Esempio n. 1
void FileWeaponInfo_t::Parse( KeyValues *pKeyValuesData, const char *szWeaponName )
	// Okay, we tried at least once to look this up...
	bParsedScript = true;

	// Classname
	Q_strncpy( szClassName, szWeaponName, MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	// Printable name
	Q_strncpy( szPrintName, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "printname", WEAPON_PRINTNAME_MISSING ), MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	// View model & world model
	Q_strncpy( szViewModel, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "viewmodel" ), MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	Q_strncpy( szWorldModel, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "playermodel" ), MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	Q_strncpy( szAnimationPrefix, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "anim_prefix" ), MAX_WEAPON_PREFIX );
	Q_strncpy( szWeaponType, pKeyValuesData->GetString("weapon_type"), MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	iSlot = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "bucket", 0 );
	iPosition = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "bucket_position", 0 );
	// Use the console (X360) buckets if hud_fastswitch is set to 2.
	if ( hud_fastswitch.GetInt() == 2 )
	if ( IsX360() )
		iSlot = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "bucket_360", iSlot );
		iPosition = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "bucket_position_360", iPosition );
	iMaxClip1 = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "clip_size", WEAPON_NOCLIP );					// Max primary clips gun can hold (assume they don't use clips by default)
	iMaxClip2 = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "clip2_size", WEAPON_NOCLIP );					// Max secondary clips gun can hold (assume they don't use clips by default)
	iDefaultClip1 = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "default_clip", iMaxClip1 );		// amount of primary ammo placed in the primary clip when it's picked up
	iDefaultClip2 = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "default_clip2", iMaxClip2 );		// amount of secondary ammo placed in the secondary clip when it's picked up
	iWeight = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "weight", 0 );

	iRumbleEffect = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "rumble", -1 );
	// LAME old way to specify item flags.
	// Weapon scripts should use the flag names.
	iFlags = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "item_flags", ITEM_FLAG_LIMITINWORLD );

	for ( int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_ItemFlags ); i++ )
		int iVal = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( g_ItemFlags[i].m_pFlagName, -1 );
		if ( iVal == 0 )
			iFlags &= ~g_ItemFlags[i].m_iFlagValue;
		else if ( iVal == 1 )
			iFlags |= g_ItemFlags[i].m_iFlagValue;

	bShowUsageHint = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "showusagehint", 0 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	bAutoSwitchTo = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "autoswitchto", 1 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	bAutoSwitchFrom = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "autoswitchfrom", 1 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	m_bBuiltRightHanded = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "BuiltRightHanded", 1 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	m_bAllowFlipping = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "AllowFlipping", 1 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	m_bMeleeWeapon = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "MeleeWeapon", 0 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	m_bUseMagStyleReloads = (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("MagazineStyledReloads", 0) != 0) ? true : false;
	m_bUseMuzzleSmoke = (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("UseMuzzleSmoke", 0) != 0) ? true : false;
	m_bUseIronsight = (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("useironsights", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
	m_bLowerWeapon = (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("LowerWeapon", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
	m_bUseIronsightCrosshair = (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("useironsightcrosshair", 1) != 0) ? true : false;

#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(HL2_CLIENT_DLL)
	// make sure two weapons aren't in the same slot & position
	if ( iSlot >= MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS ||
		Warning( "Invalid weapon slot or position [slot %d/%d max], pos[%d/%d max]\n",
			iSlot, MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS - 1, iPosition, MAX_WEAPON_POSITIONS - 1 );
		if (g_bUsedWeaponSlots[iSlot][iPosition])
			Warning( "Duplicately assigned weapon slots in selection hud:  %s (%d, %d)\n", szPrintName, iSlot, iPosition );
		g_bUsedWeaponSlots[iSlot][iPosition] = true;

	// Primary ammo used 
	cAmmoType = pKeyValuesData->GetString("primary_ammo", "None");
	if (strcmp("None", cAmmoType) == 0)
		Q_strncpy( szAmmo1, "", sizeof( szAmmo1 ) );
		Q_strncpy(szAmmo1, cAmmoType, sizeof(szAmmo1));
	iAmmoType = GetAmmoDef()->Index( szAmmo1 );
	// Secondary ammo used
	cAmmo2Type = pKeyValuesData->GetString("secondary_ammo", "None");
	if (strcmp("None", cAmmo2Type) == 0)
		Q_strncpy( szAmmo2, "", sizeof( szAmmo2 ) );
		Q_strncpy(szAmmo2, cAmmo2Type, sizeof(szAmmo2));
	iAmmo2Type = GetAmmoDef()->Index( szAmmo2 );

	KeyValues *pSights = pKeyValuesData->FindKey("IronSight");
	if (pSights)
		vecIronsightPosOffset.x = pSights->GetFloat("forward", 0.0f);
		vecIronsightPosOffset.y = pSights->GetFloat("right", 0.0f);
		vecIronsightPosOffset.z = pSights->GetFloat("up", 0.0f);

		angIronsightAngOffset[PITCH] = pSights->GetFloat("pitch", 0.0f);
		angIronsightAngOffset[YAW] = pSights->GetFloat("yaw", 0.0f);
		angIronsightAngOffset[ROLL] = pSights->GetFloat("roll", 0.0f);

		flIronsightFOVOffset = pSights->GetFloat("fov", 0.0f);
		//m_bUseIronsight = false;
		vecIronsightPosOffset = vec3_origin;

	KeyValues *pAdjust = pKeyValuesData->FindKey("Adjust");
	if (pAdjust)
		vecAdjustPosOffset.x = pAdjust->GetFloat("forward", 0.0f);
		vecAdjustPosOffset.y = pAdjust->GetFloat("right", 0.0f);
		vecAdjustPosOffset.z = pAdjust->GetFloat("up", 0.0f);

		angAdjustAngOffset[PITCH] = pAdjust->GetFloat("pitch", 0.0f);
		angAdjustAngOffset[YAW] = pAdjust->GetFloat("yaw", 0.0f);
		angAdjustAngOffset[ROLL] = pAdjust->GetFloat("roll", 0.0f);
		vecAdjustPosOffset = vec3_origin;

	KeyValues *pWeaponSpec = pKeyValuesData->FindKey("WeaponSpec");
	if (pWeaponSpec)
		KeyValues *pWeaponOptions = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("WeaponOptions");
		if (pWeaponOptions)
			m_sWeaponOptions = true;
			m_sCanReloadSingly = (pWeaponOptions->GetInt("CanReloadSingly", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sDualWeapons = (pWeaponOptions->GetInt("DualWeapons", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sCustomMelee = (pWeaponOptions->GetInt("IsMelee", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sCustomMeleeSecondary = (pWeaponOptions->GetInt("SecondaryCanMelee", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sWeaponOptions = false;

		KeyValues *pPrimaryFire = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("PrimaryFire");
		if (pPrimaryFire)
			m_sHasPrimaryFire = true;
			m_sPrimaryFireRate = pPrimaryFire->GetFloat("FireRate", 1.0f);
			m_sPrimaryIronsightFireRate = pPrimaryFire->GetFloat("IronsightFireRate", m_sPrimaryFireRate);
			m_sPrimaryZoomFireRate = pPrimaryFire->GetFloat("ZoomFireRate", m_sPrimaryFireRate);
			m_sPrimaryInfiniteAmmoEnabled = (pPrimaryFire->GetInt("InfiniteAmmo", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sPrimaryMinRange = pPrimaryFire->GetInt("MinRange", 0);
			m_sPrimaryMinRange = pPrimaryFire->GetInt("MaxRange", 0);
			m_sCanPrimaryFireUnderwater = (pPrimaryFire->GetInt("CanFireUnderwater", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sFireBothOnPrimary = (pWeaponOptions->GetInt("FireBothGuns", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			KeyValues *pBullet1 = pPrimaryFire->FindKey("Bullet");
			if (pBullet1)
				m_sPrimaryBulletEnabled = true;
				m_sPrimaryDamage = pBullet1->GetFloat("Damage", 0);
				m_sPrimaryShotCount = pBullet1->GetInt("ShotCount", 0);

				KeyValues *pSpread1 = pBullet1->FindKey("Spread");
				if (pSpread1)
					m_vPrimarySpread.x = sin((pSpread1->GetFloat("x", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimarySpread.y = sin((pSpread1->GetFloat("y", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimarySpread.z = sin((pSpread1->GetFloat("z", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimarySpread.x = 0.0f;
					m_vPrimarySpread.y = 0.0f;
					m_vPrimarySpread.z = 0.0f;

