const QString EncoderAssistant::version(const EncoderAssistant::Encoder encoder) { KProcess process; process.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels); process.setReadChannel(KProcess::StandardError); switch (encoder) { case EncoderAssistant::LAME : process.setShellCommand(QString(ENCODER_LAME_BIN)+" "+QString(ENCODER_LAME_VERSION_PARA)); break; case EncoderAssistant::OGGENC : process.setShellCommand(QString(ENCODER_OGGENC_BIN)+" "+QString(ENCODER_OGGENC_VERSION_PARA)); break; case EncoderAssistant::FLAC : process.setShellCommand(QString(ENCODER_FLAC_BIN)+" "+QString(ENCODER_FLAC_VERSION_PARA)); break; case EncoderAssistant::FAAC : process.setShellCommand(QString(ENCODER_FAAC_BIN)+" "+QString(ENCODER_FAAC_VERSION_PARA)); break; case EncoderAssistant::WAVE : return ""; case EncoderAssistant::CUSTOM : return ""; default : return ""; } process.start(); if (!process.waitForFinished()) return ""; QByteArray rawoutput = process.readAllStandardError(); if (rawoutput.size() == 0) rawoutput = process.readAllStandardOutput(); QString output(rawoutput); QStringList list = output.trimmed().split("\n"); if (list.count()==0) return ""; QStringList words = list[0].split(" "); if (words.count()==0) return ""; switch (encoder) { case EncoderAssistant::LAME : if ((words.contains("version")) && (words.indexOf("version")+1<words.count())) return words[words.indexOf("version")+1]; if (words.count()<2) return ""; return words[words.count()-2]; case EncoderAssistant::OGGENC : case EncoderAssistant::FLAC : return words.last(); case EncoderAssistant::FAAC : if (list.count()<2) return ""; words = list[1].split(" "); if (words.count()<2) return ""; if ((words.contains("FAAC")) && (words.indexOf("FAAC")+1<words.count())) return words[words.indexOf("FAAC")+1]; return words[1]; case EncoderAssistant::WAVE : case EncoderAssistant::CUSTOM : default : ; } return ""; }
QString unquoteWord(const QString &word) { if (word.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } KProcess echo; echo.setShellCommand(QString(QLatin1String("echo -n %1")).arg(word)); echo.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::OnlyStdoutChannel); if (echo.execute() == 0) { return QString::fromLocal8Bit(echo.readAllStandardOutput().constData()); } QChar ch; QString quotedWord = word, unquotedWord; QTextStream stream("edWord, QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); while (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> ch; if (ch == QLatin1Char('\'')) { Q_FOREVER { if (stream.atEnd()) { return QString(); } stream >> ch; if (ch == QLatin1Char('\'')) { return unquotedWord; } else { unquotedWord.append(ch); } } } else if (ch == QLatin1Char('"')) {
void NotifyByExecute::notify( int id, KNotifyConfig * config ) { QString command=config->readEntry( "Execute" ); kDebug() << command; if (!command.isEmpty()) { // kDebug() << "executing command '" << command << "'"; QHash<QChar,QString> subst; subst.insert( 'e', config->eventid ); subst.insert( 'a', config->appname ); subst.insert( 's', config->text ); subst.insert( 'w', QString::number( (quintptr)config->winId )); subst.insert( 'i', QString::number( id )); QString execLine = KMacroExpander::expandMacrosShellQuote( command, subst ); if ( execLine.isEmpty() ) execLine = command; // fallback KProcess proc; proc.setShellCommand(execLine.trimmed()); if(!proc.startDetached()) kDebug()<<"KNotify: Could not start process!"; } finish( id ); }
void KProcessTest::test_setShellCommand() { // Condition copied from kprocess.cpp #if !defined(__linux__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__NetBSD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__) && !defined(__DragonFly__) && !defined(__GNU__) QSKIP("This test needs a free UNIX system", SkipSingle); #else KProcess p; p.setShellCommand("cat"); QCOMPARE(p.program().count(), 1); QCOMPARE(p.program().at(0), KStandardDirs::findExe("cat")); QVERIFY(p.program().at(0).endsWith("/bin/cat")); p.setShellCommand("true || false"); QCOMPARE(p.program(), QStringList() << "/bin/sh" << "-c" << "true || false"); #endif }
