Esempio n. 1
	string minMultiples(int N, vector <int> forbiddenDigits) {
		LL _N = N;
		int f[10] = {0};
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < (int)forbiddenDigits.size(); ++i) {
			f[forbiddenDigits[i] % 10] = 1;
		IntSet allowed;
		for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
			if (!f[i]) {

		const LL Max = 1000000000;
		LL ans = Max;
		IntSet M;
		IIQueue Q;
		IntSet::const_iterator it;
		for (it = allowed.begin(); it != allowed.end(); ++it) {
			Q.push(LLPair(*it, 10));
		while (!Q.empty()) {
			LLPair p = Q.front();
			LL n = p.first;
			if (n != 0) {
				int r = (int)(n % N);
				if (r == 0) {
					ans = min(ans, n);
				} else if (M.find(r) != M.end()) {
				} else {
			if (ans < Max) {
			for (it = allowed.begin(); it != allowed.end(); ++it) {
				Q.push(LLPair(p.second * *it + n, p.second * 10));

		if (ans < Max) {
			char res[32];
			if (ans <= 99999999) {
				sprintf(res, "%lld", ans);
			} else {
				sprintf(res, "%lld", ans);
				int digits = strlen(res);
				sprintf(res + 3, "...%d(%d digits)", (int)(ans % 1000), digits);
			return res;

		return "IMPOSSIBLE";
Esempio n. 2
static void Set_Intersect(const IntSet& aset, IntSet& bset)
	IntSet tmp;
			aset.begin(), aset.end(),
			tmp.begin(), tmp.end(),
			std::inserter(bset, bset.begin())); 
Esempio n. 3
	string ableToDivide(int n) {
		n *= 2;
		IntSet::const_iterator it;
		for (it = prime.begin(); it != prime.end(); ++it) {
			int x = n - *it;
			if (x < 2) {
			if (prime.find(x) != prime.end()) {
				return "YES";
		return "NO";
Esempio n. 4
 IntSet multiplySet(const IntSet& s, int f)
     IntSet ret;
     for (IntSet::const_iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ++it)
         ret.insert(*it * f);
     return ret;
Esempio n. 5
    int maxCities(int n, vector <int> a, vector <int> b, vector <int> len) {
        if (n <= 2) {
            return n;
        int d[50][50];
        memset(d, 0x3f, sizeof(d));
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)a.size(); ++i) {
            d[a[i]-1][b[i]-1] = len[i];
            d[b[i]-1][a[i]-1] = len[i];

        for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
                    d[i][j] = min(d[i][j], d[i][k] + d[k][j]);

        int ans = 2;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            for (int j = i+1; j < n; ++j) {
                int r = d[i][j];
                if (r < 1e6) {
                    IntSet s;
                    for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
                        if (i != k && j != k) {
                            IntSet::const_iterator it;
                            for (it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ++it) {
                                if (d[k][*it] != r) {
                            if (it == s.end()) {
                    ans = max(ans, (int)s.size());

        return ans;
Esempio n. 6
// """ -------------------------------------------------------
//  Assignment operator
//    The bits of the other SBV are copied.
// """ -------------------------------------------------------
SparseBitVect &SparseBitVect::operator=(const SparseBitVect &other) {
  IntSet *bv = other.dp_bits;
  delete dp_bits;
  d_size = other.getNumBits();
  dp_bits = new IntSet;
  std::copy(bv->begin(), bv->end(), std::inserter(*dp_bits, dp_bits->end()));

  return *this;
Esempio n. 7
Graph::Graph(IntSet vSet, adjHash& edges) {

    this->vSet = vSet;

    // Loop throug each vertex
    IntSet::iterator u;
    for(u = vSet.begin(); u != vSet.end(); u++) {
        IntSet& incVertices = edges[*u];

        // Add only those which are in vSet
        IntSet::iterator v;
        for(v = incVertices.begin(); v != incVertices.end(); v++) {
            if (vSet.find(*v) != vSet.end()) {

