Esempio n. 1
UniversalPana::UniversalPana(KInstance *inst,QObject *parent,QWidget *widgetParent, QString &desktopName, const char* name):
    KGlobal::iconLoader()->addAppDir( "pana" );
    widget = new panaWidget( widgetParent );
//    widgetParent->resize(580,300);
    KToolBar *topBar = new KToolBar( widget, "Topbar" );
    topBar->insertButton( "today",    0, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( currentTrack() ) );
    topBar->insertButton( "document", 0, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( lyrics() ) );
    topBar->insertButton( "personal", 0, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( wiki() ) );

    browser = new KHTMLPart(widget, "widget-browser");
//browser=new KHTMLPart(widget);
    kdDebug() << "parentPart() << " << browser->parentPart() << endl;
    browser->setDNDEnabled( true );
    browser->setEncoding( "utf8", true );
    updateBrowser( HTML_FILE );
    browser->view()->installEventFilter( widget );
    panaDCOP = new DCOPClient();

    playerStub   = new PanaPlayerInterface_stub( panaDCOP, "pana", "player");
    playlistStub = new PanaPlaylistInterface_stub( panaDCOP, "pana", "playlist");
    contextStub = new PanaContextBrowserInterface_stub (panaDCOP, "pana", "contextbrowser");

    KToolBar* toolBar=new KToolBar(widget, "PlayerControls");

    toolBar->insertButton( "player_start",0, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( sendPrev() ) );
    toolBar->insertButton( "player_play", 0, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( sendPlay() ) );
    toolBar->insertButton( "player_pause",0, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( sendPause() ) );
    toolBar->insertButton( "player_stop", 0, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( sendStop() ) );
    toolBar->insertButton( "player_end",  0, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( sendNext() ) );

    toolBar->insertButton( "arts",        0, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( sendMute() ) );

    vol_slider = new QSlider(0,100,1,0,Qt::Horizontal, toolBar,"volume");

    connect(vol_slider, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), this, SLOT(volChanged(int ) ) );
    toolBar->insertWidget(1,2, vol_slider);

    fileInfo  = new QFileInfo(HTML_FILE);
    QTimer *t = new QTimer( this );

    connect( t, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(updateStatus() ) );
    t->start( 2000, false );
    kdDebug() << "Connecting widget signal" << endl;

    connect( widget,                      SIGNAL( emitURL( const KURL &)),
             this,                        SLOT( openURLRequest( const KURL &) ) );
    connect( browser->browserExtension(), SIGNAL( openURLRequest( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs & ) ),
             this,                        SLOT( openURLRequest( const KURL & ) ) );
Esempio n. 2
DataOutputWidget::DataOutputWidget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
, m_model(new DataOutputModel(this))
, m_view(new DataOutputView(this))
, m_isEmpty(true)

  QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout(this);
  m_dataLayout = new QVBoxLayout();

  KToolBar *toolbar = new KToolBar(this);
  toolbar->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));

  /// TODO: disable actions if no results are displayed or selected

  KAction *action;

  action = new KAction( KIcon("distribute-horizontal-x"), i18nc("@action:intoolbar", "Resize columns to contents"), this);
  connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(resizeColumnsToContents()));

  action = new KAction( KIcon("distribute-vertical-y"), i18nc("@action:intoolbar", "Resize rows to contents"), this);
  connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(resizeRowsToContents()));

  action = new KAction( KIcon("edit-copy"), i18nc("@action:intoolbar", "Copy"), this);
  connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCopySelected()));

  action = new KAction( KIcon("document-export-table"), i18nc("@action:intoolbar", "Export..."), this);
  connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotExport()));

  action = new KAction( KIcon("edit-clear"), i18nc("@action:intoolbar", "Clear"), this);
  connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clearResults()));


  KToggleAction *toggleAction = new KToggleAction( KIcon("applications-education-language"), i18nc("@action:intoolbar", "Use system locale"), this);
  connect(toggleAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotToggleLocale()));


  layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);

