void Docbook2XhtmlGeneratorJob::run() { UMLDoc* umlDoc = UMLApp::app()->document(); xsltStylesheetPtr cur = NULL; xmlDocPtr doc, res; const char *params[16 + 1]; int nbparams = 0; params[nbparams] = NULL; umlDoc->writeToStatusBar(i18n("Exporting to XHTML...")); QString xsltFileName(KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("appdata", QLatin1String("docbook2xhtml.xsl"))); uDebug() << "XSLT file is'" << xsltFileName << "'"; QFile xsltFile(xsltFileName); xsltFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString xslt = QString::fromLatin1(xsltFile.readAll()); uDebug() << "XSLT is'" << xslt << "'"; xsltFile.close(); QString localXsl = KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("data", QLatin1String("ksgmltools2/docbook/xsl/html/docbook.xsl")); uDebug() << "Local xsl is'" << localXsl << "'"; if (!localXsl.isEmpty()) { localXsl = QLatin1String("href=\"file://") + localXsl + QLatin1String("\""); xslt.replace(QRegExp(QLatin1String("href=\"http://[^\"]*\"")), localXsl); } KTemporaryFile tmpXsl; tmpXsl.setAutoRemove(false); tmpXsl.open(); QTextStream str (&tmpXsl); str << xslt; str.flush(); xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(1); xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = 1; uDebug() << "Parsing stylesheet " << tmpXsl.fileName(); cur = xsltParseStylesheetFile((const xmlChar *)tmpXsl.fileName().toLatin1().constData()); uDebug() << "Parsing file " << m_docbookUrl.path(); doc = xmlParseFile((const char*)(m_docbookUrl.path().toUtf8())); uDebug() << "Applying stylesheet "; res = xsltApplyStylesheet(cur, doc, params); KTemporaryFile tmpXhtml; tmpXhtml.setAutoRemove(false); tmpXhtml.open(); uDebug() << "Writing HTML result to temp file: " << tmpXhtml.fileName(); xsltSaveResultToFd(tmpXhtml.handle(), res, cur); xsltFreeStylesheet(cur); xmlFreeDoc(res); xmlFreeDoc(doc); xsltCleanupGlobals(); xmlCleanupParser(); emit xhtmlGenerated(tmpXhtml.fileName()); }
//static void DrKonqi::saveReport(const QString & reportText, QWidget *parent) { if (KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs()->isSet("safer")) { KTemporaryFile tf; tf.setSuffix(".kcrash.txt"); tf.setAutoRemove(false); if (tf.open()) { QTextStream textStream(&tf); textStream << reportText; textStream.flush(); KMessageBox::information(parent, i18nc("@info", "Report saved to <filename>%1</filename>.", tf.fileName())); } else { KMessageBox::sorry(parent, i18nc("@info","Could not create a file in which to save the report.")); } } else { QString defname = getSuggestedKCrashFilename(crashedApplication()); QWeakPointer<KFileDialog> dlg = new KFileDialog(defname, QString(), parent); dlg.data()->setSelection(defname); dlg.data()->setCaption(i18nc("@title:window","Select Filename")); dlg.data()->setOperationMode(KFileDialog::Saving); dlg.data()->setMode(KFile::File); dlg.data()->setConfirmOverwrite(true); dlg.data()->exec(); if (dlg.isNull()) { //Dialog is invalid, it was probably deleted (ex. via DBus call) //return and do not crash return; } KUrl fileUrl = dlg.data()->selectedUrl(); delete dlg.data(); if (fileUrl.isValid()) { KTemporaryFile tf; if (tf.open()) { QTextStream ts(&tf); ts << reportText; ts.flush(); } else { KMessageBox::sorry(parent, i18nc("@info","Cannot open file <filename>%1</filename> " "for writing.", tf.fileName())); return; } if (!KIO::NetAccess::upload(tf.fileName(), fileUrl, parent)) { KMessageBox::sorry(parent, KIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString()); } } } }
