Esempio n. 1
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

    if (argc != 3)
        cout << "usage:\n\tunfold INPUT_FILE OUTPUT_FILE\n";

    Img input(argv[1]);

    Unfolder unfolder;
    Img *output = NULL;
    Img *debug = unfolder.unfold(input, output, true);

//    // Now rotate the image by 90 degrees.
//    int width = output->getWidth();
//    Img* rotated = ImgOps::rotate(output, width/4, NULL);

    // Write output image to file.

    // Write debug image to file.
    // Display the debug image.
//    ImgWindow window("Unfolder debug image");
//    window.setImg(*debug);
//    window.refresh();

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
bool writeImage(const std::string& path, Img& img)
    if (endsWith(path, ".ptx")) {
        // make sure it's a power of two
        if (!checkPowerOfTwo(img)) return 0;

        // write ptx face-zero image
        std::string error;
        PtexWriter* ptx = PtexWriter::open(path.c_str(), Ptex::mt_quad, img.dt,
                                           img.nchan, img.achan, 1, error);
        if (!ptx) {
            std::cerr << error << std::endl;
            return 0;
        ptx->setBorderModes(opt.uMode, opt.vMode);
        // write image top-down (flipped)
        int rowlen = img.w * img.nchan * Ptex::DataSize(img.dt);
        char* toprow = (char*) + (img.h-1) * rowlen;
        Ptex::Res res(PtexUtils::floor_log2(img.w), PtexUtils::floor_log2(img.h));
        int adjfaces[4], adjedges[4];
        if (opt.uMode == Ptex::m_periodic) { adjfaces[0] = 0; adjfaces[2] = 0; adjedges[0] = 2; adjedges[2] = 0; }
        else { adjfaces[0] = -1; adjfaces[2] = -1; adjedges[0] = 0; adjedges[2] = 0; }
        if (opt.vMode == Ptex::m_periodic) { adjfaces[1] = 0; adjfaces[3] = 0; adjedges[1] = 3; adjedges[3] = 1; }
        else { adjfaces[1] = -1; adjfaces[3] = -1; adjedges[1] = 0; adjedges[3] = 0; }
        Ptex::FaceInfo finfo(res, adjfaces, adjedges);
        ptx->writeFace(0, finfo, toprow, -rowlen);

        // write meta data
        for (std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator iter = opt.meta.begin(), end = opt.meta.end();
             iter != end; iter++)
            ptx->writeMeta(iter->first.c_str(), iter->second.c_str());

        bool ok = ptx->close(error);
        if (!ok) {
            std::cerr << error << std::endl;
        return ok;
    else {
Esempio n. 3
float WeightedDIDCompass::computeAngle( Img *SS, Img *CV, bool useWeight ) {
// Return the angle that the angle of rotation between the CV and SS by
// finding the rotation of CV with the minimum difference to SS.

    float lowestSSD = FLT_MAX;
    int bestShift = 0;
    for ( int shift=0; shift < width; shift++ ) {
        ImgOps::rotate(CV, shift, &Rotated);
        ImgOps::sqdDiff(SS, &Rotated, &SqdDiff);

        if (smoothRadius > 0)
            ImgOps::smooth(&SqdDiff, &SqdDiffSmoothed, smoothRadius);
            SqdDiffSmoothed = SqdDiff;

        if (useWeight)
            ImgOps::mult(&SqdDiffSmoothed, &FinalWeight, &SqdDiffSmoothed);

        float ssd = SqdDiffSmoothed.getSum();
        if ( ssd < lowestSSD ) {
            lowestSSD = ssd;
            bestShift = shift;

    //if ( debug && learnIndex >= learnStart && learnIndex <= learnStop ) {
    if ( debug ) {
        Img* Temp1 = new Img(width, height);
        Img* Temp2 = new Img(width, height);
        float threshold = FinalWeight.getMax() / 4.0;
        Temp2 = ImgOps::threshold(&FinalWeight, threshold, Temp1);

        imgWindow->addImg("SS", *SS);
        imgWindow->addImg("InsWeight", InstWeight);
        imgWindow->addImg("FinalWeight", FinalWeight);
        imgWindow->addImg("Thresholded Weight", *Temp2);

        Img* Overlay = new Img(width, height);
        for (int x=0; x<width; x++) {
            for (int y=0; y<height; y++) {
                if ( Temp2->get(x, y) == 1 )
                    Overlay->set(x, y, 1);
                    Overlay->set(x, y, SS->get(x,y));
ostringstream oss;
oss << setfill('0') << setw(2);
oss << learnIndex;
oss << ".png";

Overlay->save("overlay" + oss.str());"weight" + oss.str());
Temp2->save("thresholded" + oss.str());

    // A negative image rotation (rotation to the left) corresponds
    // to a positive angle.  Hence the negative sign below.
    return -Angles::int2angle(bestShift, CV->getWidth());