JString XDLink::Build1DArrayExpression ( const JCharacter* origExpr, const JInteger index ) { JString expr = origExpr; const JString indexStr(index, 0); // must use floating point conversion if (expr.Contains("$i")) { // double literal $'s for (JIndex i=expr.GetLength()-1; i>=1; i--) { if (expr.GetCharacter(i) == '$' && expr.GetCharacter(i+1) != 'i') { expr.InsertCharacter('$', i); } } const JCharacter* map[] = { "i", indexStr.GetCString() }; (JGetStringManager())->Replace(&expr, map, sizeof(map)); } else { expr.AppendCharacter('['); expr += indexStr; expr.AppendCharacter(']'); } return expr; }
JString XDLink::Build2DArrayExpression ( const JCharacter* origExpr, const JInteger rowIndex, const JInteger colIndex ) { JString expr = origExpr; const JBoolean usesI = expr.Contains("$i"); // row const JBoolean usesJ = expr.Contains("$j"); // col const JString iStr(rowIndex, 0); // must use floating point conversion const JString jStr(colIndex, 0); // must use floating point conversion // We have to do both at the same time because otherwise we lose a $. if (usesI || usesJ) { // double literal $'s for (JIndex i=expr.GetLength()-1; i>=1; i--) { if (expr.GetCharacter(i) == '$' && expr.GetCharacter(i+1) != 'i' && expr.GetCharacter(i+1) != 'j') { expr.InsertCharacter('$', i); } } const JCharacter* map[] = { "i", iStr.GetCString(), "j", jStr.GetCString() }; (JGetStringManager())->Replace(&expr, map, sizeof(map)); } if (!usesI || !usesJ) { if (expr.GetFirstCharacter() != '(' || expr.GetLastCharacter() != ')') { expr.PrependCharacter('('); expr.AppendCharacter(')'); } if (!usesI) { expr.AppendCharacter('['); expr += iStr; expr.AppendCharacter(']'); } if (!usesJ) { expr.AppendCharacter('['); expr += jStr; expr.AppendCharacter(']'); } } return expr; }
void LLDBGetAssembly::HandleSuccess ( const JString& cmdData ) { LLDBLink* link = dynamic_cast<LLDBLink*>(CMGetLink()); if (link == NULL) { return; } lldb::SBCommandInterpreter interp = link->GetDebugger()->GetCommandInterpreter(); if (!interp.IsValid()) { return; } const CMLocation& loc = (GetDirector())->GetDisassemblyLocation(); const JString cmd = "disassemble -n " + JPrepArgForExec(loc.GetFunctionName()); lldb::SBCommandReturnObject result; interp.HandleCommand(cmd, result); JPtrArray<JString> addrList(JPtrArrayT::kDeleteAll); JString instText; if (result.IsValid() && result.Succeeded() && result.HasResult()) { std::istringstream input(result.GetOutput()); JString line, s; JSize maxOffsetLength = 0; while (!input.eof() && !input.fail()) { line = JReadLine(input); JIndex i; if (line.LocateSubstring(":", &i) && i < line.GetLength()) { s = line.GetSubstring(1, i-1); if (s.BeginsWith("->") && s.GetLength() > 2) { s = s.GetSubstring(3, s.GetLength()); } s.TrimWhitespace(); addrList.Append(s); JIndexRange r; if (offsetPattern.Match(s, &r)) { maxOffsetLength = JMax(maxOffsetLength, r.GetLength()); } if (!instText.IsEmpty()) { instText.AppendCharacter('\n'); } s = line.GetSubstring(i+1, line.GetLength()); s.TrimWhitespace(); instText.Append(s); } } const JSize count = addrList.GetElementCount(); for (JIndex i=1; i<count; i++) { JString* s = addrList.NthElement(i); JIndexRange r; if (offsetPattern.Match(*s, &r)) { const JSize pad = maxOffsetLength - r.GetLength(); for (JIndex j=0; j<pad; j++) { s->InsertCharacter('0', r.first+2); } } } } (GetDirector())->DisplayDisassembly(&addrList, instText); }