Esempio n. 1
bool CVehiclePartAnimated::ChangeChildState(CVehiclePartAnimatedJoint* pPart, EVehiclePartState state, int flags)
	// only handle range between intact and destroyed
	if (state > pPart->GetState() && (state < eVGS_Damaged1 || state >= eVGS_Destroyed))
		return false;

	if (state < pPart->GetState() && pPart->GetState() >= eVGS_Destroyed)
		return false;

	int jointId = pPart->GetJointId();

	if (pPart->GetState() == eVGS_Default)
		ISkeletonPose* pSkeletonPose = m_pCharInstance ? m_pCharInstance->GetISkeletonPose() : NULL;

		if (IStatObj* pStatObjIntact = pSkeletonPose ? pSkeletonPose->GetStatObjOnJoint(jointId) : NULL)
			IDefaultSkeleton &rIDefaultSkeleton = m_pCharInstance->GetIDefaultSkeleton();
			const char*       jointName         = rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointNameByID(jointId);

			if (m_intactStatObjs.find(CONST_TEMP_STRING(jointName)) == m_intactStatObjs.end())
				m_intactStatObjs.insert(TStringStatObjMap::value_type(jointName, pStatObjIntact));

	if (m_jointParts.find(pPart->GetName()) == m_jointParts.end())
		m_jointParts.insert(TStringVehiclePartMap::value_type(pPart->GetName(), pPart));

	IStatObj* pStatObj = GetGeometryForState(pPart, state);

	if (pStatObj)
		SetCGASlot(jointId, pStatObj, (flags & eVPSF_Physicalize) != 0);

	return true;
Esempio n. 2
IStatObj* CVehiclePartAnimated::GetDestroyedGeometry(const char* pJointName, unsigned int index)
	if (pJointName[0] && m_pCharInstanceDestroyed)
		IDefaultSkeleton &rICharacterModelSkeletonDestroyed = m_pCharInstanceDestroyed->GetIDefaultSkeleton();
		ISkeletonPose*    pSkeletonDestroyed                = m_pCharInstanceDestroyed->GetISkeletonPose();

		char buffer[256];

		const char* pSuffix = !m_pSharedParameters->m_destroyedSuffix.empty() ? m_pSharedParameters->m_destroyedSuffix.c_str() : GetDestroyedGeometrySuffix(eVGS_Destroyed);

		if (index == 0)
			cry_sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", pJointName, pSuffix);
			cry_sprintf(buffer, "%s_debris_%u", pJointName, index);

		buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';

		int16 jointIdForDestroyed = rICharacterModelSkeletonDestroyed.GetJointIDByName(buffer);
		if (jointIdForDestroyed > -1)
			return pSkeletonDestroyed->GetStatObjOnJoint(jointIdForDestroyed);

	return NULL;
Esempio n. 3
IStatObj* CVehiclePartAnimated::GetGeometryForState(CVehiclePartAnimatedJoint* pPart, EVehiclePartState state)
	string name;
	pPart->GetGeometryName(state, name);

	IStatObj* pStatObj = 0;

	if (state > eVGS_Default)
		if (pPart->m_pDestroyedGeometry)
			pStatObj = pPart->m_pDestroyedGeometry;
			IDefaultSkeleton* pIDefaultSkeleton = m_pCharInstanceDestroyed ? &m_pCharInstanceDestroyed->GetIDefaultSkeleton() : 0;
			if (pIDefaultSkeleton)
				int jointId = pIDefaultSkeleton->GetJointIDByName(name.c_str());

				ISkeletonPose* pSkeletonPose = m_pCharInstanceDestroyed->GetISkeletonPose();
				if (jointId != -1)
					pStatObj = pSkeletonPose->GetStatObjOnJoint(jointId);
		TStringStatObjMap::const_iterator it = m_intactStatObjs.find(name.c_str());
		if (it != m_intactStatObjs.end())
			pStatObj = it->second;

	return pStatObj;
Esempio n. 4
bool CVehiclePartAnimated::ChangeState(EVehiclePartState state, int flags)
	if ((state == eVGS_Default) && m_initialiseOnChangeState)
		// Initialise!
		// Having to do this because of the way the glass code
		// swaps a cstatobj. The way the vehicle code stores its
		// statobj in m_intactStatObjs is going to need reviewing
		if (m_pCharInstance)
			ISkeletonPose*    pSkeletonPose                     = m_pCharInstance->GetISkeletonPose();
			IDefaultSkeleton &rIDefaultSkeleton                 = m_pCharInstance->GetIDefaultSkeleton();
			ISkeletonPose*    pSkeletonPoseDestroyed            = m_pCharInstanceDestroyed ? m_pCharInstanceDestroyed->GetISkeletonPose() : NULL;
			IDefaultSkeleton* pICharacterModelSkeletonDestroyed = m_pCharInstanceDestroyed ? &m_pCharInstanceDestroyed->GetIDefaultSkeleton() : NULL;
			if (pSkeletonPose)
				const bool bDestroyedSkelExists = pSkeletonPoseDestroyed && pICharacterModelSkeletonDestroyed;
				for (uint32 i = 0; i < rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointCount(); i++)
					if (IStatObj* pStatObjIntact = pSkeletonPose->GetStatObjOnJoint(i))
						const char* jointName = rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointNameByID(i);

						if (m_intactStatObjs.find(CONST_TEMP_STRING(jointName)) == m_intactStatObjs.end())
							m_intactStatObjs.insert(TStringStatObjMap::value_type(jointName, pStatObjIntact));