// All the simple tests for findByPath are in testFindByPathUsingFileName_data. // In here we do the tests that need some content in a temporary file. void KMimeTypeTest::testFindByPathWithContent() { KMimeType::Ptr mime; // Test a real PDF file. // If we find x-matlab because it starts with '%' then we are not ordering by priority. KTemporaryFile tempFile; QVERIFY(tempFile.open()); QString tempFileName = tempFile.fileName(); tempFile.write("%PDF-"); tempFile.close(); mime = KMimeType::findByPath( tempFileName ); QVERIFY( mime ); QCOMPARE( mime->name(), QString::fromLatin1( "application/pdf" ) ); // fast mode cannot find the mimetype mime = KMimeType::findByPath( tempFileName, 0, true ); QVERIFY( mime ); QCOMPARE(mime->name(), QString::fromLatin1("application/octet-stream")); // Test the case where the extension doesn't match the contents: extension wins { KTemporaryFile txtTempFile; txtTempFile.setSuffix(".txt"); QVERIFY(txtTempFile.open()); txtTempFile.write("%PDF-"); QString txtTempFileName = txtTempFile.fileName(); txtTempFile.close(); mime = KMimeType::findByPath( txtTempFileName ); QVERIFY( mime ); QCOMPARE( mime->name(), QString::fromLatin1( "text/plain" ) ); // fast mode finds the same mime = KMimeType::findByPath( txtTempFileName, 0, true ); QVERIFY( mime ); QCOMPARE( mime->name(), QString::fromLatin1( "text/plain" ) ); } // Now the case where extension differs from contents, but contents has >80 magic rule // XDG spec says: contents wins. But we can't sniff all files... { KTemporaryFile txtTempFile; txtTempFile.setSuffix(".txt"); QVERIFY(txtTempFile.open()); txtTempFile.write("<smil"); QString txtTempFileName = txtTempFile.fileName(); txtTempFile.close(); mime = KMimeType::findByPath( txtTempFileName ); QVERIFY( mime ); QCOMPARE( mime->name(), QString::fromLatin1( "text/plain" ) ); } }
bool DjVuGenerator::print( QPrinter& printer ) { bool result = false; // Create tempfile to write to KTemporaryFile tf; tf.setSuffix( ".ps" ); if ( !tf.open() ) return false; QMutexLocker locker( userMutex() ); QList<int> pageList = Okular::FilePrinter::pageList( printer, m_djvu->pages().count(), document()->currentPage() + 1, document()->bookmarkedPageList() ); if ( m_djvu->exportAsPostScript( &tf, pageList ) ) { tf.setAutoRemove( false ); const QString fileName = tf.fileName(); tf.close(); int ret = Okular::FilePrinter::printFile( printer, fileName, document()->orientation(), Okular::FilePrinter::SystemDeletesFiles, Okular::FilePrinter::ApplicationSelectsPages, document()->bookmarkedPageRange() ); result = ( ret >=0 ); } return result; }
void KateFoldingTest::testFolding_collapse_dsComments_XML() { KTemporaryFile file; file.setSuffix(".xml"); file.open(); QTextStream stream(&file); stream << "<test1>\n" << "</test1>\n" << "<!--\n" << "<test2>\n" << "</test2>\n" << "-->\n" << "<!--\n" << "-->\n"; stream << flush; file.close(); KateDocument doc(false, false, false); QVERIFY(doc.openUrl(KUrl(file.fileName()))); KateView* view = new KateView(&doc, 0); // is set to allow kate's hl to be called view->config()->setDynWordWrap(true); QCOMPARE(doc.visibleLines(), 9u); QAction* action = view->action("folding_collapse_dsComment"); QVERIFY(action); action->trigger(); QCOMPARE(doc.visibleLines(), 5u); }