				KeyValues *pIronsightSpread1 = pBullet1->FindKey("IronsightSpread");
				if (pIronsightSpread1)
					m_vPrimaryIronsightSpread.x = sin((pIronsightSpread1->GetFloat("x", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimaryIronsightSpread.y = sin((pIronsightSpread1->GetFloat("y", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimaryIronsightSpread.z = sin((pIronsightSpread1->GetFloat("z", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimaryIronsightSpread.x = m_vPrimarySpread.x;
					m_vPrimaryIronsightSpread.y = m_vPrimarySpread.y;
					m_vPrimaryIronsightSpread.z = m_vPrimarySpread.z;

				KeyValues *pZoomSpread1 = pBullet1->FindKey("ZoomSpread");
				if (pZoomSpread1)
					m_vPrimaryZoomSpread.x = sin((pZoomSpread1->GetFloat("x", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimaryZoomSpread.y = sin((pZoomSpread1->GetFloat("y", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimaryZoomSpread.z = sin((pZoomSpread1->GetFloat("z", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimaryZoomSpread.x = m_vPrimarySpread.x;
					m_vPrimaryZoomSpread.y = m_vPrimarySpread.y;
					m_vPrimaryZoomSpread.z = m_vPrimarySpread.z;
				m_sPrimaryDamage = 0.0f;
				m_sPrimaryShotCount = 0;
				m_sPrimaryBulletEnabled = false;

			KeyValues *pMissle1 = pPrimaryFire->FindKey("Missle");
			if (pMissle1) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sPrimaryMissleEnabled = true;
				m_sPrimaryHasRecoilRPGMissle = (pMissle1->GetInt("UseRecoil", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
				m_sPrimaryMissleEnabled = false;

			KeyValues *pSMGGrenade1 = pPrimaryFire->FindKey("SMGGrenade");
			if (pSMGGrenade1) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sPrimarySMGGrenadeEnabled = true;
				m_sSMGGrenadePrimaryDamage = pSMGGrenade1->GetFloat("Damage", 0);
				m_sPrimaryHasRecoilSMGGrenade = (pSMGGrenade1->GetInt("UseRecoil", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
				m_sPrimarySMGGrenadeEnabled = false;
				m_sSMGGrenadePrimaryDamage = 0.0;

			KeyValues *pAR2EnergyBall1 = pPrimaryFire->FindKey("AR2EnergyBall");
			if (pAR2EnergyBall1) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sPrimaryAR2EnergyBallEnabled = true;
				m_sPrimaryCombineBallRadius = pAR2EnergyBall1->GetFloat("Radius", 0);
				m_sPrimaryCombineBallMass = pAR2EnergyBall1->GetFloat("Mass", 0);
				m_sPrimaryCombineBallDuration = pAR2EnergyBall1->GetFloat("Duration", 0);
				m_sPrimaryAR2EnergyBallEnabled = false;
				m_sPrimaryCombineBallRadius = 0.0;
				m_sPrimaryCombineBallMass = 0.0;
				m_sPrimaryCombineBallDuration = 0.0;

			KeyValues *pRecoil1 = pPrimaryFire->FindKey("Recoil");
			if (pRecoil1) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sPrimaryRecoilEasyDampen = pRecoil1->GetFloat("EasyDampen", 0);
				m_sPrimaryRecoilDegrees = pRecoil1->GetFloat("Degrees", 0);
				m_sPrimaryRecoilSeconds = pRecoil1->GetFloat("Seconds", 0);
				m_sPrimaryRecoilEasyDampen = 0.0;
				m_sPrimaryRecoilDegrees = 0.0;
				m_sPrimaryRecoilSeconds = 0.0;
			m_sHasPrimaryFire = false;

		KeyValues *pSecondaryFire = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("SecondaryFire");
		if (pSecondaryFire)
			m_sHasSecondaryFire = true;
			m_sSecondaryFireRate = pSecondaryFire->GetFloat("FireRate", 1.0f);
			m_sSecondaryIronsightFireRate = pSecondaryFire->GetFloat("IronsightFireRate", m_sSecondaryFireRate);
			m_sSecondaryZoomFireRate = pSecondaryFire->GetFloat("ZoomFireRate", m_sSecondaryFireRate);
			m_sUsePrimaryAmmo = (pSecondaryFire->GetInt("UsePrimaryAmmo", 0) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sSecondaryInfiniteAmmoEnabled = (pSecondaryFire->GetInt("InfiniteAmmo", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sSecondaryMinRange = pSecondaryFire->GetInt("MinRange", 0);
			m_sSecondaryMinRange = pSecondaryFire->GetInt("MaxRange", 0);
			m_sCanSecondaryFireUnderwater = (pSecondaryFire->GetInt("CanFireUnderwater", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sFireBothOnSecondary = (pWeaponOptions->GetInt("FireBothGuns", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			KeyValues *pBullet2 = pSecondaryFire->FindKey("Bullet");
			if (pBullet2)
				m_sSecondaryBulletEnabled = true;
				m_sSecondaryDamage = pBullet2->GetFloat("Damage", 0);
				m_sSecondaryShotCount = pBullet2->GetInt("ShotCount", 0);

				KeyValues *pSpread2 = pBullet2->FindKey("Spread");
				if (pSpread2)
					m_vSecondarySpread.x = sin(pSpread2->GetFloat("x", 0.0f) / 2.0f);
					m_vSecondarySpread.y = sin(pSpread2->GetFloat("y", 0.0f) / 2.0f);
					m_vSecondarySpread.z = sin(pSpread2->GetFloat("z", 0.0f) / 2.0f);
					m_vSecondarySpread.x = 0.0f;
					m_vSecondarySpread.y = 0.0f;
					m_vSecondarySpread.z = 0.0f;

				KeyValues *pIronsightSpread2 = pBullet2->FindKey("IronsightSpread");
				if (pIronsightSpread2)
					m_vSecondaryIronsightSpread.x = sin((pIronsightSpread2->GetFloat("x", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vSecondaryIronsightSpread.y = sin((pIronsightSpread2->GetFloat("y", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vSecondaryIronsightSpread.z = sin((pIronsightSpread2->GetFloat("z", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vSecondaryIronsightSpread.x = m_vSecondarySpread.x;
					m_vSecondaryIronsightSpread.y = m_vSecondarySpread.y;
					m_vSecondaryIronsightSpread.z = m_vSecondarySpread.z;

				KeyValues *pZoomSpread2 = pBullet2->FindKey("ZoomSpread");
				if (pZoomSpread2)
					m_vSecondaryZoomSpread.x = sin((pZoomSpread2->GetFloat("x", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vSecondaryZoomSpread.y = sin((pZoomSpread2->GetFloat("y", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vSecondaryZoomSpread.z = sin((pZoomSpread2->GetFloat("z", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vSecondaryZoomSpread.x = m_vSecondarySpread.x;
					m_vSecondaryZoomSpread.y = m_vSecondarySpread.y;
					m_vSecondaryZoomSpread.z = m_vSecondarySpread.z;
				m_sSecondaryDamage = 0.0f;
				m_sSecondaryShotCount = 0;
				m_sSecondaryBulletEnabled = false;
			KeyValues *pMissle2 = pSecondaryFire->FindKey("Missle");
			if (pMissle2) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sSecondaryMissleEnabled = true;
				m_sSecondaryHasRecoilRPGMissle = (pMissle2->GetInt("UseRecoil", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
				m_sSecondaryMissleEnabled = false;

			KeyValues *pSMGGrenade2 = pSecondaryFire->FindKey("SMGGrenade");
			if (pSMGGrenade2) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sSecondarySMGGrenadeEnabled = true;
				m_sSMGGrenadeSecondaryDamage = pSMGGrenade2->GetFloat("Damage", 0);
				m_sSecondaryHasRecoilSMGGrenade = (pSMGGrenade2->GetInt("UseRecoil", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
				m_sSecondarySMGGrenadeEnabled = false;
				m_sSMGGrenadeSecondaryDamage = 0.0;

			KeyValues *pAR2EnergyBall2 = pSecondaryFire->FindKey("AR2EnergyBall");
			if (pAR2EnergyBall2) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sSecondaryAR2EnergyBallEnabled = true;
				m_sSecondaryCombineBallRadius = pAR2EnergyBall2->GetFloat("Radius", 0);
				m_sSecondaryCombineBallMass = pAR2EnergyBall2->GetFloat("Mass", 0);
				m_sSecondaryCombineBallDuration = pAR2EnergyBall2->GetFloat("Duration", 0);
				m_sSecondaryAR2EnergyBallEnabled = false;
				m_sSecondaryCombineBallRadius = 0.0;
				m_sSecondaryCombineBallMass = 0.0;
				m_sSecondaryCombineBallDuration = 0.0;