						// tell the streaming engine to stream destroyed version together with non destroyed
						if (bDestroyedSkelExists && i < pICharacterModelSkeletonDestroyed->GetJointCount())
							if (IStatObj* pStatObjIntactDestroyed = pSkeletonPoseDestroyed->GetStatObjOnJoint(i))
		m_initialiseOnChangeState = false;

	bool change = CVehiclePartBase::ChangeState(state, flags);

	if (state == eVGS_Default && !change)
		// need to restore state if one of the children is in higher state
		EVehiclePartState maxState = GetMaxState();

		if (maxState > m_state)
			change = true;

	if (!change)
		return false;

	if (state == eVGS_Destroyed)
		if (m_ignoreDestroyedState)
			return false;

		if (m_pCharInstance && m_pCharInstanceDestroyed)
			ISkeletonPose*    pSkeletonPose     = m_pCharInstance->GetISkeletonPose();
			IDefaultSkeleton &rIDefaultSkeleton = m_pCharInstance->GetIDefaultSkeleton();
			if (pSkeletonPose)
				IMaterial* pDestroyedMaterial = m_pVehicle->GetDestroyedMaterial();

				for (uint32 i = 0; i < rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointCount(); i++)
					if (IStatObj* pStatObjIntact = pSkeletonPose->GetStatObjOnJoint(i))
						const char* jointName = rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointNameByID(i);
						IStatObj*   pStatObj  = GetDestroyedGeometry(jointName);

						// sets new StatObj to joint, if null, removes it.
						// object whose name includes "proxy" are not removed.
						if (pStatObj || !strstr(jointName, "proxy"))
							SetCGASlot(i, pStatObj);

							if (pStatObj && !pDestroyedMaterial)
								if (IMaterial* pMaterial = pStatObj->GetMaterial())

							if (IsDebugParts())
								CryLog("swapping StatObj on joint %u (%s) -> %s", i, jointName, pStatObj ? pStatObj->GetGeoName() : "<NULL>");

				FlagSkeleton(pSkeletonPose, rIDefaultSkeleton);

				for (TStringVehiclePartMap::iterator ite = m_jointParts.begin(); ite != m_jointParts.end(); ++ite)
					IVehiclePart* pPart = ite->second;
					pPart->ChangeState(state, flags | eVPSF_Physicalize);

				CryCharAnimationParams animParams;
				animParams.m_nFlags |= CA_LOOP_ANIMATION;
				// pSkeleton->SetRedirectToLayer0(1);
				// pSkeleton->StartAnimation("Default",0,  0,0, animParams);  // [MR: commented out on Ivos request]

				if (pDestroyedMaterial)
	else if (state == eVGS_Default)
		if (m_pCharInstance && m_pCharInstanceDestroyed)
			// reset material (in case we replaced it with the destroyed material)
			IMaterial* pMaterial = m_pVehicle->GetPaintMaterial();
			if (!pMaterial)
				// no paint, so revert to the material already set on the character
				pMaterial = m_pCharInstance->GetIMaterial();
			if (pMaterial)

			IDefaultSkeleton &rIDefaultSkeleton = m_pCharInstance->GetIDefaultSkeleton();
				for (TStringStatObjMap::iterator ite = m_intactStatObjs.begin(); ite != m_intactStatObjs.end(); ++ite)
					const string &jointName = ite->first;
					IStatObj*     pStatObj  = ite->second;

					int16 jointId = rIDefaultSkeleton.GetJointIDByName(jointName.c_str());
					if (jointId > -1)
						// if compound StatObj (from deformation), use first SubObj for restoring
						if (pStatObj != NULL)
							if (!pStatObj->GetRenderMesh() && pStatObj->GetSubObjectCount() > 0)
								pStatObj = pStatObj->GetSubObject(0)->pStatObj;

							SetCGASlot(jointId, pStatObj);

							if (IsDebugParts())
								CryLog("restoring StatObj on joint %i (%s) -> %s", jointId, jointName.c_str(), pStatObj ? pStatObj->GetGeoName() : "<NULL>");

						TStringVehiclePartMap::iterator it = m_jointParts.find(jointName);
						if (it != m_jointParts.end())
							it->second->ChangeState(state, flags & ~eVPSF_Physicalize | eVPSF_Force);
				flags |= eVPSF_Physicalize;

	m_state = state;

	// physicalize after all parts have been restored
	if (flags & eVPSF_Physicalize && GetEntity()->GetPhysics())
		for (TStringVehiclePartMap::iterator it = m_jointParts.begin(); it != m_jointParts.end(); ++it)

	return true;