Esempio n. 1
static CBaseEntity *FindPhysicsBlocker( IPhysicsObject *pPhysics )
	IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot *pSnapshot = pPhysics->CreateFrictionSnapshot();
	CBaseEntity *pBlocker = NULL;
	float maxVel = 10.0f;
	while ( pSnapshot->IsValid() )
		IPhysicsObject *pOther = pSnapshot->GetObject(1);
		if ( pOther->IsMoveable() )
			CBaseEntity *pOtherEntity = static_cast<CBaseEntity *>(pOther->GetGameData());
			// dot with this if you have a direction
			//Vector normal;
			float force = pSnapshot->GetNormalForce();
			float vel = force * pOther->GetInvMass();
			if ( vel > maxVel )
				pBlocker = pOtherEntity;
				maxVel = vel;

	pPhysics->DestroyFrictionSnapshot( pSnapshot );

	return pBlocker;
void CStatueProp::Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = VPhysicsGetObject();

	if ( pPhysics && !pPhysics->IsMoveable() )
		pPhysics->EnableMotion( true );
		VPhysicsTakeDamage( info );
	m_nShatterFlags = 0; // If you have some flags to network for the shatter effect, put them here!
	m_vShatterPosition = info.GetDamagePosition();
	m_vShatterForce = info.GetDamageForce();
	m_bShatter = true;

	// Skip over breaking code!
	//Break( info.GetInflictor(), info );
	//BaseClass::Event_Killed( info );

	// FIXME: Short delay before we actually remove so that the client statue gets a network update before we need it
	// This isn't a reliable way to do this and needs to be rethought.
	AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );

	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.2f );
	SetThink( &CBaseEntity::SUB_Remove );
void CPlayerPickupController::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
	if ( ToBasePlayer(pActivator) == m_pPlayer )
		CBaseEntity *pAttached = m_grabController.GetAttached();

		// UNDONE: Use vphysics stress to decide to drop objects
		// UNDONE: Must fix case of forcing objects into the ground you're standing on (causes stress) before that will work
		if ( !pAttached || useType == USE_OFF || (m_pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK2) || m_grabController.ComputeError() > 12 )
		//Adrian: Oops, our object became motion disabled, let go!
		IPhysicsObject *pPhys = pAttached->VPhysicsGetObject();
		if ( pPhys && pPhys->IsMoveable() == false )

		vphysics_objectstress_t stress;
		CalculateObjectStress( pPhys, pAttached, &stress );
		if ( stress.exertedStress > 250 )

		// +ATTACK will throw phys objects
		if ( m_pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK )
			Shutdown( true );
			Vector vecLaunch;
			m_pPlayer->EyeVectors( &vecLaunch );
			// JAY: Scale this with mass because some small objects really go flying
			float massFactor = clamp( pPhys->GetMass(), 0.5, 15 );
			massFactor = RemapVal( massFactor, 0.5, 15, 0.5, 4 );
			vecLaunch *= player_throwforce.GetFloat() * massFactor;

			pPhys->ApplyForceCenter( vecLaunch );
			AngularImpulse aVel = RandomAngularImpulse( -10, 10 ) * massFactor;
			pPhys->ApplyTorqueCenter( aVel );
		if ( useType == USE_SET )
			// update position
			m_grabController.UpdateObject( m_pPlayer, 12 );
void CASW_Barrel_Explosive::Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhysics && !pPhysics->IsMoveable() )
		pPhysics->EnableMotion( true );
		VPhysicsTakeDamage( info );

	QueueForExplode( info );

	// Break( info.GetInflictor(), info );
	// DoExplosion();
void CHL1_Player::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	if ( pOther == GetGroundEntity() )

	if ( pOther->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS || pOther->GetSolid() != SOLID_VPHYSICS )

	IPhysicsObject *pPhys = pOther->VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( !pPhys || !pPhys->IsMoveable() )

	SetTouchedPhysics( true );
static bool InContactWithHeavyObject( IPhysicsObject *pObject, float heavyMass )
	bool contact = false;
	IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot *pSnapshot = pObject->CreateFrictionSnapshot();
	while ( pSnapshot->IsValid() )
		IPhysicsObject *pOther = pSnapshot->GetObject( 1 );
		if ( !pOther->IsMoveable() || pOther->GetMass() > heavyMass )
			contact = true;
	pObject->DestroyFrictionSnapshot( pSnapshot );
	return contact;
// adnan
// want to add an angles modifier key
bool CGravControllerPoint::UpdateObject( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pEntity )
	if ( !pEntity || pPlayer->GetGroundEntity() == pEntity || !pEntity->VPhysicsGetObject() )
		return false;