void CfgWm::loadWMs( const QString& current ) { WmData kwin; kwin.internalName = KWIN_BIN; kwin.exec = KWIN_BIN; kwin.configureCommand = ""; kwin.restartArgument = "--replace"; kwin.parentArgument = ""; wms[ "KWin" ] = kwin; oldwm = KWIN_BIN; kwinRB->setChecked( true ); wmCombo->setEnabled( false ); QStringList list = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources( "windowmanagers", QString(), KStandardDirs::NoDuplicates ); QRegExp reg( ".*/([^/\\.]*)\\.[^/\\.]*" ); foreach( const QString& wmfile, list ) { KDesktopFile file( wmfile ); if( file.noDisplay()) continue; if( !file.tryExec()) continue; QString testexec = file.desktopGroup().readEntry( "X-KDE-WindowManagerTestExec" ); if( !testexec.isEmpty()) { KProcess proc; proc.setShellCommand( testexec ); if( proc.execute() != 0 ) continue; } QString name = file.readName(); if( name.isEmpty()) continue; if( !reg.exactMatch( wmfile )) continue; QString wm = reg.cap( 1 ); if( wms.contains( name )) continue; WmData data; data.internalName = wm; data.exec = file.desktopGroup().readEntry( "Exec" ); if( data.exec.isEmpty()) continue; data.configureCommand = file.desktopGroup().readEntry( "X-KDE-WindowManagerConfigure" ); data.restartArgument = file.desktopGroup().readEntry( "X-KDE-WindowManagerRestartArgument" ); data.parentArgument = file.desktopGroup().readEntry( "X-KDE-WindowManagerConfigureParentArgument" ); wms[ name ] = data; wmCombo->addItem( name ); if( wms[ name ].internalName == current ) // make it selected { wmCombo->setCurrentIndex( wmCombo->count() - 1 ); oldwm = wm; differentRB->setChecked( true ); wmCombo->setEnabled( true ); } }
void DiffDialog::callExternalDiff(const QString& extdiff, OrgKdeCervisia5CvsserviceCvsserviceInterface* service, const QString& fileName, const QString &revA, const QString &revB) { QString extcmdline = extdiff; extcmdline += ' '; // create suffix for temporary file (used QFileInfo to remove path from file name) const QString suffix = '-' + QFileInfo(fileName).fileName(); QDBusReply<QDBusObjectPath> job; if (!revA.isEmpty() && !revB.isEmpty()) { // We're comparing two revisions QString revAFilename = tempFileName(suffix+QString("-")+revA); QString revBFilename = tempFileName(suffix+QString("-")+revB); // download the files for revision A and B job = service->downloadRevision(fileName, revA, revAFilename, revB, revBFilename); if( !job.isValid() ) return; extcmdline += KShell::quoteArg(revAFilename); extcmdline += ' '; extcmdline += KShell::quoteArg(revBFilename); } else { // We're comparing to a file, and perhaps one revision QString revAFilename = tempFileName(suffix+QString("-")+revA); job = service->downloadRevision(fileName, revA, revAFilename); if( !job.isValid() ) return; extcmdline += KShell::quoteArg(revAFilename); extcmdline += ' '; extcmdline += KShell::quoteArg(QFileInfo(fileName).absoluteFilePath()); } ProgressDialog dlg(this, "Diff", service->service(),job, "diff"); if( dlg.execute() ) { // call external diff application KProcess proc; proc.setShellCommand(extcmdline); proc.startDetached(); } }
static void recursor(char **argv) { if (argv[1]) { KProcess p; p.setShellCommand("echo " EOUT "; echo " EERR " >&2"); p.setOutputChannelMode((KProcess::OutputChannelMode)atoi(argv[1])); fputs(POUT, stdout); fflush(stdout); p.execute(); fputs(ROUT, stdout); fputs(p.readAllStandardOutput(), stdout); fputs(RERR, stdout); fputs(p.readAllStandardError(), stdout); exit(0); } gargv = argv; }
static void slipInFilter(KProcess & proc, KTextEditor::View & view, QString command) { QString inputText; if (view.selection()) { inputText = view.selectionText(); } proc.clearProgram (); proc.setShellCommand(command); proc.start(); QByteArray encoded = inputText.toLocal8Bit(); proc.write(encoded); proc.closeWriteChannel(); // TODO: Put up a modal dialog to defend the text from further // keystrokes while the command is out. With a cancel button... }
