Esempio n. 1
void CGUIManager::Draw()
	ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(-1000, -1000));
	ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(100000, 100000));
	if (ImGui::Begin("GlobalScreen", nullptr, ImVec2(0, 0), 0.0f,
		ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs))
		ImDrawList * DrawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();

		for (auto Text : TextQueue)
			DrawList->AddText(ImVec2((float) Text.Position.X, (float) Text.Position.Y), 0xFFFFFFFF, Text.Text.c_str());

Esempio n. 2
    /* pOptionalHoveredIndex: a ptr to an optional int that is set to -1 if no tab label is hovered by the mouse.
     * pOptionalItemOrdering: an optional static array of unique integers from 0 to numTabs-1 that maps the tab label order. If one of the numbers is replaced by -1 the tab label is not visible (closed). It can be read/modified at runtime.
     * allowTabReorder (requires pOptionalItemOrdering): allows tab reordering through drag and drop (it modifies pOptionalItemOrdering).
     * allowTabClosingThroughMMB (requires pOptionalItemOrdering): closes the tabs when MMB is clicked on them, by setting the tab value in pOptionalItemOrdering to -1.
     * pOptionalClosedTabIndex (requires allowTabClosingThroughMMB): out variable (int pointer) that returns the index of the closed tab in last call or -1.
     * pOptionalClosedTabIndexInsideItemOrdering: same as above, but index of the pOptionalItemOrdering array.
    IMGUI_API bool TabLabels(int numTabs, const char** tabLabels, int& selectedIndex, ImVec2 btnSize, const char** tabLabelTooltips, bool wrapMode, int *pOptionalHoveredIndex, int* pOptionalItemOrdering, bool allowTabReorder, bool allowTabClosingThroughMMB, int *pOptionalClosedTabIndex, int *pOptionalClosedTabIndexInsideItemOrdering) {
        ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();

        const ImVec2 itemSpacing = style.ItemSpacing;
        const ImVec4 color = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button];
        const ImVec4 colorActive = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive];
        const ImVec4 colorHover = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered];
        const ImVec4 colorText = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text];
        style.ItemSpacing.x = 10;
        style.ItemSpacing.y = 10;
        style.FrameRounding = 2.0;

        const ImVec4 colorSelectedTab(color.x,color.y,color.z,color.w*0.5f);
        const ImVec4 colorSelectedTabHovered(colorHover.x,colorHover.y,colorHover.z,colorHover.w*0.5f);
        const ImVec4 colorSelectedTabText(colorText.x*0.8f,colorText.y*0.8f,colorText.z*0.6f,colorText.w*0.8f);

        if (numTabs>0 && (selectedIndex<0 || selectedIndex>=numTabs)) {
            if (!pOptionalItemOrdering)  selectedIndex = 0;
            else selectedIndex = -1;
        if (pOptionalHoveredIndex) *pOptionalHoveredIndex = -1;
        if (pOptionalClosedTabIndex) *pOptionalClosedTabIndex = -1;
        if (pOptionalClosedTabIndexInsideItemOrdering) *pOptionalClosedTabIndexInsideItemOrdering = -1;

        float windowWidth = 0.f,sumX=0.f;
        if (wrapMode) windowWidth = ImGui::GetWindowWidth() - style.WindowPadding.x - (ImGui::GetScrollMaxY()>0 ? style.ScrollbarSize : 0.f);

        static int draggingTabIndex = -1;int draggingTabTargetIndex = -1;   // These are indices inside pOptionalItemOrdering
        static ImVec2 draggingTabSize(0,0);
        static ImVec2 draggingTabOffset(0,0);

        const bool isMMBreleased = ImGui::IsMouseReleased(2);
        const bool isMouseDragging = ImGui::IsMouseDragging(0,2.f);
        int justClosedTabIndex = -1,newSelectedIndex = selectedIndex;

        bool selection_changed = false;bool noButtonDrawn = true;
        for (int j = 0,i; j < numTabs; j++)
            i = pOptionalItemOrdering ? pOptionalItemOrdering[j] : j;
            if (i==-1) continue;

            if (!wrapMode) {if (!noButtonDrawn) ImGui::SameLine();}
            else if (sumX > 0.f) {
                sumX+=style.ItemSpacing.x;   // Maybe we can skip it if we use SameLine(0,0) below
                if (sumX>windowWidth) sumX = 0.f;
                else ImGui::SameLine();

