virtual void ProcessEvent(EFlowEvent event, SActivationInfo* pActInfo)
#if !defined(_RELEASE)
		if (event == eFE_Activate)
			if (IsPortActive(pActInfo, eIP_Draw))
				IPersistantDebug* pPersistentDebug = CCryAction::GetCryAction()->GetIPersistantDebug();
				if (pPersistentDebug)
					const Vec3 pos = GetPortVec3(pActInfo, eIP_Pos);
					const float innerRadius = GetPortFloat(pActInfo, eIP_InnerRadius);
					const float outerRadius = GetPortFloat(pActInfo, eIP_OuterRadius);
					const float time = GetPortFloat(pActInfo, eIP_Time);
					const ColorF color = GetPortVec3(pActInfo, eIP_Color);

					pPersistentDebug->Begin("FG_PlanarDisc", false);
					pPersistentDebug->AddPlanarDisc(pos, innerRadius, outerRadius, color, time);
Esempio n. 2
	bool operator() (const SSpectacularKillAnimation& killAnim) const
		const SSpectacularKillCVars& skCVars = g_pGameCVars->g_spectacularKill;
		const CActor* pOwner = m_spectacularKill.m_pOwner;

		// 0. the anim shouldn't be redundant
		if (((gEnv->pTimer->GetFrameStartTime().GetSeconds() - s_lastKillInfo.timeStamp) <= skCVars.minTimeBetweenSameKills) &&
			SK_DEBUG_LOG("GetValidAnim - %s is not valid: This animation was last played %.1f ago, a minimum time of %.1f is required", 
				killAnim.killerAnimation.c_str(), (gEnv->pTimer->GetFrameStartTime().GetSeconds() - s_lastKillInfo.timeStamp), skCVars.minTimeBetweenSameKills);

			return true;

		// 1. the killer needs to be within a certain distance from the target
		IEntity* pTargetEntity = m_pTarget->GetEntity();
		IEntity* pKillerEntity = pOwner->GetEntity();

		const QuatT& killerTransform = pOwner->GetAnimatedCharacter()->GetAnimLocation();
		const QuatT& targetTransform = m_pTarget->GetAnimatedCharacter()->GetAnimLocation();
		const Vec3& vKillerPos = killerTransform.t;
		const Vec3& vTargetPos = targetTransform.t;

		Vec2 vKillerToTarget = Vec2(vTargetPos) - Vec2(vKillerPos);
		float distance = vKillerToTarget.GetLength();

		const float optimalDistance = killAnim.optimalDist;
		if ((optimalDistance > 0.0f) && (fabs_tpl(distance - optimalDistance) > skCVars.maxDistanceError))
#ifndef _RELEASE
			if (g_pGameCVars->g_spectacularKill.debug > 1)
				// visually shows why it failed
				IPersistantDebug* pPersistantDebug = m_spectacularKill.BeginPersistantDebug();
				const float fConeHeight = killAnim.optimalDist + skCVars.maxDistanceError;
				pPersistantDebug->AddPlanarDisc(vTargetPos, killAnim.optimalDist - skCVars.maxDistanceError, killAnim.optimalDist + skCVars.maxDistanceError, Col_Coral, 6.0f);
				pPersistantDebug->AddLine(vKillerPos, vKillerPos + Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 5.0f), Col_Red, 6.f);

			SK_DEBUG_LOG("GetValidAnim - %s is not valid: Distance between actors should be %.2f, is %.2f (max error is %f)", 
				killAnim.killerAnimation.c_str(), optimalDistance, distance, skCVars.maxDistanceError);

			return true;

		// 2. The killer needs to be facing the target within cosLookToConeHalfAngleRadians angle
		Vec2 vKillerDir(killerTransform.GetColumn1()); // In decoupled catchup mode we need the animated character's orientation
		if (vKillerToTarget.GetNormalizedSafe().Dot(vKillerDir) <= skCVars.minKillerToTargetDotProduct)
			SK_DEBUG_LOG("GetValidAnim - %s is not valid: Killer is not looking within %.2f degrees towards the target", 
				killAnim.killerAnimation.c_str(), RAD2DEG(acos_tpl(skCVars.minKillerToTargetDotProduct) * 2.0f));

			return true;

		// 3. If specified, the killer needs to be within a certain angle range from a given reference orientation from the target
		// e.g. Specifying referenceAngle 180 means using the back of the target as the center of the angle range 
		// (imagine it as a cone) where the killer has to be for the kill to be valid
		if (killAnim.targetToKillerAngle >= 0.f)
			const float referenceAngle = killAnim.targetToKillerAngle;

			// Find the reference vector which will be the center of the allowed angle range
			Vec2 vTargetDir(targetTransform.GetColumn1());

			// 2D rotation
			Vec2 vReferenceDir((vTargetDir.x * cosf(referenceAngle)) - (vTargetDir.y * sinf(referenceAngle)), 
				(vTargetDir.y * cosf(referenceAngle)) + (vTargetDir.x * sinf(referenceAngle)));

			if (vKillerToTarget.GetNormalizedSafe().Dot(-vReferenceDir) <= killAnim.targetToKillerMinDot)
#ifndef _RELEASE
				if (g_pGameCVars->g_spectacularKill.debug > 1)
					// visually shows why it failed
					IPersistantDebug* pPersistantDebug = m_spectacularKill.BeginPersistantDebug();
					const float fConeHeight = killAnim.optimalDist + skCVars.maxDistanceError;
					pPersistantDebug->AddCone(vTargetPos + (vReferenceDir * fConeHeight), -vReferenceDir, killAnim.targetToKillerMinDot * fConeHeight * 2.0f, fConeHeight, Col_Coral, 6.f);
					pPersistantDebug->AddLine(vKillerPos, vKillerPos + Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 5.0f), Col_Red, 6.f);

				float targetToKillerDot = vTargetDir.GetNormalizedSafe().Dot(-vKillerToTarget);
				SK_DEBUG_LOG("GetValidAnim - %s is not valid: Killer is not within a %.2f degrees cone centered on the target's %.2f degrees. Killer is at %.2f angles respect the target", 
					killAnim.killerAnimation.c_str(), RAD2DEG(acos_tpl(killAnim.targetToKillerMinDot) * 2.0f), RAD2DEG(killAnim.targetToKillerAngle), RAD2DEG(acos_tpl(targetToKillerDot)));

				return true;

		SK_DEBUG_LOG("GetValidAnim - %s is valid", killAnim.killerAnimation.c_str());
		return false;