Esempio n. 1
void JNetwork::ThreadProc(void* param)
    JNetwork* pThis = reinterpret_cast<JNetwork*>(param);
    JSocket* pSocket = NULL;
    if (pThis->serverIP.size()) {
        DebugTrace("Starting Client Thread");
        pThis->socket = new JSocket(pThis->serverIP);
            pSocket = pThis->socket;
    } else {
        DebugTrace("Starting Server Thread");
        pThis->socket = new JSocket();
        // Wait for some client
        pSocket = pThis->socket->Accept();

    while(pSocket && pSocket->isConnected()) {
        char buff[4096];
            int len =  pSocket->Read(buff, sizeof(buff));
            if(len > 0) {
                boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(pThis->receiveMutex);
                DebugTrace("receiving " << len << " bytes : " << buff);
                pThis->received.str(pThis->received.str() + buff);
                DebugTrace("received " << pThis->received.str().size() << " bytes : " << pThis->received.str());
            boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(pThis->sendMutex);
                DebugTrace("sending  " << pThis->toSend.str().size() << " bytes : " << pThis->toSend.str());
                pSocket->Write((char*)pThis->toSend.str().c_str(), pThis->toSend.str().size()+1);

    DebugTrace("Quitting Thread");
Esempio n. 2
void JNetwork::ThreadProc(void* param)
  JNetwork* pThis = reinterpret_cast<JNetwork*>(param);
  JSocket* pSocket = NULL;
  if (pThis->serverIP.size()) {
    DebugTrace("Starting Client Thread");
    pThis->socket = new JSocket(pThis->serverIP);
      pSocket = pThis->socket;
  } else {
    DebugTrace("Starting Server Thread");
    pThis->socket = new JSocket();
    // Wait for some client
    pSocket = pThis->socket->Accept();

  while(pSocket && pSocket->isConnected()) {
    char buff[1024];
      boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(pThis->receiveMutex);
      int len =  pSocket->Read(buff, sizeof(buff));
      if(len) {
        DebugTrace("receiving " << len << " bytes : " << buff);
        pThis->received << buff;
      // Checking for some command to execute
      size_t found = pThis->received.str().find("Command");
      if(found != string::npos)
        map<string, processCmd>::iterator ite = sCommandMap.find((pThis->received.str()).substr(0, found) + "Command");
        if(ite != sCommandMap.end())
          DebugTrace("begin of command received : "<< pThis->received.str() );
          DebugTrace("begin of command toSend : "<< pThis->toSend.str() );

          boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(pThis->sendMutex);
          pThis->toSend << pThis->received.str().substr(0, found) + "Response ";
          processCmd theMethod = (ite)->second;
          theMethod(pThis->received, pThis->toSend);

          DebugTrace("end of command received : "<< pThis->received.str() );
          DebugTrace("end of command toSend : "<< pThis->toSend.str() );
      // Checking for some response to execute
      found = pThis->received.str().find("Response");
      if(found != string::npos)
        map<string, processCmd>::iterator ite = sCommandMap.find((pThis->received.str()).substr(0, found) + "Response");
        if(ite != sCommandMap.end())
          DebugTrace("begin of response received : "<< pThis->received.str() );
          DebugTrace("begin of response toSend : "<< pThis->toSend.str() );

          boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(pThis->sendMutex);
          string aString;
          pThis->received >> aString;
          processCmd theMethod = (ite)->second;
          theMethod(pThis->received, pThis->toSend);

          DebugTrace("end of response received : "<< pThis->received.str() );
          DebugTrace("end of response toSend : "<< pThis->toSend.str() );