Esempio n. 1
void SimpleButton::generateIcons()
    if (!pixmap())

    QImage image = pixmap()->convertToImage();
    KIconEffect effect;

    m_normalIcon = effect.apply(image, KIcon::Panel, KIcon::DefaultState);
    m_activeIcon = effect.apply(image, KIcon::Panel, KIcon::ActiveState);
Esempio n. 2
void WeatherButton::generateIcons()
    if ( !pixmap() )

    QImage image = pixmap()->convertToImage();
    image = image.smoothScale( pixmapSize(), QImage::ScaleMin );

    KIconEffect effect;

    m_normalIcon = effect.apply( image, KIcon::Panel, KIcon::DefaultState );
    m_activeIcon = effect.apply( image, KIcon::Panel, KIcon::ActiveState );
Esempio n. 3
void HideButton::generateIcons()
    if (icon().isNull())
        m_normalIcon = QPixmap();
        m_activeIcon = QPixmap();

    QPixmap pix = icon().pixmap();
    pix = pix.scaled(size() - QSize(4, 4), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);

    KIconEffect effect;
    m_normalIcon = effect.apply(pix, KIconLoader::Panel, KIconLoader::DefaultState);
    m_activeIcon = effect.apply(pix, KIconLoader::Panel, KIconLoader::ActiveState);
Esempio n. 4
void KNotesApp::updateNoteActions()
    unplugActionList( "notes" );

    for ( QDictIterator<KNote> it( m_noteList ); it.current(); ++it )
        KAction *action = new KAction( it.current()->name().replace("&", "&&"),
                                       KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotShowNote()),
                                       (QObject *)0,
                                       it.current()->noteId().utf8() );
        KIconEffect effect;
        QPixmap icon = effect.apply( kapp->miniIcon(), KIconEffect::Colorize, 1,
                                     it.current()->paletteBackgroundColor(), false );
        action->setIconSet( icon );
        m_noteActions.append( action );


    if ( m_noteActions.isEmpty() )
        KAction *action = new KAction( i18n("No Notes") );
        m_noteActions.append( action );

    plugActionList( "notes", m_noteActions );
Esempio n. 5
void KxkbLabelController::initLayoutList(const QValueList< LayoutUnit > &layouts, const XkbRules &rules)
    //	KPopupMenu* menu = contextMenu();
    QPopupMenu *menu = contextMenu;
    //	int index = menu->indexOf(0);

    //    menu->clear();
    //    menu->insertTitle( kapp->miniIcon(), kapp->caption() );

    for(int ii = 0; ii < m_prevLayoutCount; ++ii)
        menu->removeItem(START_MENU_ID + ii);
        kdDebug() << "remove item: " << START_MENU_ID + ii << endl;
    /*	menu->removeItem(CONFIG_MENU_ID);

    KIconEffect iconeffect;

    int cnt = 0;
    QValueList< LayoutUnit >::ConstIterator it;
    for(it = layouts.begin(); it != layouts.end(); ++it)
        const QString layoutName = (*it).layout;
        const QString variantName = (*it).variant;

        const QPixmap &layoutPixmap = LayoutIcon::getInstance().findPixmap(layoutName, m_showFlag, (*it).displayName);
        const QPixmap pix = iconeffect.apply(layoutPixmap, KIcon::Small, KIcon::DefaultState);

        QString fullName = i18n((rules.layouts()[layoutName]));
        if(variantName.isEmpty() == false)
            fullName += " (" + variantName + ")";
        contextMenu->insertItem(pix, fullName, START_MENU_ID + cnt, m_menuStartIndex + cnt);
        m_descriptionMap.insert((*it).toPair(), fullName);


    m_prevLayoutCount = cnt;

    // if show config, if show help
    if(menu->indexOf(CONFIG_MENU_ID) == -1)
        contextMenu->insertItem(SmallIcon("configure"), i18n("Configure..."), CONFIG_MENU_ID);
        if(menu->indexOf(HELP_MENU_ID) == -1)
            contextMenu->insertItem(SmallIcon("help"), i18n("Help"), HELP_MENU_ID);