			KeyValues *pRecoil2 = pSecondaryFire->FindKey("Recoil");
			if (pRecoil2) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sSecondaryRecoilEasyDampen = pRecoil2->GetFloat("EasyDampen", 0);
				m_sSecondaryRecoilDegrees = pRecoil2->GetFloat("Degrees", 0);
				m_sSecondaryRecoilSeconds = pRecoil2->GetFloat("Seconds", 0);
				m_sSecondaryRecoilEasyDampen = 0.0;
				m_sSecondaryRecoilDegrees = 0.0;
				m_sSecondaryRecoilSeconds = 0.0;
			m_sHasSecondaryFire = false;

		KeyValues *pMeleeOptions = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Melee");
		if (pMeleeOptions)
			m_sHasMeleeOptions = true;
			m_sMeleeDamage = pMeleeOptions->GetFloat("Damage", 0);
			m_sMeleeRange = pMeleeOptions->GetFloat("Range", 0);

			KeyValues *pRecoilM = pMeleeOptions->FindKey("Kick");
			if (pRecoilM) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sMeleeKickEasyDampen = pRecoilM->GetFloat("EasyDampen", 0);
				m_sMeleeKickDegrees = pRecoilM->GetFloat("Degrees", 0);
				m_sMeleeKickSeconds = pRecoilM->GetFloat("Seconds", 0);
				m_sMeleeKickEasyDampen = 0.0;
				m_sMeleeKickDegrees = 0.0;
				m_sMeleeKickSeconds = 0.0;
			m_sHasMeleeOptions = false;

		KeyValues *pZoom = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Zoom");
		if (pZoom)
			m_sUsesZoom = true;
			m_sUseZoomOnPrimaryFire = (pZoom->GetInt("UseOnPrimaryFire", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sUsesZoomSound = (pZoom->GetInt("UsesSound", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sUsesZoomColor = (pZoom->GetInt("UsesColor", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			KeyValues *pZoomColor = pZoom->FindKey("ZoomColor");
				if (pZoomColor)
					m_sZoomColorRed = pZoomColor->GetInt("Red", 0);
					m_sZoomColorGreen = pZoomColor->GetInt("Green", 0);
					m_sZoomColorBlue = pZoomColor->GetInt("Blue", 0);
					m_sZoomColorAlpha = pZoomColor->GetInt("Alpha", 0);
			m_sUsesZoom = false;

		KeyValues *pCustomization = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Customization");
		if (pCustomization)
			m_sUsesCustomization = true;
			m_sWeaponSkin = pCustomization->GetInt("Skin", 0);
			KeyValues *pBodygroup1 = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Bodygroup1");
				if (pBodygroup1)
					m_sBodygroup1 = pBodygroup1->GetInt("Bodygroup", 0);
					m_sSubgroup1 = pBodygroup1->GetInt("Subgroup", 0);

			KeyValues *pBodygroup2 = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Bodygroup2");
				if (pBodygroup2)
					m_sBodygroup2 = pBodygroup2->GetInt("Bodygroup", 0);
					m_sSubgroup2 = pBodygroup2->GetInt("Subgroup", 0);

			KeyValues *pBodygroup3 = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Bodygroup3");
				if (pBodygroup3)
					m_sBodygroup3 = pBodygroup3->GetInt("Bodygroup", 0);
					m_sSubgroup3 = pBodygroup3->GetInt("Subgroup", 0);

			KeyValues *pBodygroup4 = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Bodygroup4");
				if (pBodygroup4)
					m_sBodygroup4 = pBodygroup4->GetInt("Bodygroup", 0);
					m_sSubgroup4 = pBodygroup4->GetInt("Subgroup", 0);

			KeyValues *pBodygroup5 = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Bodygroup5");
				if (pBodygroup5)
					m_sBodygroup5 = pBodygroup5->GetInt("Bodygroup", 0);
					m_sSubgroup5 = pBodygroup5->GetInt("Subgroup", 0);

			KeyValues *pBodygroup6 = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Bodygroup6");
				if (pBodygroup6)
					m_sBodygroup6 = pBodygroup6->GetInt("Bodygroup", 0);
					m_sSubgroup6 = pBodygroup6->GetInt("Subgroup", 0);
			m_sUsesCustomization = false;

	// Now read the weapon sounds
	memset( aShootSounds, 0, sizeof( aShootSounds ) );
	KeyValues *pSoundData = pKeyValuesData->FindKey( "SoundData" );
	if ( pSoundData )
		for ( int i = EMPTY; i < NUM_SHOOT_SOUND_TYPES; i++ )
			const char *soundname = pSoundData->GetString( pWeaponSoundCategories[i] );
			if ( soundname && soundname[0] )
				Q_strncpy( aShootSounds[i], soundname, MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
int CPhysicsSurfaceProps::ParseSurfaceData(const char* pFilename, const char* pTextfile) {
	if (!AddFileToDatabase(pFilename)) return 0;

	KeyValues* surfprops = new KeyValues("");
	surfprops->LoadFromBuffer(pFilename, pTextfile);
	for (KeyValues* surface = surfprops; surface; surface = surface->GetNextKey()) {
		CSurface prop;
		int baseMaterial = GetSurfaceIndex("default");

		memset(&, 0, sizeof(;
		prop.m_name = m_strings->AddString(surface->GetName()); = 0; = 1.0f; = 1.0f; = 0.0f;
		CopyPhysicsProperties(&prop, baseMaterial);

		for (KeyValues* data = surface->GetFirstSubKey(); data; data = data->GetNextKey()) {
			const char* key = data->GetName();
			if (!strcmpi(key, "base")) {
				baseMaterial = GetSurfaceIndex(data->GetString());
				CopyPhysicsProperties(&prop, baseMaterial);
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "thickness")) { = data->GetFloat();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "density")) { = data->GetFloat();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "elasticity")) { = data->GetFloat();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "friction")) { = data->GetFloat();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "dampening")) { = data->GetFloat();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "audioreflectivity")) { = data->GetFloat();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "audiohardnessfactor")) { = data->GetFloat();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "audioroughnessfactor")) { = data->GetFloat();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "scrapeRoughThreshold")) { = data->GetFloat();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "impactHardThreshold")) { = data->GetFloat();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "audioHardMinVelocity")) { = data->GetFloat();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "maxspeedfactor")) { = data->GetFloat();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "jumpfactor")) { = data->GetFloat();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "climbable")) { = data->GetInt();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "gamematerial")) {
				if (data->GetDataType() == KeyValues::TYPE_STRING && strlen(data->GetString()) == 1) { = toupper(data->GetString()[0]);
				} else { = data->GetInt();
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "stepleft")) {
				CUtlSymbol sym = m_strings->AddString(data->GetString()); = m_soundList.AddToTail(sym);
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "stepright")) {
				CUtlSymbol sym = m_strings->AddString(data->GetString()); = m_soundList.AddToTail(sym);
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "impactsoft")) {
				CUtlSymbol sym = m_strings->AddString(data->GetString()); = m_soundList.AddToTail(sym);
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "impacthard")) {
				CUtlSymbol sym = m_strings->AddString(data->GetString()); = m_soundList.AddToTail(sym);
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "scrapesmooth")) {
				CUtlSymbol sym = m_strings->AddString(data->GetString()); = m_soundList.AddToTail(sym);
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "scraperough")) {
				CUtlSymbol sym = m_strings->AddString(data->GetString()); = m_soundList.AddToTail(sym);
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "bulletimpact")) {
				CUtlSymbol sym = m_strings->AddString(data->GetString()); = m_soundList.AddToTail(sym);
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "break")) {
				CUtlSymbol sym = m_strings->AddString(data->GetString()); = m_soundList.AddToTail(sym);
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "strain")) {
				CUtlSymbol sym = m_strings->AddString(data->GetString()); = m_soundList.AddToTail(sym);
			} else if (!strcmpi(key, "rolling")) {
				CUtlSymbol sym = m_strings->AddString(data->GetString()); = m_soundList.AddToTail(sym);
			} else {
				AssertMsg2(0, "Bad surfaceprop key %s (%s)\n", key, data->GetString());
		if (GetSurfaceIndex(m_strings->String(prop.m_name)) >= 0) break;

	return 0;
// Parses the key-value pairs in the detail.rad file
static void ParseDetailGroup( int detailId, KeyValues* pGroupKeyValues )
	// Sort the group by alpha
	float alpha = pGroupKeyValues->GetFloat( "alpha", 1.0f );
	int i = s_DetailObjectDict[detailId].m_Groups.Count();
	while ( --i >= 0 )
		if (alpha > s_DetailObjectDict[detailId].m_Groups[i].m_Alpha)

	// Insert after the first guy who's more transparent that we are!
	i = s_DetailObjectDict[detailId].m_Groups.InsertAfter(i);
	DetailObjectGroup_t& group = s_DetailObjectDict[detailId].m_Groups[i];

	group.m_Alpha = alpha;

