Esempio n. 1
int JackEngine::GetClientRefNum(const char* name)
    for (int i = 0; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
        JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[i];
        if (client && (strcmp(client->GetClientControl()->fName, name) == 0)) {
            return client->GetClientControl()->fRefNum;

    return -1;
Esempio n. 2
int JackEngine::GetUUIDForClientName(const char *client_name, char *uuid_res)
    for (int i = 0; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
        JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[i];

        if (client && (strcmp(client_name, client->GetClientControl()->fName) == 0)) {
            snprintf(uuid_res, JACK_UUID_SIZE, "%d", client->GetClientControl()->fSessionID);
            return 0;
    // Did not find name.
    return -1;
Esempio n. 3
void JackEngine::EnsureUUID(int uuid)
    if (uuid > fMaxUUID) {
        fMaxUUID = uuid + 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
        JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[i];
        if (client && (client->GetClientControl()->fSessionID == uuid)) {
            client->GetClientControl()->fSessionID = GetNewUUID();
Esempio n. 4
int JackEngine::GetInternalClientName(int refnum, char* name_res)
    JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[refnum];
    strncpy(name_res, client->GetClientControl()->fName, JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
int JackEngine::ClientActivate(int refnum, bool is_real_time)
    JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[refnum];
    jack_log("JackEngine::ClientActivate ref = %ld name = %s", refnum, client->GetClientControl()->fName);

    if (is_real_time) {

    // Wait for graph state change to be effective
    if (!fSignal.LockedTimedWait(fEngineControl->fTimeOutUsecs * 10)) {
        jack_error("JackEngine::ClientActivate wait error ref = %ld name = %s", refnum, client->GetClientControl()->fName);
        return -1;
    } else {
        jack_int_t input_ports[PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT];
        jack_int_t output_ports[PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT];
        fGraphManager->GetInputPorts(refnum, input_ports);
        fGraphManager->GetOutputPorts(refnum, output_ports);

        // Notify client

        // Then issue port registration notification
        for (int i = 0; (i < PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT) && (input_ports[i] != EMPTY); i++) {
            NotifyPortRegistation(input_ports[i], true);
        for (int i = 0; (i < PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT) && (output_ports[i] != EMPTY); i++) {
            NotifyPortRegistation(output_ports[i], true);

        return 0;
Esempio n. 6
int JackEngine::ClientHasSessionCallback(const char *name)
    JackClientInterface* client = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
        client = fClientTable[i];
        if (client && (strcmp(client->GetClientControl()->fName, name) == 0)) {

    if (client) {
        return client->GetClientControl()->fCallback[kSessionCallback];
     } else {
        return -1;
Esempio n. 7
void JackEngine::NotifyClient(int refnum, int event, int sync, const char* message, int value1, int value2)
    JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[refnum];
    if (client) {
        ClientNotify(client, refnum, client->GetClientControl()->fName, event, sync, message, value1, value2);
Esempio n. 8
int JackEngine::ClientCloseAux(int refnum, bool wait)
    jack_log("JackEngine::ClientCloseAux ref = %ld", refnum);
    JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[refnum];

    // Unregister all ports ==> notifications are sent
    jack_int_t ports[PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT];
    int i;

    fGraphManager->GetInputPorts(refnum, ports);
    for (i = 0; (i < PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT) && (ports[i] != EMPTY); i++) {
        PortUnRegister(refnum, ports[i]);

    fGraphManager->GetOutputPorts(refnum, ports);
    for (i = 0; (i < PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT) && (ports[i] != EMPTY); i++) {
        PortUnRegister(refnum, ports[i]);

    // Remove the client from the table

    // Remove all ports

    // Wait until next cycle to be sure client is not used anymore
    if (wait) {
        if (!fSignal.LockedTimedWait(fEngineControl->fTimeOutUsecs * 2)) { // Must wait at least until a switch occurs in Process, even in case of graph end failure
            jack_error("JackEngine::ClientCloseAux wait error ref = %ld", refnum);

    // Notify running clients
    NotifyRemoveClient(client->GetClientControl()->fName, client->GetClientControl()->fRefNum);

    // Cleanup...
    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
int JackEngine::GetClientNameForUUID(const char *uuid, char *name_res)
    for (int i = 0; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
        JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[i];

        if (!client) {

        char uuid_buf[JACK_UUID_SIZE];
        snprintf(uuid_buf, JACK_UUID_SIZE, "%d", client->GetClientControl()->fSessionID);

        if (strcmp(uuid,uuid_buf) == 0) {
            strncpy(name_res, client->GetClientControl()->fName, JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE);
            return 0;
    // Did not find uuid.
    return -1;
Esempio n. 10
void JackEngineControl::CalcCPULoad(JackClientInterface** table,
                                    JackGraphManager* manager,
                                    jack_time_t cur_cycle_begin,
                                    jack_time_t prev_cycle_end)
    fPrevCycleTime = fCurCycleTime;
    fCurCycleTime = cur_cycle_begin;
    jack_time_t last_cycle_end = prev_cycle_end;

