Esempio n. 1
bool MapBlockMesh::animate(bool faraway, float time, int crack, u32 daynight_ratio)

		m_animation_force_timer = 100000;
		return false;

	m_animation_force_timer = myrand_range(5, 100);

	// Cracks
	if(crack != m_last_crack)
		for(std::map<u32, std::string>::iterator
				i = m_crack_materials.begin();
				i != m_crack_materials.end(); i++)
			scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = m_mesh->getMeshBuffer(i->first);
			std::string basename = i->second;

			// Create new texture name from original
			ITextureSource *tsrc = m_gamedef->getTextureSource();
			std::ostringstream os;
			u32 new_texture_id = 0;
			video::ITexture *new_texture =
				tsrc->getTextureForMesh(os.str(), &new_texture_id);
			buf->getMaterial().setTexture(0, new_texture);

			// If the current material is also animated,
			// update animation info
			std::map<u32, TileSpec>::iterator anim_iter =
			if(anim_iter != m_animation_tiles.end()){
				TileSpec &tile = anim_iter->second;
				tile.texture = new_texture;
				tile.texture_id = new_texture_id;
				// force animation update
				m_animation_frames[i->first] = -1;

		m_last_crack = crack;

	// Texture animation
	for(std::map<u32, TileSpec>::iterator
			i = m_animation_tiles.begin();
			i != m_animation_tiles.end(); i++)
		const TileSpec &tile = i->second;
		// Figure out current frame
		int frameoffset = m_animation_frame_offsets[i->first];
		int frame = (int)(time * 1000 / tile.animation_frame_length_ms
				+ frameoffset) % tile.animation_frame_count;
		// If frame doesn't change, skip
		if(frame == m_animation_frames[i->first])

		m_animation_frames[i->first] = frame;

		scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = m_mesh->getMeshBuffer(i->first);
		ITextureSource *tsrc = m_gamedef->getTextureSource();

		FrameSpec animation_frame = tile.frames[frame];
		buf->getMaterial().setTexture(0, animation_frame.texture);
		if (m_enable_shaders) {
			if (animation_frame.normal_texture) {
				buf->getMaterial().setTexture(1, animation_frame.normal_texture);
				buf->getMaterial().setTexture(2, tsrc->getTextureForMesh("enable_img.png"));
			} else {
				buf->getMaterial().setTexture(2, tsrc->getTextureForMesh("disable_img.png"));

	// Day-night transition
	if(!m_enable_shaders && (daynight_ratio != m_last_daynight_ratio))
		for(std::map<u32, std::map<u32, std::pair<u8, u8> > >::iterator
				i = m_daynight_diffs.begin();
				i != m_daynight_diffs.end(); i++)
			scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = m_mesh->getMeshBuffer(i->first);
			video::S3DVertex *vertices = (video::S3DVertex*)buf->getVertices();
			for(std::map<u32, std::pair<u8, u8 > >::iterator
					j = i->second.begin();
					j != i->second.end(); j++)
				u32 vertexIndex = j->first;
				u8 day = j->second.first;
				u8 night = j->second.second;
						day, night, daynight_ratio);
		m_last_daynight_ratio = daynight_ratio;

	// Node highlighting
	if (m_enable_highlighting) {
		u8 day = m_highlight_mesh_color.getRed();
		u8 night = m_highlight_mesh_color.getGreen();	
		video::SColor hc;
		finalColorBlend(hc, day, night, daynight_ratio);
		float sin_r = 0.07 * sin(1.5 * time);
		float sin_g = 0.07 * sin(1.5 * time + irr::core::PI * 0.5);
		float sin_b = 0.07 * sin(1.5 * time + irr::core::PI);
		hc.setRed(core::clamp(core::round32(hc.getRed() * (0.8 + sin_r)), 0, 255));
		hc.setGreen(core::clamp(core::round32(hc.getGreen() * (0.8 + sin_g)), 0, 255));
		hc.setBlue(core::clamp(core::round32(hc.getBlue() * (0.8 + sin_b)), 0, 255));

