void ModuleView::updatePageIconHeader( KPageWidgetItem * page, bool light ) { if( !page ) { // Page is invalid. Probably means we have a race condition during closure of everyone so do nothing return; } KCModuleProxy * moduleProxy = d->mPages.value( page ); KCModuleInfo * moduleInfo = d->mModules.value( page ); if( !moduleInfo ) { // Seems like we have some form of a race condition going on here... return; } page->setHeader( moduleInfo->comment() ); page->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme( moduleInfo->icon() ) ); if( light ) { return; } if( moduleProxy && moduleProxy->realModule()->useRootOnlyMessage() ) { page->setHeader( "<b>" + moduleInfo->comment() + "</b><br><i>" + moduleProxy->realModule()->rootOnlyMessage() + "</i>" ); page->setIcon( KDE::icon( moduleInfo->icon(), QStringList() << "dialog-warning" ) ); } }
void ModuleView::stateChanged() { KCModuleProxy * activeModule = d->mPages.value( d->mPageWidget->currentPage() ); KAuth::Action moduleAction; bool change = false; if( activeModule ) { change = activeModule->changed(); disconnect( d->mApplyAuthorize, SIGNAL(authorized(KAuth::Action)), this, SLOT(moduleSave()) ); disconnect( d->mApply, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moduleSave()) ); if( activeModule->realModule()->authAction().isValid() ) { connect( d->mApplyAuthorize, SIGNAL(authorized(KAuth::Action)), this, SLOT(moduleSave()) ); moduleAction = activeModule->realModule()->authAction(); } else { connect( d->mApply, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moduleSave()) ); } } updatePageIconHeader( d->mPageWidget->currentPage() ); d->mApplyAuthorize->setAuthAction( moduleAction ); d->mApply->setEnabled( change ); d->mReset->setEnabled( change ); emit moduleChanged( change ); }
QWidget *KPluginSelectionWidget::insertKCM(QWidget *parent, const KCModuleInfo &moduleinfo) { KCModuleProxy *module = new KCModuleProxy(moduleinfo, false, parent); if(!module->realModule()) { // FIXME: not very verbose QLabel *label = new QLabel(i18n("Error"), parent); label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); return label; } // add the KCM to the list so that we can call load/save/defaults on it d->modulelist.append(module); QStringList *parentComponents = new QStringList(moduleinfo.service()->property("X-KDE-ParentComponents").toStringList()); d->moduleParentComponents.insert(module, parentComponents); connect(module, SIGNAL(changed(bool)), SLOT(clientChanged(bool))); return module; }
void BehaviorConfig_Shorten::slotConfigureClicked() { qCDebug(CHOQOK); KPluginInfo pluginInfo = availablePlugins.value(shortenPlugins->itemData(shortenPlugins->currentIndex()).toString()); qCDebug(CHOQOK) << pluginInfo.name() << pluginInfo.kcmServices().count(); QPointer<QDialog> configDialog = new QDialog(this); configDialog->setWindowTitle(pluginInfo.name()); // The number of KCModuleProxies in use determines whether to use a tabwidget QTabWidget *newTabWidget = 0; // Widget to use for the setting dialog's main widget, // either a QTabWidget or a KCModuleProxy QWidget *mainWidget = 0; // Widget to use as the KCModuleProxy's parent. // The first proxy is owned by the dialog itself QWidget *moduleProxyParentWidget = configDialog; for (const KService::Ptr &servicePtr: pluginInfo.kcmServices()) { if (!servicePtr->noDisplay()) { KCModuleInfo moduleInfo(servicePtr); KCModuleProxy *currentModuleProxy = new KCModuleProxy(moduleInfo, moduleProxyParentWidget); if (currentModuleProxy->realModule()) { moduleProxyList << currentModuleProxy; if (mainWidget && !newTabWidget) { // we already created one KCModuleProxy, so we need a tab widget. // Move the first proxy into the tab widget and ensure this and subsequent // proxies are in the tab widget newTabWidget = new QTabWidget(configDialog); moduleProxyParentWidget = newTabWidget; mainWidget->setParent(newTabWidget); KCModuleProxy *moduleProxy = qobject_cast<KCModuleProxy *>(mainWidget); if (moduleProxy) { newTabWidget->addTab(mainWidget, moduleProxy->moduleInfo().moduleName()); mainWidget = newTabWidget; } else { delete newTabWidget; newTabWidget = 0; moduleProxyParentWidget = configDialog; mainWidget->setParent(0); } } if (newTabWidget) { newTabWidget->addTab(currentModuleProxy, servicePtr->name()); } else { mainWidget = currentModuleProxy; } } else { delete currentModuleProxy; } } } // it could happen that we had services to show, but none of them were real modules. if (moduleProxyList.count()) { QWidget *showWidget = new QWidget(configDialog); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; showWidget->setLayout(layout); layout->addWidget(mainWidget); layout->insertSpacing(-1, QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DialogButtonsSeparator)); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); QPushButton *okButton = buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok); okButton->setDefault(true); okButton->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Return); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, configDialog.data(), &QDialog::accept); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, configDialog.data(), &QDialog::reject); layout->addWidget(buttonBox); showWidget->adjustSize(); // connect(&configDialog, SIGNAL(defaultClicked()), this, SLOT(slotDefaultClicked())); if (configDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { for (KCModuleProxy *moduleProxy: moduleProxyList) { QStringList parentComponents = moduleProxy->moduleInfo().service()->property(QLatin1String("X-KDE-ParentComponents")).toStringList(); moduleProxy->save(); } } else { for (KCModuleProxy *moduleProxy: moduleProxyList) { moduleProxy->load(); } } qDeleteAll(moduleProxyList); moduleProxyList.clear(); } }