	// Add in all the model groups
	KeyValues* pIter = pGroupKeyValues->GetFirstSubKey();
	float totalAmount = 0.0f;
	while( pIter )
		if (pIter->GetFirstSubKey())
			int i = group.m_Models.AddToTail();

			DetailModel_t &model = group.m_Models[i];

			model.m_ModelName = pIter->GetString( "model", 0 );
			if (model.m_ModelName != UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL)
				model.m_Type = DETAIL_PROP_TYPE_MODEL;
				const char *pSpriteData = pIter->GetString( "sprite", 0 );
				if (pSpriteData)
					model.m_Type = DETAIL_PROP_TYPE_SPRITE;


					float x = 0, y = 0, flWidth = 64, flHeight = 64, flTextureSize = 512;
					int nValid = sscanf( pSpriteData, "%f %f %f %f %f", &x, &y, &flWidth, &flHeight, &flTextureSize ); 
					if ( (nValid != 5) || (flTextureSize == 0) )
						Error( "Invalid arguments to \"sprite\" in detail.vbsp!\n" );

					model.m_Tex[0].x = ( x + 0.5f ) / flTextureSize;
					model.m_Tex[0].y = ( y + 0.5f ) / flTextureSize;
					model.m_Tex[1].x = ( x + flWidth - 0.5f ) / flTextureSize;
					model.m_Tex[1].y = ( y + flHeight - 0.5f ) / flTextureSize;

					model.m_Pos[0].Init( -10, 20 );
					model.m_Pos[1].Init( 10, 0 );

					pSpriteData = pIter->GetString( "spritesize", 0 );
					if (pSpriteData)
						sscanf( pSpriteData, "%f %f %f %f", &x, &y, &flWidth, &flHeight );

						float ox = flWidth * x;
						float oy = flHeight * y;

						model.m_Pos[0].x = -ox;
						model.m_Pos[0].y = flHeight - oy;
						model.m_Pos[1].x = flWidth - ox;
						model.m_Pos[1].y = -oy;

					model.m_flRandomScaleStdDev = pIter->GetFloat( "spriterandomscale", 0.0f );

			model.m_Amount = pIter->GetFloat( "amount", 1.0 ) + totalAmount;
			totalAmount = model.m_Amount;

			model.m_Flags = 0;
			if (pIter->GetInt( "upright", 0 ))
				model.m_Flags |= MODELFLAG_UPRIGHT;

			// These are used to prevent emission on steep surfaces
			float minAngle = pIter->GetFloat( "minAngle", 180 );
			float maxAngle = pIter->GetFloat( "maxAngle", 180 );
			model.m_MinCosAngle = cos(minAngle * M_PI / 180.f);
			model.m_MaxCosAngle = cos(maxAngle * M_PI / 180.f);
			model.m_Orientation = pIter->GetInt( "detailOrientation", 0 );

			// Make sure minAngle < maxAngle
			if ( model.m_MinCosAngle < model.m_MaxCosAngle)
				model.m_MinCosAngle = model.m_MaxCosAngle;
		pIter = pIter->GetNextKey();

	// renormalize the amount if the total > 1
	if (totalAmount > 1.0f)
		for (i = 0; i < group.m_Models.Count(); ++i)
			group.m_Models[i].m_Amount /= totalAmount;
Esempio n. 4
void CWeapons::LoadWeapons(const char *szWeaponListName, WeaponsData_t *pDefault)
	if ((szWeaponListName != NULL) && (szWeaponListName[0] != 0))
		KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("Weapons");
		char szFilename[1024];

		CBotGlobals::BuildFileName(szFilename, "weapons", BOT_CONFIG_FOLDER, "ini", false);

		if (kv)
			if (kv->LoadFromFile(filesystem, szFilename, NULL))
				kv = kv->FindKey(szWeaponListName);

				if (kv)
					kv = kv->GetFirstSubKey();

					if (0)
						kv = kv->GetFirstTrueSubKey();

					while (kv != NULL)
						WeaponsData_t newWeapon;

						memset(&newWeapon, 0, sizeof(WeaponsData_t));

						const char *szKeyName = kv->GetName();

						char lowered[64];

						strncpy(lowered, szKeyName, 63);
						lowered[63] = 0;


						newWeapon.szWeaponName = CStrings::GetString(lowered);
						newWeapon.iId = kv->GetInt("id");
						newWeapon.iSlot = kv->GetInt("slot");
						newWeapon.minPrimDist = kv->GetFloat("minPrimDist");
						newWeapon.maxPrimDist = kv->GetFloat("maxPrimDist");
						newWeapon.m_fProjSpeed = kv->GetFloat("m_fProjSpeed");
						newWeapon.m_iAmmoIndex = kv->GetInt("m_iAmmoIndex");
						newWeapon.m_iPreference = kv->GetInt("m_iPreference");

						KeyValues *flags = kv->FindKey("flags");

						if (flags)
							int i = 0;

							while (szWeaponFlags[i][0] != '\0')
								if (flags->FindKey(szWeaponFlags[i]) && (flags->GetInt(szWeaponFlags[i]) == 1))
									newWeapon.m_iFlags |= (1 << i);


						AddWeapon(new CWeapon(&newWeapon));

						kv = kv->GetNextTrueSubKey();




	if (pDefault != NULL)
		// No weapons from INI file then add default
		if (m_theWeapons.size() == 0)
			while (pDefault->szWeaponName[0] != '\0')
				AddWeapon(new CWeapon(pDefault));
Esempio n. 5
bool CMapAdd::RunLabel( const char *mapaddMap, const char *szLabel)

	if(AllocPooledString(mapaddMap) == AllocPooledString("") || !mapaddMap || !szLabel || AllocPooledString(szLabel) == AllocPooledString(""))
		return false; //Failed to load!
	//FileHandle_t fh = filesystem->Open(szMapadd,"r","MOD");
	// Open the mapadd data file, and abort if we can't
	KeyValues *pMapAdd = new KeyValues( "MapAdd" );
	if(pMapAdd->LoadFromFile( filesystem, mapaddMap, "MOD" ))
		KeyValues *pMapAdd2 = pMapAdd->FindKey(szLabel);
			KeyValues *pMapAddEnt = pMapAdd2->GetFirstTrueSubKey();
			while (pMapAddEnt)
				if(!HandlePlayerEntity(pMapAddEnt, false) && !HandleRemoveEnitity( pMapAddEnt ) && !HandleSMODEntity(pMapAddEnt) && !HandleSpecialEnitity(pMapAddEnt))
					Vector SpawnVector = Vector(0,0,0);
					QAngle SpawnAngle = QAngle(0,0,0);
					SpawnVector.x = pMapAddEnt->GetFloat("x", SpawnVector.x);
					SpawnVector.y = pMapAddEnt->GetFloat("y", SpawnVector.y);
					SpawnVector.z = pMapAddEnt->GetFloat("z", SpawnVector.z);

					SpawnAngle[PITCH] = pMapAddEnt->GetFloat("pitch", SpawnAngle[PITCH]);
					SpawnAngle[YAW] = pMapAddEnt->GetFloat("yaw", SpawnAngle[YAW]);
					SpawnAngle[ROLL] = pMapAddEnt->GetFloat("roll", SpawnAngle[ROLL]);

					CBaseEntity *createEnt = CBaseEntity::CreateNoSpawn(pMapAddEnt->GetName(),SpawnVector,SpawnAngle);
					KeyValues *pEntKeyValues = pMapAddEnt->FindKey("KeyValues");
					if(pEntKeyValues && createEnt)
						Msg("keyvalue for %s Found!\n",pMapAddEnt->GetName());
						KeyValues *pEntKeyValuesAdd = pEntKeyValues->GetFirstValue();
						while(pEntKeyValuesAdd && createEnt)
							if(AllocPooledString(pEntKeyValuesAdd->GetName()) == AllocPooledString("model"))
					/*		else if(AllocPooledString(pEntKeyValuesAdd->GetName()) == AllocPooledString("name"))
							else if(AllocPooledString(pEntKeyValuesAdd->GetName()) == AllocPooledString("spawnflags"))
							pEntKeyValuesAdd = pEntKeyValuesAdd->GetNextValue();
					//createEnt->Activate();//Is this a good idea? Not sure!
					DispatchSpawn( createEnt ); //I derped
				pMapAddEnt = pMapAddEnt->GetNextTrueSubKey(); //Got to keep this!
	return true;
BasicShaderCfg_t *BuildShaderData( const char *dumpFileName )
	KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( dumpFileName );
	char _path[MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf( _path, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s.dump", ::GetDumpDirectory(), dumpFileName );
	Q_FixSlashes( _path );
	pKV->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, _path, "MOD" );

