Esempio n. 1
GuiControl* GuiInspectorDatablockField::constructEditControl()
   GuiControl* retCtrl = new GuiPopUpMenuCtrl();

   // If we couldn't construct the control, bail!
   if( retCtrl == NULL )
      return retCtrl;

   GuiPopUpMenuCtrl *menu = dynamic_cast<GuiPopUpMenuCtrl*>(retCtrl);

   // Let's make it look pretty.
   retCtrl->setDataField( StringTable->insert("profile"), NULL, "InspectorTypeEnumProfile" );

   menu->setField("text", getData());

   _registerEditControl( retCtrl );

   // Configure it to update our value when the popup is closed
   char szBuffer[512];
   dSprintf( szBuffer, 512, "%d.apply(%d.getText());%d.inspect(%d);",getId(), retCtrl->getId(),mParent->mParent->getId(), mTarget->getId() );
   //dSprintf( szBuffer, 512, "%d.%s = %d.getText();%d.inspect(%d);",mTarget->getId(), getFieldName(), menu->getId(), mParent->mParent->getId(), mTarget->getId() );
   menu->setField("Command", szBuffer );

   Vector<StringTableEntry> entries;

   SimDataBlockGroup * grp = Sim::getDataBlockGroup();
   for(SimDataBlockGroup::iterator i = grp->begin(); i != grp->end(); i++)
      SimDataBlock * datablock = dynamic_cast<SimDataBlock*>(*i);

      // Skip non-datablocks if we somehow encounter them.

      // Ok, now we have to figure inheritance info.
      if( datablock && datablock->getClassRep()->isClass(mDesiredClass) )

   // sort the entries
   dQsort(entries.address(), entries.size(), sizeof(StringTableEntry), stringCompare);

   // add them to our enum
   for(U32 j = 0; j < entries.size(); j++)
      menu->addEntry(entries[j], 0);

   return retCtrl;
Esempio n. 2
GuiControl* GuiInspectorMountingGroup::buildMenuCtrl()
	GuiControl* retCtrl = new GuiPopUpMenuCtrl();

   // If we couldn't construct the control, bail!
   if( retCtrl == NULL )
      return retCtrl;

   GuiPopUpMenuCtrl *menu = dynamic_cast<GuiPopUpMenuCtrl*>(retCtrl);

   // Let's make it look pretty.
   retCtrl->setDataField( StringTable->insert("profile"), NULL, "GuiPopUpMenuProfile" );
   //GuiInspectorTypeMenuBase::_registerEditControl( retCtrl );

	char szName[512];
   dSprintf( szName, 512, "IE_%s_%d_%s_Field", retCtrl->getClassName(), mParentInspector->getInspectObject()->getId(), mCaption.c_str());

   // Register the object
   retCtrl->registerObject( szName );

   // Configure it to update our value when the popup is closed
   char szBuffer[512];
   dSprintf( szBuffer, 512, "%d.apply( %d.getText() );", getId(), menu->getId() );
   menu->setField("Command", szBuffer );

	return menu;