Esempio n. 1
static void reportJoint(int index, JointState joint) { // Handy for debugging
    std::cout << "\n";
    std::cout << index << " " << joint.getName().toUtf8().data() << "\n";
    std::cout << " pos:" << joint.getPosition() << "/" << joint.getPositionInParentFrame() << " from " << joint.getParentIndex() << "\n";
    std::cout << " rot:" << safeEulerAngles(joint.getRotation()) << "/" << safeEulerAngles(joint.getRotationInParentFrame()) << "/" << safeEulerAngles(joint.getRotationInBindFrame()) << "\n";
    std::cout << "\n";
Esempio n. 2
void FaceModel::maybeUpdateNeckRotation(const JointState& parentState, const FBXJoint& joint, JointState& state) {
    // get the rotation axes in joint space and use them to adjust the rotation
    glm::mat3 axes = glm::mat3_cast(glm::quat());
    glm::mat3 inverse = glm::mat3(glm::inverse(parentState.getTransform() * glm::translate(state.getDefaultTranslationInParentFrame()) *
        joint.preTransform * glm::mat4_cast(joint.preRotation)));
    state.setRotationInParentFrame(glm::angleAxis(- RADIANS_PER_DEGREE * _owningHead->getFinalRoll(), glm::normalize(inverse * axes[2])) 
        * glm::angleAxis(RADIANS_PER_DEGREE * _owningHead->getFinalYaw(), glm::normalize(inverse * axes[1])) 
        * glm::angleAxis(- RADIANS_PER_DEGREE * _owningHead->getFinalPitch(), glm::normalize(inverse * axes[0])) 
        * joint.rotation);
Esempio n. 3
void FaceModel::maybeUpdateEyeRotation(const JointState& parentState, const FBXJoint& joint, JointState& state) {
    // likewise with the eye joints
    // NOTE: at the moment we do the math in the world-frame, hence the inverse transform is more complex than usual.
    glm::mat4 inverse = glm::inverse(glm::mat4_cast(_rotation) * parentState.getTransform() * 
            glm::translate(state.getDefaultTranslationInParentFrame()) *
            joint.preTransform * glm::mat4_cast(joint.preRotation * joint.rotation));
    glm::vec3 front = glm::vec3(inverse * glm::vec4(_owningHead->getFinalOrientationInWorldFrame() * IDENTITY_FRONT, 0.0f));
    glm::vec3 lookAt = glm::vec3(inverse * glm::vec4(_owningHead->getLookAtPosition() +
        _owningHead->getSaccade() - _translation, 1.0f));
    glm::quat between = rotationBetween(front, lookAt);
    const float MAX_ANGLE = 30.0f * RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;
    state.setRotationInParentFrame(glm::angleAxis(glm::clamp(glm::angle(between), -MAX_ANGLE, MAX_ANGLE), glm::axis(between)) *
Esempio n. 4
void SkeletonModel::maybeUpdateLeanRotation(const JointState& parentState, JointState& state) {
    if (!_owningAvatar->isMyAvatar()) {
    // get the rotation axes in joint space and use them to adjust the rotation
    glm::vec3 xAxis(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    glm::vec3 yAxis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
    glm::vec3 zAxis(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    glm::quat inverse = glm::inverse(parentState.getRotation() * state.getDefaultRotationInParentFrame());
              glm::angleAxis(- RADIANS_PER_DEGREE * _owningAvatar->getHead()->getFinalLeanSideways(), inverse * zAxis) 
            * glm::angleAxis(- RADIANS_PER_DEGREE * _owningAvatar->getHead()->getFinalLeanForward(), inverse * xAxis)
            * glm::angleAxis(RADIANS_PER_DEGREE * _owningAvatar->getHead()->getTorsoTwist(), inverse * yAxis)
            * state.getFBXJoint().rotation, LEAN_PRIORITY);
Esempio n. 5
void FaceModel::maybeUpdateEyeRotation(Model* model, const JointState& parentState, const JointState& state, int index) {
    // likewise with the eye joints
    // NOTE: at the moment we do the math in the world-frame, hence the inverse transform is more complex than usual.
    glm::mat4 inverse = glm::inverse(glm::mat4_cast(model->getRotation()) * parentState.getTransform() *
                                     glm::translate(_rig->getJointDefaultTranslationInConstrainedFrame(index)) *
                                     state.getPreTransform() * glm::mat4_cast(state.getPreRotation() * state.getDefaultRotation()));
    glm::vec3 front = glm::vec3(inverse * glm::vec4(_owningHead->getFinalOrientationInWorldFrame() * IDENTITY_FRONT, 0.0f));
    glm::vec3 lookAtDelta = _owningHead->getCorrectedLookAtPosition() - model->getTranslation();
    glm::vec3 lookAt = glm::vec3(inverse * glm::vec4(lookAtDelta + glm::length(lookAtDelta) * _owningHead->getSaccade(), 1.0f));
    glm::quat between = rotationBetween(front, lookAt);
    const float MAX_ANGLE = 30.0f * RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;
    _rig->setJointRotationInConstrainedFrame(index, glm::angleAxis(glm::clamp(glm::angle(between),
                                                                              -MAX_ANGLE, MAX_ANGLE), glm::axis(between)) *
                                             state.getDefaultRotation(), DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
bool IKSolver::solveIK(const string &tipLinkName, const Eigen::Vector3d &pos, const Eigen::Quaterniond &orient, const JointState &cs, JointState &state)
    using namespace Eigen ;

    assert(model_) ;