QString CustomScriptPlugin::formatSourceWithStyle(SourceFormatterStyle style, const QString& text, const QUrl &url, const QMimeType& /*mime*/, const QString& leftContext, const QString& rightContext) { KProcess proc; QTextStream ios(&proc); std::unique_ptr<QTemporaryFile> tmpFile; if (style.content().isEmpty()) { style = predefinedStyle(; if (style.content().isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Empty contents for style" << << "for indent plugin"; return text; } } QString useText = text; useText = leftContext + useText + rightContext; QMap<QString, QString> projectVariables; foreach(IProject* project, ICore::self()->projectController()->projects()) projectVariables[project->name()] = project->folder().toLocalFile(); QString command = style.content(); // Replace ${Project} with the project path command = replaceVariables( command, projectVariables ); command.replace("$FILE", url.toLocalFile()); if(command.contains("$TMPFILE")) { tmpFile.reset(new QTemporaryFile(QDir::tempPath() + "/code")); tmpFile->setAutoRemove(false); if(tmpFile->open()) { qCDebug(CUSTOMSCRIPT) << "using temporary file" << tmpFile->fileName(); command.replace("$TMPFILE", tmpFile->fileName()); QByteArray useTextArray = useText.toLocal8Bit(); if( tmpFile->write(useTextArray) != useTextArray.size() ) { qWarning() << "failed to write text to temporary file"; return text; } }else{ qWarning() << "Failed to create a temporary file"; return text; } tmpFile->close(); } qCDebug(CUSTOMSCRIPT) << "using shell command for indentation: " << command; proc.setShellCommand(command); proc.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::OnlyStdoutChannel); proc.start(); if(!proc.waitForStarted()) { qCDebug(CUSTOMSCRIPT) << "Unable to start indent" << endl; return text; } if(!tmpFile.get()) proc.write(useText.toLocal8Bit()); proc.closeWriteChannel(); if(!proc.waitForFinished()) { qCDebug(CUSTOMSCRIPT) << "Process doesn't finish" << endl; return text; } QString output; if(tmpFile.get()) { QFile f(tmpFile->fileName()); if( ) { output = QString::fromLocal8Bit(f.readAll()); }else{ qWarning() << "Failed opening the temporary file for reading"; return text; } }else{ output = ios.readAll(); } if (output.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "indent returned empty text for style" << << style.content(); return text; } int tabWidth = 4; if((!leftContext.isEmpty() || !rightContext.isEmpty()) && (text.contains(' ') || output.contains(' '))) { // If we have to do contex-matching with tabs, determine the correct tab-width so that the context // can be matched correctly Indentation indent = indentation(url); if(indent.indentationTabWidth > 0) tabWidth = indent.indentationTabWidth; } return KDevelop::extractFormattedTextFromContext(output, text, leftContext, rightContext, tabWidth); }
void CameraController::slotCheckRename(const QString& folder, const QString& file, const QString& destination, const QString& temp, const QString& script) { // this is the direct continuation of executeCommand, case CameraCommand::cam_download bool skip = false; bool cancel = false; bool overwrite = d->overwriteAll; QString dest = destination; // Check if dest file already exist, unless we overwrite anyway QFileInfo info(dest); if (!d->overwriteAll) { while (info.exists()) { if (d->skipAll) { skip = true; break; } QPointer<KIO::RenameDialog> dlg = new KIO::RenameDialog(d->parent, i18nc("@title:window", "Rename File"), QString(folder + QLatin1String("/") + file), dest, KIO::RenameDialog_Mode(KIO::M_MULTI | KIO::M_OVERWRITE | KIO::M_SKIP)); int result = dlg->exec(); dest = dlg->newDestUrl().toLocalFile(); info = QFileInfo(dest); delete dlg; switch (result) { case KIO::R_CANCEL: { cancel = true; break; } case KIO::R_SKIP: { skip = true; break; } case KIO::R_AUTO_SKIP: { d->skipAll = true; skip = true; break; } case KIO::R_OVERWRITE: { overwrite = true; break; } case KIO::R_OVERWRITE_ALL: { d->overwriteAll = true; overwrite = true; break; } default: break; } if (cancel || skip || overwrite) { break; } } } if (cancel) { unlink(QFile::encodeName(temp)); slotCancel(); emit signalSkipped(folder, file); return; } else if (skip) { unlink(QFile::encodeName(temp)); sendLogMsg(i18n("Skipped file <filename>%1</filename>", file), DHistoryView::WarningEntry, folder, file); emit signalSkipped(folder, file); return; } kDebug() << "Checking whether (" << temp << ") has a sidecar"; // move the file to the destination file