    // In Asynchronous mode, last cycle end is the max of client end dates
    if (!fSyncMode) {
        for (int i = fDriverNum; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
            JackClientInterface* client = table[i];
            JackClientTiming* timing = manager->GetClientTiming(i);
            if (client && client->GetClientControl()->fActive && timing->fStatus == Finished) {
                last_cycle_end = JACK_MAX(last_cycle_end, timing->fFinishedAt);

    // Store the execution time for later averaging
    if (last_cycle_end > 0) {
        fRollingClientUsecs[fRollingClientUsecsIndex++] = last_cycle_end - fPrevCycleTime;
    if (fRollingClientUsecsIndex >= JACK_ENGINE_ROLLING_COUNT) {
        fRollingClientUsecsIndex = 0;

    // Each time we have a full set of iterations, recompute the current
    // usage from the latest JACK_ENGINE_ROLLING_COUNT client entries.
    if (fRollingClientUsecsCnt && (fRollingClientUsecsIndex == 0)) {
        jack_time_t avg_usecs = 0;
        jack_time_t max_usecs = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < JACK_ENGINE_ROLLING_COUNT; i++) {
            avg_usecs += fRollingClientUsecs[i]; // This is really a running total to be averaged later
            max_usecs = JACK_MAX(fRollingClientUsecs[i], max_usecs);

        fMaxUsecs = JACK_MAX(fMaxUsecs, max_usecs);

        if (max_usecs < ((fPeriodUsecs * 95) / 100)) {
            // Average the values from our JACK_ENGINE_ROLLING_COUNT array
            fSpareUsecs = (jack_time_t)(fPeriodUsecs - (avg_usecs / JACK_ENGINE_ROLLING_COUNT));
        } else {
            // Use the 'worst case' value (or zero if we exceeded 'fPeriodUsecs')
            fSpareUsecs = jack_time_t((max_usecs < fPeriodUsecs) ? fPeriodUsecs - max_usecs : 0);

        fCPULoad = ((1.f - (float(fSpareUsecs) / float(fPeriodUsecs))) * 50.f + (fCPULoad * 0.5f));

Esempio n. 11
int JackEngine::PortConnect(int refnum, jack_port_id_t src, jack_port_id_t dst)
    jack_log("JackEngine::PortConnect ref = %d src = %d dst = %d", refnum, src, dst);
    JackClientInterface* client;
    int ref;

    if (fGraphManager->CheckPorts(src, dst) < 0) {
        return -1;

    ref = fGraphManager->GetOutputRefNum(src);
    assert(ref >= 0);
    client = fClientTable[ref];
    if (!client->GetClientControl()->fActive) {
        jack_error("Cannot connect ports owned by inactive clients:"
                   " \"%s\" is not active", client->GetClientControl()->fName);
        return -1;

    ref = fGraphManager->GetInputRefNum(dst);
    assert(ref >= 0);
    client = fClientTable[ref];
    if (!client->GetClientControl()->fActive) {
        jack_error("Cannot connect ports owned by inactive clients:"
                   " \"%s\" is not active", client->GetClientControl()->fName);
        return -1;

    int res = CheckPortsConnect(refnum, src, dst);
    if (res != 1) {
        return res;

    res = fGraphManager->Connect(src, dst);
    if (res == 0) {
        NotifyPortConnect(src, dst, true);
    return res;
Esempio n. 12
// RT
bool JackTransportEngine::CheckAllRolling(JackClientInterface** table)
    for (int i = GetEngineControl()->fDriverNum; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
        JackClientInterface* client = table[i];
        if (client && client->GetClientControl()->fTransportState != JackTransportRolling) {
            jack_log("CheckAllRolling ref = %ld is not rolling", i);
            return false;
    return true;
Esempio n. 13
int JackEngine::SessionReply(int refnum)
    JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[refnum];
    char uuid_buf[JACK_UUID_SIZE];
    snprintf(uuid_buf, sizeof(uuid_buf), "%d", client->GetClientControl()->fSessionID);
    fSessionPendingReplies -= 1;

