void MaxAWDExporter::ProcessGeoBlocks()
    AWDTriGeom *geoBlock;
    AWDBlockIterator *it;
    int proccessed=0;
    it = new AWDBlockIterator(awd->get_mesh_data_blocks());
    UpdateProgressBar(MAXAWD_PHASE_PROCESS_GEOMETRY, (double)proccessed/(double)awd->get_mesh_data_blocks()->get_num_blocks());
    INodeTab lNodes;
    while ((geoBlock = (AWDTriGeom * ) it->next()) != NULL){
        INode * node = (INode *)INodeToGeoBlockCache->Get(geoBlock);
        if (node==NULL){
            AWDMessageBlock * newWarning = new AWDMessageBlock(geoBlock->get_name(), "ERROR: Could not find the INode for this AWDGeometry.");
        lNodes.AppendNode( node );

    IGameScene* _pIgame = NULL;
    _pIgame = GetIGameInterface();
    _pIgame->InitialiseIGame( lNodes );
    while ((geoBlock = (AWDTriGeom * ) it->next()) != NULL){
        INode * node = (INode *)INodeToGeoBlockCache->Get(geoBlock);
        if (node==NULL){
            AWDMessageBlock * newWarning = new AWDMessageBlock(geoBlock->get_name(), "ERROR: Could not find the INode for this AWDGeometry.");
            int exportThis=false;
            IGameObject * gobj = NULL;
            IGameMesh * igame_mesh = NULL;
            gobj = GetIGameInterface()->GetIGameNode(node)->GetIGameObject();
                igame_mesh = (IGameMesh*)gobj;
                if (igame_mesh!=NULL){
            if (exportThis){
                Object *obj;
                obj = node->GetObjectRef();
                int skinIdx;
                ObjectState os;
                IDerivedObject *derivedObject = NULL;
                skinIdx = IndexOfSkinMod(node->GetObjectRef(), &derivedObject);
                if (skinIdx >= 0) {
                    // Flatten all modifiers up to but not including
                    // the skin modifier.
                    // to do: get the correct time for the neutral-pose
                    os = derivedObject->Eval(0, skinIdx + 1);
                else {
                    // Flatten entire modifier stack
                    // to do: get the correct time for the neutral-pose
                    os = node->EvalWorldState(maxInterface->GetTime());
                obj = os.obj;
                ISkin *skin = NULL;
                if (derivedObject != NULL && skinIdx >= 0) {
                    Modifier *mod = derivedObject->GetModifier(skinIdx);
                    skin = (ISkin *)mod->GetInterface(I_SKIN);
                ExportTriGeom(geoBlock,obj,node,skin, igame_mesh);
        UpdateProgressBar(MAXAWD_PHASE_PROCESS_GEOMETRY, (double)proccessed/(double)awd->get_mesh_data_blocks()->get_num_blocks());
    delete it;
Esempio n. 2
static void extractTriangleGeometry( GmModel* gm, INode* node, Mesh* mesh, Mtl* material )
	Modifier*			phyMod		= 0;
	IPhysiqueExport*	phyExport	= 0;
	IPhyContextExport*	mcExport	= 0;
	Modifier*			skinMod		= 0;
	ISkin*				skin		= 0;
	String				nodeName	( node->GetName() );

		// vertex transform to left-handed system
		Matrix3 pivot = TmUtil::getPivotTransform( node );
		Matrix3 vertexTM = pivot * s_convtm;
		bool insideOut = TmUtil::hasNegativeParity( pivot );

		/*Matrix4x4 pm = TmUtil::toLH( vertexTM );
		Debug::println( "Object {0} vertex local TM is", nodeName );
		Debug::println( "  {0,#.###} {1,#.###} {2,#.###} {3,#.###}", pm(0,0), pm(0,1), pm(0,2), pm(0,3) );
		Debug::println( "  {0,#.###} {1,#.###} {2,#.###} {3,#.###}", pm(1,0), pm(1,1), pm(1,2), pm(1,3) );
		Debug::println( "  {0,#.###} {1,#.###} {2,#.###} {3,#.###}", pm(2,0), pm(2,1), pm(2,2), pm(2,3) );
		Debug::println( "  {0,#.###} {1,#.###} {2,#.###} {3,#.###}", pm(3,0), pm(3,1), pm(3,2), pm(3,3) );*/

