//-------------------- tranforms the image to negative---------------------------------------
//-------------------- shows it's histogram values on graphic--------------------------------
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_4_clicked()
    Histogram1D negative;
    //build look up
    int dim(256);
    cv::Mat lut(1, &dim, CV_8U); // lut is a matrix which is in 1D
    for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
        lut.at<uchar>(i)=255-i; //takes all the values and reverses it
    cv::Mat negativeResult;

    //negative image histogram
    cv::imshow("negative histogram",negative.getHistogramImage(negativeResult));

int main()
	// Read input image
	cv::Mat image= cv::imread("group.jpg",0);
	if (!image.data)
		return 0; 
	// Resize by 70% for book printing
	cv::resize(image, image, cv::Size(), 0.7, 0.7);

	// save grayscale image
	cv::imwrite("groupBW.jpg", image);

    // Display the image

	// The histogram object
	Histogram1D h;

    // Compute the histogram
	cv::Mat histo= h.getHistogram(image);

	// Loop over each bin
	for (int i=0; i<256; i++) 
		cout << "Value " << i << " = " << histo.at<float>(i) << endl;  

	// Display a histogram as an image

	// creating a binary image by thresholding at the valley
	cv::Mat thresholded; // output binary image
		          60,    // threshold value
				  255,   // value assigned to pixels over threshold value
				  cv::THRESH_BINARY); // thresholding type
	// Display the thresholded image
	cv::namedWindow("Binary Image");
	cv::imshow("Binary Image",thresholded);
	thresholded = 255 - thresholded;

	// Equalize the image
	cv::Mat eq= h.equalize(image);

	// Show the result
	cv::namedWindow("Equalized Image");
	cv::imshow("Equalized Image",eq);

	// Show the new histogram
	cv::namedWindow("Equalized Histogram");
	cv::imshow("Equalized Histogram",h.getHistogramImage(eq));

	// Stretch the image, setting the 1% of pixels at black and 1% at white
	cv::Mat str= h.stretch(image,0.01f);

	// Show the result
	cv::namedWindow("Stretched Image");
	cv::imshow("Stretched Image",str);

	// Show the new histogram
	cv::namedWindow("Stretched Histogram");
	cv::imshow("Stretched Histogram",h.getHistogramImage(str));

	// Create an image inversion table
	int dim(256);
	cv::Mat lut(1,  // 1 dimension
		&dim,       // 256 entries
		CV_8U);     // uchar
	// or cv::Mat lut(256,1,CV_8U);

	for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
		lut.at<uchar>(i)= 255-i;

	// Apply lookup and display negative image
	cv::namedWindow("Negative image");
	cv::imshow("Negative image",h.applyLookUp(image,lut));

	return 0;
int main_his()
	// Read input image
	cv::Mat image= cv::imread("Koala.jpg",0);
	if (!image.data)
		return 0; 

    // Display the image

	// The histogram object
	Histogram1D h;

    // Compute the histogram
	cv::MatND histo= h.getHistogram(image);

	// Loop over each bin
	for (int i=0; i<256; i++) 
		cout << "Value " << i << " = " << histo.at<float>(i) << endl;  

	// Display a histogram as an image

	// creating a binary image by thresholding at the valley
	cv::Mat thresholded;
	// Display the thresholded image
	cv::namedWindow("Binary Image");
	cv::imshow("Binary Image",thresholded);

	// Equalize the image
	cv::Mat eq= h.equalize(image);

	// Show the result
	cv::namedWindow("Equalized Image");
	cv::imshow("Equalized Image",eq);

	// Show the new histogram
	cv::namedWindow("Equalized Histogram");
	cv::imshow("Equalized Histogram",h.getHistogramImage(eq));

	// Stretch the image ignoring bins with less than 5 pixels
	cv::Mat str= h.stretch(image,5);

	// Show the result
	cv::namedWindow("Stretched Image");
	cv::imshow("Stretched Image",str);

	// Show the new histogram
	cv::namedWindow("Stretched Histogram");
	cv::imshow("Stretched Histogram",h.getHistogramImage(str));

	// Create an image inversion table
	//uchar lookup[256];

			// Create lookup table
		int dims[1]={256};
		cv::MatND lookup(1,dims,CV_8U);
				for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {

	// Apply lookup and display negative image
	cv::namedWindow("Negative image");
	cv::imshow("Negative image",h.applyLookUp(image,lookup));

	return 0;