	BasicShaderCfg_t *data = new BasicShaderCfg_t();

	const char *szT = pKV->GetString( "vs_name" );
	int len = Q_strlen( szT ) + 1;
	data->ProcVSName = new char[ len ];
	Q_snprintf( data->ProcVSName, len, "%s", szT );

	szT = pKV->GetString( "ps_name" );
	len = Q_strlen( szT ) + 1;
	data->ProcPSName = new char[ len ];
	Q_snprintf( data->ProcPSName, len, "%s", szT );

	szT = pKV->GetString( "shader_filename" );
	len = Q_strlen( szT ) + 1;
	data->Filename = new char[ len ];
	Q_snprintf( data->Filename, len, "%s", szT );
	Q_FixSlashes( data->Filename );

	szT = pKV->GetName();
	len = Q_strlen( szT ) + 1;
	data->CanvasName = new char[ len ];
	Q_snprintf( data->CanvasName, len, "%s", szT );

	Q_snprintf( data->dumpversion, sizeof(data->dumpversion), "%s", pKV->GetString( GetDumpVersion_KeyName() ) );

	data->iShaderModel = pKV->GetInt( "i_sm" );
	data->iCullmode = pKV->GetInt( "i_cull" );
	data->iAlphablendmode = pKV->GetInt( "i_ablend" );
	data->flAlphaTestRef = pKV->GetFloat( "fl_atestref" );
	data->iDepthtestmode = pKV->GetInt( "i_dtest" );
	data->iDepthwritemode = pKV->GetInt( "i_dwrite" );
	data->bsRGBWrite = !!pKV->GetInt( "i_srgbw" );

	data->iVFMT_flags = pKV->GetInt( "i_vfmt_flags" );
	data->iVFMT_numTexcoords = pKV->GetInt( "i_vfmt_texcoords" );
	data->iVFMT_numUserData = pKV->GetInt( "i_vfmt_udata" );
	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		char tmp[48];
		Q_snprintf( tmp, sizeof(tmp), "i_vfmt_texcoordDim_%i", i );
		data->iVFMT_texDim[i] = pKV->GetInt( tmp, GetVarFlagsVarValue( HLSLVAR_FLOAT2 ) + 1 );

	data->bVertexLighting = !!pKV->GetInt( "i_vlit" );
	data->bRefractionSupport = !!pKV->GetInt( "i_vrefract" );

	KeyValues *pSubIdent_VS = pKV->FindKey( "identifiers_VS" );
	if ( pSubIdent_VS )
		ReadIdents( *data->pVS_Identifiers, pSubIdent_VS );

	KeyValues *pSubIdent_PS = pKV->FindKey( "identifiers_PS" );
	if ( pSubIdent_PS )
		ReadIdents( *data->pPS_Identifiers, pSubIdent_PS );

	return data;
Esempio n. 7
void LoadObjectInfos( IBaseFileSystem *pFileSystem )
	const char *pFilename = "scripts/objects.txt";

	// Make sure this stuff hasn't already been loaded.
	Assert( !AreObjectInfosLoaded() );

	KeyValues *pValues = new KeyValues( "Object descriptions" );
	if ( !pValues->LoadFromFile( pFileSystem, pFilename, "GAME" ) )
		Error( "Can't open %s for object info.", pFilename );

	// Now read each class's information in.
	for ( int iObj=0; iObj < ARRAYSIZE( g_ObjectInfos ); iObj++ )
		CObjectInfo *pInfo = &g_ObjectInfos[iObj];
		KeyValues *pSub = pValues->FindKey( pInfo->m_pObjectName );
		if ( !pSub )
			Error( "Missing section '%s' from %s.", pInfo->m_pObjectName, pFilename );

		// Read all the info in.
		if ( (pInfo->m_flBuildTime = pSub->GetFloat( "BuildTime", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_nMaxObjects = pSub->GetInt( "MaxObjects", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_Cost = pSub->GetInt( "Cost", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_CostMultiplierPerInstance = pSub->GetFloat( "CostMultiplier", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_UpgradeCost = pSub->GetInt( "UpgradeCost", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_MaxUpgradeLevel = pSub->GetInt( "MaxUpgradeLevel", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_SelectionSlot = pSub->GetInt( "SelectionSlot", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_SelectionPosition = pSub->GetInt( "SelectionPosition", -999 )) == -999 )
			Error( "Missing data for object '%s' in %s.", pInfo->m_pObjectName, pFilename );

		pInfo->m_pClassName = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "ClassName", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pStatusName = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "StatusName", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pBuilderWeaponName = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "BuilderWeaponName", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pBuilderPlacementString = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "BuilderPlacementString", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bSolidToPlayerMovement = pSub->GetInt( "SolidToPlayerMovement", 0 ) ? true : false;
		pInfo->m_pIconActive = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "IconActive", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pIconInactive = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "IconInactive", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pViewModel = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "Viewmodel", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pPlayerModel = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "Playermodel", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_iDisplayPriority = pSub->GetInt( "DisplayPriority", 0 );
		pInfo->m_pHudStatusIcon = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "HudStatusIcon", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bVisibleInWeaponSelection = ( pSub->GetInt( "VisibleInWeaponSelection", 1 ) > 0 );
		pInfo->m_pExplodeSound = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "ExplodeSound", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pExplosionParticleEffect = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "ExplodeEffect", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bAutoSwitchTo = ( pSub->GetInt( "autoswitchto", 0 ) > 0 );

		pInfo->m_iMetalToDropInGibs = pSub->GetInt( "MetalToDropInGibs", 0 );

Esempio n. 8
void FileWeaponInfo_t::Parse( KeyValues *pKeyValuesData, const char *szWeaponName )
	// Okay, we tried at least once to look this up...
	bParsedScript = true;

	// Classname
	Q_strncpy( szClassName, szWeaponName, MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	// Printable name
	Q_strncpy( szPrintName, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "printname", WEAPON_PRINTNAME_MISSING ), MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	// View model & world model
	Q_strncpy( szViewModel, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "viewmodel" ), MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	Q_strncpy( szWorldModel, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "playermodel" ), MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	Q_strncpy( szClipModel, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "clipmodel" ), MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	Q_strncpy( szAnimationPrefix, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "anim_prefix" ), MAX_WEAPON_PREFIX );
	iSlot = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "bucket", 0 );
	iPosition = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "bucket_position", 0 );
	iMaxClip1 = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "clip_size", WEAPON_NOCLIP );					// Max primary clips gun can hold (assume they don't use clips by default)
	iMaxClip2 = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "clip2_size", WEAPON_NOCLIP );					// Max secondary clips gun can hold (assume they don't use clips by default)
	iDefaultClip1 = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "default_clip", iMaxClip1 );		// amount of primary ammo placed in the primary clip when it's picked up
	iDefaultClip2 = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "default_clip2", iMaxClip2 );		// amount of secondary ammo placed in the secondary clip when it's picked up
	iWeight = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "weight", 0 );

	iRumbleEffect = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "rumble", -1 );

	// Viewmodel FOV
	flViewFov = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat( "view_fov", 0.0f );

	// Bash DMG
	m_flBashDamage = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("damage_bash", 1.0f);
	// LAME old way to specify item flags.
	// Weapon scripts should use the flag names.
	iFlags = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "item_flags", ITEM_FLAG_LIMITINWORLD );

	for ( int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_ItemFlags ); i++ )
		int iVal = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( g_ItemFlags[i].m_pFlagName, -1 );
		if ( iVal == 0 )
			iFlags &= ~g_ItemFlags[i].m_iFlagValue;
		else if ( iVal == 1 )
			iFlags |= g_ItemFlags[i].m_iFlagValue;

	bShowUsageHint = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "showusagehint", 0 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	bAutoSwitchTo = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "autoswitchto", 1 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	bAutoSwitchFrom = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "autoswitchfrom", 1 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	m_bBuiltRightHanded = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "BuiltRightHanded", 1 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	m_bAllowFlipping = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "AllowFlipping", 1 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	m_bMeleeWeapon = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "MeleeWeapon", 0 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;

#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(HL2_CLIENT_DLL)
	// make sure two weapons aren't in the same slot & position
	if ( iSlot >= MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS ||
		Warning( "Invalid weapon slot or position [slot %d/%d max], pos[%d/%d max]\n",
			iSlot, MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS - 1, iPosition, MAX_WEAPON_POSITIONS - 1 );
		if (g_bUsedWeaponSlots[iSlot][iPosition])
			Warning( "Duplicately assigned weapon slots in selection hud:  %s (%d, %d)\n", szPrintName, iSlot, iPosition );
		g_bUsedWeaponSlots[iSlot][iPosition] = true;