		// add vertex positions
		int vertices = mesh->getNumVerts();
		for ( int vi = 0 ; vi < vertices ; ++vi )
			Point3 v = vertexTM * mesh->verts[vi];
			mb::Vertex* vert = gm->addVertex();
			vert->setPosition( v.x, v.y, v.z );

		// add vertex weights (from Physique modifier)
		phyMod = PhyExportUtil::findPhysiqueModifier( node );
		if ( phyMod )
			Debug::println( "  Found Physique modifier: {0}", gm->name );

			// get (possibly shared) Physique export interface
			phyExport = (IPhysiqueExport*)phyMod->GetInterface( I_PHYINTERFACE );
			if( !phyExport )
				throw Exception( Format("No Physique modifier export interface") );

			// export from initial pose?
			phyExport->SetInitialPose( false );
			// get (unique) context dependent export inteface
			mcExport = (IPhyContextExport*)phyExport->GetContextInterface( node );
			if( !mcExport )
				throw Exception( Format("No Physique modifier context export interface") );

			// convert to rigid for time independent vertex assignment
			mcExport->ConvertToRigid( true );

			// allow blending to export multi-link assignments
			mcExport->AllowBlending( true );

			// list bones
			Vector<INode*> bones( Allocator<INode*>(__FILE__,__LINE__) );
			PhyExportUtil::listBones( mcExport, bones );

			// add vertex weight maps
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < bones.size() ; ++i )
				INode* bone = bones[i];
				String name = bone->GetName();
				mb::VertexMap* vmap = gm->addVertexMap( 1, name, mb::VertexMapFormat::VERTEXMAP_WEIGHT );
				PhyExportUtil::addWeights( vmap, bone, mcExport );

		// add vertex weights (from Skin modifier)
		skinMod = SkinExportUtil::findSkinModifier( node );
		if ( skinMod )
			skin = (ISkin*)skinMod->GetInterface(I_SKIN);
			require( skin );
			ISkinContextData* skincx = skin->GetContextInterface( node );
			require( skincx );
			Debug::println( "  Found Skin modifier: {0} ({1} bones, {2} points)", gm->name, skin->GetNumBones(), skincx->GetNumPoints() );
			if ( skincx->GetNumPoints() != gm->vertices() )
				throw Exception( Format("Only some vertices ({0}/{1}) of {2} are skinned", skincx->GetNumPoints(), gm->vertices(), gm->name) );

			// list bones
			Vector<INode*> bones( Allocator<INode*>(__FILE__,__LINE__) );
			SkinExportUtil::listBones( skin, bones );

			// add vertex weight maps
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < bones.size() ; ++i )
				INode* bone = bones[i];
				String name = bone->GetName();
				mb::VertexMap* vmap = gm->addVertexMap( 1, name, mb::VertexMapFormat::VERTEXMAP_WEIGHT );
				SkinExportUtil::addWeights( vmap, bone, skin, skincx );
				//Debug::println( "    Bone {0} is affecting {1} vertices", name, vmap->size() );

			// DEBUG: print skin node tm and initial object tm
			/*Matrix3 tm;
			int ok = skin->GetSkinInitTM( node, tm );
			require( ok == SKIN_OK );
			Debug::println( "  NodeInitTM of {0}", nodeName );
			TmUtil::println( tm, 4 );
			ok = skin->GetSkinInitTM( node, tm, true );
			require( ok == SKIN_OK );
			Debug::println( "  NodeObjectTM of {0}", nodeName );
			TmUtil::println( tm, 4 );*/

			// DEBUG: print bones
			/*Debug::println( "  bones of {0}:", nodeName );
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < bones.size() ; ++i )
				Debug::println( "    bone ({0}): {1}", i, String(bones[i]->GetName()) );
				skin->GetBoneInitTM( bones[i], tm );
				Debug::println( "      InitNodeTM:" );
				TmUtil::println( tm, 6 );
				skin->GetBoneInitTM( bones[i], tm, true );
				Debug::println( "      InitObjectTM:" );
				TmUtil::println( tm, 6 );