    if (fSessionPendingReplies == 0) {
        if (fSessionTransaction != NULL) {
            delete fSessionResult;
        fSessionResult = NULL;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 14
// RT
void JackTransportEngine::MakeAllLocating(JackClientInterface** table)
    for (int i = GetEngineControl()->fDriverNum; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
        JackClientInterface* client = table[i];
        if (client) {
            JackClientControl* control = client->GetClientControl();
            control->fTransportState = JackTransportStopped;
            control->fTransportSync = true;
            control->fTransportTimebase = true;
            jack_log("MakeAllLocating ref = %ld", i);
Esempio n. 15
// RT
void JackTransportEngine::MakeAllStartingLocating(JackClientInterface** table)
    for (int i = GetEngineControl()->fDriverNum; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
        JackClientInterface* client = table[i];
        if (client) {
            JackClientControl* control = client->GetClientControl();
            // Inactive clients don't have their process function called at all, so they must appear as already "rolling" for the transport....
            control->fTransportState = (control->fActive && control->fCallback[kRealTimeCallback]) ? JackTransportStarting : JackTransportRolling;
            control->fTransportSync = true;
            control->fTransportTimebase = true;
            jack_log("MakeAllStartingLocating ref = %ld", i);
Esempio n. 16
int JackEngine::PortUnRegister(int refnum, jack_port_id_t port_index)
    jack_log("JackEngine::PortUnRegister ref = %ld port_index = %ld", refnum, port_index);
    JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[refnum];

    // Disconnect port ==> notification is sent
    PortDisconnect(refnum, port_index, ALL_PORTS);

    if (fGraphManager->ReleasePort(refnum, port_index) == 0) {
        if (client->GetClientControl()->fActive) {
            NotifyPortRegistation(port_index, false);
        return 0;
    } else {
        return -1;
Esempio n. 17
bool JackEngine::ClientCheckName(const char* name)
    for (int i = 0; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
        JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[i];
        if (client && (strcmp(client->GetClientControl()->fName, name) == 0)) {
            return true;

    for (std::map<int,std::string>::iterator i = fReservationMap.begin(); i != fReservationMap.end(); i++) {
        if (i->second == name) {
            return true;

    return false;
Esempio n. 18
int JackEngine::InternalClientHandle(const char* client_name, int* status, int* int_ref)
    // Clear status
    *status = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
        JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[i];
        if (client && dynamic_cast<JackLoadableInternalClient*>(client) && (strcmp(client->GetClientControl()->fName, client_name) == 0)) {
            jack_log("InternalClientHandle found client name = %s ref = %ld",  client_name, i);
            *int_ref = i;
            return 0;

    *status |= (JackNoSuchClient | JackFailure);
    return -1;
Esempio n. 19
void JackEngine::CheckXRun(jack_time_t callback_usecs)  // REVOIR les conditions de fin
    for (int i = fEngineControl->fDriverNum; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
        JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[i];
        if (client && client->GetClientControl()->fActive) {
            JackClientTiming* timing = fGraphManager->GetClientTiming(i);
            jack_client_state_t status = timing->fStatus;
            jack_time_t finished_date = timing->fFinishedAt;

            if (status != NotTriggered && status != Finished) {
                jack_error("JackEngine::XRun: client = %s was not finished, state = %s", client->GetClientControl()->fName, State2String(status));
                fChannel.Notify(ALL_CLIENTS, kXRunCallback, 0);  // Notify all clients

            if (status == Finished && (long)(finished_date - callback_usecs) > 0) {
                jack_error("JackEngine::XRun: client %s finished after current callback", client->GetClientControl()->fName);
                fChannel.Notify(ALL_CLIENTS, kXRunCallback, 0);  // Notify all clients
Esempio n. 20
int JackEngine::PortRegister(int refnum, const char* name, const char *type, unsigned int flags, unsigned int buffer_size, jack_port_id_t* port_index)
    jack_log("JackEngine::PortRegister ref = %ld name = %s type = %s flags = %d buffer_size = %d", refnum, name, type, flags, buffer_size);
    JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[refnum];

    // Check if port name already exists
    if (fGraphManager->GetPort(name) != NO_PORT) {
        jack_error("port_name \"%s\" already exists", name);
        return -1;

    // buffer_size is actually ignored...
    *port_index = fGraphManager->AllocatePort(refnum, name, type, (JackPortFlags)flags, fEngineControl->fBufferSize);
    if (*port_index != NO_PORT) {
        if (client->GetClientControl()->fActive) {
            NotifyPortRegistation(*port_index, true);
        return 0;
    } else {
        return -1;
Esempio n. 21
void JackEngineControl::CalcCPULoad(JackClientInterface** table,
                                    JackGraphManager* manager,
                                    jack_time_t cur_cycle_begin,
                                    jack_time_t prev_cycle_end)
    fPrevCycleTime = fCurCycleTime;
    fCurCycleTime = cur_cycle_begin;
    jack_time_t last_cycle_end = prev_cycle_end;

    // In Asynchronous mode, last cycle end is the max of client end dates
    if (!fSyncMode) {
        for (int i = fDriverNum; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
            JackClientInterface* client = table[i];
            JackClientTiming* timing = manager->GetClientTiming(i);
            if (client && client->GetClientControl()->fActive && timing->fStatus == Finished)
                last_cycle_end = JACK_MAX(last_cycle_end, timing->fFinishedAt);