void KateFoldingTest::testFolding_py_lang() { KTemporaryFile file; file.setSuffix(".py"); file.open(); QTextStream stream(&file); stream << "if customerName == x\n" << " print x\n" << "elif customerName == y\n" << " print y\n" << "else print z\n"; stream << flush; file.close(); KateDocument doc(false, false, false); QVERIFY(doc.openUrl(KUrl(file.fileName()))); KateView* view = new KateView(&doc, 0); // is set to allow kate's hl to be called view->config()->setDynWordWrap(true); QCOMPARE(doc.visibleLines(), 6u); QAction* action = view->action("folding_toplevel"); QVERIFY(action); action->trigger(); QCOMPARE(doc.visibleLines(), 4u); action = view->action("folding_expandtoplevel"); QVERIFY(action); action->trigger(); QCOMPARE(doc.visibleLines(), 6u); }
bool ResourceNet::save( Ticket *ticket ) { Q_UNUSED( ticket ); kDebug(); if ( d->mIsSaving ) { abortAsyncSaving(); } KTemporaryFile tempFile; bool ok = tempFile.open(); if ( ok ) { saveToFile( &tempFile ); tempFile.flush(); } if ( !ok ) { addressBook()->error( i18n( "Unable to save file '%1'.", tempFile.fileName() ) ); return false; } ok = KIO::NetAccess::upload( tempFile.fileName(), mUrl, 0 ); if ( !ok ) { addressBook()->error( i18n( "Unable to upload to '%1'.", mUrl.prettyUrl() ) ); } return ok; }
bool NetAccess::download(const KUrl& u, QString & target, QWidget* window) { if (u.isLocalFile()) { // file protocol. We do not need the network target = u.toLocalFile(); bool accessible = KStandardDirs::checkAccess(target, R_OK); if(!accessible) { if(!lastErrorMsg) lastErrorMsg = new QString; *lastErrorMsg = i18n("File '%1' is not readable", target); lastErrorCode = ERR_COULD_NOT_READ; } return accessible; } if (target.isEmpty()) { KTemporaryFile tmpFile; tmpFile.setAutoRemove(false); tmpFile.open(); target = tmpFile.fileName(); if (!tmpfiles) tmpfiles = new QStringList; tmpfiles->append(target); } NetAccess kioNet; KUrl dest; dest.setPath( target ); return kioNet.filecopyInternal( u, dest, -1, KIO::Overwrite, window, false /*copy*/); }
ImageViewer::ImageViewer (const KUrl &url, const QString &capText, QWidget *parent) : KDialog( parent ), m_ImageUrl(url), fileIsImage(false), downloadJob(0) { init(url.fileName(), capText); // Add save button setButtons( KDialog::User2 | KDialog::User1 | KDialog::Close ); KGuiItem saveButton( i18n("Save"), "document-save", i18n("Save the image to disk") ); setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::User1, saveButton ); // FIXME: Add more options, and do this more nicely KGuiItem invertButton( i18n("Invert colors"), "", i18n("Reverse colors of the image. This is useful to enhance contrast at times. This affects only the display and not the saving.") ); setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::User2, invertButton ); connect( this, SIGNAL( user1Clicked() ), this, SLOT ( saveFileToDisc() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( user2Clicked() ), this, SLOT ( invertColors() ) ); // check URL if (!m_ImageUrl.isValid()) kDebug() << "URL is malformed: " << m_ImageUrl; // FIXME: check the logic with temporary files. Races are possible { KTemporaryFile tempfile; tempfile.open(); file.setFileName( tempfile.fileName() ); }// we just need the name and delete the tempfile from disc; if we don't do it, a dialog will be show loadImageFromURL(); }
bool Kleo::SymCryptRunProcessBase::launch( const QByteArray & input, bool block ) { connect( this, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(slotReadyReadStandardOutput()) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()), this, SLOT(slotReadyReadStandardError()) ); if ( block ) { KTemporaryFile tempfile; if ( tempfile.open() ) tempfile.write( input ); else return false; tempfile.flush(); *this << "--input" << tempfile.fileName(); addOptions(); if(KProcess::execute() == -2) return false; } else { addOptions(); KProcess::start(); const bool ok = waitForStarted(); if ( !ok ) return ok; mInput = input; write( mInput ); closeWriteChannel(); } return true; }