			// DEBUG: print bones used by the points
			/*for ( int i = 0 ; i < skincx->GetNumPoints() ; ++i )
				int bonec = skincx->GetNumAssignedBones(i);
				Debug::println( "    point {0} has {1} bones", i, bonec );
				for ( int k = 0 ; k < bonec ; ++k )
					int boneidx = skincx->GetAssignedBone( i, k );
					float w = skincx->GetBoneWeight( i, k );
					Debug::println( "    point {0} boneidx ({1}): {2}, weight {3}", i, k, boneidx, w );

		// ensure clockwise polygon vertex order
		int vx[3] = {2,1,0};
		if ( insideOut )
			int tmp = vx[0];
			vx[0] = vx[2];
			vx[2] = tmp;
		// list unique materials used by the triangles
		Vector<ShellMaterial> usedMaterials( Allocator<ShellMaterial>(__FILE__,__LINE__) );
		if ( material )
			for ( int fi = 0 ; fi < mesh->getNumFaces() ; ++fi )
				Face& face = mesh->faces[fi];
				int mergesubmaterial = -1;
				int originalsubmaterial = -1;

				for ( int j = 0; j < material->NumSubMtls(); ++j)
					// Get Sub Material Slot name 
					TSTR name = material->GetSubMtlSlotName(j);

					// Light maps are stored in sub material slot named "Baked Material"
					if ( strcmp( name, "Baked Material" ) == 0 ) 
						mergesubmaterial = j;
						originalsubmaterial = j;				

				if ( mergesubmaterial != -1 ) // A baked material was found, shell materials will be created
					Mtl* mat = material->GetSubMtl( originalsubmaterial );
					Mtl* bakedmtl = material->GetSubMtl( mergesubmaterial );
					if ( mat->NumSubMtls() > 0 ) // Check for nested multi-material
						for ( int j = 0; j < mat->NumSubMtls(); ++j)
							usedMaterials.add( ShellMaterial( mat->GetSubMtl( face.getMatID() % mat->NumSubMtls() ), bakedmtl ) );
					} else
						usedMaterials.add( ShellMaterial( mat, bakedmtl ) );
				else if ( material->NumSubMtls() > 0 ) // Multi-material without baked material 
					usedMaterials.add( ShellMaterial( material->GetSubMtl( face.getMatID() % material->NumSubMtls() ), 0 ) ); 
				else	// Single material without baked material
					usedMaterials.add( ShellMaterial( material, 0 ) );
			std::sort( usedMaterials.begin(), usedMaterials.end() );
			usedMaterials.setSize( std::unique( usedMaterials.begin(), usedMaterials.end() ) - usedMaterials.begin() );

		// create used materials
		for ( int mi = 0 ; mi < usedMaterials.size() ; ++mi )
			ShellMaterial shellmtl = usedMaterials[mi];
			gm->materials.add( GmUtil::createGmMaterial( shellmtl.original, shellmtl.baked ) );

		// add triangles
		for ( int fi = 0 ; fi < mesh->getNumFaces() ; ++fi )
			mb::Polygon* poly = gm->addPolygon();

			// triangle indices
			Face& face = mesh->faces[fi];
			for ( int vxi = 0 ; vxi < 3 ; ++vxi )
				int vi = face.v[ vx[vxi] ];
				require( vi >= 0 && vi < gm->vertices() );
				mb::Vertex* vert = gm->getVertex( vi );
				poly->addVertex( vert );

			// triangle material
			int polyMaterialIndex = 0;
			if ( material )
				ShellMaterial mat( material, 0 );
				int numsubmaterials = material->NumSubMtls();  

				if ( numsubmaterials > 0 )
					mat.original = material->GetSubMtl( face.getMatID() % material->NumSubMtls() );
					for ( int j = 0; j < numsubmaterials; ++j) // Is baked material present?
						TSTR name = material->GetSubMtlSlotName(j);
						if ( strcmp( name, "Baked Material" ) == 0 )
							mat.baked = material->GetSubMtl( j );
						if ( strcmp( name, "Original Material" ) == 0 )
							mat.original = material->GetSubMtl( j );
					if ( mat.original->NumSubMtls() > 0 )  // Is there a nested multi-material?
						mat.original = mat.original->GetSubMtl( face.getMatID() % mat.original->NumSubMtls() );

				for ( int mi = 0 ; mi < usedMaterials.size() ; ++mi )
					if ( usedMaterials[mi] == mat )
						polyMaterialIndex = mi;
			poly->setMaterial( polyMaterialIndex );

