Esempio n. 1
void LagrangianCompliantR::computeOutput(double time, Interaction& inter, InteractionProperties& interProp, unsigned int derivativeNumber)
  VectorOfBlockVectors& DSlink = *interProp.DSlink;
  SiconosVector workZ = *DSlink[LagrangianR::z];
  if (derivativeNumber == 0)
    SiconosVector& y = *inter.y(0);
    SiconosVector& lambda = *inter.lambda(0);
    SiconosVector workQ = *DSlink[LagrangianR::q0];

    computeh(time, workQ, lambda, workZ, y);
    SiconosVector& y = *inter.y(derivativeNumber);
    SiconosVector& lambda = *inter.lambda(derivativeNumber);
    SiconosVector workQ = *DSlink[LagrangianR::q0];
    computeJachq(time, workQ, lambda, workZ);
    computeJachlambda(time, workQ, lambda, workZ);
    if (derivativeNumber == 1)
      // y = Jach[0] q1 + Jach[1] lambda
      prod(*_jachq, *DSlink[LagrangianR::q1], y);
      prod(*_jachlambda, lambda, y, false);
    else if (derivativeNumber == 2)
      prod(*_jachq, *DSlink[LagrangianR::q2], y); // Approx: y[2] = Jach[0]q[2], other terms are neglected ...
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("LagrangianCompliantR::computeOutput, index out of range or not yet implemented.");

  *DSlink[LagrangianR::z] = workZ;
void LagrangianRheonomousR::computeOutput(double time, Interaction& inter, InteractionProperties& interProp, unsigned int derivativeNumber)
  VectorOfBlockVectors& DSlink = *interProp.DSlink;
  SiconosVector q = *DSlink[LagrangianR::q0];
  SiconosVector z = *DSlink[LagrangianR::z];
  SiconosVector& y = *inter.y(derivativeNumber);
  if (derivativeNumber == 0)
    computeh(time, q, z, y);
    computeJachq(time, q, z);
    if (derivativeNumber == 1)
      // Computation of the partial derivative w.r.t time of h(q,t)
      computehDot(time, q, z);
      // Computation of the partial derivative w.r.t q of h(q,t) : \nabla_q h(q,t) \dot q
      prod(*_jachq, *DSlink[LagrangianR::q1], y);
      // Sum of the terms
      y += *_hDot;
    else if (derivativeNumber == 2)
      prod(*_jachq, *DSlink[LagrangianR::q2], y); // Approx:,  ...
    // \warning : the computation of y[2] (in event-driven
    // simulation for instance) is approximated by y[2] =
    // Jach[0]q[2]. For the moment, other terms are neglected
    // (especially, partial derivatives with respect to time).
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("LagrangianRheonomousR::computeOutput(double time, Interaction& inter, InteractionProperties& interProp, unsigned int derivativeNumber) index >2  not yet implemented.");
  *DSlink[LagrangianR::z] = z;
Esempio n. 3
void NewtonEulerR::computeOutput(double time, Interaction& inter, unsigned int derivativeNumber)

  DEBUG_PRINTF("with time = %f and derivativeNumber = %i starts\n", time, derivativeNumber);

  VectorOfBlockVectors& DSlink = inter.linkToDSVariables();
  SiconosVector& y = *inter.y(derivativeNumber);
  BlockVector& q = *DSlink[NewtonEulerR::q0];

  if (derivativeNumber == 0)
    computeh(time, q, y);
    /* \warning  V.A. 15/04/2016
     * We decide finally not to update the Jacobian there. To be discussed
    // computeJachq(time, inter, DSlink[NewtonEulerR::q0]);
    // computeJachqT(inter, DSlink[NewtonEulerR::q0]);

    if (derivativeNumber == 1)
      DEBUG_EXPR(_jachqT->display();); DEBUG_EXPR((*DSlink[NewtonEulerR::velocity]).display(););
Esempio n. 4
  virtual void computeOutput(double t, Interaction& inter, InteractionProperties& interProp, unsigned int derivativeNumber)
    VectorOfBlockVectors& DSlink = *interProp.DSlink;
    if (derivativeNumber == 0)
      computeh(t, *DSlink[NewtonEulerR::q0], *inter.y(0));
      R_CLASS::computeOutput(t, inter, interProp, derivativeNumber);

Esempio n. 5
void FirstOrderLinearR::computeOutput(double time, Interaction& inter, InteractionProperties& interProp, unsigned int level)
  VectorOfBlockVectors& DSlink = *interProp.DSlink;
  VectorOfVectors& workV = *interProp.workVectors;
  VectorOfSMatrices& workM = *interProp.workMatrices;
  SiconosVector& z = *workV[FirstOrderR::vec_z];
  z = *DSlink[FirstOrderR::z];
  // We get y and lambda of the interaction (pointers)
  SiconosVector& y = *inter.y(0);
  SiconosVector& lambda = *inter.lambda(0);

  computeh(time, workV, workM, *DSlink[FirstOrderR::x], lambda, z, y);

  *DSlink[FirstOrderR::z] = z;
Esempio n. 6
void FirstOrderType1R::computeOutput(double time, Interaction& inter, InteractionProperties& interProp, unsigned int level)
  SiconosVector& y = *inter.y(0);
  // Warning: temporary method to have contiguous values in memory, copy of block to simple.

  VectorOfBlockVectors& DSlink = *interProp.DSlink;
  VectorOfVectors& workV = *interProp.workVectors;

  SiconosVector& workX = *workV[FirstOrderR::vec_x];
  workX = *DSlink[FirstOrderR::x];
  SiconosVector& workZ = *workV[FirstOrderR::vec_z];
  workZ = *DSlink[FirstOrderR::z];

  computeh(time, workX, workZ, y);

  *DSlink[FirstOrderR::z] = workZ;
Esempio n. 7
void FirstOrderLinearR::computeOutput(double time, Interaction& inter, unsigned int level)
  DEBUG_BEGIN("FirstOrderLinearR::computeOutput \n");
  VectorOfBlockVectors& DSlink = inter.linkToDSVariables();
  BlockVector& z = *DSlink[FirstOrderR::z];
  BlockVector& x = *DSlink[FirstOrderR::x];

  SP::SiconosVector z_vec(new SiconosVector(z));
  SiconosVector& y = *inter.y(level);
  SiconosVector& lambda = *inter.lambda(level);

  computeh(time, x, lambda, *z_vec, y);

  *DSlink[FirstOrderR::z] = *z_vec;

  DEBUG_END("FirstOrderLinearR::computeOutput \n");
Esempio n. 8
void LagrangianLinearTIR::computeOutput(double time, Interaction& inter, InteractionProperties& interProp, unsigned int derivativeNumber)
  // get y and lambda of the interaction
  SiconosVector& y = *inter.y(derivativeNumber);
  VectorOfBlockVectors& DSlink = *interProp.DSlink;

  prod(*_jachq, *DSlink[LagrangianR::q0 + derivativeNumber], y);

  if (derivativeNumber == 0)
    if (_e)
      y += *_e;
    if (_F)
      prod(*_F, *DSlink[LagrangianR::z], y, false);

  if (_jachlambda)
    SiconosVector& lambda = *inter.lambda(derivativeNumber);
    prod(*_jachlambda, lambda, y, false);