Esempio n. 3
KToolBar *ComposerWebEngineWidgetPrivate::createToolBar(const QList<ComposerWebEngine::ComposerWebEngineAction> &lstActions)
    KToolBar *toolbar = new KToolBar(q);
    toolbar->setIconSize(QSize(22, 22));
    webEngine->createToolBar(lstActions, toolbar);
    return toolbar;
Esempio n. 4
TextOutputWidget::TextOutputWidget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
  m_succesTextColor = QColor::fromRgb(3, 191, 3);
  m_succesBackgroundColor = QColor::fromRgb(231, 247, 231);

  m_errorTextColor = QColor::fromRgb(191, 3, 3);
  m_errorBackgroundColor = QColor::fromRgb(247, 231, 231);

  m_layout = new QHBoxLayout(this);

  m_output = new QTextEdit();

  QFont fixedFont(KGlobalSettings::fixedFont());


  KToolBar *toolbar = new KToolBar(this);
  toolbar->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));

  /// TODO: disable actions if no results are displayed

  KAction *action;

  action = new KAction( KIcon("edit-clear"), i18nc("@action:intoolbar", "Clear"), this);
  connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_output, SLOT(clear()));

  m_layout->addWidget(m_output, 1);

Esempio n. 5
 * This function will intialize the playlist window.
void PlaylistWindow::init()

    //this function is necessary because amaroK::actionCollection() returns our actionCollection
    //via the App::m_pPlaylistWindow pointer since App::m_pPlaylistWindow is not defined until
    //the above ctor returns it causes a crash unless we do the initialisation in 2 stages.

    m_browsers = new BrowserBar( this );

    //<Dynamic Mode Status Bar />
    DynamicBar *dynamicBar = new DynamicBar( m_browsers->container());

    { //<Search LineEdit>
        KToolBar *bar = new KToolBar( m_browsers->container(), "NotMainToolBar" );
        bar->setIconSize( 22, false ); //looks more sensible
        bar->setFlat( true ); //removes the ugly frame
        bar->setMovingEnabled( false ); //removes the ugly frame

        QWidget *button = new KToolBarButton( "locationbar_erase", 1, bar );
        QLabel *filter_label = new QLabel( i18n("S&earch:") + " ", bar );
        m_lineEdit = new ClickLineEdit( i18n( "Enter search terms here" ), bar );

        filter_label->setBuddy( m_lineEdit );

        bar->setStretchableWidget( m_lineEdit );
        m_lineEdit->setFrame( QFrame::Sunken );
        m_lineEdit->installEventFilter( this ); //we intercept keyEvents

        connect( button, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_lineEdit, SLOT(clear()) );

        QToolTip::add( button, i18n( "Clear filter" ) );
        QString filtertip = i18n( "Enter space-separated terms to filter the playlist.\n\n"
                                  "Advanced, Google-esque syntax is also available;\n"
                                  "see the handbook (The Playlist section of chapter 4) for details." );

        QToolTip::add( filter_label, filtertip );
        QToolTip::add( m_lineEdit, filtertip );
    } //</Search LineEdit>

    QFrame *playlist = new Playlist( m_browsers->container() );
    m_toolbar = new amaroK::ToolBar( m_browsers->container(), "mainToolBar" );
    m_toolbar->setShown( AmarokConfig::showToolbar() );
    QWidget *statusbar = new amaroK::StatusBar( this );

    KAction* repeatAction = amaroK::actionCollection()->action( "repeat" );
    connect( repeatAction, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), playlist, SLOT( slotRepeatTrackToggled( int ) ) );

    connect( m_lineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged( const QString& )), playlist, SLOT(setFilterSlot( const QString& )) );

    m_menubar = new KMenuBar( this );
    m_menubar->setShown( AmarokConfig::showMenuBar() );

    //BEGIN Actions menu
    KPopupMenu *actionsMenu = new KPopupMenu( m_menubar );
    actionCollection()->action("playlist_playmedia")->plug( actionsMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("play_audiocd")->plug( actionsMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("prev")->plug( actionsMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("play_pause")->plug( actionsMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("stop")->plug( actionsMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("next")->plug( actionsMenu );
    actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::name(KStdAction::Quit))->plug( actionsMenu );

    connect( actionsMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), SLOT( actionsMenuAboutToShow() ) );
    //END Actions menu

    //BEGIN Playlist menu
    KPopupMenu *playlistMenu = new KPopupMenu( m_menubar );
    actionCollection()->action("playlist_add")->plug( playlistMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("playlist_save")->plug( playlistMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("playlist_undo")->plug( playlistMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("playlist_redo")->plug( playlistMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("playlist_clear")->plug( playlistMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("playlist_shuffle")->plug( playlistMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("playlist_show")->plug( playlistMenu );
    //this one has no real context with regard to the menu
    //actionCollection()->action("playlist_copy")->plug( playlistMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("queue_selected")->plug( playlistMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("playlist_remove_duplicates")->plug( playlistMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("playlist_select_all")->plug( playlistMenu );
    //END Playlist menu