    /*    if( index != -1 ) { //not first start
            KAction* quitAction = KStdAction::quit(this, SIGNAL(quitSelected()), actionCollection());
            if (quitAction)
QPixmap WindowPreview::hoverIcon() const {
	KIconEffect *effect = KIconLoader::global()->iconEffect();
	if (effect->hasEffect(KIconLoader::Desktop, KIconLoader::ActiveState)) {
		return effect->apply(
	else {
		return m_icon;
Esempio n. 7
KIcon GlobalApplet::makeOverlayIcon( const KIcon &icon, const KIcon &overlayIcon,
                                     const QSize &overlaySize, int iconExtend )
    QPixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap( iconExtend ), pixmapOverlay = overlayIcon.pixmap( overlaySize );
    QPainter p( &pixmap );
    p.drawPixmap( QPoint( iconExtend - overlaySize.width(), iconExtend - overlaySize.height() ), pixmapOverlay );
    KIcon resultIcon = KIcon();
    resultIcon.addPixmap( pixmap, QIcon::Normal );

    KIconEffect iconEffect;
    pixmap = iconEffect.apply( pixmap, KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::ActiveState );
    resultIcon.addPixmap( pixmap, QIcon::Selected );
    resultIcon.addPixmap( pixmap, QIcon::Active );

    return resultIcon;
Esempio n. 8
QPixmap Account::accountIcon(const int size) const
	QString icon= d->customIcon.isEmpty() ? d->protocol->pluginIcon() : d->customIcon;
	// FIXME: this code is duplicated with OnlineStatus, can we merge it somehow?
	QPixmap base = KGlobal::instance()->iconLoader()->loadIcon(
		icon, KIcon::Small, size );

	if ( d->color.isValid() )
		KIconEffect effect;
		base = effect.apply( base, KIconEffect::Colorize, 1, d->color, 0);

	if ( size > 0 && base.width() != size )
		base = QPixmap( base.convertToImage().smoothScale( size, size ) );

	return base;
QPixmap Account::accountIcon(const int size) const
	QString icon= d->customIcon.isEmpty() ? d->protocol->pluginIcon() : d->customIcon;

	// FIXME: this code is duplicated with OnlineStatus, can we merge it somehow?
	QPixmap base = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon(
		icon, KIconLoader::Small, size );

	if ( d->color.isValid() )
		KIconEffect effect;
		base = effect.apply( base, KIconEffect::Colorize, 1, d->color, 0);

	if ( size > 0 && base.width() != size )
		base.scaled( size, size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );

	return base;
Esempio n. 10
void KxkbLabelController::setPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap)
    KIconEffect iconeffect;
    label->setPixmap(iconeffect.apply(pixmap, KIcon::Panel, KIcon::DefaultState));
Esempio n. 11
void TitleWidget::setIcon( MainIconDisplay iconType )
    Q_ASSERT( m_icon );

    KIcon icon;
    KIconEffect iconEffect;
    QPixmap pixmap;
    int iconExtend = m_icon->size().width();

    // Create an icon of the given type.
    switch ( iconType ) {
    case DepartureListErrorIcon: {
        // Create an icon to be shown on errors with a departure/arrival board
        QList<KIcon> overlays;
        if ( m_settings->departureArrivalListType() == DepartureList ) {
            // Use a public transport stop icon with a house and an arrow away from it
            // to indicate that a departure list is shown
            overlays << KIcon("go-home") << KIcon("go-next");
        } else {
            // Use a public transport stop icon with a house and an arrow towards it
            // to indicate that an arrival list is shown
            overlays << KIcon("go-next") << KIcon("go-home");
        icon = GlobalApplet::makeOverlayIcon( KIcon("public-transport-stop"),
                overlays, QSize(iconExtend / 2, iconExtend / 2), iconExtend );
        pixmap = icon.pixmap( iconExtend );
        pixmap = iconEffect.apply( pixmap, KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::DisabledState );
        icon = KIcon();
        icon.addPixmap( pixmap, QIcon::Normal );
    case DepartureListOkIcon: {
        // Create an icon to be shown for departure/arrival boards without errors.
        // This icon is the same as the departure error icon, but without the icon effect
        QList<KIcon> overlays;
        if ( m_settings->departureArrivalListType() == DepartureList ) {
            overlays << KIcon("go-home") << KIcon("go-next");
        } else {
            overlays << KIcon("go-next") << KIcon("go-home");
        icon = GlobalApplet::makeOverlayIcon( KIcon("public-transport-stop"), overlays,
                QSize( iconExtend / 2, iconExtend / 2 ), iconExtend );
    case JourneyListOkIcon:
        // Create an icon to be shown for journey lists without errors.
        // This icon is the same as the journey error icon, but without the icon effect
        icon = GlobalApplet::makeOverlayIcon( KIcon("public-transport-stop"),
                QList<KIcon>() << KIcon("go-home")
                    << KIcon("go-next-view") << KIcon("public-transport-stop"),
                QSize(iconExtend / 3, iconExtend / 3), iconExtend );