	//Adrian: Oops, our object became motion disabled, let go!
	IPhysicsObject *pPhys = pEntity->VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhys && pPhys->IsMoveable() == false )
		return false;

	SetTargetPosition( m_targetPosition, m_targetRotation );

	return true;
void CGEPropDynamic::Event_Killed(const CTakeDamageInfo &info)
	// More or less just the kill event copied straight from prop_physics_respawnable, though it does not teleport as it cannot move on its own.

	IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = VPhysicsGetObject();
	if (pPhysics && !pPhysics->IsMoveable())

	Break(info.GetInflictor(), info);





	if (IsOnFire() || IsDissolving())

	SetContextThink(NULL, 0, "PROP_CLEARFLAGS");

	if (m_flRespawnTime > 0)
		SetNextThink(gpGlobals->curtime + m_flRespawnTime);
bool CGrabController::UpdateObject( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, float flError )
 	CBaseEntity *pEntity = GetAttached();
	if ( !pEntity || ComputeError() > flError || pPlayer->GetGroundEntity() == pEntity || !pEntity->VPhysicsGetObject() )
		return false;

	//Adrian: Oops, our object became motion disabled, let go!
	IPhysicsObject *pPhys = pEntity->VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhys && pPhys->IsMoveable() == false )
		return false;

	Vector forward, right, up;
	QAngle playerAngles = pPlayer->EyeAngles();
	AngleVectors( playerAngles, &forward, &right, &up );
	float pitch = AngleDistance(playerAngles.x,0);

	if( !m_bAllowObjectOverhead )
		playerAngles.x = clamp( pitch, -75, 75 );
		playerAngles.x = clamp( pitch, -90, 75 );

	// Now clamp a sphere of object radius at end to the player's bbox
	Vector radial = physcollision->CollideGetExtent( pPhys->GetCollide(), vec3_origin, pEntity->GetAbsAngles(), -forward );
	Vector player2d = pPlayer->CollisionProp()->OBBMaxs();
	float playerRadius = player2d.Length2D();
	float radius = playerRadius + fabs(DotProduct( forward, radial ));

	float distance = 24 + ( radius * 2.0f );

	// Add the prop's distance offset
	distance += m_flDistanceOffset;

	Vector start = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition();
	Vector end = start + ( forward * distance );

	trace_t	tr;
	CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities traceFilter( pPlayer, pEntity, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
	Ray_t ray;
	ray.Init( start, end );
	enginetrace->TraceRay( ray, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, &traceFilter, &tr );

	if ( tr.fraction < 0.5 )
		end = start + forward * (radius*0.5f);
	else if ( tr.fraction <= 1.0f )
		end = start + forward * ( distance - radius );
	Vector playerMins, playerMaxs, nearest;
	pPlayer->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &playerMins, &playerMaxs );
	Vector playerLine = pPlayer->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceCenter();
	CalcClosestPointOnLine( end, playerLine+Vector(0,0,playerMins.z), playerLine+Vector(0,0,playerMaxs.z), nearest, NULL );

	if( !m_bAllowObjectOverhead )
		Vector delta = end - nearest;
		float len = VectorNormalize(delta);
		if ( len < radius )
			end = nearest + radius * delta;

	//Show overlays of radius
	if ( g_debug_physcannon.GetBool() )
		NDebugOverlay::Box( end, -Vector( 2,2,2 ), Vector(2,2,2), 0, 255, 0, true, 0 );

		NDebugOverlay::Box( GetAttached()->WorldSpaceCenter(), 
							-Vector( radius, radius, radius), 
							Vector( radius, radius, radius ),
							255, 0, 0,
							0.0f );

	QAngle angles = TransformAnglesFromPlayerSpace( m_attachedAnglesPlayerSpace, pPlayer );
	// If it has a preferred orientation, update to ensure we're still oriented correctly.
	Pickup_GetPreferredCarryAngles( pEntity, pPlayer, pPlayer->EntityToWorldTransform(), angles );

