Esempio n. 1
void MainWindow::slotLoadProfile( const QString& id )
  const QString path = Kontact::ProfileManager::self()->profileById( id ).saveLocation();
  if ( path.isNull() )

  KConfig* const cfg = Prefs::self()->config();
  saveMainWindowSettings( cfg );

  const KConfig profile( path+"/kontactrc", /*read-only=*/false, /*useglobals=*/false );
  const QStringList groups = profile.groupList();
  for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = groups.begin(), end = groups.end(); it != end; ++it )
    cfg->setGroup( *it );
    typedef QMap<QString, QString> StringMap;
    const StringMap entries = profile.entryMap( *it );
    for ( StringMap::ConstIterator it2 = entries.begin(), end = entries.end(); it2 != end; ++it2 )
        cfg->deleteEntry( it2.key() );
        cfg->writeEntry( it2.key(), );

  applyMainWindowSettings( cfg );
  const WId wid = winId();
  KIPC::sendMessage( KIPC::PaletteChanged, wid );
  KIPC::sendMessage( KIPC::FontChanged, wid );
  KIPC::sendMessage( KIPC::StyleChanged, wid );
  KIPC::sendMessage( KIPC::SettingsChanged, wid );
  for ( int i = 0; i < KIcon::LastGroup; ++i )
      KIPC::sendMessage( KIPC::IconChanged, wid, i );


  for ( PluginList::Iterator it = mPlugins.begin(); it != mPlugins.end(); ++it ) {
    if ( !(*it)->isRunningStandalone() ) {
        kdDebug() << "Ensure loaded: " << (*it)->identifier() << endl;
    (*it)->loadProfile( path );
Esempio n. 2
* If the preferences were written by a previous version of KAlarm, do any
* necessary conversions.
void Preferences::convertOldPrefs()
    KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
    int version = KAlarm::getVersionNumber(config->readEntry(VERSION_NUM));
    if(version >= KAlarm::Version(1, 4, 22))
        return;     // config format is up to date

    if(version <= KAlarm::Version(1, 4, 21))
        // Convert KAlarm 1.4.21 preferences
        static const QString OLD_REMIND_UNITS = QString::fromLatin1("DefRemindUnits");
        int intUnit     = config->readNumEntry(OLD_REMIND_UNITS, 0);
        QString strUnit = (intUnit == 1) ? QString::fromLatin1("Days")
                          : (intUnit == 2) ? QString::fromLatin1("Weeks")
                          :                  QString::fromLatin1("HoursMinutes");
        config->writeEntry(DEF_REMIND_UNITS, strUnit);

    if(version <= KAlarm::Version(1, 4, 20))
        // Convert KAlarm 1.4.20 preferences
        static const QString VIEW_SECTION = QString::fromLatin1("View");
        static const QString SHOW_ARCHIVED_ALARMS = QString::fromLatin1("ShowArchivedAlarms");
        static const QString SHOW_EXPIRED_ALARMS  = QString::fromLatin1("ShowExpiredAlarms");
        static const QString SHOW_ALARM_TIME      = QString::fromLatin1("ShowAlarmTime");
        static const QString SHOW_TIME_TO_ALARM   = QString::fromLatin1("ShowTimeToAlarm");
        bool showExpired = config->readBoolEntry(SHOW_EXPIRED_ALARMS, false);
        bool showTime    = config->readBoolEntry(SHOW_ALARM_TIME, true);
        bool showTimeTo  = config->readBoolEntry(SHOW_TIME_TO_ALARM, false);
        config->writeEntry(SHOW_ARCHIVED_ALARMS, showExpired);
        config->writeEntry(SHOW_ALARM_TIME, showTime);
        config->writeEntry(SHOW_TIME_TO_ALARM, showTimeTo);

    if(version <= KAlarm::Version(1, 4, 5))
        // Convert KAlarm 1.4.5 preferences
        static const QString DEF_SOUND = QString::fromLatin1("DefSound");
        bool sound = config->readBoolEntry(DEF_SOUND, false);
            config->writeEntry(DEF_SOUND_TYPE, SoundPicker::NONE);