    //BEGIN Mode menu
    KPopupMenu *modeMenu = new KPopupMenu( m_menubar );
    actionCollection()->action("repeat")->plug( modeMenu );
    KSelectAction *random = static_cast<KSelectAction*>( actionCollection()->action("random_mode") );
    random->plug( modeMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("favor_tracks")->plug( random->popupMenu() );
    //END Mode menu

    //BEGIN Tools menu
    m_toolsMenu = new KPopupMenu( m_menubar );
    m_toolsMenu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "covermanager" ), i18n("&Cover Manager"), amaroK::Menu::ID_SHOW_COVER_MANAGER );
    actionCollection()->action("queue_manager")->plug( m_toolsMenu );
    m_toolsMenu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "visualizations"), i18n("&Visualizations"), amaroK::Menu::ID_SHOW_VIS_SELECTOR );
    m_toolsMenu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "equalizer"), i18n("&Equalizer"), kapp, SLOT( slotConfigEqualizer() ), 0, amaroK::Menu::ID_CONFIGURE_EQUALIZER );
    actionCollection()->action("script_manager")->plug( m_toolsMenu );
    actionCollection()->action("statistics")->plug( m_toolsMenu );
    m_toolsMenu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "wizard"), i18n("&First-Run Wizard"), amaroK::Menu::ID_SHOW_WIZARD );
    m_toolsMenu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( amaroK::icon( "rescan" ) ), i18n("&Rescan Collection"), amaroK::Menu::ID_RESCAN_COLLECTION );

    #if defined HAVE_XMMS || defined HAVE_LIBVISUAL
    m_toolsMenu->setItemEnabled( amaroK::Menu::ID_SHOW_VIS_SELECTOR, true );
    m_toolsMenu->setItemEnabled( amaroK::Menu::ID_SHOW_VIS_SELECTOR, false );

    connect( m_toolsMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), SLOT( toolsMenuAboutToShow() ) );
    connect( m_toolsMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( slotMenuActivated(int) ) );
    //END Tools menu

    //BEGIN Settings menu
    m_settingsMenu = new KPopupMenu( m_menubar );
    //TODO use KStdAction or KMainWindow
    static_cast<KToggleAction *>(actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::name(KStdAction::ShowMenubar)))->setChecked( AmarokConfig::showMenuBar() );
    actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::name(KStdAction::ShowMenubar))->plug( m_settingsMenu );
    m_settingsMenu->insertItem( AmarokConfig::showToolbar() ? i18n( "Hide Toolbar" ) : i18n("Show Toolbar"), ID_SHOW_TOOLBAR );
    m_settingsMenu->insertItem( AmarokConfig::showPlayerWindow() ? i18n("Hide Player &Window") : i18n("Show Player &Window"), ID_SHOW_PLAYERWINDOW );
    actionCollection()->action("options_configure_globals")->plug( m_settingsMenu );
    actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::name(KStdAction::KeyBindings))->plug( m_settingsMenu );
    actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::name(KStdAction::ConfigureToolbars))->plug( m_settingsMenu );
    actionCollection()->action(KStdAction::name(KStdAction::Preferences))->plug( m_settingsMenu );

    connect( m_settingsMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( slotMenuActivated(int) ) );
    //END Settings menu

    m_menubar->insertItem( i18n( "&Actions" ), actionsMenu );
    m_menubar->insertItem( i18n( "&Playlist" ), playlistMenu );
    m_menubar->insertItem( i18n( "&Mode" ), modeMenu );
    m_menubar->insertItem( i18n( "&Tools" ), m_toolsMenu );
    m_menubar->insertItem( i18n( "&Settings" ), m_settingsMenu );
    m_menubar->insertItem( i18n( "&Help" ), amaroK::Menu::helpMenu() );

    QBoxLayout *layV = new QVBoxLayout( this );
    layV->addWidget( m_menubar );
    layV->addWidget( m_browsers, 1 );
    layV->addWidget( m_toolbar );
    layV->addSpacing( 2 );
    layV->addWidget( statusbar );

