Esempio n. 1
/** Creates a mapping based on a fixed number of groups for a given instrument
 * @param compName Name of component in instrument
 * @param numGroups Number of groups to group detectors into
 * @param inst Pointer to instrument
 * @param prog Progress reporter
 * @returns :: Map of detector IDs to group number
std::map<detid_t, int> makeGroupingByNumGroups(const std::string compName,
                                               int numGroups,
                                               Instrument_const_sptr inst,
                                               Progress &prog) {
  std::map<detid_t, int> detIDtoGroup;

  // Get detectors for given instument component
  std::vector<IDetector_const_sptr> detectors;
  inst->getDetectorsInBank(detectors, compName);
  size_t numDetectors = detectors.size();

  // Sanity check for following calculation
  if (numGroups > static_cast<int>(numDetectors))
    throw std::runtime_error("Number of groups must be less than or "
                             "equal to number of detectors");

  // Calculate number of detectors per group
  int detectorsPerGroup = static_cast<int>(numDetectors) / numGroups;

  // Map detectors to group
  for (unsigned int detIndex = 0; detIndex < numDetectors; detIndex++) {
    int detectorID = detectors[detIndex]->getID();
    int groupNum = (detIndex / detectorsPerGroup) + 1;

    // Ignore any detectors the do not fit nicely into the group divisions
    if (groupNum <= numGroups)
      detIDtoGroup[detectorID] = groupNum;;
  return detIDtoGroup;