    if(version < KAlarm::Version(1, 3, 0))
        // Convert KAlarm pre-1.3 preferences
        static const QString EMAIL_ADDRESS             = QString::fromLatin1("EmailAddress");
        static const QString EMAIL_USE_CTRL_CENTRE     = QString::fromLatin1("EmailUseControlCenter");
        static const QString EMAIL_BCC_USE_CTRL_CENTRE = QString::fromLatin1("EmailBccUseControlCenter");
        QMap<QString, QString> entries = config->entryMap(GENERAL_SECTION);
        if(entries.find(EMAIL_FROM) == entries.end()
                &&  entries.find(EMAIL_USE_CTRL_CENTRE) != entries.end())
            // Preferences were written by KAlarm pre-1.2.1
            bool useCC = false;
            bool bccUseCC = false;
            const bool default_emailUseControlCentre    = true;
            const bool default_emailBccUseControlCentre = true;
            useCC = config->readBoolEntry(EMAIL_USE_CTRL_CENTRE, default_emailUseControlCentre);
            // EmailBccUseControlCenter was missing in preferences written by KAlarm pre-0.9.5
            bccUseCC = config->hasKey(EMAIL_BCC_USE_CTRL_CENTRE)
                       ? config->readBoolEntry(EMAIL_BCC_USE_CTRL_CENTRE, default_emailBccUseControlCentre)
                       : useCC;
            config->writeEntry(EMAIL_FROM, (useCC ? FROM_CONTROL_CENTRE : config->readEntry(EMAIL_ADDRESS)));
            config->writeEntry(EMAIL_BCC_ADDRESS, (bccUseCC ? FROM_CONTROL_CENTRE : config->readEntry(EMAIL_BCC_ADDRESS)));
        // Convert KAlarm 1.2 preferences
        static const QString DEF_CMD_XTERM = QString::fromLatin1("DefCmdXterm");
                               (config->readBoolEntry(DEF_CMD_XTERM, false) ? EditAlarmDlg::EXEC_IN_TERMINAL : EditAlarmDlg::DISCARD_OUTPUT));
    config->writeEntry(VERSION_NUM, KALARM_VERSION);
void doTests() {
    // the data file to use.
    // first determine the path used to call this program,
    // and then prepend that to the data file name.
    QString path = myName.section('/', 0, -3);
    QString datafile = path;

    // create a temporary config file to use
    QString cfgfile = "testhealpix.temp";
    KConfig *cfg = new KConfig(cfgfile, false, false);
    cfg->setGroup("Healpix General");
    cfg->writeEntry("Matrix X Dimension", XDIM);
    cfg->writeEntry("Matrix Y Dimension", YDIM);
    cfg->writeEntry("Theta Autoscale", true);
    cfg->writeEntry("Theta Units", 0);
    cfg->writeEntry("Theta Min", 0.0);
    cfg->writeEntry("Theta Max", 1.0);
    cfg->writeEntry("Phi Autoscale", true);
    cfg->writeEntry("Phi Units", 0);
    cfg->writeEntry("Phi Min", 0.0);
    cfg->writeEntry("Phi Max", 1.0);
    cfg->writeEntry("Vector Theta", 1);
    cfg->writeEntry("Vector Phi", 2);
    cfg->writeEntry("Vector Degrade Factor", DEGRADE);
    cfg->writeEntry("Vector Magnitude Autoscale", true);
    cfg->writeEntry("Vector Max Magnitude", 1.0);
    cfg->writeEntry("Vector is QU", true);

    // use the C functions to test for healpix support
    int verstehen = understands_healpix(cfg, datafile);
    if (verstehen) {
        kstdDebug() << "Data file " << datafile << " is supported" << endl;
        QString suggestion;
        bool complete;