			i = m_highlighted_materials.begin();
			i != m_highlighted_materials.end(); i++)
			scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = m_mesh->getMeshBuffer(*i);
			video::S3DVertex *vertices = (video::S3DVertex*)buf->getVertices();
			for (u32 j = 0; j < buf->getVertexCount() ;j++)
				vertices[j].Color = hc;

	return true;
Esempio n. 2
MapBlockMesh::MapBlockMesh(MeshMakeData *data, v3s16 camera_offset):
	m_mesh(new scene::SMesh()),
	m_animation_force_timer(0), // force initial animation
	m_last_daynight_ratio((u32) -1),
	m_enable_shaders = data->m_use_shaders;
	m_enable_highlighting = g_settings->getBool("enable_node_highlighting");

	// 4-21ms for MAP_BLOCKSIZE=16  (NOTE: probably outdated)
	// 24-155ms for MAP_BLOCKSIZE=32  (NOTE: probably outdated)
	//TimeTaker timer1("MapBlockMesh()");

	std::vector<FastFace> fastfaces_new;

		We are including the faces of the trailing edges of the block.
		This means that when something changes, the caller must
		also update the meshes of the blocks at the leading edges.

		NOTE: This is the slowest part of this method.
		// 4-23ms for MAP_BLOCKSIZE=16  (NOTE: probably outdated)
		//TimeTaker timer2("updateAllFastFaceRows()");
		updateAllFastFaceRows(data, fastfaces_new);
	// End of slow part

		Convert FastFaces to MeshCollector

	MeshCollector collector;

		// avg 0ms (100ms spikes when loading textures the first time)
		// (NOTE: probably outdated)
		//TimeTaker timer2("MeshCollector building");

		for(u32 i=0; i<fastfaces_new.size(); i++)
			FastFace &f = fastfaces_new[i];

			const u16 indices[] = {0,1,2,2,3,0};
			const u16 indices_alternate[] = {0,1,3,2,3,1};

			if(f.tile.texture == NULL)

			const u16 *indices_p = indices;

				Revert triangles for nicer looking gradient if vertices
				1 and 3 have same color or 0 and 2 have different color.
				getRed() is the day color.
			if(f.vertices[0].Color.getRed() != f.vertices[2].Color.getRed()
					|| f.vertices[1].Color.getRed() == f.vertices[3].Color.getRed())
				indices_p = indices_alternate;

			collector.append(f.tile, f.vertices, 4, indices_p, 6);

		Add special graphics:
		- torches
		- flowing water
		- fences
		- whatever

	mapblock_mesh_generate_special(data, collector);

	m_highlight_mesh_color = data->m_highlight_mesh_color;

		Convert MeshCollector to SMesh
	ITextureSource *tsrc = m_gamedef->tsrc();
	IShaderSource *shdrsrc = m_gamedef->getShaderSource();

	for(u32 i = 0; i < collector.prebuffers.size(); i++)
		PreMeshBuffer &p = collector.prebuffers[i];

		// Generate animation data
		// - Cracks
		if(p.tile.material_flags & MATERIAL_FLAG_CRACK)
			// Find the texture name plus ^[crack:N:
			std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary);
			if(p.tile.material_flags & MATERIAL_FLAG_CRACK_OVERLAY)
				os<<"o";  // use ^[cracko
			m_crack_materials.insert(std::make_pair(i, os.str()));
			// Replace tile texture with the cracked one
			p.tile.texture = tsrc->getTextureForMesh(
		// - Texture animation
			// Add to MapBlockMesh in order to animate these tiles
			m_animation_tiles[i] = p.tile;
			m_animation_frames[i] = 0;
				// Get starting position from noise
				m_animation_frame_offsets[i] = 100000 * (2.0 + noise3d(
						data->m_blockpos.X, data->m_blockpos.Y,
						data->m_blockpos.Z, 0));
			} else {
				// Play all synchronized
				m_animation_frame_offsets[i] = 0;
			// Replace tile texture with the first animation frame
			FrameSpec animation_frame = p.tile.frames[0];
			p.tile.texture = animation_frame.texture;

