Esempio n. 1
IObject* SimpleDynamicLoader::createObject() {
  IObject* obj;

  obj = factory();


  return obj;
Esempio n. 2
IObject* GenericFactory::createObject() {
  IObject* obj;

  obj = factory();


  return obj;
Esempio n. 3
void test006() {
  IServiceManager* servmgr;
  IStaticServiceHandler* handler;
  IMonikerService* monikers;
  IObject* testobj;
  IObject* obj;

  servmgr = XPLC_getServiceManager();
  ASSERT(servmgr != 0, "could not obtain service manager");

  obj = servmgr->getObject(XPLC::staticServiceHandler);
  ASSERT(obj != 0, "could not obtain static service handler");

  handler = mutate<IStaticServiceHandler>(obj);
  ASSERT(handler != 0, "static service handler does not have the IStaticServiceHandler interface");

  testobj = new TestObject;
  ASSERT(testobj != 0, "could not create TestObject");

  handler->addObject(TestObject_CID, testobj);
  VERIFY(servmgr->getObject(TestObject_CID) == testobj, "adding the test object did not work");
  VERIFY(testobj->release() == 2, "incorrect refcount on test object");

  obj = servmgr->getObject(XPLC::monikers);
  ASSERT(obj != 0, "could not obtain moniker component");
  monikers = mutate<IMonikerService>(obj);
  ASSERT(monikers != 0, "moniker service does not have the IMoniker interface");
  monikers->registerObject("moniker", XPLC::monikers);
  monikers->registerObject("testobject", TestObject_CID);

  obj = monikers->resolve("testobject");
  ASSERT(obj != 0, "resolving the test object returned nothing");
  ASSERT(obj == testobj, "the testobject moniker resolved to something else than the test object");
  VERIFY(obj->release() == 2, "refcount is wrong on the test object");

  obj = monikers->resolve("moniker:testobject");
  ASSERT(obj != 0, "resolving the test object indirectly returned nothing");
  ASSERT(obj == testobj, "the testobject moniker indirectly resolved to something else than the test object");
  VERIFY(obj->release() == 2, "refcount is wrong on the test object");

  obj = monikers->resolve("moniker:");
  VERIFY(obj == 0, "resolving an empty sub-moniker returned something");

  VERIFY(monikers->release() == 1, "incorrect refcount on moniker service");

  VERIFY(handler->release() == 2, "incorrect refcount on static service handler");

  VERIFY(servmgr->release() == 0, "service manager has non-zero refcount after release");

  VERIFY(testobj->release() == 0, "refcount is wrong on the test object");

  delete testobj;
Esempio n. 4

IObject* XPLC_getInterface_real(void* self, const UUID& uuid,
                           const UUID_Info* uuidlist) {
  IObject* rv;

  while(uuidlist->iid) {
    if(uuidlist->iid->equals(uuid)) {
      rv = reinterpret_cast<IObject*>
        (reinterpret_cast<ptrdiff_t>(self) + uuidlist->delta);
      return rv;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 5
void test() {
  MyTestObject* test = 0;
  IObject* iobj = 0;
  IFoo* ifoo = 0;
  IBar* ibar = 0;

  test = MyTestObject::create();
  ASSERT(test, "could not instantiate test object");

  iobj = static_cast<IFoo*>(test)->getInterface(IObject::IID);
  VERIFY(iobj, "getInterface(IObject::IID) failed on test object");

  VERIFY(reinterpret_cast<void*>(iobj) == reinterpret_cast<void*>(test), "identity test failed");

  ifoo = get<IFoo>(iobj);
  VERIFY(ifoo, "get<IFoo> failed on test object");

  ibar = get<IBar>(ifoo);
  VERIFY(ibar, "get<IBar> failed on test object");


  VERIFY(ifoo->getFoo() == 10, "test object has unexpected behavior");
  VERIFY(ibar->getBar() == 20, "test object has unexpected behavior");

  VERIFY(iobj->addRef() == 4, "incorrect refcount");
  VERIFY(ifoo->addRef() == 5, "incorrect refcount");
  VERIFY(ibar->addRef() == 6, "incorrect refcount");

  VERIFY(iobj->release() == 5, "incorrect refcount");
  VERIFY(ifoo->release() == 4, "incorrect refcount");
  VERIFY(ibar->release() == 3, "incorrect refcount");

  VERIFY(iobj->release() == 2, "incorrect refcount");
  VERIFY(ifoo->release() == 1, "incorrect refcount");
  VERIFY(ibar->release() == 0, "incorrect refcount");