    // Store the execution time for later averaging
    fRollingClientUsecs[fRollingClientUsecsIndex++] = last_cycle_end - fPrevCycleTime;
    if (fRollingClientUsecsIndex >= JACK_ENGINE_ROLLING_COUNT)
        fRollingClientUsecsIndex = 0;

    // Every so often, recompute the current maximum use over the
    // last JACK_ENGINE_ROLLING_COUNT client iterations.

    if (++fRollingClientUsecsCnt % fRollingInterval == 0) {

        jack_time_t max_usecs = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < JACK_ENGINE_ROLLING_COUNT; i++)
            max_usecs = JACK_MAX(fRollingClientUsecs[i], max_usecs);

        fMaxUsecs = JACK_MAX(fMaxUsecs, max_usecs);
        fSpareUsecs = jack_time_t((max_usecs < fPeriodUsecs) ? fPeriodUsecs - max_usecs : 0);
        fCPULoad = ((1.f - (float(fSpareUsecs) / float(fPeriodUsecs))) * 50.f + (fCPULoad * 0.5f));
Esempio n. 22
// May be called without client
int JackEngine::ClientDeactivate(int refnum)
    JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[refnum];
    jack_log("JackEngine::ClientDeactivate ref = %ld name = %s", refnum, client->GetClientControl()->fName);

    jack_int_t input_ports[PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT];
    jack_int_t output_ports[PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT];
    fGraphManager->GetInputPorts(refnum, input_ports);
    fGraphManager->GetOutputPorts(refnum, output_ports);

    // First disconnect all ports
    for (int i = 0; (i < PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT) && (input_ports[i] != EMPTY); i++) {
        PortDisconnect(refnum, input_ports[i], ALL_PORTS);
    for (int i = 0; (i < PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT) && (output_ports[i] != EMPTY); i++) {
        PortDisconnect(refnum, output_ports[i], ALL_PORTS);

    // Then issue port registration notification
    for (int i = 0; (i < PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT) && (input_ports[i] != EMPTY); i++) {
        NotifyPortRegistation(input_ports[i], false);
    for (int i = 0; (i < PORT_NUM_FOR_CLIENT) && (output_ports[i] != EMPTY); i++) {
        NotifyPortRegistation(output_ports[i], false);

    fLastSwitchUsecs = 0; // Force switch to occur next cycle, even when called with "dead" clients

    // Wait for graph state change to be effective
    if (!fSignal.LockedTimedWait(fEngineControl->fTimeOutUsecs * 10)) {
        jack_error("JackEngine::ClientDeactivate wait error ref = %ld name = %s", refnum, client->GetClientControl()->fName);
        return -1;
    } else {
        return 0;
Esempio n. 23
void JackEngine::SessionNotify(int refnum, const char *target, jack_session_event_type_t type, const char *path, detail::JackChannelTransactionInterface *socket, JackSessionNotifyResult** result)
    if (fSessionPendingReplies != 0) {
        JackSessionNotifyResult res(-1);
        jack_log("JackEngine::SessionNotify ... busy");
        if (result != NULL) {
            *result = NULL;

    for (int i = 0; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
        JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[i];
        if (client && (client->GetClientControl()->fSessionID < 0)) {
            client->GetClientControl()->fSessionID = GetNewUUID();
    fSessionResult = new JackSessionNotifyResult();

    for (int i = 0; i < CLIENT_NUM; i++) {
        JackClientInterface* client = fClientTable[i];
        if (client && client->GetClientControl()->fCallback[kSessionCallback]) {

            // check if this is a notification to a specific client.
            if (target != NULL && strlen(target) != 0) {
                if (strcmp(target, client->GetClientControl()->fName)) {

            char path_buf[JACK_PORT_NAME_SIZE];
            snprintf(path_buf, sizeof(path_buf), "%s%s%c", path, client->GetClientControl()->fName, DIR_SEPARATOR);

            int res = JackTools::MkDir(path_buf);
            if (res) {
                jack_error("JackEngine::SessionNotify: can not create session directory '%s'", path_buf);

            int result = client->ClientNotify(i, client->GetClientControl()->fName, kSessionCallback, true, path_buf, (int)type, 0);

            if (result == kPendingSessionReply) {
                fSessionPendingReplies += 1;
            } else if (result == kImmediateSessionReply) {
                char uuid_buf[JACK_UUID_SIZE];
                snprintf(uuid_buf, sizeof(uuid_buf), "%d", client->GetClientControl()->fSessionID);

    if (result != NULL) {
        *result = fSessionResult;

    if (fSessionPendingReplies == 0) {
        if (result == NULL) {
            delete fSessionResult;
        fSessionResult = NULL;
    } else {
        fSessionTransaction = socket;