	// Primary ammo used
	const char *pAmmo = pKeyValuesData->GetString( "primary_ammo", "None" );
	if ( strcmp("None", pAmmo) == 0 )
		Q_strncpy( szAmmo1, "", sizeof( szAmmo1 ) );
		Q_strncpy( szAmmo1, pAmmo, sizeof( szAmmo1 )  );
	iAmmoType = GetAmmoDef()->Index( szAmmo1 );
	// Secondary ammo used
	pAmmo = pKeyValuesData->GetString( "secondary_ammo", "None" );
	if ( strcmp("None", pAmmo) == 0)
		Q_strncpy( szAmmo2, "", sizeof( szAmmo2 ) );
		Q_strncpy( szAmmo2, pAmmo, sizeof( szAmmo2 )  );
	iAmmo2Type = GetAmmoDef()->Index( szAmmo2 );

	// Ironsight
	KeyValues *pSights = pKeyValuesData->FindKey( "IronSight" );
	if (pSights)
		vecIronsightPosOffset.x		= pSights->GetFloat( "forward", 0.0f );
		vecIronsightPosOffset.y		= pSights->GetFloat( "right", 0.0f );
		vecIronsightPosOffset.z		= pSights->GetFloat( "up", 0.0f );
		angIronsightAngOffset[PITCH]	= pSights->GetFloat( "pitch", 0.0f );
		angIronsightAngOffset[YAW]		= pSights->GetFloat( "yaw", 0.0f );
		angIronsightAngOffset[ROLL]		= pSights->GetFloat( "roll", 0.0f );
		flIronsightFOVOffset		= pSights->GetFloat( "fov", 0.0f );
		//note: you can set a bool here if you'd like to disable ironsights for weapons with no IronSight-key
		vecIronsightPosOffset = vec3_origin;
		flIronsightFOVOffset = 0.0f;

	// Now read the weapon sounds
	memset( aShootSounds, 0, sizeof( aShootSounds ) );
	KeyValues *pSoundData = pKeyValuesData->FindKey( "SoundData" );
	if ( pSoundData )
		for ( int i = EMPTY; i < NUM_SHOOT_SOUND_TYPES; i++ )
			const char *soundname = pSoundData->GetString( pWeaponSoundCategories[i] );
			if ( soundname && soundname[0] )
				Q_strncpy( aShootSounds[i], soundname, MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
Esempio n. 9
// Purpose: Gets the specified value from a panel
AnimationController::Value_t AnimationController::GetValue(ActiveAnimation_t& anim, Panel *panel, UtlSymId_t var)
	Value_t val = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
	if (var == m_sPosition)
		int x, y;
		panel->GetPos(x, y);
		val.a = (float)(x - GetRelativeOffset( anim.align, true ) );
		val.b = (float)(y - GetRelativeOffset( anim.align, false ) );
	else if (var == m_sSize)
		int w, t;
		panel->GetSize(w, t);
		val.a = (float)w;
		val.b = (float)t;
	else if (var == m_sFgColor)
		Color col = panel->GetFgColor();
		val.a = col[0];
		val.b = col[1];
		val.c = col[2];
		val.d = col[3];
	else if (var == m_sBgColor)
		Color col = panel->GetBgColor();
		val.a = col[0];
		val.b = col[1];
		val.c = col[2];
		val.d = col[3];
	else if ( var == m_sXPos )
		int x, y;
		panel->GetPos(x, y);
		val.a = (float)( x - GetRelativeOffset( anim.align, true ) );
	else if ( var == m_sYPos )
		int x, y;
		panel->GetPos(x, y);
		val.a = (float)( y - GetRelativeOffset( anim.align, false ) );
	else if ( var == m_sWide )
		int w, h;
		panel->GetSize(w, h);
		val.a = (float)w;
	else if ( var == m_sTall )
		int w, h;
		panel->GetSize(w, h);
		val.a = (float)h;
		KeyValues *outputData = new KeyValues(g_ScriptSymbols.String(var));
		if (panel->RequestInfo(outputData))
			// find the var and lookup it's type
			KeyValues *kv = outputData->FindKey(g_ScriptSymbols.String(var));
			if (kv && kv->GetDataType() == KeyValues::TYPE_FLOAT)
				val.a = kv->GetFloat();
				val.b = 0.0f;
				val.c = 0.0f;
				val.d = 0.0f;
			else if (kv && kv->GetDataType() == KeyValues::TYPE_COLOR)
				Color col = kv->GetColor();
				val.a = col[0];
				val.b = col[1];
				val.c = col[2];
				val.d = col[3];
		//	Assert(!("Unhandlable var in AnimationController::GetValue())"));
	return val;
Esempio n. 10
void LoadObjectInfos( IBaseFileSystem *pFileSystem )
	const char *pFilename = "scripts/objects.txt";

	// Make sure this stuff hasn't already been loaded.
	Assert( !AreObjectInfosLoaded() );

	KeyValues *pValues = new KeyValues( "Object descriptions" );
	if ( !pValues->LoadFromFile( pFileSystem, pFilename, "GAME" ) )
		Error( "Can't open %s for object info.", pFilename );

	// Now read each class's information in.
	for ( int iObj=0; iObj < ARRAYSIZE( g_ObjectInfos ); iObj++ )
		CObjectInfo *pInfo = &g_ObjectInfos[iObj];
		KeyValues *pSub = pValues->FindKey( pInfo->m_pObjectName );
		if ( !pSub )
			Error( "Missing section '%s' from %s.", pInfo->m_pObjectName, pFilename );

		// Read all the info in.
		if ( (pInfo->m_flBuildTime = pSub->GetFloat( "BuildTime", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_nMaxObjects = pSub->GetInt( "MaxObjects", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_Cost = pSub->GetInt( "Cost", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_CostMultiplierPerInstance = pSub->GetFloat( "CostMultiplier", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_UpgradeCost = pSub->GetInt( "UpgradeCost", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_flUpgradeDuration = pSub->GetFloat( "UpgradeDuration", -999)) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_MaxUpgradeLevel = pSub->GetInt( "MaxUpgradeLevel", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_SelectionSlot = pSub->GetInt( "SelectionSlot", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_BuildCount = pSub->GetInt( "BuildCount", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_SelectionPosition = pSub->GetInt( "SelectionPosition", -999 )) == -999 )
			Error( "Missing data for object '%s' in %s.", pInfo->m_pObjectName, pFilename );

		pInfo->m_pClassName = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "ClassName", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pStatusName = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "StatusName", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pBuilderWeaponName = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "BuilderWeaponName", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pBuilderPlacementString = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "BuilderPlacementString", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bSolidToPlayerMovement = pSub->GetInt( "SolidToPlayerMovement", 0 ) ? true : false;
		pInfo->m_pIconActive = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "IconActive", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pIconInactive = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "IconInactive", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pIconMenu = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "IconMenu", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bUseItemInfo = pSub->GetInt( "UseItemInfo", 0 ) ? true : false;
		pInfo->m_pViewModel = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "Viewmodel", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pPlayerModel = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "Playermodel", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_iDisplayPriority = pSub->GetInt( "DisplayPriority", 0 );
		pInfo->m_pHudStatusIcon = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "HudStatusIcon", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bVisibleInWeaponSelection = ( pSub->GetInt( "VisibleInWeaponSelection", 1 ) > 0 );
		pInfo->m_pExplodeSound = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "ExplodeSound", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pUpgradeSound = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "UpgradeSound", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pExplosionParticleEffect = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "ExplodeEffect", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bAutoSwitchTo = ( pSub->GetInt( "autoswitchto", 0 ) > 0 );

		pInfo->m_iMetalToDropInGibs = pSub->GetInt( "MetalToDropInGibs", 0 );
		pInfo->m_bRequiresOwnBuilder = pSub->GetBool( "RequiresOwnBuilder", 0 );
		// PistonMiner: Added Object Mode key
		KeyValues *pAltModes = pSub->FindKey("AltModes");
		if (pAltModes)
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) // load at most 4 object modes
				char altModeBuffer[256]; // Max size of 0x100
				V_snprintf(altModeBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(altModeBuffer), "AltMode%d", i);
				KeyValues *pCurAltMode = pAltModes->FindKey(altModeBuffer);
				if (!pCurAltMode)

				// Save logic here
				pInfo->m_AltModes.AddToTail(ReadAndAllocStringValue( pCurAltMode, "StatusName", pFilename ));
				pInfo->m_AltModes.AddToTail(ReadAndAllocStringValue( pCurAltMode, "ModeName", pFilename ));
				pInfo->m_AltModes.AddToTail(ReadAndAllocStringValue( pCurAltMode, "IconMenu", pFilename ));