        QStringList matrices = matrixList_healpix(cfg, datafile, "HEALPIX", &suggestion, &complete);
        kstdDebug() << "Available matrices are:" << endl;
        for ( QStringList::Iterator it = matrices.begin(); it != matrices.end(); ++it ) {
            kstdDebug() << "  " << *it << endl;
        kstdDebug() << "  suggestion = " << suggestion << endl;
        kstdDebug() << "  complete = " << complete << endl;

        QStringList fields = fieldList_healpix(cfg, datafile, "HEALPIX", &suggestion, &complete);
        kstdDebug() << "Available fields are:" << endl;
        for ( QStringList::Iterator it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it ) {
            kstdDebug() << "  " << *it << endl;
        kstdDebug() << "  suggestion = " << suggestion << endl;
        kstdDebug() << "  complete = " << complete << endl;

        // actually create HealpixSource
        HealpixSource *hpx = new HealpixSource(cfg, datafile, "HEALPIX");

        // test that saveConfig produces the same as the
        // original input configuration
        QString cfgfile2 = "testhealpix.temp2";
        KConfig *chk = new KConfig(cfgfile2, false, false);
        StringMap cfgmap = cfg->entryMap(datafile);
        StringMap chkmap = chk->entryMap(datafile);

        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Matrix X Dimension"] << " " << chkmap["Matrix X Dimension"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Matrix Y Dimension"] << " " << chkmap["Matrix Y Dimension"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Theta Autoscale"] << " " << chkmap["Theta Autoscale"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Theta Units"] << " " << chkmap["Theta Units"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Theta Min"] << " " << chkmap["Theta Min"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Theta Max"] << " " << chkmap["Theta Max"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Phi Autoscale"] << " " << chkmap["Phi Autoscale"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Phi Units"] << " " << chkmap["Phi Units"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Phi Min"] << " " << chkmap["Phi Min"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Phi Max"] << " " << chkmap["Phi Max"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Vector Theta"] << " " << chkmap["Vector Theta"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Vector Phi"] << " " << chkmap["Vector Phi"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Vector Degrade Factor"] << " " << chkmap["Vector Degrade Factor"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Vector Magnitude Autoscale"] << " " << chkmap["Vector Magnitude Autoscale"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Vector Max Magnitude"] << " " << chkmap["Vector Max Magnitude"] << endl;
        kstdDebug() << cfgmap["Vector is QU"] << " " << chkmap["Vector is QU"] << endl;

        if (cfgmap["Matrix X Dimension"] != chkmap["Matrix X Dimension"]) {
            QString msg = "Matrix X Dimension integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Matrix Y Dimension"] != chkmap["Matrix Y Dimension"]) {
            QString msg = "Matrix Y Dimension integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Theta Autoscale"] != chkmap["Theta Autoscale"]) {
            QString msg = "Theta Autoscale integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Theta Units"] != chkmap["Theta Units"]) {
            QString msg = "Theta Units integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Theta Min"] != chkmap["Theta Min"]) {
            QString msg = "Theta Min integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Theta Max"] != chkmap["Theta Max"]) {
            QString msg = "Theta Max integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Phi Autoscale"] != chkmap["Phi Autoscale"]) {
            QString msg = "Phi Autoscale integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Phi Units"] != chkmap["Phi Units"]) {
            QString msg = "Phi Units integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Phi Min"] != chkmap["Phi Min"]) {
            QString msg = "Phi Min integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Phi Max"] != chkmap["Phi Max"]) {
            QString msg = "Phi Max integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Vector Theta"] != chkmap["Vector Theta"]) {
            QString msg = "Vector Theta integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Vector Phi"] != chkmap["Vector Phi"]) {
            QString msg = "Vector Phi integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Vector Degrade Factor"] != chkmap["Vector Degrade Factor"]) {
            QString msg = "Vector Degrade Factor integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Vector Magnitude Autoscale"] != chkmap["Vector Magnitude Autoscale"]) {
            QString msg = "Vector Magnitude Autoscale integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Vector Max Magnitude"] != chkmap["Vector Max Magnitude"]) {
            QString msg = "Vector Max Magnitude integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        if (cfgmap["Vector is QU"] != chkmap["Vector is QU"]) {
            QString msg = "Vector is QU integrity";
            testAssert(false, msg);
        kstdDebug() << "Save/Load config is consistent." << endl;