		// add vertex colors
		int mp = 0;
		if ( mesh->mapSupport(mp) && mesh->getNumMapVerts(mp) > 0 )
			mb::DiscontinuousVertexMap* vmad = gm->addDiscontinuousVertexMap( 3, "rgb", mb::VertexMapFormat::VERTEXMAP_RGB );

			int tverts = mesh->getNumMapVerts( mp );
			UVVert* tvert = mesh->mapVerts( mp );
			TVFace* tface = mesh->mapFaces( mp );

			//Debug::println( "Vertex colors:" );
			for ( int fi = 0 ; fi < mesh->getNumFaces() ; ++fi )
				Face& face = mesh->faces[fi];
				mb::Polygon* poly = gm->getPolygon( fi );

				for ( int vxi = 0 ; vxi < 3 ; ++vxi )
					int vi = face.v[ vx[vxi] ];
					mb::Vertex* vert = gm->getVertex( vi );
					Point3 tc = tvert[ tface[fi].t[ vx[vxi] ] % tverts ];
					float rgb[3] = {tc.x, tc.y, tc.z};
					vmad->addValue( vert->index(), poly->index(), rgb, 3 );
					//Debug::println( "  vertex[{0}].rgb: {1} {2} {3}", vert->index(), rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] );

		// add texcoord layers
		int lastCoords = MAX_MESHMAPS-2;
		while ( lastCoords > 0 && (!mesh->mapSupport(lastCoords) || 0 == mesh->getNumMapVerts(lastCoords)) )
		if ( lastCoords > 8 )
			throw IOException( Format("Too many texture coordinate sets ({1}) in {0}", gm->name, lastCoords) );

		for ( mp = 1 ; mp <= lastCoords ; ++mp )
			mb::DiscontinuousVertexMap* vmad = gm->addDiscontinuousVertexMap( 2, "uv", mb::VertexMapFormat::VERTEXMAP_TEXCOORD );

			if ( mesh->mapSupport(mp) && mesh->getNumMapVerts(mp) > 0 )
				int tverts = mesh->getNumMapVerts( mp );
				UVVert* tvert = mesh->mapVerts( mp );
				TVFace* tface = mesh->mapFaces( mp );
				for ( int fi = 0 ; fi < mesh->getNumFaces() ; ++fi )
					Face& face = mesh->faces[fi];
					mb::Polygon* poly = gm->getPolygon( fi );

					for ( int vxi = 0 ; vxi < 3 ; ++vxi )
						int vi = face.v[ vx[vxi] ];
						mb::Vertex* vert = gm->getVertex( vi );
						Point3 tc = tvert[ tface[fi].t[ vx[vxi] ] % tverts ];
						float uv[2] = {tc.x, 1.f-tc.y};
						vmad->addValue( vert->index(), poly->index(), uv, 2 );

		// compute face vertex normals from smoothing groups
		require( mesh->getNumFaces() == gm->polygons() );
		mb::DiscontinuousVertexMap* vmad = gm->addDiscontinuousVertexMap( 3, "vnormals", mb::VertexMapFormat::VERTEXMAP_NORMALS );
		for ( int fi = 0 ; fi < gm->polygons() ; ++fi )
			mb::Polygon* poly = gm->getPolygon( fi );
			require( poly );
			require( poly->index() >= 0 && poly->index() < mesh->getNumFaces() );
			Face& face = mesh->faces[ poly->index() ];

			require( poly->vertices() == 3 );
			for ( int j = 0 ; j < poly->vertices() ; ++j )
				Vector3 vn(0,0,0);
				mb::Vertex* vert = poly->getVertex( j );

				// sum influencing normals
				for ( int k = 0 ; k < vert->polygons() ; ++k )
					mb::Polygon* vpoly = vert->getPolygon( k );
					require( vpoly );
					require( vpoly->index() >= 0 && vpoly->index() < mesh->getNumFaces() );
					Face& vface = mesh->faces[ vpoly->index() ];

					if ( 0 != (face.smGroup & vface.smGroup) || poly == vpoly )
						Vector3 vpolyn;
						vpoly->getNormal( &vpolyn.x, &vpolyn.y, &vpolyn.z );
						vn += vpolyn;

