Esempio n. 1
// does the recursive (shadow rays & recursive/glossy rays) work
Vec3f RayTracer::TraceRay(const Ray &ray, Hit &hit, int bounce_count) const
        hit = Hit();
        bool intersect = CastRay(ray,hit,false);

        Vec3f answer(args->background_color_linear);

        if (intersect == true) {
                const Material *m = hit.getMaterial();
                assert (m != NULL);

                // rays coming from the light source are set to white, don't bother to ray trace further.
                if (m->getEmittedColor().Length() > 0.001) {
                        answer = Vec3f(1,1,1);
                } else {
                        // ambient light
                        answer = args->ambient_light_linear *

                        // Shadows
                        answer += shadows(ray, hit);

                        // Reflections
                        Vec3f reflectiveColor = m->getReflectiveColor();
                        double roughness = m->getRoughness();
                        if (bounce_count > 0 && reflectiveColor.Length() > MIN_COLOR_LEN) {
                        	answer += reflectiveColor * reflections(ray, hit, bounce_count, roughness);

        return answer;
Vec3f Material::Shade(const Ray &ray, const Hit &hit, 
                      const Vec3f &dirToLight, 
                      const Vec3f &lightColor, ArgParser *args) const {
  Vec3f point = ray.pointAtParameter(hit.getT());
  Vec3f n = hit.getNormal();
  Vec3f e = ray.getDirection()*-1.0f;
  Vec3f l = dirToLight;
  Vec3f answer = Vec3f(0,0,0);

  // emitted component
  // -----------------
  answer += getEmittedColor();

  // diffuse component
  // -----------------
  double dot_nl = n.Dot3(l);
  if (dot_nl < 0) dot_nl = 0;
  answer += lightColor * getDiffuseColor(hit.get_s(),hit.get_t()) * dot_nl;

  // specular component (Phong)
  // ------------------
  // make up reasonable values for other Phong parameters
  Vec3f specularColor = reflectiveColor;
  double exponent = 100;

  // compute ideal reflection angle
  Vec3f r = (l*-1.0f) + n * (2 * dot_nl);
  double dot_er = e.Dot3(r);
  if (dot_er < 0) dot_er = 0;
  answer += lightColor*specularColor*pow(dot_er,exponent)* dot_nl;

  return answer;
glm::vec3 Material::Shade(const Ray &ray, const Hit &hit, 
                      const glm::vec3 &dirToLight, 
                      const glm::vec3 &lightColor, ArgParser *args) const {
  glm::vec3 point = ray.pointAtParameter(hit.getT());
  glm::vec3 n = hit.getNormal();
  glm::vec3 e = ray.getDirection()*-1.0f;
  glm::vec3 l = dirToLight;
  glm::vec3 answer = glm::vec3(0,0,0);

  // emitted component
  // -----------------
  answer += getEmittedColor();

  // diffuse component
  // -----------------
  float dot_nl = glm::dot(n,l);
  if (dot_nl < 0) dot_nl = 0;
  answer += lightColor * getDiffuseColor(hit.get_s(),hit.get_t()) * dot_nl;

  // specular component (Phong)
  // ------------------
  // make up reasonable values for other Phong parameters
  glm::vec3 specularColor = reflectiveColor;
  float exponent = 100;

  // compute ideal reflection angle
  glm::vec3 r = (l*-1.0f) + n * (2 * dot_nl);
  r = glm::normalize(r);
  float dot_er = glm::dot(e,r);
  if (dot_er < 0) dot_er = 0;
  answer += lightColor*specularColor*float(pow(dot_er,exponent))* dot_nl;

  return answer;