Esempio n. 1
	 * IsAutoDone:
	 * Input 	= None
	 * Output 	= True if no longer autonomous
	 * For autonomous only.
	 * This checks to see if autonomous is over.
	 * In case the the competition-broadcast-thing fails and doesn't
	 * send the single stating that Autonomous is over, this also
	 * provides some interrupts.
	 * Autonomous can be ended by turning safety off or by
	 * pushing a joystick nearly to the max (any direction)
	 * while holding the trigger down.
	bool IsAutoDone(void)
		// Can disable autonomous by turning safety off.
		bool safetyKill = 	stick1->GetRawButton(DISABLE_SAFETY_BUTTON) ||
		// Can disable autonomous by attempting to move at max speed.
		bool moveKill = 	(fabs(stick1->GetMagnitude()) > 0.9) &&
		bool liftKill =		(fabs(stick2->GetMagnitude()) > 0.9) &&
		// Disable if a signal is sent out by the driver station.
		bool systemKill = (false == IsAutonomous()) || IsOperatorControl();
		return safetyKill || moveKill || liftKill || systemKill;
Esempio n. 2
	 * DriveHost:
	 * Input = Joystick data
	 * Output = Robot movement (controls mechanum wheels)
	 * Radically altered code from last year.
	 * Altered so it uses the new buttons.
	 * TODO:
	 * - Find out how to pass robotDrive here without breaking anything
	 *   (Not a necessary task).
	void DriveHost(GenericHID *moveStick)
		// Safety primarily to prevent toppling or for safer demos.
		isFastSpeedOn = false;
		if (moveStick->GetRawButton(MOVE_FAST_BUTTON)) {
			//if ((false == isSafetyModeOn) && (false == isLiftHigh)) {
			isFastSpeedOn = true;
		// Magnitude: [-1.0 to 1.0] - How far to travel.
		// Direction: In degrees	- Which way to travel.
		// Rotation : [-1.0 to 1.0] - How much to turn.
		// Joystick returns a float in range [-1.0 to 1.0] automatically.
		// Using moveStick will not compile.
		float magnitude = fabs(stick1->GetMagnitude());	// fabs = Float abs
		float direction = stick1->GetDirectionDegrees();
		float rotationSpeed = (moveStick->GetThrottle() - 1.1) * -0.5 + 0.07;
		float rotationPress = int(moveStick->GetRawButton(ROTATE_RIGHT_BUTTON)) 
							  - int(moveStick->GetRawButton(ROTATE_LEFT_BUTTON));
		float rotation = rotationSpeed * rotationPress;
		direction = (direction < 0.0) ? direction + 360.0 : direction;
		// Just in case - prevents values from being over 1.0 (absolute value)
		// Higher numbers cause motors to spin alarmingly fast.
		magnitude = (magnitude > 1.0) ?  1.0 : magnitude;
		rotation  = (rotation > 1.0)  ?  1.0 : rotation;
		rotation  = (rotation < -1.0) ? -1.0 : rotation;
		if (!isFastSpeedOn) {
			magnitude *= SPEED_DECREASE;
			rotation  *= SPEED_DECREASE;
		// Prevents drift if values are too close to zero.
		magnitude = (magnitude < 0.1) ? 0.0 : magnitude;
		rotation  = (fabs(rotation) < 0.04) ? 0.0 : rotation;
		// This is where the magic happens.
		robotDrive.HolonomicDrive(magnitude, direction, rotation);
		SmartDashboard::Log(direction, "JS- Distance: ");
		SmartDashboard::Log(magnitude, "JS- Magnitude: ");
		SmartDashboard::Log(rotation, "JS- Rotation: ");