Esempio n. 1
	void CreateSpurtParticles( void )
		SimpleParticle *pParticle;
		// PMaterialHandle hMaterial = GetPMaterial( "particle/particle_smokegrenade" );

		Vector vecOrigin = m_vSortOrigin;
		IClientRenderable *pRenderable = ClientEntityList().GetClientRenderableFromHandle(m_hEntity);
		if ( pRenderable && m_nAttachmentIndex )
			QAngle tmp;
			pRenderable->GetAttachment( m_nAttachmentIndex, vecOrigin, tmp );
			SetSortOrigin( vecOrigin );

		// Smoke
		int numParticles = RandomInt( 1,2 );
		for ( int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++ )
			pParticle = (SimpleParticle *) AddParticle( sizeof( SimpleParticle ), g_Mat_DustPuff[0], vecOrigin );			
			if ( pParticle == NULL )

			pParticle->m_flLifetime = 0.0f;
			pParticle->m_flDieTime = RandomFloat( 0.5, 1.0 );

			// Random velocity around the angles forward
			Vector vecVelocity;
			vecVelocity.Random( -0.1f, 0.1f );
			vecVelocity += m_vecSpurtForward;
			VectorNormalize( vecVelocity );
			vecVelocity	*= RandomFloat( 160.0f, 640.0f );
			pParticle->m_vecVelocity = vecVelocity;

			// Randomize the color a little
			int color[3][2];
			for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
				color[i][0] = MAX( 0, m_SpurtColor[i] - 64 );
				color[i][1] = MIN( 255, m_SpurtColor[i] + 64 );
			pParticle->m_uchColor[0] = random->RandomInt( color[0][0], color[0][1] );
			pParticle->m_uchColor[1] = random->RandomInt( color[1][0], color[1][1] );
			pParticle->m_uchColor[2] = random->RandomInt( color[2][0], color[2][1] );

			pParticle->m_uchStartAlpha = m_SpurtColor[3];
			pParticle->m_uchEndAlpha = 0;
			pParticle->m_uchStartSize = RandomInt( 50, 60 );
			pParticle->m_uchEndSize = pParticle->m_uchStartSize*3;
			pParticle->m_flRoll	= RandomFloat( 0, 360 );
			pParticle->m_flRollDelta = RandomFloat( -4.0f, 4.0f );

		m_flLastParticleSpawnTime = gpGlobals->curtime + m_flSpawnRate;
Esempio n. 2
// Purpose: 
Vector GetTracerOrigin( const CEffectData &data )
	Vector vecStart = data.m_vStart;
	QAngle vecAngles;

	int iAttachment = data.m_nAttachmentIndex;;

	// Attachment?
	if ( data.m_fFlags & TRACER_FLAG_USEATTACHMENT )
		C_BaseViewModel *pViewModel = NULL;

		// If the entity specified is a weapon being carried by this player, use the viewmodel instead
		IClientRenderable *pRenderable = data.GetRenderable();
		if ( !pRenderable )
			return vecStart;

		C_BaseEntity *pEnt = data.GetEntity();


			C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWpn = ToBaseCombatWeapon( pEnt );
			if ( pWpn && pWpn->IsCarriedByLocalPlayer() )
				C_BasePlayer *player = ToBasePlayer( pWpn->GetOwner() );
				if( !player && pWpn->GetOwner() && pWpn->GetOwner()->IsUnit() )
					player = pWpn->GetOwner()->MyUnitPointer()->GetCommander();
				pViewModel = player ? player->GetViewModel( 0 ) : NULL;
				if ( pViewModel )
					// Get the viewmodel and use it instead
					pRenderable = pViewModel;

		// Get the attachment origin
		if ( !pRenderable->GetAttachment( iAttachment, vecStart, vecAngles ) )
			DevMsg( "GetTracerOrigin: Couldn't find attachment %d on model %s\n", iAttachment, 
				modelinfo->GetModelName( pRenderable->GetModel() ) );
Esempio n. 3
// Purpose: 
Vector GetTracerOrigin( const CEffectData &data )
	Vector vecStart = data.m_vStart;
	QAngle vecAngles;

	int iAttachment = data.m_nAttachmentIndex;;

	// Attachment?
	if ( data.m_fFlags & TRACER_FLAG_USEATTACHMENT )
		C_BaseViewModel *pViewModel = NULL;

		// If the entity specified is a weapon being carried by this player, use the viewmodel instead
		IClientRenderable *pRenderable = data.GetRenderable();
		if ( !pRenderable )
			return vecStart;

		C_BaseEntity *pEnt = data.GetEntity();

// This check should probably be for all multiplayer games, investigate later
#if defined( HL2MP ) || defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL ) || defined( TF_CLASSIC_CLIENT )
		if ( pEnt && pEnt->IsDormant() )
			return vecStart;