	// We may be holding a prop that has preferred carry angles
	if ( m_bHasPreferredCarryAngles )
		matrix3x4_t tmp;
		ComputePlayerMatrix( pPlayer, tmp );
		angles = TransformAnglesToWorldSpace( m_vecPreferredCarryAngles, tmp );

	matrix3x4_t attachedToWorld;
	Vector offset;
	AngleMatrix( angles, attachedToWorld );
	VectorRotate( m_attachedPositionObjectSpace, attachedToWorld, offset );

	SetTargetPosition( end - offset, angles );

	return true;
float CalculateObjectStress( IPhysicsObject *pObject, CBaseEntity *pInputOwnerEntity, vphysics_objectstress_t *pOutput )
	CUtlVector< CBaseEntity * > pObjectList;
	CUtlVector< Vector >		objectForce;
	bool hasLargeObject = false;

	// add a slot for static objects
	pObjectList.AddToTail( NULL );
	objectForce.AddToTail( vec3_origin );
	// add a slot for friendly objects
	pObjectList.AddToTail( NULL );
	objectForce.AddToTail( vec3_origin );

	CBaseCombatCharacter *pBCC = pInputOwnerEntity->MyCombatCharacterPointer();

	IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot *pSnapshot = pObject->CreateFrictionSnapshot();
	float objMass = pObject->GetMass();
	while ( pSnapshot->IsValid() )
		float force = pSnapshot->GetNormalForce();
		if ( force > 0.0f )
			IPhysicsObject *pOther = pSnapshot->GetObject(1);
			CBaseEntity *pOtherEntity = static_cast<CBaseEntity *>(pOther->GetGameData());
			if ( !pOtherEntity )
				// object was just deleted, but we still have a contact point this frame...
				// just assume it came from the world.
				pOtherEntity = GetWorldEntity();
			CBaseEntity *pOtherOwner = pOtherEntity;
			if ( pOtherEntity->GetOwnerEntity() )
				pOtherOwner = pOtherEntity->GetOwnerEntity();

			int outIndex = 0;
			if ( !pOther->IsMoveable() )
				outIndex = 0;
			// NavIgnored objects are often being pushed by a friendly
			else if ( pBCC && (pBCC->IRelationType( pOtherOwner ) == D_LI || pOtherEntity->IsNavIgnored()) )
				outIndex = 1;
			// player held objects do no stress
			else if ( pOther->GetGameFlags() & FVPHYSICS_PLAYER_HELD )
				outIndex = 1;
				if ( pOther->GetMass() >= VPHYSICS_LARGE_OBJECT_MASS )
					if ( pInputOwnerEntity->GetGroundEntity() != pOtherEntity)
						hasLargeObject = true;
				// moveable, non-friendly
				// aggregate contacts over each object to avoid greater stress in multiple contact cases
				// NOTE: Contacts should be in order, so this shouldn't ever search, but just in case
				outIndex = pObjectList.Count();
				for ( int i = pObjectList.Count()-1; i >= 2; --i )
					if ( pObjectList[i] == pOtherOwner )
						outIndex = i;
				if ( outIndex == pObjectList.Count() )
					pObjectList.AddToTail( pOtherOwner );
					objectForce.AddToTail( vec3_origin );

			if ( outIndex != 0 && pInputOwnerEntity->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS && !IsPhysicallyControlled(pOtherEntity, pOther) )
				// UNDONE: Test this!  This is to remove any shadow/shadow stress.  The game should handle this with blocked/damage
				force = 0.0f;

			Vector normal;
			pSnapshot->GetSurfaceNormal( normal );
			objectForce[outIndex] += normal * force;
	pObject->DestroyFrictionSnapshot( pSnapshot );
	pSnapshot = NULL;

	// clear out all friendly force

	float sum = 0;
	Vector negativeForce = vec3_origin;
	Vector positiveForce = vec3_origin;

	Assert( pObjectList.Count() == objectForce.Count() );
	for ( int objectIndex = pObjectList.Count()-1; objectIndex >= 0; --objectIndex )
		sum += objectForce[objectIndex].Length();
		for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			if ( objectForce[objectIndex][i] < 0 )
				negativeForce[i] -= objectForce[objectIndex][i];
				positiveForce[i] += objectForce[objectIndex][i];