void TestM3UPlaylist::testSave() { KTemporaryFile temp; temp.setSuffix( ".m3u" ); QVERIFY( temp.open() ); QVERIFY( m_testPlaylist->save( temp.fileName(), false ) ); }
void KDesktopFileTest::testActionGroup() { KTemporaryFile file; file.setPrefix("test1"); QVERIFY( file.open() ); const QString fileName = file.fileName(); QTextStream ts( &file ); ts << "[Desktop Entry]\n" "Actions=encrypt;\n" "[Desktop Action encrypt]\n" "Name=Encrypt file\n" "\n"; file.close(); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(fileName)); KDesktopFile df(fileName); QCOMPARE(df.readType(), QString()); QCOMPARE(df.fileName(), fileName); QCOMPARE(df.readActions(), QStringList() << "encrypt"); QCOMPARE(df.hasActionGroup("encrypt"), true); QCOMPARE(df.hasActionGroup("doesnotexist"), false); KConfigGroup cg = df.actionGroup("encrypt"); QVERIFY(cg.hasKey("Name")); QCOMPARE(cg.readEntry("Name"), QString("Encrypt file")); }
void ReportGenerator::slotConvertTemplate( const QString& templ ) { // kDebug() << "Report BASE:\n" << templ; if ( ! templ.isEmpty() ) { KTemporaryFile temp; temp.setSuffix( ".trml" ); temp.setAutoRemove( false ); if ( temp.open() ) { QTextStream s(&temp); // The following explicit coding settings were needed for Qt 4.7.3, former Qt versions // seemed to default on UTF-8. Try to comment the following two lines for older Qt versions // if needed and see if the trml file on the disk still is UTF-8 encoded. QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"); s.setCodec( codec ); s << templ; } else { kDebug() << "ERROR: Could not open temporar file"; } kDebug() << "Wrote rml to " << temp.fileName(); QString dId( mDocId ); if ( mDocId.isEmpty() ) { dId = ArchiveMan::self()->documentID( mArchId ); } runTrml2Pdf( temp.fileName(), dId, mArchId.toString() ); } }
bool FileProvider::get( const QString &url, QString &target ) { if ( !mFileName.isEmpty() ) cleanUp(); if ( target.isEmpty() ) { KTemporaryFile tmpFile; tmpFile.setAutoRemove(false); tmpFile.open(); target = tmpFile.fileName(); mFileName = target; } mData.truncate( 0 ); qDebug( "Downloading external schema '%s'", qPrintable( url ) ); KIO::TransferJob* job = KIO::get( KUrl( url ), KIO::NoReload, KIO::HideProgressInfo ); connect( job, SIGNAL( data( KIO::Job*, const QByteArray& ) ), this, SLOT( slotData( KIO::Job*, const QByteArray& ) ) ); connect( job, SIGNAL( result( KJob* ) ), this, SLOT( slotResult( KJob* ) ) ); mBlocked = true; while ( mBlocked ) { QCoreApplication::processEvents( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents ); usleep( 500 ); } return true; }
KJotsBook* KnowItImporter::importFromUrl( KUrl url ) { KJotsBook *book = new KJotsBook(); buildNoteTree(url); // foreach () // kDebug(); buildDomDocument(); KTemporaryFile file; file.setPrefix( KStandardDirs::locateLocal( "data", "kjots/" ) ); file.setSuffix( ".book" ); file.setAutoRemove( false ); if ( file.open() ) { file.write( "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>\n<!DOCTYPE KJots>\n<KJots>\n" ); file.write( m_domDoc.toByteArray() ); file.write( "</KJots>\n" ); kDebug() << file.fileName(); QString newFileName = file.fileName(); file.close(); book->openBook( newFileName ); } return book; }