        // print _metaData and compute NSIDE and number
        // of samples in the vectors
        int nside = 0;
        int nvec;
        QString key;
        KstString *data;
        kstdDebug() << "Checking metaData:" << endl;
        QDict<KstString> metamap = hpx->metaData();
        QDictIterator<KstString> it(metamap);
        for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
            key = it.currentKey();
            data = it.current();
            if (data) {
                kstdDebug() << "  " << key.latin1() << " = " << data->value().latin1() << endl;
                if (key == "NSIDE") {
                    nside = data->value().toInt();
        kstdDebug() << "Data file has nside = " << nside << endl;
        testAssert(nside != 0, "data file NSIDE");
        for (int i = 0; i < DEGRADE; i++) {
            nside = (int)(nside/2);
        nvec = 12*nside*nside;
        kstdDebug() << "Degraded vectorfield has nside = " << nside << " and " << nvec << " full-sphere pixels" << endl;

        // check that all returned fields are valid, and that
        // optionally field number names are valid.
        kstdDebug() << "Checking matrix validity:" << endl;
        int num = 1;
        int xdim, ydim, nframe, sampframe;
        for ( QStringList::Iterator it = matrices.begin(); it != matrices.end(); ++it ) {
            if (hpx->isValidMatrix(*it)) {
                kstdDebug() << "  \"" << *it << "\" is VALID" << endl;
                hpx->matrixDimensions(*it, &xdim, &ydim);
                kstdDebug() << "    and has dimensions " << xdim << "x" << ydim << endl;
                testAssert((xdim == XDIM)&&(ydim == YDIM), "dimension integrity");
            } else {
                QString msg = (*it);
                msg.append(" validity");
                testAssert(false, msg);
            QString numfield = QString("%1").arg(num);
            if (hpx->isValidMatrix(numfield)) {
                kstdDebug() << "  \"" << numfield << "\" is VALID" << endl;
                hpx->matrixDimensions(numfield, &xdim, &ydim);
                kstdDebug() << "    and has dimensions " << xdim << "x" << ydim << endl;
                testAssert((xdim == XDIM)&&(ydim == YDIM), "dimension integrity");
            } else {
                QString msg = numfield;
                msg.append(" validity");
                testAssert(false, msg);
        kstdDebug() << "Checking field validity:" << endl;
        num = 1;
        for ( QStringList::Iterator it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it ) {
            if (hpx->isValidField(*it)) {
                kstdDebug() << "  \"" << *it << "\" is VALID" << endl;
                nframe = hpx->frameCount(*it);
                sampframe = hpx->samplesPerFrame(*it);
                kstdDebug() << "    and has " << nframe << " frames of " << sampframe << " sample(s) each" << endl;
                testAssert(sampframe == 1, "samples per frame");
                testAssert(nframe == nvec, "number of frames");
            } else {
                QString msg = (*it);
                msg.append(" validity");
                testAssert(false, msg);
            QString numfield = QString("%1").arg(num);
            if (hpx->isValidField(numfield)) {
                kstdDebug() << "  \"" << numfield << "\" is VALID" << endl;
                nframe = hpx->frameCount(numfield);
                sampframe = hpx->samplesPerFrame(numfield);
                kstdDebug() << "    and has " << nframe << " frames of " << sampframe << " sample(s) each" << endl;
                testAssert(sampframe == 1, "samples per frame");
                testAssert(nframe == nvec, "number of frames");
            } else {
                QString msg = numfield;
                msg.append(" validity");
                testAssert(false, msg);

        // check reset function
        if (hpx->reset()) {
            kstdDebug() << "Reset function is implemented." << endl;
        } else {
            testAssert(false, "reset");

    } else {
        testAssert(false, "understanding");