	// "external" stress is two way (something pushes on the object and something else pushes back)
	// so the set of minimum values per component are the projections of the two-way force
	// "internal" stress is one way (the object is pushing against something OR something pushing back)
	// the momentum must have come from inside the object (gravity, controller, etc)
	Vector internalForce = vec3_origin;
	Vector externalForce = vec3_origin;

	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		if ( negativeForce[i] < positiveForce[i] )
			internalForce[i] = positiveForce[i] - negativeForce[i];
			externalForce[i] = negativeForce[i];
			internalForce[i] = negativeForce[i] - positiveForce[i];
			externalForce[i] = positiveForce[i];

	// sum is kg in / s
	Vector gravVector;
	physenv->GetGravity( &gravVector );
	float gravity = gravVector.Length();
	if ( pInputOwnerEntity->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS && pObject->IsMoveable() )
		Vector lastVel;
		if ( pObject->GetShadowController() )
			pObject->GetShadowController()->GetLastImpulse( &lastVel );
			if ( ( pObject->GetCallbackFlags() & CALLBACK_IS_PLAYER_CONTROLLER ) )
				CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pInputOwnerEntity );
				IPhysicsPlayerController *pController = pPlayer ? pPlayer->GetPhysicsController() : NULL;
				if ( pController )
					pController->GetLastImpulse( &lastVel );
		// Work in progress...

		// Peek into the controller for this object.  Look at the input velocity and make sure it's all
		// accounted for in the computed stress.  If not, redistribute external to internal as it's 
		// probably being reflected in a way we can't measure here.
		float inputLen = lastVel.Length() * (1.0f / physenv->GetSimulationTimestep()) * objMass;
		if ( inputLen > 0.0f )
			float internalLen = internalForce.Length();
			if ( internalLen < inputLen )
				float ratio = internalLen / inputLen;
				Vector delta = internalForce * (1.0f - ratio);
				internalForce += delta;
				float deltaLen = delta.Length();
				sum -= deltaLen;
				float extLen = VectorNormalize(externalForce) - deltaLen;
				if ( extLen < 0 )
					extLen = 0;
				externalForce *= extLen;

	float invGravity = gravity;
	if ( invGravity <= 0 )
		invGravity = 1.0f;
		invGravity = 1.0f / invGravity;
	sum *= invGravity;
	internalForce *= invGravity;
	externalForce *= invGravity;
	if ( !pObject->IsMoveable() )
		// the above algorithm will see almost all force as internal if the object is not moveable 
		// (it doesn't push on anything else, so nothing is reciprocated)
		// exceptions for friction of a single other object with multiple contact points on this object
		// But the game wants to see it all as external because obviously the object can't move, so it can't have
		// internal stress
		externalForce = internalForce;

		if ( !pObject->IsStatic() )
			sum += objMass;
		// assume object is at rest
		if ( sum > objMass )
			sum = objMass + (sum-objMass) * 0.5;

	if ( pOutput )
		pOutput->exertedStress = internalForce.Length();
		pOutput->receivedStress = externalForce.Length();
		pOutput->hasNonStaticStress = pObjectList.Count() > 2 ? true : false;
		pOutput->hasLargeObjectContact = hasLargeObject;

	// sum is now kg 
	return sum;
Esempio n. 11
// Purpose: 
void CASWEnvShake::ApplyShake( ShakeCommand_t command )
	if ( !HasSpawnFlags( SF_ASW_SHAKE_NO_VIEW ) )
		bool air = (GetSpawnFlags() & SF_ASW_SHAKE_INAIR) ? true : false;
		UTIL_ASW_ScreenShake( GetAbsOrigin(), Amplitude(), Frequency(), Duration(), Radius(), command, air );
	if ( GetSpawnFlags() & SF_ASW_SHAKE_ROPES )
		CRopeKeyframe::ShakeRopes( GetAbsOrigin(), Radius(), Frequency() );