void KEduVocDocumentValidatorTest::testDocumentAboutInfo() { KTemporaryFile temp; temp.setSuffix(".kvtml"); temp.open(); KUrl fileName = KUrl(temp.fileName()); temp.close(); const QString generator = QString::fromLatin1( "Validator Unit Tests" ); const QString author = QString::fromLatin1( "Validator Test" ); const QString license = QString::fromLatin1( "test license" ); const QString comment = QString::fromLatin1( "comment" ); const QString category = QString::fromLatin1( "test document" ); const QString title = QString::fromLatin1( "Validator Test Title" ); KEduVocDocument doc; doc.setAuthor( author ); doc.setLicense( license ); doc.setDocumentComment( comment ); doc.setCategory( category ); doc.setTitle( title ); doc.saveAs(fileName, KEduVocDocument::Kvtml, generator); KEduVocDocument docRead; docRead.open(fileName); QCOMPARE( docRead.generator(), generator ); QCOMPARE( docRead.author(), author ); QCOMPARE( docRead.license(), license ); QCOMPARE( docRead.documentComment(), comment ); QCOMPARE( docRead.category(), category ); QCOMPARE( docRead.title(), title ); }
void BinaryWidget::setData( const QByteArray &data ) { delete mMainWidget; QString mimetype; KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByContent( data ); if ( mime && !mime->isDefault() ) mimetype = mime->name(); if ( !mimetype.isEmpty() ) { KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part = KParts::ComponentFactory::createPartInstanceFromQuery<KParts::ReadOnlyPart>( mimetype, QString(), this, this ); if ( part ) { KTemporaryFile file; file.setAutoRemove(false); file.open(); file.write( data ); file.flush(); part->openUrl( KUrl( file.fileName() ) ); mMainWidget = part->widget(); } else { mMainWidget = new QLabel( i18n( "No part found for visualization of mimetype %1", mimetype ), this ); } mData = data; mSaveButton->setEnabled( true ); } else { mMainWidget = new QLabel( i18n( "Got data of unknown mimetype" ), this ); } mLayout->addWidget( mMainWidget, 0, 0, 3, 1); mMainWidget->show(); }
void KTNEFMain::slotShowMessageText() { if ( !mParser->message() ) { return; } QString rtf = mParser->message()->rtfString(); if ( !rtf.isEmpty() ) { KTemporaryFile *tmpFile = new KTemporaryFile(); tmpFile->setPrefix( KGlobal::dirs()->localkdedir() + "/share/apps/ktnef/tmp/" ); tmpFile->setSuffix( QLatin1String( ".rtf" ) ); tmpFile->open(); tmpFile->setPermissions( QFile::ReadUser ); tmpFile->write( rtf.toLocal8Bit() ); tmpFile->close(); KRun::runUrl( KUrl( tmpFile->fileName() ), "text/rtf", this, true ); delete tmpFile; } else { KMessageBox::error( this, i18nc( "@info", "The message does not contain any Rich Text data." ) ); } }
static KTemporaryFile *generateTestFile(const QString &content) { KTemporaryFile *file = new KTemporaryFile; Q_ASSERT(file->open()); file->write(content.toUtf8()); file->flush(); return file; }
Status SetAuthentication (int count, IceListenObj *listenObjs, IceAuthDataEntry **authDataEntries) { KTemporaryFile addTempFile; remTempFile = new KTemporaryFile; if (!addTempFile.open() || !remTempFile->open()) return 0; if ((*authDataEntries = (IceAuthDataEntry *) malloc ( count * 2 * sizeof (IceAuthDataEntry))) == NULL) return 0; FILE *addAuthFile = fopen(QFile::encodeName(addTempFile.fileName()), "r+"); FILE *remAuthFile = fopen(QFile::encodeName(remTempFile->fileName()), "r+"); for (int i = 0; i < numTransports * 2; i += 2) { (*authDataEntries)[i].network_id = IceGetListenConnectionString (listenObjs[i/2]); (*authDataEntries)[i].protocol_name = (char *) "ICE"; (*authDataEntries)[i].auth_name = (char *) "MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1"; (*authDataEntries)[i].auth_data = IceGenerateMagicCookie (MAGIC_COOKIE_LEN); (*authDataEntries)[i].auth_data_length = MAGIC_COOKIE_LEN; (*authDataEntries)[i+1].network_id = IceGetListenConnectionString (listenObjs[i/2]); (*authDataEntries)[i+1].protocol_name = (char *) "XSMP"; (*authDataEntries)[i+1].auth_name = (char *) "MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1"; (*authDataEntries)[i+1].auth_data = IceGenerateMagicCookie (MAGIC_COOKIE_LEN); (*authDataEntries)[i+1].auth_data_length = MAGIC_COOKIE_LEN; write_iceauth (addAuthFile, remAuthFile, &(*authDataEntries)[i]); write_iceauth (addAuthFile, remAuthFile, &(*authDataEntries)[i+1]); IceSetPaAuthData (2, &(*authDataEntries)[i]); IceSetHostBasedAuthProc (listenObjs[i/2], HostBasedAuthProc); } fclose(addAuthFile); fclose(remAuthFile); QString iceAuth = KGlobal::dirs()->findExe("iceauth"); if (iceAuth.isEmpty()) { qWarning("KSMServer: could not find iceauth"); return 0; } KProcess p; p << iceAuth << "source" << addTempFile.fileName(); p.execute(); return (1); }
QString KCheckGmailTray::takeScreenshotOfTrayIcon() { // Process the events else the icon will not be there and the screenie will fail! kapp->processEvents(); // Taken from Akregator TrayIcon::takeScreenshot() const QRect rect = geometry(); const QPoint g = rect.topLeft(); int desktopWidth = kapp->desktop()->width(); int desktopHeight = kapp->desktop()->height(); int tw = rect.width(); int th = rect.height(); int w = desktopWidth / 4; int h = desktopHeight / 9; int x = g.x() + tw/2 - w/2; // Center the rectange in the systray icon int y = g.y() + th/2 - h/2; if (x < 0) x = 0; // Move the rectangle to stay in the desktop limits if (y < 0) y = 0; if (x + w > desktopWidth) x = desktopWidth - w; if (y + h > desktopHeight) y = desktopHeight - h; // Grab the desktop and draw a circle around the icon: QPixmap shot = QPixmap::grabWindow(QApplication::desktop()->winId(), x, y, w, h); QPainter painter(&shot); painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); const int MARGINS = 6; const int WIDTH = 3; int ax = g.x() - x - MARGINS -1; int ay = g.y() - y - MARGINS -1; painter.setPen( QPen(Qt::red/*KApplication::palette().active().highlight()*/, WIDTH) ); painter.drawArc(ax, ay, tw + 2*MARGINS, th + 2*MARGINS, 0, 16*360); painter.end(); // Paint the border const int BORDER = 1; QPixmap finalShot(w + 2*BORDER, h + 2*BORDER); finalShot.fill( KApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Foreground )); painter.begin(&finalShot); painter.drawPixmap(BORDER, BORDER, shot); painter.end(); // return shot; // not finalShot?? -fo // End of Taken from Akregator QString filename; KTemporaryFile* tmpfile = new KTemporaryFile; tmpfile->setAutoRemove(false); if (tmpfile->open()) { filename = tmpfile->fileName(); shot.save(tmpfile, "png"); tmpfile->close(); } return filename; }
bool SSMLConvert::transform(const QString &text, const QString &xsltFilename) { m_xsltFilename = xsltFilename; /// Write @param text to a temporary file. KTemporaryFile inFile; inFile.setPrefix(QLatin1String( "kttsd-" )); inFile.setSuffix(QLatin1String( ".ssml" )); inFile.setAutoRemove(false); inFile.open(); m_inFilename = inFile.fileName(); QTextStream wstream (&inFile); // TODO: Is encoding an issue here? // TODO: It would be nice if we detected whether the XML is properly formed // with the required xml processing instruction and encoding attribute. If // not wrap it in such. But maybe this should be handled by SpeechData::setText()? wstream << text; inFile.flush(); // Get a temporary output file name. KTemporaryFile outFile; outFile.setPrefix(QLatin1String( "kttsd-" )); outFile.setSuffix(QLatin1String( ".output" )); outFile.setAutoRemove(false); outFile.open(); m_outFilename = outFile.fileName(); /// Spawn an xsltproc process to apply our stylesheet to our SSML file. QStringList args; m_xsltProc = new QProcess; args << QLatin1String( "-o" ) << m_outFilename << QLatin1String( "--novalid" ) << m_xsltFilename << m_inFilename; // Warning: This won't compile under KDE 3.2. See FreeTTS::argsToStringList(). // kDebug() << "SSMLConvert::transform: executing command: " << // m_xsltProc->args() << endl; connect(m_xsltProc, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(slotProcessExited())); if (!m_xsltProc->execute(QLatin1String("xsltproc"), args)) { kDebug() << "SSMLConvert::transform: Error starting xsltproc"; return false; } m_state = tsTransforming; return true; }
bool downloadRemoteUrls(const QString& collectionName, const KUrl::List& _list, RemoteUrlHash* hash) { Q_ASSERT(hash); KUrl::List list; Q_FOREACH(const KUrl& url, _list) { if (!url.isLocalFile()) { list << url; } } if (list.count() == 0) { return true; } logInfo( i18n("Downloading remote files for \"%1\"", collectionName) ); mProgressDialog->progressWidget()->setTotal(list.count()); int count = 0; Q_FOREACH(const KUrl& url, list) { if (mProgressDialog->isHidden()) { return false; } KTemporaryFile* tempFile = new KTemporaryFile; // Ensure the tempFile gets deleted when mProgressDialog is closed tempFile->setParent(mProgressDialog); tempFile->setPrefix("htmlexport-"); if (!tempFile->open()) { delete tempFile; logError(i18n("Could not open temporary file")); return false; } const QString tempPath = KStandardDirs::locate("tmp", tempFile->fileName()); KIO::Job* job = KIO::file_copy(url, KUrl::fromPath(tempPath), -1 /* permissions */, KIO::Overwrite); if (KIO::NetAccess::synchronousRun(job, mProgressDialog)) { hash->insert(url, tempFile->fileName()); } else { logWarning(i18n("Could not download %1", url.prettyUrl())); hash->insert(url, QString()); } ++count; mProgressDialog->progressWidget()->setProgress(count); } return true; }
void ExportImageDialog::exportImage() { //If the filename string contains no "/" separators, assume the //user wanted to place a file in their home directory. KUrl fileURL; if(!m_Url.contains("/")) { fileURL = QDir::homePath() + '/' + m_Url; } else { fileURL = m_Url; } if(fileURL.isValid()) { KTemporaryFile tmpfile; QString fname; bool isLocalFile = fileURL.isLocalFile(); if(isLocalFile) { fname = fileURL.toLocalFile(); } else { tmpfile.open(); fname = tmpfile.fileName(); } //Determine desired image format from filename extension QString ext = fname.mid(fname.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); if(ext.toLower() == "svg") { exportSvg(fname); } else { exportRasterGraphics(fname); } if(!isLocalFile) { //attempt to upload image to remote location if(!KIO::NetAccess::upload(tmpfile.fileName(), fileURL, this)) { QString message = i18n( "Could not upload image to remote location: %1", fileURL.prettyUrl() ); KMessageBox::sorry( 0, message, i18n( "Could not upload file" ) ); } } } }
void KateFoldingTest::testFolding_collapse_expand_local() { KTemporaryFile file; file.setSuffix(".c"); file.open(); QTextStream stream(&file); stream << "if () {\n" << " if () {\n" << " if () {\n" << " if () {\n" << " }\n" << " }\n" << " }\n" << " if () {\n" << " foo()\n" << " }\n" << " }\n"; stream << flush; file.close(); KateDocument doc(false, false, false); QVERIFY(doc.openUrl(KUrl(file.fileName()))); KateView* view = new KateView(&doc, 0); // is set to allow kate's hl to be called view->config()->setDynWordWrap(true); QCOMPARE(doc.visibleLines(), 