JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncToUpperCase(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList&) { JSString* sVal = thisValue.toThisJSString(exec); const UString& s = sVal->value(); int sSize = s.size(); if (!sSize) return sVal; const UChar* sData = s.data(); Vector<UChar> buffer(sSize); UChar ored = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sSize; i++) { UChar c = sData[i]; ored |= c; buffer[i] = toASCIIUpper(c); } if (!(ored & ~0x7f)) return jsString(exec, UString(buffer.releaseBuffer(), sSize, false)); bool error; int length = Unicode::toUpper(buffer.data(), sSize, sData, sSize, &error); if (error) { buffer.resize(length); length = Unicode::toUpper(buffer.data(), length, sData, sSize, &error); if (error) return sVal; } if (length == sSize && memcmp(buffer.data(), sData, length * sizeof(UChar)) == 0) return sVal; return jsString(exec, UString(buffer.releaseBuffer(), length, false)); }
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL objectProtoFuncToLocaleString(ExecState* exec) { JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue(); return JSValue::encode(thisValue.toThisJSString(exec)); }
JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncReplace(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList& args) { JSString* sourceVal = thisValue.toThisJSString(exec); const UString& source = sourceVal->value(); JSValue pattern = args.at(0); JSValue replacement = args.at(1); UString replacementString; CallData callData; CallType callType = replacement.getCallData(callData); if (callType == CallTypeNone) replacementString = replacement.toString(exec); if (pattern.isObject(&RegExpObject::info)) { RegExp* reg = asRegExpObject(pattern)->regExp(); bool global = reg->global(); RegExpConstructor* regExpConstructor = exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->regExpConstructor(); int lastIndex = 0; int startPosition = 0; Vector<UString::Range, 16> sourceRanges; Vector<UString, 16> replacements; // This is either a loop (if global is set) or a one-way (if not). if (global && callType == CallTypeJS) { // reg->numSubpatterns() + 1 for pattern args, + 2 for match start and sourceValue int argCount = reg->numSubpatterns() + 1 + 2; JSFunction* func = asFunction(replacement); CachedCall cachedCall(exec, func, argCount, exec->exceptionSlot()); if (exec->hadException()) return jsNull(); while (true) { int matchIndex; int matchLen; int* ovector; regExpConstructor->performMatch(reg, source, startPosition, matchIndex, matchLen, &ovector); if (matchIndex < 0) break; sourceRanges.append(UString::Range(lastIndex, matchIndex - lastIndex)); int completeMatchStart = ovector[0]; unsigned i = 0; for (; i < reg->numSubpatterns() + 1; ++i) { int matchStart = ovector[i * 2]; int matchLen = ovector[i * 2 + 1] - matchStart; if (matchStart < 0) cachedCall.setArgument(i, jsUndefined()); else cachedCall.setArgument(i, jsSubstring(exec, source, matchStart, matchLen)); } cachedCall.setArgument(i++, jsNumber(exec, completeMatchStart)); cachedCall.setArgument(i++, sourceVal); cachedCall.setThis(exec->globalThisValue()); replacements.append(cachedCall.call().toString(cachedCall.newCallFrame())); if (exec->hadException()) break; lastIndex = matchIndex + matchLen; startPosition = lastIndex; // special case of empty match if (matchLen == 0) { startPosition++; if (startPosition > source.size()) break; } } } else { do { int matchIndex; int matchLen; int* ovector; regExpConstructor->performMatch(reg, source, startPosition, matchIndex, matchLen, &ovector); if (matchIndex < 0) break; sourceRanges.append(UString::Range(lastIndex, matchIndex - lastIndex)); if (callType != CallTypeNone) { int completeMatchStart = ovector[0]; MarkedArgumentBuffer args; for (unsigned i = 0; i < reg->numSubpatterns() + 1; ++i) { int matchStart = ovector[i * 2]; int matchLen = ovector[i * 2 + 1] - matchStart; if (matchStart < 0) args.append(jsUndefined()); else args.append(jsSubstring(exec, source, matchStart, matchLen)); } args.append(jsNumber(exec, completeMatchStart)); args.append(sourceVal); replacements.append(call(exec, replacement, callType, callData, exec->globalThisValue(), args).toString(exec)); if (exec->hadException()) break; } else replacements.append(substituteBackreferences(replacementString, source, ovector, reg)); lastIndex = matchIndex + matchLen; startPosition = lastIndex; // special case of empty match if (matchLen == 0) { startPosition++; if (startPosition > source.size()) break; } } while (global); } if (!lastIndex && replacements.isEmpty()) return sourceVal; if (lastIndex < source.size()) sourceRanges.append(UString::Range(lastIndex, source.size() - lastIndex)); return jsString(exec, source.spliceSubstringsWithSeparators(sourceRanges.data(), sourceRanges.size(), replacements.data(), replacements.size())); } // Not a regular expression, so treat the pattern as a string. UString patternString = pattern.toString(exec); int matchPos = source.find(patternString); if (matchPos == -1) return sourceVal; int matchLen = patternString.size(); if (callType != CallTypeNone) { MarkedArgumentBuffer args; args.append(jsSubstring(exec, source, matchPos, matchLen)); args.append(jsNumber(exec, matchPos)); args.append(sourceVal); replacementString = call(exec, replacement, callType, callData, exec->globalThisValue(), args).toString(exec); } int ovector[2] = { matchPos, matchPos + matchLen }; return jsString(exec, source.replaceRange(matchPos, matchLen, substituteBackreferences(replacementString, source, ovector, 0))); }
JSValue QT_FASTCALL objectProtoFuncToLocaleString(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList&) { return thisValue.toThisJSString(exec); }