	if ( GetSpawnFlags() & SF_ASW_SHAKE_PHYSICS )
		if ( !m_pShakeController )
			m_pShakeController = physenv->CreateMotionController( &m_shakeCallback );
		// do physics shake
		switch( command )
				m_stopTime = gpGlobals->curtime + Duration();
				m_nextShake = 0;
				SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );
				m_currentAmp = Amplitude();
				CBaseEntity *list[1024];
				float radius = Radius();
				// probably checked "Shake Everywhere" do a big radius
				if ( !radius )
					radius = MAX_COORD_INTEGER;
				Vector extents = Vector(radius, radius, radius);
				Vector mins = GetAbsOrigin() - extents;
				Vector maxs = GetAbsOrigin() + extents;
				int count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox( list, 1024, mins, maxs, 0 );

				for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
					// Only shake physics entities that players can see. This is one frame out of date
					// so it's possible that we could miss objects if a player changed PVS this frame.
					if ( ( list[i]->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS ) )
						IPhysicsObject *pPhys = list[i]->VPhysicsGetObject();
						if ( pPhys && pPhys->IsMoveable() )
							m_pShakeController->AttachObject( pPhys, false );
		case SHAKE_STOP:
			m_currentAmp = Amplitude();
Esempio n. 12
bool CNPC_Dog::FindPhysicsObject( const char *pPickupName, CBaseEntity *pIgnore )
	CBaseEntity		*pEnt = NULL;
	CBaseEntity		*pNearest = NULL;
	float			flDist;
	IPhysicsObject	*pPhysObj = NULL;
	float			flNearestDist = 99999;

	if ( pPickupName != NULL && strlen( pPickupName ) > 0 )
		pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, pPickupName );
		if ( m_hUnreachableObjects.Find( pEnt ) == -1  )
			m_bHasObject = false;
			m_hPhysicsEnt = pEnt;
			return true;
	while ( ( pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEnt, "prop_physics" ) ) != NULL )
		//We don't want this one.
		if ( pEnt == pIgnore )

		if ( m_hUnreachableObjects.Find( pEnt ) != -1 )

		pPhysObj = pEnt->VPhysicsGetObject();

		if( pPhysObj == NULL )

		if ( pPhysObj->GetMass() > DOG_MAX_THROW_MASS )
		Vector center = pEnt->WorldSpaceCenter();
		flDist = UTIL_DistApprox2D( GetAbsOrigin(), center );

		vcollide_t *pCollide = modelinfo->GetVCollide( pEnt->GetModelIndex() );

		if ( pCollide == NULL )

		if ( pPhysObj->GetGameFlags() & FVPHYSICS_PLAYER_HELD )

		if ( pPhysObj->IsMoveable() == false )

		if ( pEnt->GetCollisionGroup() == COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS || 

		if ( center.z > EyePosition().z )

		if ( flDist >= flNearestDist )

		if ( FVisible( pEnt ) == false )
		pNearest = pEnt;
		flNearestDist = flDist;

	m_bHasObject = false;
	m_hPhysicsEnt = pNearest;

	if ( dog_debug.GetBool() == true )
		if ( pNearest )
			 NDebugOverlay::Box( pNearest->WorldSpaceCenter(), pNearest->CollisionProp()->OBBMins(), pNearest->CollisionProp()->OBBMaxs(), 255, 0, 255, true, 3 );

	if( m_hPhysicsEnt == NULL )
		return false;
		return true;
Esempio n. 13
void PhysComputeSlideDirection( IPhysicsObject *pPhysics, const Vector &inputVelocity, const AngularImpulse &inputAngularVelocity, 
							   Vector *pOutputVelocity, Vector *pOutputAngularVelocity, float minMass )
	Vector velocity = inputVelocity;
	AngularImpulse angVel = inputAngularVelocity;
	Vector pos;

	IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot *pSnapshot = pPhysics->CreateFrictionSnapshot();
	while ( pSnapshot->IsValid() )
		IPhysicsObject *pOther = pSnapshot->GetObject( 1 );
		if ( !pOther->IsMoveable() || pOther->GetMass() > minMass )
			Vector normal;
			pSnapshot->GetSurfaceNormal( normal );

			// BUGBUG: Figure out the correct rotation clipping equation
			if ( pOutputAngularVelocity )
				angVel = normal * DotProduct( angVel, normal );
#if 0
				pSnapshot->GetContactPoint( point );
				Vector point, dummy;
				AngularImpulse angularClip, clip2;

				pPhysics->CalculateVelocityOffset( normal, point, dummy, angularClip );
				VectorNormalize( angularClip );
				float proj = DotProduct( angVel, angularClip );
				if ( proj > 0 )
					angVel -= angularClip * proj;
				CrossProduct( angularClip, normal, clip2 );
				proj = DotProduct( angVel, clip2 );
				if ( proj > 0 )
					angVel -= clip2 * proj;
				//NDebugOverlay::Line( point, point - normal * 20, 255, 0, 0, true, 0.1 );