    Affine3d solver_tip_to_pose_tip = model_->getWorldTransform(solver_->getTipName()).inverse() * model_->getWorldTransform(tipLinkName) ;
    Affine3d frame = model_->getWorldTransform(solver_->getBaseName()) ;
    Affine3d pose_ = frame.inverse() *  Translation3d(pos) * orient * solver_tip_to_pose_tip.inverse() ;

    geometry_msgs::Pose pose = eigenPoseToROS(pose_.translation(), Quaterniond(pose_.rotation())) ;

    vector<double> solution ;
    int error_code ;

    vector<double> seed_state_vals = cs.getValues(joint_names_) ;

    if ( solver_->searchPositionIK(pose, seed_state_vals, 1.0, solution,
                                   boost::bind(&IKSolver::initialPoseCheck, this, _1, _2, _3),
                                   boost::bind(&IKSolver::collisionCheck, this, _1, _2, _3),
                                   error_code ) )
        state = JointState(joint_names_, solution) ;
        return true ;
    else return false ;
Esempio n. 7
void FaceModel::maybeUpdateNeckRotation(const JointState& parentState, const FBXJoint& joint, JointState& state) {
    Avatar* owningAvatar = static_cast<Avatar*>(_owningHead->_owningAvatar);
    // get the rotation axes in joint space and use them to adjust the rotation
    glm::mat3 axes = glm::mat3_cast(glm::quat());
    glm::mat3 inverse = glm::mat3(glm::inverse(parentState.getTransform() *
                                               glm::translate(state.getDefaultTranslationInConstrainedFrame()) *
                                               joint.preTransform * glm::mat4_cast(joint.preRotation)));
    glm::vec3 pitchYawRoll = safeEulerAngles(_owningHead->getFinalOrientationInLocalFrame());
    glm::vec3 lean = glm::radians(glm::vec3(_owningHead->getFinalLeanForward(),
    pitchYawRoll -= lean;
    state.setRotationInConstrainedFrame(glm::angleAxis(-pitchYawRoll.z, glm::normalize(inverse * axes[2]))
                                        * glm::angleAxis(pitchYawRoll.y, glm::normalize(inverse * axes[1]))
                                        * glm::angleAxis(-pitchYawRoll.x, glm::normalize(inverse * axes[0]))
                                        * joint.rotation, DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
Esempio n. 8
void FaceModel::maybeUpdateNeckRotation(const JointState& parentState, const JointState& state, int index) {
    // get the rotation axes in joint space and use them to adjust the rotation
    glm::mat3 axes = glm::mat3_cast(glm::quat());
    glm::mat3 inverse = glm::mat3(glm::inverse(parentState.getTransform() *
                                               glm::translate(_rig->getJointDefaultTranslationInConstrainedFrame(index)) *
                                               state.getPreTransform() * glm::mat4_cast(state.getPreRotation())));
    glm::vec3 pitchYawRoll = safeEulerAngles(_owningHead->getFinalOrientationInLocalFrame());
    glm::vec3 lean = glm::radians(glm::vec3(_owningHead->getFinalLeanForward(),
    pitchYawRoll -= lean;
                                             glm::angleAxis(-pitchYawRoll.z, glm::normalize(inverse * axes[2]))
                                             * glm::angleAxis(pitchYawRoll.y, glm::normalize(inverse * axes[1]))
                                             * glm::angleAxis(-pitchYawRoll.x, glm::normalize(inverse * axes[0]))
                                             * state.getDefaultRotation(), DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
Esempio n. 9
std::pair< bool, JointLimitRange::OutOfBounds > JointLimitRange::verifyValidity(const JointState& state) const
    using std::make_pair;
    if( state.hasPosition() )
        if( min.hasPosition() && min.position > state.position )
            return make_pair(false, OutOfBounds( "position", min.position, max.position, state.position ));
        if( max.hasPosition() && max.position < state.position )
            return make_pair(false, OutOfBounds( "position", min.position, max.position, state.position ));

    if( state.hasSpeed() )
        if( min.hasSpeed() && min.speed > state.speed )
            return make_pair(false, OutOfBounds( "speed", min.speed, max.speed, state.speed ));
        if( max.hasSpeed() && max.speed < state.speed )
            return make_pair(false, OutOfBounds( "speed", min.speed, max.speed, state.speed ));

    if( state.hasEffort() )
        if( min.hasEffort() && min.effort > state.effort )
            return make_pair(false, OutOfBounds( "effort", min.effort, max.effort, state.effort ));
        if( max.hasEffort() && max.effort < state.effort )
            return make_pair(false, OutOfBounds( "effort", min.effort, max.effort, state.effort ));

    if( state.hasRaw() )
        if( min.hasRaw() && min.raw > state.raw )
            return make_pair(false, OutOfBounds( "raw", min.raw, max.raw, state.raw ));
        if( max.hasRaw() && max.raw < state.raw )
            return make_pair(false, OutOfBounds( "raw", min.raw, max.raw, state.raw ));

    if( state.hasAcceleration() )
        if( min.hasAcceleration() && min.acceleration > state.acceleration )
            return make_pair(false, OutOfBounds( "acceleration", min.acceleration, max.acceleration, state.acceleration ));
        if( max.hasAcceleration() && max.acceleration < state.acceleration )
            return make_pair(false, OutOfBounds( "acceleration", min.acceleration, max.acceleration, state.acceleration ));
    return make_pair(true, OutOfBounds());