* If the minimum and maximum date/times fall on the same date, set the minimum
* and maximum times in the time edit box.
void AlarmTimeWidget::setMaxMinTimeIf(const KDateTime& now)
	int   mint = 0;
	QTime maxt = time_23_59;
	mMinMaxTimeSet = false;
	if (mMaxDateTime.isValid())
		bool set = true;
		KDateTime minDT;
		if (mMinDateTimeIsNow)
			minDT = now.addSecs(60);
		else if (mMinDateTime.isValid())
			minDT = mMinDateTime;
			set = false;
		if (set  &&  mMaxDateTime.date() == minDT.date())
			// The minimum and maximum times are on the same date, so
			// constrain the time value.
			mint = minDT.time().hour()*60 + minDT.time().minute();
			maxt = mMaxDateTime.time();
			mMinMaxTimeSet = true;
	mTimeEdit->setWrapping(!mint  &&  maxt == time_23_59);
Esempio n. 2
void tst_storage::tst_alldayUtc()
  // test event saved with UTC time
  auto event = KCalCore::Event::Ptr(new KCalCore::Event);
  QDate startDate(2013, 12, 1);
  event->setDtStart(KDateTime(startDate, QTime(), KDateTime::UTC));
  event->setSummary("test event utc");

  QCOMPARE(event->allDay(), true);

  m_calendar->addEvent(event, NotebookId);
  QString uid = event->uid();

  auto fetchedEvent = m_calendar->event(uid);

  KDateTime localStart = fetchedEvent->dtStart().toLocalZone();
  QVERIFY(localStart.time() == QTime(2, 0));

  KDateTime localEnd = fetchedEvent->dtEnd().toLocalZone();
  QVERIFY(localEnd.time() == QTime(2, 0));

  QCOMPARE(localEnd.date(), localStart.date().addDays(1));
QString UtilMethods::getCurrentTime(int format)
    KDateTime now = KDateTime::currentLocalDateTime();
    QString toTxt = "";
    switch(format) {
        case ETimeDefault: {
            toTxt = now.time().toString(Qt::TextDate);

        case ETimeSystemLocale: {
            toTxt = now.time().toString(Qt::SystemLocaleDate);

    return toTxt;
* Set the maximum value for the delay time edit box, depending on the maximum
* value for the date/time.
void AlarmTimeWidget::setMaxDelayTime(const KDateTime& now)
	int maxVal = maxDelayTime;
	if (mMaxDateTime.isValid())
		if (now.date().daysTo(mMaxDateTime.date()) < 100)    // avoid possible 32-bit overflow on secsTo()
			KDateTime dt(now);
			dt.setTime(QTime(now.time().hour(), now.time().minute(), 0));   // round down to nearest minute
			maxVal = dt.secsTo(mMaxDateTime) / 60;
			if (maxVal > maxDelayTime)
				maxVal = maxDelayTime;
Esempio n. 5
QString Stringify::formatTime( const KDateTime &dt, bool shortfmt, const KDateTime::Spec &spec )
  if ( spec.isValid() ) {

    QString timeZone;
    if ( spec.timeZone() != KSystemTimeZones::local() ) {
      timeZone = ' ' + spec.timeZone().name();

    return KGlobal::locale()->formatTime( dt.toTimeSpec( spec ).time(), !shortfmt ) + timeZone;
  } else {
    return KGlobal::locale()->formatTime( dt.time(), !shortfmt );
* Called every minute to update the alarm time data entry fields.
* If the maximum date/time has been reached, a 'pastMax()' signal is emitted.
void AlarmTimeWidget::updateTimes()
	KDateTime now;
	if (mMinDateTimeIsNow)
		// Make sure that the minimum date is updated when the day changes
		now = KDateTime::currentDateTime(mTimeSpec);
	if (mMaxDateTime.isValid())
		if (!now.isValid())
			now = KDateTime::currentDateTime(mTimeSpec);
		if (!mPastMax)
			// Check whether the maximum date/time has now been reached
			if (now.date() >= mMaxDateTime.date())
				// The current date has reached or has passed the maximum date
				if (now.date() > mMaxDateTime.date()
				||  (!mAnyTime && now.time() > mTimeEdit->maxTime()))
					mPastMax = true;
					emit pastMax();
				else if (mMinDateTimeIsNow  &&  !mMinMaxTimeSet)
					// The minimum date/time tracks the clock, so set the minimum
					// and maximum times

	if (mAtTimeRadio->isChecked())
Esempio n. 7
TimeList Recurrence::recurTimesOn( const QDate &date, const KDateTime::Spec &timeSpec ) const
// kDebug() << "recurTimesOn(" << date << ")";
  int i, end;
  TimeList times;

  // The whole day is excepted
  if ( d->mExDates.containsSorted( date ) ) {
    return times;

