proc for marshalling specific types of messaging.
     * @param messageType Type of messages to marshal.
    void run(ObjectWrapperType messageType) {

        using namespace org::gridgain::grid::kernal::processors::rest::client::message;

        iters = 0;

        try {
            bool unmarshal = vm["unmarshal"].as<bool>();
            ObjectWrapper marshalledObject;
            int maxiterations = vm["nummessages"].as<int>();

            if ((messageType > NONE && messageType <= STRING) || messageType == UUID) {
                GridClientVariant value;

                switch (messageType) {
                    case BOOL:
                        value = true;


                    case BYTE:
                        value = (int8_t) 42;


                    case SHORT:
                        value = (int16_t) 42;


                    case INT32:
                        value = (int32_t) 42;


                    case INT64:
                        value = (int64_t) 42;


                    case FLOAT:
                        value = (float) 0.42f;


                    case DOUBLE:
                        value = (double) 0.42f;


                    case STRING:
                        value = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";


                    case UUID: { // block of code to avoid compilation error in gcc
                            if (unmarshal)
                                std::cerr << "Unmarshalling UUID is not supported yet";


                        std::cerr << "Unsupported message type.\n";

                while (++iters != maxiterations) {
                    GridClientObjectWrapperConvertor::wrapSimpleType(value, marshalledObject);

                    if (unmarshal && messageType != UUID) {
                        GridClientObjectWrapperConvertor::unwrapSimpleType(marshalledObject, value);
            else {
                switch (messageType) {

                    case CACHE_REQUEST: { // block of code to avoid compilation error in gcc
                            GridCacheRequestCommand cmd = GridCacheRequestCommand(


                            // typical reply for cache PUT. 15 bytes length;
                            unsigned char daReply[] = { 8, 0, 26, 5, 8, 1, 18, 1, 1, 34, 0 };

                            GridClientMessageCacheModifyResult resp;

                            while (++iters != maxiterations) {
                                GridClientProtobufMarshaller::wrap(cmd, marshalledObject);
                                if (unmarshal) {
                                    marshalledObject.set_binary(daReply, sizeof(daReply));
                                    GridClientProtobufMarshaller::unwrap(marshalledObject, resp);


                    case TOPOLOGY_REQUEST: { // block of code to avoid compilation error in gcc
                            GridTopologyRequestCommand cmd;

                            // typical reply for topology. Contains info about 2 local nodes. 185 bytes length;
                            unsigned char daReply[] = { 8, 0, 26, 173, 1, 8, 10, 18, 168, 1, 10, 165, 1, 8, 60, 18, 160,
                                            1, 10, 16, 6, 225, 6, 102, 61, 76, 77, 123, 129, 135, 99, 184, 120, 177, 249,
                                            186, 18, 9, 49, 50, 55, 46, 48, 46, 48, 46, 49, 26, 9, 49, 50, 55, 46, 48,
                                            46, 48, 46, 49, 32, 224, 78, 40, 144, 63, 74, 88, 10, 25, 10, 6, 8, 9, 18,
                                            2, 116, 120, 18, 15, 8, 9, 18, 11, 80, 65, 82, 84, 73, 84, 73, 79, 78, 69,
                                            68, 10, 28, 10, 9, 8, 9, 18, 5, 113, 117, 101, 114, 121, 18, 15, 8, 9, 18,
                                            11, 80, 65, 82, 84, 73, 84, 73, 79, 78, 69, 68, 10, 29, 10, 10, 8, 9, 18, 6,
                                            97, 116, 111, 109, 105, 99, 18, 15, 8, 9, 18, 11, 80, 65, 82, 84, 73, 84, 73,
                                            79, 78, 69, 68, 104, 128, 1, 114, 19, 8, 9, 18, 15, 49, 50, 55, 46, 48, 46,
                                            48, 46, 49, 58, 52, 55, 53, 48, 48, 34, 0 };

                            GridClientMessageTopologyResult resp;

                            while (++iters != maxiterations) {
                                GridClientProtobufMarshaller::wrap(cmd, marshalledObject);
                                if (unmarshal) {
                                    marshalledObject.set_binary(daReply, sizeof(daReply));
                                    GridClientProtobufMarshaller::unwrap(marshalledObject, resp);


                        std::cerr << "Unsupported message type.\n";
        catch (GridClientException& e) {
            std::cerr << "GridClientException: " << e.what() << "\n";
        catch (...) {
            std::cerr << "Unknown exception.\n";