			// Determine how far along plane to slide based on incoming direction.
			// NOTE: Normal points away from this object
			float proj = DotProduct( velocity, normal );
			if ( proj > 0.0f )
				velocity -= normal * proj;
	pPhysics->DestroyFrictionSnapshot( pSnapshot );

	//NDebugOverlay::Line( pos, pos + unitVel * 20, 0, 0, 255, true, 0.1 );
	if ( pOutputVelocity )
		*pOutputVelocity = velocity;
	if ( pOutputAngularVelocity )
		*pOutputAngularVelocity = angVel;
Esempio n. 14
// Purpose: 
void CPhysMagnet::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	// Ignore triggers
	if ( pOther->IsSolidFlagSet( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ) )

	m_bHasHitSomething = true;

	// Don't pickup if we're not active
	if ( !m_bActive )

	// Hit our maximum?
	if ( m_iMaxObjectsAttached && m_iMaxObjectsAttached <= GetNumAttachedObjects() )

	// Make sure it's made of metal
	trace_t tr = GetTouchTrace();
	char cTexType = TEXTURETYPE_Find( &tr );
	if ( cTexType != CHAR_TEX_METAL && cTexType != CHAR_TEX_COMPUTER )
		// See if the model is set to be metal
		if ( Q_strncmp( Studio_GetDefaultSurfaceProps( GetModelPtr() ), "metal", 5 ) )

	IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = pOther->VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhysics && pOther->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS && pPhysics->IsMoveable() )
		// Make sure we haven't already got this sucker on the magnet
		int iCount = m_MagnettedEntities.Count();
		for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; i++ )
			if ( m_MagnettedEntities[i].hEntity == pOther )

		// We want to cast a long way to ensure our shadow shows up
		pOther->SetShadowCastDistance( 2048 );

		// Create a constraint between the magnet and this sucker
		IPhysicsObject *pMagnetPhysObject = VPhysicsGetObject();
		Assert( pMagnetPhysObject );

		magnetted_objects_t newEntityOnMagnet;
		newEntityOnMagnet.hEntity = pOther;

		// Use the right constraint
		if ( HasSpawnFlags( SF_MAGNET_ALLOWROTATION ) )
			constraint_ballsocketparams_t ballsocket;
			ballsocket.constraint.forceLimit = lbs2kg(m_forceLimit);
			ballsocket.constraint.torqueLimit = lbs2kg(m_torqueLimit);

			pMagnetPhysObject->WorldToLocal( ballsocket.constraintPosition[0], tr.endpos );
			pPhysics->WorldToLocal( ballsocket.constraintPosition[1], tr.endpos );

			//newEntityOnMagnet.pConstraint = physenv->CreateBallsocketConstraint( pMagnetPhysObject, pPhysics, m_pConstraintGroup, ballsocket );
			newEntityOnMagnet.pConstraint = physenv->CreateBallsocketConstraint( pMagnetPhysObject, pPhysics, NULL, ballsocket );
			constraint_fixedparams_t fixed;
			fixed.InitWithCurrentObjectState( pMagnetPhysObject, pPhysics );
			fixed.constraint.forceLimit = lbs2kg(m_forceLimit);
			fixed.constraint.torqueLimit = lbs2kg(m_torqueLimit);

			// FIXME: Use the magnet's constraint group.
			//newEntityOnMagnet.pConstraint = physenv->CreateFixedConstraint( pMagnetPhysObject, pPhysics, m_pConstraintGroup, fixed );
			newEntityOnMagnet.pConstraint = physenv->CreateFixedConstraint( pMagnetPhysObject, pPhysics, NULL, fixed );

		newEntityOnMagnet.pConstraint->SetGameData( (void *) this );
		m_MagnettedEntities.AddToTail( newEntityOnMagnet );

		m_flTotalMass += pPhysics->GetMass();

	DoMagnetSuck( pOther );

	m_OnMagnetAttach.FireOutput( this, this );