    //The volume slider later becomes our FocusProxy, so all wheelEvents get redirected to it
    m_toolbar->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::WheelFocus );
    m_toolbar->setFlat( true );
    m_toolbar->setMovingEnabled( false );
    playlist->setMargin( 2 );
    playlist->installEventFilter( this ); //we intercept keyEvents

        QString xmlFile = amaroK::config()->readEntry( "XMLFile", "amarokui.rc" );

        if ( xmlFile == "amarokui_first.rc" )
            // this bug can bite you if you are a pre 1.2 user, we
            // deleted amarokui_first.rc, but we must still support it
            xmlFile = "amarokui.rc";

        setXMLFile( xmlFile );
        createGUI(); //NOTE we implement this

        Debug::Block block( "Creating browsers. Please report long start times!" );

        #define addBrowserMacro( Type, name, text, icon ) { \
            Debug::Block block( name ); \
            m_browsers->addBrowser( new Type( name ), text, icon ); }

        #define addInstBrowserMacro( Type, name, text, icon ) { \
            Debug::Block block( name ); \
            m_browsers->addBrowser( Type::instance(), text, icon ); }

        addBrowserMacro( ContextBrowser, "ContextBrowser", i18n( "Context" ), amaroK::icon( "info" ) )
        addBrowserMacro( CollectionBrowser, "CollectionBrowser", i18n( "Collection" ), amaroK::icon( "collection" ) )
        addInstBrowserMacro( PlaylistBrowser, "PlaylistBrowser", i18n( "Playlists" ), amaroK::icon( "playlist" ) )

        //DEBUG: Comment out the addBrowserMacro line and uncomment the m_browsers line (passing in a vfat device name) to see the "virtual root" functionality

        addBrowserMacro( FileBrowser, "FileBrowser", i18n( "Files" ), "folder" )
        //m_browsers->addBrowser( new FileBrowser( "FileBrowser", DeviceManager::instance()->getDevice( "hda5" ) ), i18n( "Files" ), "folder" );

        new MediaBrowser( "MediaBrowser" );
        if( MediaBrowser::isAvailable() )
            addInstBrowserMacro( MediaBrowser, "MediaBrowser", i18n( "Media Device" ), amaroK::icon( "device" ) )
        #undef addBrowserMacro
        #undef addInstBrowserMacro

    connect( Playlist::instance()->qscrollview(), SIGNAL( dynamicModeChanged( const DynamicMode* ) ),
             PlaylistBrowser::instance(), SLOT( loadDynamicItems() ) );

    qApp->installEventFilter( this ); // keyboards shortcuts for the browsers

    connect( playlist, SIGNAL( itemCountChanged(     int, int, int, int, int, int ) ),
             statusbar,  SLOT( slotItemCountChanged( int, int, int, int, int, int ) ) );
    connect( playlist, SIGNAL( queueChanged( const PLItemList &, const PLItemList & ) ),
             statusbar,  SLOT( updateQueueLabel() ) );
    connect( playlist, SIGNAL( aboutToClear() ), m_lineEdit, SLOT( clear() ) );
Esempio n. 6
PlaylistBrowserNS::DynamicCategory::DynamicCategory( QWidget* parent )
    : BrowserCategory( "dynamic category", parent )
    setPrettyName( i18n( "Dynamic Playlists" ) );
    setShortDescription( i18n( "Dynamically updating parameter based playlists" ) );
    setIcon( KIcon( "dynamic-amarok" ) );

    setLongDescription( i18n( "With a dynamic playlist, Amarok becomes your own personal dj, automatically selecting tracks for you, based on a number of parameters that you select." ) );

    setImagePath( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "amarok/images/hover_info_dynamic_playlists.png" ) );

    // set background
    if( AmarokConfig::showBrowserBackgroundImage() )
        setBackgroundImage( imagePath() );

    bool enabled = AmarokConfig::dynamicMode();

    setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    KHBox* controls2Layout = new KHBox( this );