Esempio n. 11
// Parses the key-value pairs in the detail.rad file
static void ParseDetailGroup( int detailId, KeyValues* pGroupKeyValues )
	// Sort the group by alpha
	float alpha = pGroupKeyValues->GetFloat( "alpha", 1.0f );
	int i = s_DetailObjectDict[detailId].m_Groups.Count();
	while ( --i >= 0 )
		if (alpha > s_DetailObjectDict[detailId].m_Groups[i].m_Alpha)

	// Insert after the first guy who's more transparent that we are!
	i = s_DetailObjectDict[detailId].m_Groups.InsertAfter(i);
	DetailObjectGroup_t& group = s_DetailObjectDict[detailId].m_Groups[i];

	group.m_Alpha = alpha;

	// Add in all the model groups
	KeyValues* pIter = pGroupKeyValues->GetFirstSubKey();
	float totalAmount = 0.0f;
	while( pIter )
		if (pIter->GetFirstSubKey())
			int i = group.m_Models.AddToTail();

			DetailModel_t &model = group.m_Models[i];

			model.m_ModelName = pIter->GetString( "model", 0 );
			if (model.m_ModelName != UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL)
				model.m_Type = DETAIL_PROP_TYPE_MODEL;
				const char *pSpriteData = pIter->GetString( "sprite", 0 );
				if (pSpriteData)
					const char *pProcModelType = pIter->GetString( "sprite_shape", 0 );

					if ( pProcModelType )
						if ( !Q_stricmp( pProcModelType, "cross" ) )
							model.m_Type = DETAIL_PROP_TYPE_SHAPE_CROSS;
						else if ( !Q_stricmp( pProcModelType, "tri" ) )
							model.m_Type = DETAIL_PROP_TYPE_SHAPE_TRI;
							model.m_Type = DETAIL_PROP_TYPE_SPRITE;
						// card sprite
                        model.m_Type = DETAIL_PROP_TYPE_SPRITE;


					float x = 0, y = 0, flWidth = 64, flHeight = 64, flTextureSize = 512;
					int nValid = sscanf( pSpriteData, "%f %f %f %f %f", &x, &y, &flWidth, &flHeight, &flTextureSize ); 
					if ( (nValid != 5) || (flTextureSize == 0) )
						Error( "Invalid arguments to \"sprite\" in detail.vbsp (model %s)!\n", model.m_ModelName );

					model.m_Tex[0].x = ( x + 0.5f ) / flTextureSize;
					model.m_Tex[0].y = ( y + 0.5f ) / flTextureSize;
					model.m_Tex[1].x = ( x + flWidth - 0.5f ) / flTextureSize;
					model.m_Tex[1].y = ( y + flHeight - 0.5f ) / flTextureSize;

					model.m_Pos[0].Init( -10, 20 );
					model.m_Pos[1].Init( 10, 0 );

					pSpriteData = pIter->GetString( "spritesize", 0 );
					if (pSpriteData)
						sscanf( pSpriteData, "%f %f %f %f", &x, &y, &flWidth, &flHeight );

						float ox = flWidth * x;
						float oy = flHeight * y;

						model.m_Pos[0].x = -ox;
						model.m_Pos[0].y = flHeight - oy;
						model.m_Pos[1].x = flWidth - ox;
						model.m_Pos[1].y = -oy;

					model.m_flRandomScaleStdDev = pIter->GetFloat( "spriterandomscale", 0.0f );

					// sway is a percent of max sway, cl_detail_max_sway
					float flSway = clamp( pIter->GetFloat( "sway", 0.0f ), 0.0, 1.0 );
					model.m_SwayAmount = (unsigned char)( 255.0 * flSway );

					// shape angle
					// for the tri shape, this is the angle each side is fanned out
					model.m_ShapeAngle = pIter->GetInt( "shape_angle", 0 );

					// shape size
					// for the tri shape, this is the distance from the origin to the center of a side
					float flShapeSize = clamp( pIter->GetFloat( "shape_size", 0.0f ), 0.0, 1.0 );
					model.m_ShapeSize = (unsigned char)( 255.0 * flShapeSize );

			model.m_Amount = pIter->GetFloat( "amount", 1.0 ) + totalAmount;
			totalAmount = model.m_Amount;

			model.m_Flags = 0;
			if (pIter->GetInt( "upright", 0 ))
				model.m_Flags |= MODELFLAG_UPRIGHT;

			// These are used to prevent emission on steep surfaces
			float minAngle = pIter->GetFloat( "minAngle", 180 );
			float maxAngle = pIter->GetFloat( "maxAngle", 180 );
			model.m_MinCosAngle = cos(minAngle * M_PI / 180.f);
			model.m_MaxCosAngle = cos(maxAngle * M_PI / 180.f);
			model.m_Orientation = pIter->GetInt( "detailOrientation", 0 );

			// Make sure minAngle < maxAngle
			if ( model.m_MinCosAngle < model.m_MaxCosAngle)
				model.m_MinCosAngle = model.m_MaxCosAngle;
		pIter = pIter->GetNextKey();

	// renormalize the amount if the total > 1
	if (totalAmount > 1.0f)
		for (i = 0; i < group.m_Models.Count(); ++i)
			group.m_Models[i].m_Amount /= totalAmount;
void ControlPanel::CenterOnFace( void )
	if ( !models->GetActiveStudioModel() )

	StudioModel *mdl = models->GetActiveStudioModel();
	if ( !mdl )

	CStudioHdr *hdr = mdl->GetStudioHdr();
	if ( !hdr )

	setSpeed( 1.0f );

	int oldSeq = models->GetActiveStudioModel()->GetSequence();

	int seq = models->GetActiveStudioModel()->LookupSequence( "idle_suble" );
	if ( seq == -1 )
		seq = 0;

	if ( seq != oldSeq )
		Con_Printf( "Centering changed model sequence # to %d\n", seq );

	setSequence( seq );
	initPoseParameters( );


	Vector size;
	VectorSubtract( hdr->hull_max(), hdr->hull_min(), size );

	float eyeheight = hdr->hull_min().z + 0.9 * size.z;

	if ( hdr->GetNumAttachments() > 0 )
		for (int i = 0; i < hdr->GetNumAttachments(); i++)
			const mstudioattachment_t &attachment = hdr->pAttachment( i );
			int iBone = hdr->GetAttachmentBone( i );

			if ( Q_stricmp( attachment.pszName(), "eyes" ) )

			mstudiobone_t *bone = hdr->pBone( iBone );
			if ( !bone )

			matrix3x4_t boneToPose;
			MatrixInvert( bone->poseToBone, boneToPose );

			matrix3x4_t attachmentPoseToLocal;
			ConcatTransforms( boneToPose, attachment.local, attachmentPoseToLocal );

			Vector localSpaceEyePosition;
			VectorITransform( vec3_origin, attachmentPoseToLocal, localSpaceEyePosition );

			// Not sure why this must be negative?
			eyeheight = -localSpaceEyePosition.z + hdr->hull_min().z;

	KeyValues *seqKeyValues = new KeyValues("");
	if ( seqKeyValues->LoadFromBuffer( mdl->GetFileName( ), mdl->GetKeyValueText( seq ) ) )
		// Do we have a build point section?
		KeyValues *pkvAllFaceposer = seqKeyValues->FindKey("faceposer");
		if ( pkvAllFaceposer )
			float flEyeheight = pkvAllFaceposer->GetFloat( "eye_height", -9999.0f );
			if ( flEyeheight != -9999.0f )
				eyeheight = flEyeheight;


	mdl->m_origin.x = size.z * .65f;
	mdl->m_origin.z += eyeheight;

	CUtlVector< StudioModel * > modellist;

	modellist.AddToTail( models->GetActiveStudioModel() );

	int i;
	if ( models->CountVisibleModels() > 0 )
		for ( i = 0; i < models->Count(); i++ )
			if ( models->IsModelShownIn3DView( i ) )
				modellist.AddToTail( models->GetStudioModel( i ) );

	int modelcount = modellist.Count();
	int countover2 = modelcount / 2;
	int ydelta = GetModelGap();
	int yoffset = -countover2 * ydelta;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < modelcount; i++ )
		if ( models->GetStudioHeader( i ) == hdr )
			mdl->m_origin.y = -yoffset;
		yoffset += ydelta;

void FileWeaponInfo_t::Parse( KeyValues *pKeyValuesData, const char *szWeaponName )
	// Okay, we tried at least once to look this up...
	bParsedScript = true;

	// Classname
	Q_strncpy(szClassName, szWeaponName, MAX_WEAPON_STRING);

	// Printable name
	Q_strncpy(szPrintName, pKeyValuesData->GetString("printname", WEAPON_PRINTNAME_MISSING), MAX_WEAPON_STRING);