    case JourneyListErrorIcon:
        // Create an icon to be shown on errors with a journey list
        icon = GlobalApplet::makeOverlayIcon( KIcon("public-transport-stop"),
                QList<KIcon>() << KIcon("go-home")
                    << KIcon("go-next-view") << KIcon("public-transport-stop"),
                QSize(iconExtend / 3, iconExtend / 3), iconExtend );
        pixmap = icon.pixmap( iconExtend );
        pixmap = iconEffect.apply( pixmap, KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::DisabledState );
        icon = KIcon();
        icon.addPixmap( pixmap, QIcon::Normal );

    case AbortJourneySearchIcon:
        // Create an icon to be shown for the journey search
        icon = KIcon("edit-delete");

    case GoBackIcon:
        // Create an icon to be used for "go back" functionality
        icon = KIcon("arrow-left");

    m_icon->setIcon( icon );
void KStandardItemListWidget::updatePixmapCache()
    // Precondition: Requires already updated m_textPos values to calculate
    // the remaining height when the alignment is vertical.

    const QSizeF widgetSize = size();
    const bool iconOnTop = (m_layout == IconsLayout);
    const KItemListStyleOption& option = styleOption();
    const qreal padding = option.padding;

    const int maxIconWidth = iconOnTop ? widgetSize.width() - 2 * padding : option.iconSize;
    const int maxIconHeight = option.iconSize;

    const QHash<QByteArray, QVariant> values = data();

    bool updatePixmap = (m_pixmap.width() != maxIconWidth || m_pixmap.height() != maxIconHeight);
    if (!updatePixmap && m_dirtyContent) {
        updatePixmap = m_dirtyContentRoles.isEmpty()
                       || m_dirtyContentRoles.contains("iconPixmap")
                       || m_dirtyContentRoles.contains("iconName")
                       || m_dirtyContentRoles.contains("iconOverlays");

    if (updatePixmap) {
        m_pixmap = values["iconPixmap"].value<QPixmap>();
        if (m_pixmap.isNull()) {
            // Use the icon that fits to the MIME-type
            QString iconName = values["iconName"].toString();
            if (iconName.isEmpty()) {
                // The icon-name has not been not resolved by KFileItemModelRolesUpdater,
                // use a generic icon as fallback
                iconName = QLatin1String("unknown");
            m_pixmap = pixmapForIcon(iconName, maxIconHeight);
        } else if (m_pixmap.width() != maxIconWidth || m_pixmap.height() != maxIconHeight) {
            // A custom pixmap has been applied. Assure that the pixmap
            // is scaled to the maximum available size.
            KPixmapModifier::scale(m_pixmap, QSize(maxIconWidth, maxIconHeight));

        const QStringList overlays = values["iconOverlays"].toStringList();