if (DMetadata::hasSidecar(temp)) { kDebug() << " Yes, renaming it to " << dest; if (KDE::rename(DMetadata::sidecarPath(temp), DMetadata::sidecarPath(dest)) != 0) { sendLogMsg(i18n("Failed to save sidecar file for <filename>%1</filename>", file), DHistoryView::ErrorEntry, folder, file); } } if (KDE::rename(temp, dest) != 0) { kDebug() << "Renaming " << temp << " to " << dest << " failed"; // rename failed. delete the temp file unlink(QFile::encodeName(temp)); emit signalDownloaded(folder, file, CamItemInfo::DownloadFailed); sendLogMsg(i18n("Failed to download <filename>%1</filename>", file), DHistoryView::ErrorEntry, folder, file); } else { kDebug() << "Rename done, emiting downloaded signals:" << file << " info.filename: " << info.fileName(); // TODO why two signals?? emit signalDownloaded(folder, file, CamItemInfo::DownloadedYes); emit signalDownloadComplete(folder, file, info.path(), info.fileName()); // Run script if (!script.isEmpty()) { kDebug() << "Got a script, processing: " << script; KProcess process; process.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels); QString s; if (script.indexOf('%') > -1) { QHash<QString, QString> map; map.insert("file", dest); map.insert("filename", info.fileName()); map.insert("path", info.path()); map.insert("orgfilename", file); map.insert("orgpath", folder); s = KMacroExpander::expandMacros(script, map); } else { s = script + " \"" + dest + "\""; } process.setShellCommand(s); kDebug() << "Running: " << s; int ret = process.execute(); if (ret != 0) { sendLogMsg(i18n("Failed to run script for <filename>%1</filename>", file), DHistoryView::ErrorEntry, folder, file); } kDebug() << "stdout" << process.readAllStandardOutput(); kDebug() << "stderr" << process.readAllStandardError(); } } }
void QGpgMECryptoConfigComponent::sync( bool runtime ) { KTemporaryFile tmpFile;; QList<QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry *> dirtyEntries; // Collect all dirty entries const QList<QString> keylist = mGroupsByName.uniqueKeys(); Q_FOREACH (const QString & key, keylist) { const QHash<QString,QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry*> entry = mGroupsByName[key]->mEntriesByName; const QList<QString> keylistentry = entry.uniqueKeys(); Q_FOREACH (const QString & keyentry, keylistentry) { if(entry[keyentry]->isDirty()) { // OK, we can set it.currentKey() to it.current()->outputString() QString line = keyentry; if ( entry[keyentry]->isSet() ) { // set option line += ":0:"; line += entry[keyentry]->outputString(); } else { // unset option line += ":16:"; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN line += '\r'; #endif line += '\n'; const QByteArray line8bit = line.toUtf8(); // encode with utf8, and K3ProcIO uses utf8 when reading. tmpFile.write( line8bit ); dirtyEntries.append( entry[keyentry] ); } } } tmpFile.flush(); if ( dirtyEntries.isEmpty() ) return; // Call gpgconf --change-options <component> const QString gpgconf = QGpgMECryptoConfig::gpgConfPath(); QString commandLine = gpgconf.isEmpty() ? QString::fromLatin1( "gpgconf" ) : KShell::quoteArg( gpgconf ) ; if ( runtime ) commandLine += " --runtime"; commandLine += " --change-options "; commandLine += KShell::quoteArg( mName ); commandLine += " < "; commandLine += KShell::quoteArg( tmpFile.fileName() ); //kDebug(5150) << commandLine; //system( QCString( "cat " ) + ); // DEBUG KProcess proc; proc.setShellCommand( commandLine ); // run the process: int rc = proc.execute(); if ( rc == -2 ) { QString wmsg = i18n( "Could not start gpgconf.\nCheck that gpgconf is in the PATH and that it can be started." ); kWarning(5150) << wmsg; KMessageBox::error(0, wmsg); } else if( rc != 0 ) // Happens due to bugs in gpgconf (e.g. issues 104/115) { QString wmsg = i18n( "Error from gpgconf while saving configuration: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit( strerror( rc ) ) ); kWarning(5150) <<":" << strerror( rc ); KMessageBox::error(0, wmsg); } else { QList<QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry *>::const_iterator it = dirtyEntries.constBegin(); for( ; it != dirtyEntries.constEnd(); ++it ) { (*it)->setDirty( false ); } } }