				// normalize
				float lensqr = vn.lengthSquared();
				if ( lensqr > Float::MIN_VALUE )
					vn *= 1.f / Math::sqrt(lensqr);
					vn = Vector3(0,0,0);

				vmad->addValue( vert->index(), poly->index(), vn.begin(), 3 );

		// re-export mesh points in non-deformed pose if Skin modifier present
		// NOTE: 3ds Mesh must not be used after this, because collapsing can invalidate it
		if ( skin )
			// evaluate derived object before Skin modifier
			TimeValue time = 0;
			bool evalNext = false;
			bool evalDone = false;
			::ObjectState os;
			::Object* obj = node->GetObjectRef();
			while ( obj->SuperClassID() == GEN_DERIVOB_CLASS_ID && !evalDone )
				IDerivedObject* derivedObj = static_cast<IDerivedObject*>(obj);
				for ( int modStack = 0 ; modStack < derivedObj->NumModifiers() ; ++modStack )
					if ( evalNext )
						os = derivedObj->Eval( time, modStack );
						evalDone = true;

					Modifier* mod = derivedObj->GetModifier(modStack);
					if ( mod->ClassID() == SKIN_CLASSID )
						evalNext = true;
				obj = derivedObj->GetObjRef();

			// evaluate possible non-derived object
			if ( evalNext && !evalDone )
				os = obj->Eval( time );
				evalDone = true;

			// convert to TriObject and get points
			if ( evalDone && os.obj->CanConvertToType( Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID,0) ) )
				Debug::println( "  Evaluating object {0} before Skin modifier", nodeName );

				// get TriObject
				std::auto_ptr<TriObject> triAutoDel(0);
				TriObject* tri = static_cast<TriObject*>( os.obj->ConvertToType( time, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID,0) ) );
				if ( tri != os.obj )
					triAutoDel = std::auto_ptr<TriObject>( tri );

				// get mesh points before Skin is applied
				//Debug::println( "  Original collapsed mesh has {0} points, before Skin modifier {1} points", mesh->getNumVerts(), tri->mesh.getNumVerts() );
				require( gm->vertices() == tri->mesh.getNumVerts() );
				Mesh* mesh = &tri->mesh;
				int vertices = mesh->getNumVerts();
				for ( int vi = 0 ; vi < vertices ; ++vi )
					Point3 v = vertexTM * mesh->verts[vi];
					mb::Vertex* vert = gm->getVertex( vi );
					vert->setPosition( v.x, v.y, v.z );

		// split vertices with discontinuous vertex map values
		for ( int vmi = 0 ; vmi < gm->discontinuousVertexMaps() ; ++vmi )
			mb::DiscontinuousVertexMap* vmad = gm->getDiscontinuousVertexMap( vmi );
			gm->splitVertexDiscontinuities( vmad );

		// find base texcoord layer
		mb::DiscontinuousVertexMap* texcoords = 0;
		for ( int i = 0 ; i < gm->discontinuousVertexMaps() ; ++i )
			mb::DiscontinuousVertexMap* vmad = gm->getDiscontinuousVertexMap(i);
			if ( vmad->dimensions() == 2 && vmad->format() == mb::VertexMapFormat::VERTEXMAP_TEXCOORD )
				texcoords = vmad;
		if ( !texcoords )
			Debug::printlnError( "Object {0} must have texture coordinates", gm->name );
			// requires identification of footsteps in MySceneExport::isExportableGeometry
			//throw IOException( Format("Object {0} must have texture coordinates", gm->name) );

		// optimize

		// cleanup export interfaces
		if ( mcExport )
			require( phyExport );
			phyExport->ReleaseContextInterface( mcExport );
			mcExport = 0;
		if ( phyExport )
			require( phyMod );
			phyMod->ReleaseInterface( I_PHYINTERFACE, phyExport );
			phyExport = 0;
		if ( skin )
			skinMod->ReleaseInterface( I_SKIN, skin );
			skin = 0;
			skinMod = 0;
	catch ( ... )
		// cleanup export interfaces
		if ( mcExport )
			require( phyExport );
			phyExport->ReleaseContextInterface( mcExport );
			mcExport = 0;
		if ( phyExport )
			require( phyMod );
			phyMod->ReleaseInterface( I_PHYINTERFACE, phyExport );
			phyExport = 0;
		if ( skin )
			skinMod->ReleaseInterface( I_SKIN, skin );
			skin = 0;
			skinMod = 0;