            if (i == selectedIndex) {
                // Push the style
                style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] =         colorSelectedTab;
                style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] =   colorSelectedTab;
                style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] =  colorSelectedTabHovered;
                style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] =           colorSelectedTabText;
            // Draw the button
            ImGui::PushID(i);   // otherwise two tabs with the same name would clash.
            if (ImGui::Button(tabLabels[i], btnSize))   {selection_changed = (selectedIndex!=i);newSelectedIndex = i;}
            if (i == selectedIndex) {
                // Reset the style
                style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] =         color;
                style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] =   colorActive;
                style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] =  colorHover;
                style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] =           colorText;
            noButtonDrawn = false;

            if (wrapMode) {
                if (sumX==0.f) sumX = style.WindowPadding.x + ImGui::GetItemRectSize().x; // First element of a line
            else if (isMouseDragging && allowTabReorder && pOptionalItemOrdering) {
                // We still need sumX
                if (sumX==0.f) sumX = style.WindowPadding.x + ImGui::GetItemRectSize().x; // First element of a line
                else sumX+=style.ItemSpacing.x + ImGui::GetItemRectSize().x;


            if (ImGui::IsItemHoveredRect()) {
                if (pOptionalHoveredIndex) *pOptionalHoveredIndex = i;
                if (tabLabelTooltips && tabLabelTooltips[i] && strlen(tabLabelTooltips[i])>0)  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s",tabLabelTooltips[i]);

                if (pOptionalItemOrdering)  {
                    if (allowTabReorder)  {
                        if (isMouseDragging) {
                            if (draggingTabIndex==-1) {
                                draggingTabIndex = j;
                                draggingTabSize = ImGui::GetItemRectSize();
                                const ImVec2& mp = ImGui::GetIO().MousePos;
                                const ImVec2 draggingTabCursorPos = ImGui::GetCursorPos();

                        else if (draggingTabIndex>=0 && draggingTabIndex<numTabs && draggingTabIndex!=j){
                            draggingTabTargetIndex = j; // For some odd reasons this seems to get called only when draggingTabIndex < i ! (Probably during mouse dragging ImGui owns the mouse someway and sometimes ImGui::IsItemHovered() is not getting called)
                    if (allowTabClosingThroughMMB)  {
                        if (isMMBreleased) {
                            justClosedTabIndex = i;
                            if (pOptionalClosedTabIndex) *pOptionalClosedTabIndex = i;
                            if (pOptionalClosedTabIndexInsideItemOrdering) *pOptionalClosedTabIndexInsideItemOrdering = j;
                            pOptionalItemOrdering[j] = -1;


        selectedIndex = newSelectedIndex;

        // Draw tab label while mouse drags it
        if (draggingTabIndex>=0 && draggingTabIndex<numTabs) {
            const ImVec2& mp = ImGui::GetIO().MousePos;
            const ImVec2 wp = ImGui::GetWindowPos();
            ImVec2 start(wp.x+mp.x-draggingTabOffset.x-draggingTabSize.x*0.5f,wp.y+mp.y-draggingTabOffset.y-draggingTabSize.y*0.5f);
            const ImVec2 end(start.x+draggingTabSize.x,start.y+draggingTabSize.y);
            ImDrawList* drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
            const float draggedBtnAlpha = 0.65f;
            const ImVec4& btnColor = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button];
            const ImVec4& txtColor = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text];


        // Drop tab label
        if (draggingTabTargetIndex!=-1) {
            // swap draggingTabIndex and draggingTabTargetIndex in pOptionalItemOrdering
            const int tmp = pOptionalItemOrdering[draggingTabTargetIndex];
            pOptionalItemOrdering[draggingTabTargetIndex] = pOptionalItemOrdering[draggingTabIndex];
            pOptionalItemOrdering[draggingTabIndex] = tmp;
            //fprintf(stderr,"%d %d\n",draggingTabIndex,draggingTabTargetIndex);
//            draggingTabTargetIndex = draggingTabIndex = -1;

        // Reset draggingTabIndex if necessary
        if (!isMouseDragging) draggingTabIndex = -1;

        // Change selected tab when user closes the selected tab
        if (selectedIndex == justClosedTabIndex && selectedIndex>=0)    {
            selectedIndex = -1;
            for (int j = 0,i; j < numTabs; j++) {
                i = pOptionalItemOrdering ? pOptionalItemOrdering[j] : j;
                if (i==-1) continue;
                selectedIndex = i;

        // Restore the style
        style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button] =         color;
        style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] =   colorActive;
        style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] =  colorHover;
        style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] =           colorText;
        style.ItemSpacing =                     itemSpacing;

        return selection_changed;