Esempio n. 8
	int getFortunate(vector <int> a, vector <int> b, vector <int> c) {
		IntSet ab;
		IntSet Z;
		VI::const_iterator ia, ib, ic;
		for (ia = a.begin(); ia != a.end(); ++ia) {
			for (ib = b.begin(); ib != b.end(); ++ib) {
				ab.insert(*ia + *ib);
		for (ic = c.begin(); ic != c.end(); ++ic) {
			IntSet::const_iterator s;
			for (s = ab.begin(); s != ab.end(); ++s) {
				Z.insert(*ic + *s);
		int r = 0;
		IntSet::const_iterator z;
		for (z = Z.begin(); z != Z.end(); ++z) {
			if (isFortunate(*z)) {
		return r;
Esempio n. 9
bool IntSet::IsEqual(const IntSet & my_set) const
	set<int>::const_iterator it1, it2;
	it1 =begin();
	it2 = my_set.begin();
	while(it1 != end()){
		if(*it1 != *it2)
			return false;
		it1++, it2++;

	if(it2 == my_set.end())
		return true;
	return false;
inline void DiscrepancyCorrection::
apply_multiplicative(const Variables& vars, RealVector& approx_fns)
  for (ISIter it=surrogateFnIndices.begin(); it!=surrogateFnIndices.end(); ++it)
    approx_fns[*it] *= multCorrections[*it].value(vars);
Esempio n. 11
 * Note: This method assumes that there really are some preferred nodes and that those nodes
 * are probably active. So do not use it as a replacement for the version without preferred nodes!
 * @param allowNonPreferredNodes true to enable use of non-preferred nodes if not enough
 *    preferred nodes are active to satisfy numNodes
 * @param outNodes might cotain less than numNodes if not enough nodes are known
void NodeStoreServers::chooseStorageNodesWithPref(unsigned numNodes, UInt16List* preferredNodes,
   bool allowNonPreferredNodes, UInt16Vector* outNodes)
   SafeMutexLock mutexLock(&mutex); // L O C K

   if(!localNode && !activeNodes.size() )
   { // there's nothing we can do without any storage targets
      mutexLock.unlock(); // U N L O C K

   NodeReferencer localNodeRefer(localNode, false); /* don't move this into if-brackets, because it
      would be removed from stack then and we need to access it again further below.*/

   // temporary insertion of localNode to include it in the possible storage targets
      activeNodes.insert(NodeMapVal(localNode->getNumID(), &localNodeRefer) );

   unsigned nodesSize = activeNodes.size();

   // max number of nodes is limited by the number of known active nodes
   if(numNodes > nodesSize)
      numNodes = nodesSize;

   // Stage 1: add all the preferred nodes that are actually available to the outNodes

   /* note: we use a separate map for the outNodes here to quickly find out (in stage 2) whether
      we already added a certain node from the preferred nodes (in stage 1) */

   IntSet outNodesSet;
   UInt16ListIter preferredIter;
   NodeMapIter activeNodesIter; // (will be re-used in stage 2)

   moveIterToRandomElem<UInt16List, UInt16ListIter>(*preferredNodes, preferredIter);

   // walk over all the preferred nodes and add them to outNodes when they are available
   // (note: iterTmp is just used to avoid calling preferredNodes->size() )
   for(UInt16ListIter iterTmp = preferredNodes->begin();
       (iterTmp != preferredNodes->end() ) && numNodes;
      activeNodesIter = activeNodes.find(*preferredIter);

      if(activeNodesIter != activeNodes.end() )
      { // this preferred node is active => add to outNodes and to outNodesSet


      moveIterToNextRingElem<UInt16List, UInt16ListIter>(*preferredNodes, preferredIter);

   // Stage 2: add the remaining requested number of nodes from the active nodes

   /* if numNodes is greater than 0 then we have some requested nodes left, that could not be taken
      from the preferred nodes */

   /* we keep it simple here, because usually there will be enough preferred nodes available,
      so that this case is quite unlikely */

   if(allowNonPreferredNodes && numNodes)
      IntSetIter outNodesSetIter;

      moveIterToRandomElem<NodeMap, NodeMapIter>(activeNodes, activeNodesIter);

      // while we haven't found the number of requested nodes
         outNodesSetIter = outNodesSet.find(activeNodesIter->first);
         if(outNodesSetIter == outNodesSet.end() )


         moveIterToNextRingElem<NodeMap, NodeMapIter>(activeNodes, activeNodesIter);

   if(localNode) // remove local node
      activeNodes.erase(localNode->getNumID() );

   mutexLock.unlock(); // U N L O C K