  // EXRULE takes precedence over RDATE entries, so for all-day events,
  // a matching excule also excludes the whole day automatically
  if ( allDay() ) {
    for ( i = 0, end = d->mExRules.count();  i < end;  ++i ) {
      if ( d->mExRules[i]->recursOn( date, timeSpec ) ) {
        return times;

  KDateTime dt = startDateTime().toTimeSpec( timeSpec );
  if ( dt.date() == date ) {
    times << dt.time();

  bool foundDate = false;
  for ( i = 0, end = d->mRDateTimes.count();  i < end;  ++i ) {
    dt = d->mRDateTimes[i].toTimeSpec( timeSpec );
    if ( dt.date() == date ) {
      times << dt.time();
      foundDate = true;
    } else if ( foundDate ) {
      break; // <= Assume that the rdatetime list is sorted
  for ( i = 0, end = d->mRRules.count();  i < end;  ++i ) {
    times += d->mRRules[i]->recurTimesOn( date, timeSpec );

  foundDate = false;
  TimeList extimes;
  for ( i = 0, end = d->mExDateTimes.count();  i < end;  ++i ) {
    dt = d->mExDateTimes[i].toTimeSpec( timeSpec );
    if ( dt.date() == date ) {
      extimes << dt.time();
      foundDate = true;
    } else if ( foundDate ) {
  if ( !allDay() ) {     // we have already checked all-day times above
    for ( i = 0, end = d->mExRules.count();  i < end;  ++i ) {
      extimes += d->mExRules[i]->recurTimesOn( date, timeSpec );

  int st = 0;
  for ( i = 0, end = extimes.count();  i < end;  ++i ) {
    int j = times.removeSorted( extimes[i], st );
    if ( j >= 0 ) {
      st = j;
  return times;
QTime UtilMethods::addHMToCurrentTime(int hr,int min) {
    int val = (hr*60*60)+(min*60);
    KDateTime now = KDateTime::currentLocalDateTime().addSecs(val);    
    return now.time();
* Fetch the entered date/time.
* If 'checkExpired' is true and the entered value <= current time, an error occurs.
* If 'minsFromNow' is non-null, it is set to the number of minutes' delay selected,
* or to zero if a date/time was entered.
* In this case, if 'showErrorMessage' is true, output an error message.
* 'errorWidget' if non-null, is set to point to the widget containing the error.
* Reply = invalid date/time if error.
KDateTime AlarmTimeWidget::getDateTime(int* minsFromNow, bool checkExpired, bool showErrorMessage, QWidget** errorWidget) const
	if (minsFromNow)
		*minsFromNow = 0;
	if (errorWidget)
		*errorWidget = 0;
	KDateTime now = KDateTime::currentUtcDateTime();
	now.setTime(QTime(now.time().hour(), now.time().minute(), 0));
	if (!mAtTimeRadio->isChecked())
		if (!mDelayTimeEdit->isValid())
			if (showErrorMessage)
				KMessageBox::sorry(const_cast<AlarmTimeWidget*>(this), i18nc("@info", "Invalid time"));
			if (errorWidget)
				*errorWidget = mDelayTimeEdit;
			return KDateTime();
		int delayMins = mDelayTimeEdit->value();
		if (minsFromNow)
			*minsFromNow = delayMins;
		return now.addSecs(delayMins * 60).toTimeSpec(mTimeSpec);
		bool dateOnly = mAnyTimeAllowed && mAnyTimeCheckBox && mAnyTimeCheckBox->isChecked();
		if (!mDateEdit->isValid()  ||  !mTimeEdit->isValid())
			// The date and/or time is invalid
			if (!mDateEdit->isValid())
				if (showErrorMessage)
					KMessageBox::sorry(const_cast<AlarmTimeWidget*>(this), i18nc("@info", "Invalid date"));
				if (errorWidget)
					*errorWidget = mDateEdit;
				if (showErrorMessage)
					KMessageBox::sorry(const_cast<AlarmTimeWidget*>(this), i18nc("@info", "Invalid time"));
				if (errorWidget)
					*errorWidget = mTimeEdit;
			return KDateTime();

		KDateTime result;
		if (dateOnly)
			result = KDateTime(mDateEdit->date(), mTimeSpec);
			if (checkExpired  &&  result.date() < now.date())
				if (showErrorMessage)
					KMessageBox::sorry(const_cast<AlarmTimeWidget*>(this), i18nc("@info", "Alarm date has already expired"));
				if (errorWidget)
					*errorWidget = mDateEdit;
				return KDateTime();
			result = KDateTime(mDateEdit->date(), mTimeEdit->time(), mTimeSpec);
			if (checkExpired  &&  result <= now.addSecs(1))
				if (showErrorMessage)
					KMessageBox::sorry(const_cast<AlarmTimeWidget*>(this), i18nc("@info", "Alarm time has already expired"));
				if (errorWidget)
					*errorWidget = mTimeEdit;
				return KDateTime();
		return result;