Esempio n. 1
	// Updates a player based on user input:
	void Player::update(const Heightmap& hmap, const Graphics::Camera& cam, double timestep) {
		double height = hmap.getHeight(loc)+size;
		vel -= vec3::Y()*0.008*timestep;

		// If we can walk:
		if(loc.y-walkTolerance < height) {

			// Apply motion along cardinal directions if any of the keys are pressed, or else have them stand still:
			if(KEY(17)||KEY(30)||KEY(31)||KEY(32)) {
				vec3 snorm = hmap.getNormal(loc);
				vel += cam.right().cross(snorm).norm() * (0.6*KEY(31) - KEY(17)) * 0.06*timestep;
				vel += cam.ahead().cross(snorm).norm() * (KEY(32) - KEY(30)) * 0.05*timestep;
			} else if(vel.abs2()<3) vel = vec3::zero();

		} else if(loc.y-stillTolerance < height && vel.abs2()<3) {
			vel = vec3::zero();

		// Jetpack and gravity:
		vel += cam.up()*KEY(57)*0.07*timestep - vec3::Y()*timestep*0.03;
		// Resistance to motion:
		vel *= pow(0.7, 0.001*timestep);
		// Superclass update:
		Agent::update(hmap, timestep);