		if(m_enable_highlighting && p.tile.material_flags & MATERIAL_FLAG_HIGHLIGHTED)

		for(u32 j = 0; j < p.vertices.size(); j++)
			// Note applyFacesShading second parameter is precalculated sqrt
			// value for speed improvement
			// Skip it for lightsources and top faces.
			video::SColor &vc = p.vertices[j].Color;
			if (!vc.getBlue()) {
				if (p.vertices[j].Normal.Y < -0.5) {
					applyFacesShading (vc, 0.447213);
				} else if (p.vertices[j].Normal.X > 0.5) {
					applyFacesShading (vc, 0.670820);
				} else if (p.vertices[j].Normal.X < -0.5) {
					applyFacesShading (vc, 0.670820);
				} else if (p.vertices[j].Normal.Z > 0.5) {
					applyFacesShading (vc, 0.836660);
				} else if (p.vertices[j].Normal.Z < -0.5) {
					applyFacesShading (vc, 0.836660);
				// - Classic lighting (shaders handle this by themselves)
				// Set initial real color and store for later updates
				u8 day = vc.getRed();
				u8 night = vc.getGreen();
				finalColorBlend(vc, day, night, 1000);
				if(day != night)
					m_daynight_diffs[i][j] = std::make_pair(day, night);

		// Create material
		video::SMaterial material;
		material.setFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
		material.setFlag(video::EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING, true);
		material.setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false);
		material.setFlag(video::EMF_FOG_ENABLE, true);
		material.setTexture(0, p.tile.texture);

		if (p.tile.material_flags & MATERIAL_FLAG_HIGHLIGHTED) {
			material.MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR;
		} else {
			if (m_enable_shaders) {
				material.MaterialType = shdrsrc->getShaderInfo(p.tile.shader_id).material;
				if (p.tile.normal_texture) {
					material.setTexture(1, p.tile.normal_texture);
					material.setTexture(2, tsrc->getTextureForMesh("enable_img.png"));
				} else {
					material.setTexture(2, tsrc->getTextureForMesh("disable_img.png"));
			} else {

		// Create meshbuffer
		// This is a "Standard MeshBuffer",
		// it's a typedeffed CMeshBuffer<video::S3DVertex>
		scene::SMeshBuffer *buf = new scene::SMeshBuffer();
		// Set material
		buf->Material = material;
		// Add to mesh
		// Mesh grabbed it
		buf->append(&p.vertices[0], p.vertices.size(),
				&p.indices[0], p.indices.size());

	m_camera_offset = camera_offset;

		Do some stuff to the mesh

	translateMesh(m_mesh, intToFloat(data->m_blockpos * MAP_BLOCKSIZE - camera_offset, BS));

#if 0
		// Usually 1-700 faces and 1-7 materials
		std::cout<<"Updated MapBlock has "<<fastfaces_new.size()<<" faces "
				<<"and uses "<<m_mesh->getMeshBufferCount()
				<<" materials (meshbuffers)"<<std::endl;

		// Use VBO for mesh (this just would set this for ever buffer)
		// This will lead to infinite memory usage because or irrlicht.

			NOTE: If that is enabled, some kind of a queue to the main
			thread should be made which would call irrlicht to delete
			the hardware buffer and then delete the mesh

	//std::cout<<"added "<<fastfaces.getSize()<<" faces."<<std::endl;

	// Check if animation is required for this mesh
	m_has_animation =
		!m_crack_materials.empty() ||
		!m_daynight_diffs.empty() ||
		!m_animation_tiles.empty() ||