		C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWpn = dynamic_cast<C_BaseCombatWeapon *>( pEnt );
		if ( pWpn && pWpn->ShouldDrawUsingViewModel() )
			C_BasePlayer *player = ToBasePlayer( pWpn->GetOwner() );

			// Use GetRenderedWeaponModel() instead?
			pViewModel = player ? player->GetViewModel( 0 ) : NULL;
			if ( pViewModel )
				// Get the viewmodel and use it instead
				pRenderable = pViewModel;

		// Get the attachment origin
		if ( !pRenderable->GetAttachment( iAttachment, vecStart, vecAngles ) )
			DevMsg( "GetTracerOrigin: Couldn't find attachment %d on model %s\n", iAttachment, 
				modelinfo->GetModelName( pRenderable->GetModel() ) );

	return vecStart;
// Purpose: 
// Input  : &data - 
void CrosshairLoadCallback2( const CEffectData &data )
	IClientRenderable *pRenderable = data.GetRenderable( );
	if ( !pRenderable )
	Vector	position;
	QAngle	angles;

	// If we found the attachment, emit sparks there
	if ( pRenderable->GetAttachment( data.m_nAttachmentIndex, position, angles ) )
		FX_ElectricSpark( position, 1.0f, 1.0f, NULL );
Esempio n. 5
// Purpose: 
// Input  : entityIndex - 
//			attachmentIndex - 
//			*origin - 
//			*angles - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool FX_GetAttachmentTransform( ClientEntityHandle_t hEntity, int attachmentIndex, Vector *origin, QAngle *angles )
	// Validate our input
	if ( ( hEntity == INVALID_EHANDLE_INDEX ) || ( attachmentIndex < 1 ) )
		if ( origin != NULL )
			*origin = vec3_origin;
		if ( angles != NULL )
			*angles = QAngle(0,0,0);

		return false;

	// Get the actual entity
	IClientRenderable *pRenderable = ClientEntityList().GetClientRenderableFromHandle( hEntity );
	if ( pRenderable )
		Vector attachOrigin;
		QAngle attachAngles;

		// Find the attachment's matrix
		pRenderable->GetAttachment( attachmentIndex, attachOrigin, attachAngles );
		if ( origin != NULL )
			*origin = attachOrigin;
		if ( angles != NULL )
			*angles = attachAngles;
		return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 6
// Old-style muzzle flashes
void MuzzleFlashCallback( const CEffectData &data )
	Vector vecOrigin = data.m_vOrigin;
	QAngle vecAngles = data.m_vAngles;
	if ( data.entindex() > 0 )
		IClientRenderable *pRenderable = data.GetRenderable();
		if ( !pRenderable )

		if ( data.m_nAttachmentIndex )
			//FIXME: We also need to allocate these particles into an attachment space setup
			pRenderable->GetAttachment( data.m_nAttachmentIndex, vecOrigin, vecAngles );
			vecOrigin = pRenderable->GetRenderOrigin();
			vecAngles = pRenderable->GetRenderAngles();

	tempents->MuzzleFlash( vecOrigin, vecAngles, data.m_fFlags & (~MUZZLEFLASH_FIRSTPERSON), data.m_hEntity, (data.m_fFlags & MUZZLEFLASH_FIRSTPERSON) != 0 );	
// Purpose: Create the matrix by which we'll transform the particle's local 
//			space into world space, via the attachment's transform
void CLocalSpaceEmitter::SetupTransformMatrix( void )
	IClientRenderable *pRenderable = ClientEntityList().GetClientRenderableFromHandle( m_hEntity );
	if ( pRenderable )
		matrix3x4_t mat;
		if ( pRenderable->GetAttachment( m_nAttachment, mat ) == false )
			// This attachment is bogus!
		// Tell the particle effect so it knows
		Vector origin;
		MatrixGetColumn( mat, 3, origin );
		m_ParticleEffect.SetLocalSpaceTransform( mat );
		SetSortOrigin( origin );

		C_BaseEntity *pEnt = pRenderable->GetIClientUnknown()->GetBaseEntity();
		if ( pEnt )
			Vector vWorldMins, vWorldMaxs;
			float scale = pEnt->CollisionProp()->BoundingRadius();
			vWorldMins[0] = origin[0] - scale;
			vWorldMins[1] = origin[1] - scale;
			vWorldMins[2] = origin[2] - scale;
			vWorldMaxs[0] = origin[0] + scale;
			vWorldMaxs[1] = origin[1] + scale;
			vWorldMaxs[2] = origin[2] + scale;
			GetBinding().SetBBox( vWorldMins, vWorldMaxs, true );

	// We preapply the local transform because we need to squash it for viewmodel FOV.
	m_ParticleEffect.SetAutoApplyLocalTransform( false );