    QLabel *label;
    label = new QLabel( i18n( "Previous:" ), controls2Layout );
    label->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter );

    m_previous = new QSpinBox( controls2Layout );
    m_previous->setMinimum( 0 );
    m_previous->setToolTip( i18n( "Number of previous tracks to remain in the playlist." ) );
    m_previous->setValue( AmarokConfig::previousTracks() );
    QObject::connect( m_previous, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setPreviousTracks(int)) );

    label = new QLabel( i18n( "Upcoming:" ), controls2Layout );
    // label->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding );
    label->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter );

    m_upcoming = new QSpinBox( controls2Layout );
    m_upcoming->setMinimum( 1 );
    m_upcoming->setToolTip( i18n( "Number of upcoming tracks to add to the playlist." ) );
    m_upcoming->setValue( AmarokConfig::upcomingTracks() );
    QObject::connect( m_upcoming, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setUpcomingTracks(int)) );

    QObject::connect( (const QObject*)Amarok::actionCollection()->action( "playlist_clear" ),  SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),  this, SLOT(playlistCleared()) );
    QObject::connect( (const QObject*)Amarok::actionCollection()->action( "disable_dynamic" ),  SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),  this, SLOT(playlistCleared()), Qt::DirectConnection );

    // -- the tool bar

    KHBox* presetLayout = new KHBox( this );
    KToolBar* presetToolbar = new KToolBar( presetLayout );
    presetToolbar->setIconSize( QSize( 22, 22 ) );

    presetToolbar->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly );
    presetToolbar->setMovable( false );
    presetToolbar->setFloatable( false );
    presetToolbar->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred );

    m_onOffButton = new QToolButton( presetToolbar );
    m_onOffButton->setText( i18nc( "Turn dynamic mode on", "On") );
    m_onOffButton->setCheckable( true );
    m_onOffButton->setIcon( KIcon( "dynamic-amarok" ) );
    m_onOffButton->setToolTip( i18n( "Turn dynamic mode on." ) );
    presetToolbar->addWidget( m_onOffButton );

    m_duplicateButton = new QToolButton( presetToolbar );
    m_duplicateButton->setText( i18n("Duplicates") );
    m_duplicateButton->setCheckable( true );
    m_duplicateButton->setChecked( allowDuplicates() );
    m_duplicateButton->setIcon( KIcon( "edit-copy" ) );
    m_duplicateButton->setToolTip( i18n( "Allow duplicate songs in result" ) );
    presetToolbar->addWidget( m_duplicateButton );

    m_addButton = new QToolButton( presetToolbar );
    m_addButton->setText( i18n("New") );
    m_addButton->setIcon( KIcon( "document-new" ) );
    m_addButton->setToolTip( i18n( "New playlist" ) );
    presetToolbar->addWidget( m_addButton );

    m_editButton = new QToolButton( presetToolbar );
    m_editButton->setText( i18n("Edit") );
    m_editButton->setIcon( KIcon( "document-properties-amarok" ) );
    m_editButton->setToolTip( i18n( "Edit the selected playlist or bias" ) );
    presetToolbar->addWidget( m_editButton );

    m_deleteButton = new QToolButton( presetToolbar );
    m_deleteButton->setText( i18n("Delete") );
    m_deleteButton->setEnabled( false );
    m_deleteButton->setIcon( KIcon( "edit-delete" ) );
    m_deleteButton->setToolTip( i18n( "Delete the selected playlist or bias") );
    presetToolbar->addWidget( m_deleteButton );

    m_repopulateButton = new QPushButton( presetLayout );
    m_repopulateButton->setText( i18n("Repopulate") );
    m_repopulateButton->setToolTip( i18n("Replace the upcoming tracks with fresh ones.") );
    m_repopulateButton->setIcon( KIcon( "view-refresh-amarok" ) );
    m_repopulateButton->setEnabled( enabled );
    // m_repopulateButton->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred ) );
    QObject::connect( m_repopulateButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), The::playlistActions(), SLOT(repopulateDynamicPlaylist()) );

    // -- the tree view

    m_tree = new DynamicView( this );
    connect( m_tree->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)),
             this, SLOT(selectionChanged()) );

    connect( m_onOffButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), The::playlistActions(), SLOT(enableDynamicMode(bool)) );
    connect( m_duplicateButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setAllowDuplicates(bool)) );

    connect( m_addButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), m_tree, SLOT(addPlaylist()) );
    connect( m_editButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), m_tree, SLOT(editSelected()) );
    connect( m_deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), m_tree, SLOT(removeSelected()) );


    connect( The::playlistActions(), SIGNAL(navigatorChanged()),
             this, SLOT(navigatorChanged()) );