Esempio n. 1
static bool
InitExnPrivate(JSContext *cx, HandleObject exnObject, HandleString message,
               HandleString filename, unsigned lineno, unsigned column,
               JSErrorReport *report, int exnType)

    JSCheckAccessOp checkAccess = cx->runtime->securityCallbacks->checkObjectAccess;

    Vector<JSStackTraceStackElem> frames(cx);
        SuppressErrorsGuard seg(cx);
        for (NonBuiltinScriptFrameIter i(cx); !i.done(); ++i) {

            /* Ask the crystal CAPS ball whether we can see across compartments. */
            if (checkAccess && i.isNonEvalFunctionFrame()) {
                RootedValue v(cx);
                RootedId callerid(cx, NameToId(cx->names().caller));
                RootedObject obj(cx, i.callee());
                if (!checkAccess(cx, obj, callerid, JSACC_READ, &v))

            if (!frames.growBy(1))
                return false;
            JSStackTraceStackElem &frame = frames.back();
            if (i.isNonEvalFunctionFrame()) {
                RawAtom atom = i.callee()->displayAtom();
                if (atom == NULL)
                    atom = cx->runtime->emptyString;
                frame.funName = atom;
            } else {
                frame.funName = NULL;
            RootedScript script(cx, i.script());
            const char *cfilename = script->filename();
            if (!cfilename)
                cfilename = "";
            frame.filename = cfilename;
            frame.ulineno = PCToLineNumber(script, i.pc());

    /* Do not need overflow check: the vm stack is already bigger. */
    JS_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(JSStackTraceElem) <= sizeof(StackFrame));

    size_t nbytes = offsetof(JSExnPrivate, stackElems) +
                    frames.length() * sizeof(JSStackTraceElem);

    JSExnPrivate *priv = (JSExnPrivate *)cx->malloc_(nbytes);
    if (!priv)
        return false;

    /* Initialize to zero so that write barriers don't witness undefined values. */
    memset(priv, 0, nbytes);

    if (report) {
         * Construct a new copy of the error report struct. We can't use the
         * error report struct that was passed in, because it's allocated on
         * the stack, and also because it may point to transient data in the
         * TokenStream.
        priv->errorReport = CopyErrorReport(cx, report);
        if (!priv->errorReport) {
            return false;
    } else {
        priv->errorReport = NULL;

    priv->lineno = lineno;
    priv->column = column;
    priv->stackDepth = frames.length();
    priv->exnType = exnType;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < frames.length(); ++i) {
        priv->stackElems[i].filename = JS_strdup(cx, frames[i].filename);
        if (!priv->stackElems[i].filename)
            return false;
        priv->stackElems[i].ulineno = frames[i].ulineno;

    SetExnPrivate(exnObject, priv);
    return true;
Esempio n. 2
static bool
InitExnPrivate(JSContext *cx, HandleObject exnObject, HandleString message,
               HandleString filename, unsigned lineno, JSErrorReport *report, int exnType)

    JSCheckAccessOp checkAccess = cx->runtime->securityCallbacks->checkObjectAccess;

    Vector<JSStackTraceStackElem> frames(cx);
        SuppressErrorsGuard seg(cx);
        for (FrameRegsIter i(cx); !i.done(); ++i) {
            StackFrame *fp = i.fp();

             * Ask the crystal CAPS ball whether we can see across compartments.
             * NB: this means 'fp' may point to cross-compartment frames.
            if (checkAccess && fp->isNonEvalFunctionFrame()) {
                Value v = NullValue();
                jsid callerid = ATOM_TO_JSID(cx->runtime->atomState.callerAtom);
                if (!checkAccess(cx, &fp->callee(), callerid, JSACC_READ, &v))

            if (!frames.growBy(1))
                return false;
            JSStackTraceStackElem &frame = frames.back();
            if (fp->isNonEvalFunctionFrame())
                frame.funName = fp->fun()->atom ? fp->fun()->atom : cx->runtime->emptyString;
                frame.funName = NULL;
            if (fp->isScriptFrame()) {
                frame.filename = SaveScriptFilename(cx, fp->script()->filename);
                if (!frame.filename)
                    return false;
                frame.ulineno = PCToLineNumber(fp->script(), i.pc());
            } else {
                frame.ulineno = 0;
                frame.filename = NULL;

    /* Do not need overflow check: the vm stack is already bigger. */
    JS_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(JSStackTraceElem) <= sizeof(StackFrame));

    size_t nbytes = offsetof(JSExnPrivate, stackElems) +
                    frames.length() * sizeof(JSStackTraceElem);

    JSExnPrivate *priv = (JSExnPrivate *)cx->malloc_(nbytes);
    if (!priv)
        return false;

    /* Initialize to zero so that write barriers don't witness undefined values. */
    memset(priv, 0, nbytes);

    if (report) {
         * Construct a new copy of the error report struct. We can't use the
         * error report struct that was passed in, because it's allocated on
         * the stack, and also because it may point to transient data in the
         * TokenStream.
        priv->errorReport = CopyErrorReport(cx, report);
        if (!priv->errorReport) {
            return false;
    } else {
        priv->errorReport = NULL;

    priv->lineno = lineno;
    priv->stackDepth = frames.length();
    priv->exnType = exnType;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < frames.length(); ++i) {
        priv->stackElems[i].filename = frames[i].filename;
        priv->stackElems[i].ulineno = frames[i].ulineno;

    SetExnPrivate(cx, exnObject, priv);
    return true;