Esempio n. 1
void KVINDRAReconEvent::ChangeFragmentMasses(UChar_t mass_formula)
   //Changes the mass formula used to calculate A from Z for all nuclei in event
   //For the values of mass_formula, see KVNucleus::GetAFromZ
   //The fragment energy is modified in proportion to its mass, this is due to the
   //contribution from the CsI light-energy calibration:
   //    E -> E + E_CsI*( newA/oldA - 1 )
   //From an original lunch by Remi Bougault.
   //Only particles with 'acceptable' ID & E codes stopping in (or passing through)
   //a CsI detector are affected; particles whose mass was measured
   //(i.e. having KVReconstructedNucleus::IsAMeasured()==kTRUE)
	//are not affected by the change of mass formula.

   KVINDRAReconNuc* frag;
   while( (frag = (KVINDRAReconNuc*)GetNextParticle("ok")) ){

      if( !frag->IsAMeasured() ){

         Float_t oldA = (Float_t)frag->GetA();

         if( frag->GetCsI() ){
            Float_t oldECsI = frag->GetEnergyCsI();
            Float_t oldE = frag->GetEnergy();
            Float_t newECsI = oldECsI*((Float_t)frag->GetA()/oldA);
            frag->SetEnergy(oldE - oldECsI + newECsI);

void KVINDRAReconEvent::IdentifyEvent()
   // Performs event identification (see KVReconstructedEvent::IdentifyEvent), and then
   // particles stopping in first member of a telescope (GetStatus() == KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusStopFirstStage) are
   // labelled with VEDA ID code kIDCode5 (Zmin)
   //   When CsI identification gives a gamma, we unset the 'analysed' state of all detectors
   // in front of the CsI and reanalyse the group in order to reconstruct and identify charged particles
   // stopping in them.
   // Unidentified particles receive the general ID code for non-identified particles (kIDCode14)

   KVINDRAReconNuc* d = 0;
   int mult = GetMult();
   KVUniqueNameList gammaGroups;//list of groups with gammas identified in CsI

   while ((d = GetNextParticle())) {
      if (d->IsIdentified() && d->GetStatus() == KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusStopFirstStage) {
         d->SetIDCode(kIDCode5);   // Zmin
      } else if (d->IsIdentified() && d->GetCodes().TestIDCode(kIDCode0)) {
         // gamma identified in CsI
         // reset analysed state of all detectors in front of CsI
         if (d->GetCsI()) {
            if (d->GetCsI()->GetAlignedDetectors()) {
               TIter next(d->GetCsI()->GetAlignedDetectors());
               KVDetector* det = (KVDetector*)next(); //first detector = CsI
               while ((det = (KVDetector*)next())) det->SetAnalysed(kFALSE);
            } else {
               Error("IdentifyEvent", "particule id gamma, no aligned detectors???");
         } else {
            Error("IdentifyEvent", "particule identified as gamma, has no CsI!!");

   // perform secondary reconstruction in groups with detected gammas
   int ngamG = gammaGroups.GetEntries();
   if (ngamG) {
      for (int i = 0; i < ngamG; i++) {
         gIndra->AnalyseGroupAndReconstructEvent(this, (KVGroup*)gammaGroups.At(i));
   if (GetMult() > mult) {
      /*Info("IdentifyEvent", "Event#%d: Secondary reconstruction (gammas) -> %d new particles",
         GetNumber(), GetMult()-mult);*/

      // identify new particles generated in secondary reconstruction

      while ((d = GetNextParticle())) {
         if (d->IsIdentified() && d->GetStatus() == KVReconstructedNucleus::kStatusStopFirstStage) {
            d->SetIDCode(kIDCode5);   // Zmin
         } else if (!d->IsIdentified()) {
      for(int i=mult+1; i<=GetMult(); i++){
         d = GetParticle(i);
            printf("\t%2d: Ring %2d Module %2d Z=%2d  A=%3d  code=%d\n",i,d->GetRingNumber(),
            printf("\t%2d: Ring %2d Module %2d UNIDENTIFIED status=%d\n", i,d->GetRingNumber(),
                  d->GetModuleNumber(), d->GetStatus());