12u); view->setCursorPosition(KTextEditor::Cursor(2,12)); QAction* action = view->action("folding_collapselocal"); QVERIFY(action); action->trigger(); QCOMPARE(doc.visibleLines(), 9u); view->setCursorPosition(KTextEditor::Cursor(2,11)); action = view->action("folding_collapselocal"); QVERIFY(action); action->trigger(); QCOMPARE(doc.visibleLines(), 7u); view->setCursorPosition(KTextEditor::Cursor(1,9)); action = view->action("folding_expandlocal"); QVERIFY(action); action->trigger(); QCOMPARE(doc.visibleLines(), 9u); }
void Serialization::writeFile(const QString& data, const KUrl& url) throw (IOException) { KTemporaryFile temporaryFile; temporaryFile.open(); QTextStream out(&temporaryFile); out << data; out.flush(); temporaryFile.close(); if (!KIO::NetAccess::upload(temporaryFile.fileName(), url, mWindow)) { throw IOException(KIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString()); } }
void KSaveFileTest::test_simpleBackupFile() { KTemporaryFile file; QVERIFY( file.open() ); QVERIFY( KSaveFile::simpleBackupFile(file.fileName())); QVERIFY( QFile::exists(file.fileName() + '~')); QFile::remove(file.fileName() + '~'); QVERIFY( KSaveFile::simpleBackupFile(file.fileName(), tmp) ); QFileInfo fi ( file.fileName() ); QVERIFY( QFile::exists(tmp + fi.fileName() + '~') ); QFile::remove(tmp + fi.fileName() + '~'); }
void BinaryWidget::save() { KUrl url = KFileDialog::getSaveUrl( QString(), QString(), this ); if ( url.isEmpty() ) return; KTemporaryFile tempFile; tempFile.open(); tempFile.write( mData ); tempFile.flush(); if ( !KIO::NetAccess::upload( tempFile.fileName(), url, this ) ) KMessageBox::error( this, KIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString() ); }
bool SocketConnectionBackend::listenForRemote() { Q_ASSERT(state == Idle); Q_ASSERT(!socket); Q_ASSERT(!localServer); // !tcpServer as well if (mode == LocalSocketMode) { QString prefix = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("socket", KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName()); KTemporaryFile *socketfile = new KTemporaryFile(); socketfile->setPrefix(prefix); socketfile->setSuffix(QLatin1String(".slave-socket")); if (!socketfile->open()) { errorString = i18n("Unable to create io-slave: %1", strerror(errno)); delete socketfile; return false; } QString sockname = socketfile->fileName(); KUrl addressUrl(sockname); addressUrl.setProtocol("local"); address = addressUrl.url(); delete socketfile; // can't bind if there is such a file localServer = new KLocalSocketServer(this); if (!localServer->listen(sockname, KLocalSocket::UnixSocket)) { errorString = localServer->errorString(); delete localServer; localServer = 0; return false; } connect(localServer, SIGNAL(newConnection()), SIGNAL(newConnection())); } else { tcpServer = new QTcpServer(this); tcpServer->listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost); if (!tcpServer->isListening()) { errorString = tcpServer->errorString(); delete tcpServer; tcpServer = 0; return false; } address = "tcp://" + QString::number(tcpServer->serverPort()); connect(tcpServer, SIGNAL(newConnection()), SIGNAL(newConnection())); } state = Listening; return true; }
Rules::Rules(const QString& str, bool temporary) : temporary_state(temporary ? 2 : 0) { KTemporaryFile file; if (file.open()) { QByteArray s = str.toUtf8(); file.write(s.data(), s.length()); } file.flush(); KConfig cfg(file.fileName(), KConfig::SimpleConfig); readFromCfg(cfg.group(QString())); if (description.isEmpty()) description = "temporary"; }