Esempio n. 1
void PcInfo::dumpQuery(Stage const& stage, IndexedPointBuffer& data) const

    boost::char_separator<char> sep(SEPARATORS);
    tokenizer tokens(m_QueryPoint, sep);
    std::vector<double> values;
    for (tokenizer::iterator t = tokens.begin(); t != tokens.end(); ++t) {
    if (values.size() < 2)
        throw app_runtime_error("--points must be two or three values");

    boost::scoped_ptr<StageSequentialIterator> iter(stage.createSequentialIterator(data));

    const boost::uint32_t numRead = iter->read(data);
    bool is3D(true);
    if (values.size() < 3) 
        is3D = false;;

    Schema const& schema = data.getSchema();
    Dimension const& dimX = schema.getDimension("X");
    Dimension const& dimY = schema.getDimension("Y");
    Dimension const& dimZ = schema.getDimension("Z");

    double x = values[0];
    double y = values[1];
    double z(0.0);
    if (is3D)
        z = values[2];                
    boost::uint32_t count(m_numPointsToWrite);
    if (!m_numPointsToWrite)
        count = 1;
    double d(0.0);
    std::vector<std::size_t> ids = data.neighbors(x, y, z, d, count);
    PointBuffer response(data.getSchema(), count);
    typedef std::vector<std::size_t>::const_iterator Iterator;
    std::vector<std::size_t>::size_type pos(0);
    for (Iterator i = ids.begin(); i != ids.end(); ++i)
        response.copyPointFast(pos, *i, data);
        response.setNumPoints(response.getNumPoints() + 1);

    boost::property_tree::ptree tree = response.toPTree();
    std::ostream& ostr = m_outputStream ? *m_outputStream : std::cout;

    boost::property_tree::ptree output;
    output.add_child("point", tree);
    if (m_useXML)
        write_xml(ostr, output);
        write_json(ostr, tree);
Esempio n. 2
void Delta::outputDetail(PointBuffer& source_data,
                         IndexedPointBuffer& candidate_data,
                         std::map<Point, Point> *points) const
    Schema const& candidate_schema = candidate_data.getSchema();
    Dimension const& cDimX = candidate_schema.getDimension("X");
    Dimension const& cDimY = candidate_schema.getDimension("Y");
    Dimension const& cDimZ = candidate_schema.getDimension("Z");

    Schema const& source_schema = source_data.getSchema();
    Dimension const& sDimX = source_schema.getDimension("X");
    Dimension const& sDimY = source_schema.getDimension("Y");
    Dimension const& sDimZ = source_schema.getDimension("Z");
    bool bWroteHeader(false);
    std::ostream& ostr = m_outputStream ? *m_outputStream : std::cout;;
    boost::uint32_t count(std::min(source_data.getNumPoints(), candidate_data.getNumPoints()));

    for (boost::uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        double sx = source_data.applyScaling(sDimX, i);
        double sy = source_data.applyScaling(sDimY, i);
        double sz = source_data.applyScaling(sDimZ, i);                
        std::vector<std::size_t> ids = candidate_data.neighbors(sx, sy, sz, 1);
        if (!ids.size())
			std::ostringstream oss;
			oss << "unable to find point for id '"  << i <<"'";
            throw app_runtime_error(oss.str() );
        std::size_t id = ids[0];
        double cx = candidate_data.applyScaling(cDimX, id);
        double cy = candidate_data.applyScaling(cDimY, id);
        double cz = candidate_data.applyScaling(cDimZ, id);
        Point s(sx, sy, sz, id);
        Point c(cx, cy, cz, id);
        double xd = sx - cx;
        double yd = sy - cy;
        double zd = sz - cz;

        if (!bWroteHeader)
            writeHeader(ostr, m_3d);
            bWroteHeader = true;
        ostr << i << ",";
        boost::uint32_t precision = Utils::getStreamPrecision(cDimX.getNumericScale());
        ostr.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield);
        ostr << xd << ",";

        precision = Utils::getStreamPrecision(cDimY.getNumericScale());
        ostr << yd;
        if (m_3d)
            ostr << ",";
            precision = Utils::getStreamPrecision(cDimZ.getNumericScale());
            ostr << zd;
        ostr << std::endl;


    if (m_outputStream)