        // Strangely KFileItem::overlays() returns empty string-values, so
        // we need to check first whether an overlay must be drawn at all.
        // It is more efficient to do it here, as KIconLoader::drawOverlays()
        // assumes that an overlay will be drawn and has some additional
        // setup time.
        foreach (const QString& overlay, overlays) {
            if (!overlay.isEmpty()) {
                // There is at least one overlay, draw all overlays above m_pixmap
                // and cancel the check
                KIconLoader::global()->drawOverlays(overlays, m_pixmap, KIconLoader::Desktop);

        if (m_isCut) {
            KIconEffect* effect = KIconLoader::global()->iconEffect();
            m_pixmap = effect->apply(m_pixmap, KIconLoader::Desktop, KIconLoader::DisabledState);

        if (m_isHidden) {

        if (isSelected()) {
            const QColor color = palette().brush(QPalette::Normal, QPalette::Highlight).color();
            QImage image = m_pixmap.toImage();
            KIconEffect::colorize(image, color, 1.0f);
            m_pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(image);

    if (!m_overlay.isNull()) {
        QPainter painter(&m_pixmap);
        painter.drawPixmap(0, m_pixmap.height() - m_overlay.height(), m_overlay);

    int scaledIconSize = 0;
    if (iconOnTop) {
        const TextInfo* textInfo = m_textInfo.value("text");
        scaledIconSize = static_cast<int>(textInfo->pos.y() - 2 * padding);
    } else {
        const int textRowsCount = (m_layout == CompactLayout) ? visibleRoles().count() : 1;
        const qreal requiredTextHeight = textRowsCount * m_customizedFontMetrics.height();
        scaledIconSize = (requiredTextHeight < maxIconHeight) ?
                           widgetSize.height() - 2 * padding : maxIconHeight;

    const int maxScaledIconWidth = iconOnTop ? widgetSize.width() - 2 * padding : scaledIconSize;
    const int maxScaledIconHeight = scaledIconSize;

    m_scaledPixmapSize = m_pixmap.size();
    m_scaledPixmapSize.scale(maxScaledIconWidth, maxScaledIconHeight, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);

    if (iconOnTop) {
        // Center horizontally and align on bottom within the icon-area
        m_pixmapPos.setX((widgetSize.width() - m_scaledPixmapSize.width()) / 2);
        m_pixmapPos.setY(padding + scaledIconSize - m_scaledPixmapSize.height());
    } else {
        // Center horizontally and vertically within the icon-area
        const TextInfo* textInfo = m_textInfo.value("text");
        m_pixmapPos.setX(textInfo->pos.x() - 2 * padding
                         - (scaledIconSize + m_scaledPixmapSize.width()) / 2);
                         + (scaledIconSize - m_scaledPixmapSize.height()) / 2);

    m_iconRect = QRectF(m_pixmapPos, QSizeF(m_scaledPixmapSize));

    // Prepare the pixmap that is used when the item gets hovered
    if (isHovered()) {
        m_hoverPixmap = m_pixmap;
        KIconEffect* effect = KIconLoader::global()->iconEffect();
        // In the KIconLoader terminology, active = hover.
        if (effect->hasEffect(KIconLoader::Desktop, KIconLoader::ActiveState)) {
            m_hoverPixmap = effect->apply(m_pixmap, KIconLoader::Desktop, KIconLoader::ActiveState);
        } else {
            m_hoverPixmap = m_pixmap;
    } else if (hoverOpacity() <= 0.0) {
        // No hover animation is ongoing. Clear m_hoverPixmap to save memory.
        m_hoverPixmap = QPixmap();
Esempio n. 13
        kDebug() << "pixmap is Null";
        return icon;

    QPainter p( &pixmap );
    int x = 0, xStep = iconExtend / overlayIconsBottom.count();
    foreach( const KIcon &overlayIcon, overlayIconsBottom ) {
        p.drawPixmap( QPoint( x, iconExtend - overlaySize.height() ), overlayIcon.pixmap( overlaySize ) );
        x += xStep;
    KIcon resultIcon = KIcon();
    resultIcon.addPixmap( pixmap, QIcon::Normal );

    KIconEffect iconEffect;
    pixmap = iconEffect.apply( pixmap, KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::ActiveState );
    resultIcon.addPixmap( pixmap, QIcon::Selected );
    resultIcon.addPixmap( pixmap, QIcon::Active );

    return resultIcon;

void GlobalApplet::startFadeAnimation( QGraphicsWidget* w, qreal targetOpacity )
    Plasma::Animation *anim = GlobalApplet::fadeAnimation( w, targetOpacity );
    if ( anim ) {
        anim->start( QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped );

Plasma::Animation* GlobalApplet::fadeAnimation( QGraphicsWidget* w, qreal targetOpacity )
Esempio n. 14
void PushButton::paint(QPainter *painter,
                       const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
                       QWidget *widget)
    if (!styleSheet().isNull() || Theme::defaultTheme()->useNativeWidgetStyle()) {
        QGraphicsProxyWidget::paint(painter, option, widget);

    QPixmap bufferPixmap;

    //Normal button, pressed or not
    if (isEnabled()) {
        if (nativeWidget()->isDown() || nativeWidget()->isChecked()) {
        } else {

    //flat or disabled
    } else if (!isEnabled() || nativeWidget()->isFlat()) {
        bufferPixmap = QPixmap(rect().size().toSize());

        QPainter buffPainter(&bufferPixmap);
        buffPainter.fillRect(bufferPixmap.rect(), QColor(0, 0, 0, 128));

        painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, bufferPixmap);

    //if is under mouse draw the animated glow overlay
    if (!nativeWidget()->isDown() && !nativeWidget()->isChecked() && isEnabled() && acceptHoverEvents() && d->background->hasElementPrefix("active")) {
        if (d->hoverAnimation->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running && !isUnderMouse() && !nativeWidget()->isDefault()) {
            d->background->paintFrame(painter, d->activeRect.topLeft());
        } else {
    } else if (isEnabled()) {


    if (nativeWidget()->isDown()) {
        painter->translate(QPoint(1, 1));

    QRectF rect = contentsRect();

    if (!nativeWidget()->icon().isNull()) {
        const qreal iconSize = qMin(rect.width(), rect.height());
        QPixmap iconPix = nativeWidget()->icon().pixmap(iconSize);
        if (!isEnabled()) {
            KIconEffect *effect = KIconLoader::global()->iconEffect();
            iconPix = effect->apply(iconPix, KIconLoader::Toolbar, KIconLoader::DisabledState);

        QRect pixmapRect;
        if (nativeWidget()->text().isEmpty()) {
            pixmapRect = nativeWidget()->style()->alignedRect(option->direction, Qt::AlignCenter, iconPix.size(), rect.toRect());
        } else {
            pixmapRect = nativeWidget()->style()->alignedRect(option->direction, Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter, iconPix.size(), rect.toRect());
        painter->drawPixmap(pixmapRect.topLeft(), iconPix);

        if (option->direction == Qt::LeftToRight) {
            rect.adjust(rect.height(), 0, 0, 0);
        } else {
            rect.adjust(0, 0, -rect.height(), 0);

    QFontMetricsF fm(font());
    // If the height is too small increase the Height of the button to shall the whole text #192988
    if (rect.height() < fm.height()) {
        rect.moveTop(boundingRect().center().y() - rect.height() / 2);

    // If there is not enough room for the text make it to fade out
    if (rect.width() < fm.width(nativeWidget()->text())) {
        if (bufferPixmap.isNull()) {
            bufferPixmap = QPixmap(rect.size().toSize());

        QPainter p(&bufferPixmap);

        // Create the alpha gradient for the fade out effect
        QLinearGradient alphaGradient(0, 0, 1, 0);
        if (option->direction == Qt::LeftToRight) {
            alphaGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(0, 0, 0, 255));
            alphaGradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(0, 0, 0, 0));
            p.drawText(bufferPixmap.rect(), Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::TextShowMnemonic,
        } else {
            alphaGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(0, 0, 0, 0));
            alphaGradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(0, 0, 0, 255));
            p.drawText(bufferPixmap.rect(), Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::TextShowMnemonic,

        p.fillRect(bufferPixmap.rect(), alphaGradient);

        painter->drawPixmap(rect.topLeft(), bufferPixmap);
    } else {
        painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter|Qt::TextShowMnemonic, nativeWidget()->text());