bool HTMLFrameElementBase::isURLAllowed(const AtomicString& URLString) const { if (URLString.isEmpty()) return true; KURL completeURL(document()->completeURL(URLString.deprecatedString())); completeURL.setRef(DeprecatedString::null); // Don't allow more than 200 total frames in a set. This seems // like a reasonable upper bound, and otherwise mutually recursive // frameset pages can quickly bring the program to its knees with // exponential growth in the number of frames. // FIXME: This limit could be higher, but WebKit has some // algorithms that happen while loading which appear to be N^2 or // worse in the number of frames if (Frame* parentFrame = document()->frame()) if (parentFrame->page()->frameCount() > 200) return false; // We allow one level of self-reference because some sites depend on that. // But we don't allow more than one. bool foundSelfReference = false; for (Frame* frame = document()->frame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->parent()) { KURL frameURL = frame->loader()->url(); frameURL.setRef(DeprecatedString::null); if (frameURL == completeURL) { if (foundSelfReference) return false; foundSelfReference = true; } } return true; }
bool HTMLElementImpl::isURLAllowed(const QString& url) const { KHTMLView *w = getDocument()->view(); KURL newURL(getDocument()->completeURL(url)); newURL.setRef(QString::null); // Prohibit non-file URLs if we are asked to. if (!w || w->part()->onlyLocalReferences() && newURL.protocol() != "file") return false; // do we allow this suburl ? if ( !kapp || !kapp->kapp->authorizeURLAction("redirect", w->part()->url(), newURL) ) return false; // We allow one level of self-reference because some sites depend on that. // But we don't allow more than one. bool foundSelfReference = false; for (KHTMLPart *part = w->part(); part; part = part->parentPart()) { KURL partURL = part->url(); partURL.setRef(QString::null); if (partURL == newURL) { if (foundSelfReference) return false; foundSelfReference = true; } } return true; }
void JSLocation::setHash(ExecState* exec, JSValue value) { Frame* frame = impl()->frame(); ASSERT(frame); KURL url = frame->loader()->url(); String oldRef = url.ref(); String str = value.toString(exec); if (str.startsWith("#")) str = str.substring(1); if (oldRef == str || (oldRef.isNull() && str.isEmpty())) return; url.setRef(str); navigateIfAllowed(exec, frame, url, !frame->script()->anyPageIsProcessingUserGesture(), false); }
static bool isURLAllowed(Document *doc, const String &url) { KURL newURL(doc->completeURL(url.deprecatedString())); newURL.setRef(DeprecatedString::null); if (doc->frame()->page()->frameCount() >= 200) return false; // We allow one level of self-reference because some sites depend on that. // But we don't allow more than one. bool foundSelfReference = false; for (Frame *frame = doc->frame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->parent()) { KURL frameURL = frame->url(); frameURL.setRef(DeprecatedString::null); if (frameURL == newURL) { if (foundSelfReference) return false; foundSelfReference = true; } } return true; }
void ResourceHandleManager::initializeHandle(ResourceHandle* job) { KURL kurl = job->request().url(); // Remove any fragment part, otherwise curl will send it as part of the request. kurl.setRef(""); ResourceHandleInternal* d = job->getInternal(); String url = kurl.string(); if (kurl.isLocalFile()) { String query = kurl.query(); // Remove any query part sent to a local file. if (!query.isEmpty()) url = url.left(url.find(query)); // Determine the MIME type based on the path. d->m_response.setMimeType(MIMETypeRegistry::getMIMETypeForPath(url)); } d->m_handle = curl_easy_init(); #ifndef NDEBUG if (getenv("DEBUG_CURL")) curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); #endif curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_PRIVATE, job); curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, m_curlErrorBuffer); curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, writeCallback); curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, job); curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, headerCallback); curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, job); curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1); curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10); curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY); curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_SHARE, m_curlShareHandle); curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT, 60 * 5); // 5 minutes // FIXME: Enable SSL verification when we have a way of shipping certs // and/or reporting SSL errors to the user. if (ignoreSSLErrors) curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // enable gzip and deflate through Accept-Encoding: curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); // url must remain valid through the request ASSERT(!d->m_url); // url is in ASCII so latin1() will only convert it to char* without character translation. d->m_url = strdup(url.latin1().data()); curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_URL, d->m_url); if (m_cookieJarFileName) { curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, m_cookieJarFileName); curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, m_cookieJarFileName); } struct curl_slist* headers = 0; if (job->request().httpHeaderFields().size() > 0) { HTTPHeaderMap customHeaders = job->request().httpHeaderFields(); HTTPHeaderMap::const_iterator end = customHeaders.end(); for (HTTPHeaderMap::const_iterator it = customHeaders.begin(); it != end; ++it) { String key = it->first; String value = it->second; String headerString(key); headerString.append(": "); headerString.append(value); CString headerLatin1 = headerString.latin1(); headers = curl_slist_append(headers,; } } if ("GET" == job->request().httpMethod()) curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, TRUE); else if ("POST" == job->request().httpMethod()) setupPOST(job, &headers); else if ("PUT" == job->request().httpMethod()) setupPUT(job, &headers); else if ("HEAD" == job->request().httpMethod()) curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, TRUE); if (headers) { curl_easy_setopt(d->m_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers); d->m_customHeaders = headers; } }
void tdeio_isoProtocol::listDir( const KURL & url ) { kdDebug() << "tdeio_isoProtocol::listDir " << url.url() << endl; TQString path; if ( !checkNewFile( url.path(), path, url.hasRef() ? url.htmlRef().toInt() : -1 ) ) { TQCString _path( TQFile::encodeName(url.path())); kdDebug() << "Checking (stat) on " << _path << endl; struct stat buff; if ( ::stat(, &buff ) == -1 || !S_ISDIR( buff.st_mode ) ) { error( TDEIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, url.path() ); return; } // It's a real dir -> redirect KURL redir; redir.setPath( url.path() ); if (url.hasRef()) redir.setRef(url.htmlRef()); kdDebug() << "Ok, redirection to " << redir.url() << endl; redirection( redir ); finished(); // And let go of the iso file - for people who want to unmount a cdrom after that delete m_isoFile; m_isoFile = 0L; return; } if ( path.isEmpty() ) { KURL redir( TQString::fromLatin1( "iso:/") ); kdDebug() << "url.path()==" << url.path() << endl; if (url.hasRef()) redir.setRef(url.htmlRef()); redir.setPath( url.path() + TQString::fromLatin1("/") ); kdDebug() << "tdeio_isoProtocol::listDir: redirection " << redir.url() << endl; redirection( redir ); finished(); return; } kdDebug() << "checkNewFile done" << endl; const KArchiveDirectory* root = m_isoFile->directory(); const KArchiveDirectory* dir; if (!path.isEmpty() && path != "/") { kdDebug() << TQString(TQString("Looking for entry %1").arg(path)) << endl; const KArchiveEntry* e = root->entry( path ); if ( !e ) { error( TDEIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, path ); return; } if ( ! e->isDirectory() ) { error( TDEIO::ERR_IS_FILE, path ); return; } dir = (KArchiveDirectory*)e; } else { dir = root; } TQStringList l = dir->entries(); totalSize( l.count() ); UDSEntry entry; TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); for( ; it != l.end(); ++it ) { kdDebug() << (*it) << endl; const KArchiveEntry* isoEntry = dir->entry( (*it) ); createUDSEntry( isoEntry, entry ); listEntry( entry, false ); } listEntry( entry, true ); // ready finished(); kdDebug() << "tdeio_isoProtocol::listDir done" << endl; }