	// View model & world model
	Q_strncpy(szViewModel, pKeyValuesData->GetString("viewmodel"), MAX_WEAPON_STRING);
	Q_strncpy(szWorldModel, pKeyValuesData->GetString("playermodel"), MAX_WEAPON_STRING);
	Q_strncpy(szAnimationPrefix, pKeyValuesData->GetString("anim_prefix"), MAX_WEAPON_PREFIX);

	iSlot		= pKeyValuesData->GetInt("bucket", 0);
	iPosition	= pKeyValuesData->GetInt("bucket_position", 0);
	// Use the console (X360) buckets if hud_fastswitch is set to 2.
	#ifdef CLIENT_DLL
		if (hud_fastswitch.GetInt() == 2)
		if (IsX360())
		iSlot		= pKeyValuesData->GetInt("bucket_360", iSlot);
		iPosition	= pKeyValuesData->GetInt("bucket_position_360", iPosition);

	iMaxClip1		= pKeyValuesData->GetInt("clip_size", WEAPON_NOCLIP);					// Max primary clips gun can hold (assume they don't use clips by default)
	iMaxClip2		= pKeyValuesData->GetInt("clip2_size", WEAPON_NOCLIP);					// Max secondary clips gun can hold (assume they don't use clips by default)
	iDefaultClip1	= pKeyValuesData->GetInt("default_clip", iMaxClip1);		// amount of primary ammo placed in the primary clip when it's picked up
	iDefaultClip2	= pKeyValuesData->GetInt("default_clip2", iMaxClip2);		// amount of secondary ammo placed in the secondary clip when it's picked up
	iWeight			= pKeyValuesData->GetInt("weight", 0);

	iRumbleEffect	= pKeyValuesData->GetInt("rumble", -1);
	// LAME old way to specify item flags.
	// Weapon scripts should use the flag names.
	iFlags = pKeyValuesData->GetInt("item_flags", ITEM_FLAG_LIMITINWORLD);

	for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(g_ItemFlags); i++)
		int iVal = pKeyValuesData->GetInt(g_ItemFlags[i].m_pFlagName, -1);

		if (iVal == 0)
			iFlags &= ~g_ItemFlags[i].m_iFlagValue;

		else if (iVal == 1)
			iFlags |= g_ItemFlags[i].m_iFlagValue;

	bShowUsageHint		= (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("showusagehint", 0) != 0) ? true : false;
	bAutoSwitchTo		= (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("autoswitchto", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
	bAutoSwitchFrom		= (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("autoswitchfrom", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
	m_bBuiltRightHanded	= (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("BuiltRightHanded", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
	m_bAllowFlipping	= (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("AllowFlipping", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
	m_bMeleeWeapon		= (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("MeleeWeapon", 0) != 0) ? true : false;

	#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(HL2_CLIENT_DLL)
		// make sure two weapons aren't in the same slot & position
		if ( iSlot >= MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS ||
			iPosition >= MAX_WEAPON_POSITIONS )
			Warning( "Invalid weapon slot or position [slot %d/%d max], pos[%d/%d max]\n",
				iSlot, MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS - 1, iPosition, MAX_WEAPON_POSITIONS - 1 );
			if (g_bUsedWeaponSlots[iSlot][iPosition])
				Warning( "Duplicately assigned weapon slots in selection hud:  %s (%d, %d)\n", szPrintName, iSlot, iPosition );
			g_bUsedWeaponSlots[iSlot][iPosition] = true;

	// Primary ammo used
	const char *pAmmo = pKeyValuesData->GetString("primary_ammo", "None");

	if (strcmp("None", pAmmo) == 0)
		Q_strncpy(szAmmo1, "", sizeof(szAmmo1));
		Q_strncpy(szAmmo1, pAmmo, sizeof(szAmmo1));

	iAmmoType = GetAmmoDef()->Index(szAmmo1);
	// Secondary ammo used
	pAmmo = pKeyValuesData->GetString("secondary_ammo", "None");

	if (strcmp("None", pAmmo) == 0)
		Q_strncpy(szAmmo2, "", sizeof(szAmmo2));
		Q_strncpy(szAmmo2, pAmmo, sizeof(szAmmo2));

	iAmmo2Type = GetAmmoDef()->Index(szAmmo2);

	// Now read the weapon sounds
	memset(aShootSounds, 0, sizeof(aShootSounds));

	KeyValues *pSoundData = pKeyValuesData->FindKey("SoundData");

	if (pSoundData)
		for (int i = EMPTY; i < NUM_SHOOT_SOUND_TYPES; i++)
			const char *soundname = pSoundData->GetString(pWeaponSoundCategories[i]);

			if (soundname && soundname[0])
				Q_strncpy(aShootSounds[i], soundname, MAX_WEAPON_STRING);

	// this just saves off the data in the script file for later use
	KeyValues *pEt = pKeyValuesData->FindKey("Ironsight");

	if (pEt)
		m_expOffset.x     = pEt->GetFloat("x", 0.0f);
		m_expOffset.y     = pEt->GetFloat("y", 0.0f);
		m_expOffset.z     = pEt->GetFloat("z", 0.0f);
		m_expOriOffset.x  = pEt->GetFloat("xori", 0.0f);
		m_expOriOffset.y  = pEt->GetFloat("yori", 0.0f);
		m_expOriOffset.z  = pEt->GetFloat("zori", 0.0f);
		m_expOffset = vec3_origin;

	m_WeaponWeight = pKeyValuesData->GetFloat("weapon_weight", 0.0f);
Esempio n. 14
// Purpose: 
void CModelPanel::SetupModel( void )
	if ( !m_pModelInfo )


	// remove any current models we're using

	const char *pszModelName = GetModelName();
	if ( !pszModelName || !pszModelName[0] )

	// create the new model
	CModelPanelModel *pEnt = new CModelPanelModel;

	if ( !pEnt )

	if ( pEnt->InitializeAsClientEntity( pszModelName, false ) == false )
		// we failed to initialize this entity so just return gracefully
	// setup the handle
	m_hModel = pEnt;

	pEnt->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); // don't let the renderer draw the model normally

	if ( m_pModelInfo->m_nSkin >= 0 )
		pEnt->SetSkin( m_pModelInfo->m_nSkin );

	// do we have any animation information?
	if ( m_pModelInfo->m_Animations.Count() > 0 && m_pModelInfo->m_Animations.IsValidIndex( m_iDefaultAnimation ) )
		CModelPanelModelAnimation *pAnim = m_pModelInfo->m_Animations[ m_iDefaultAnimation ];
		int sequence = ACT_INVALID;
		if ( pAnim->m_pszActivity && pAnim->m_pszActivity[0] )
			Activity activity = (Activity)ActivityList_IndexForName( pAnim->m_pszActivity );
			sequence = pEnt->SelectWeightedSequence( activity );
		else if ( pAnim->m_pszSequence && pAnim->m_pszSequence[0] )
			sequence = pEnt->LookupSequence( pAnim->m_pszSequence );
		if ( sequence != ACT_INVALID )
			pEnt->ResetSequence( sequence );
			pEnt->SetCycle( 0 );

			if ( pAnim->m_pPoseParameters )
				for ( KeyValues *pData = pAnim->m_pPoseParameters->GetFirstSubKey(); pData != NULL; pData = pData->GetNextKey() )
					const char *pName = pData->GetName();
					float flValue = pData->GetFloat();
					pEnt->SetPoseParameter( pName, flValue );

			pEnt->m_flAnimTime = gpGlobals->curtime;

	// setup any attached models
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_pModelInfo->m_AttachedModelsInfo.Count() ; i++ )
		CModelPanelAttachedModelInfo *pInfo = m_pModelInfo->m_AttachedModelsInfo[i];
		C_BaseAnimating *pTemp = new C_BaseAnimating;

		if ( pTemp )
			if ( pTemp->InitializeAsClientEntity( pInfo->m_pszModelName, false ) == false )
				// we failed to initialize this model so just skip it

			pTemp->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); // don't let the renderer draw the model normally
			pTemp->FollowEntity( m_hModel.Get() ); // attach to parent model

			if ( pInfo->m_nSkin >= 0 )
				pTemp->SetSkin( pInfo->m_nSkin );

			pTemp->m_flAnimTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
			m_AttachedModels.AddToTail( pTemp );

void IFaceposerModels::CFacePoserModel::CreateNewBitmap( char const *pchBitmapFilename, int sequence, int nSnapShotSize, bool bZoomInOnFace, CExpression *pExpression, mxbitmapdata_t *bitmap )
	MatSysWindow *pWnd = g_pMatSysWindow;
	if ( !pWnd ) 

	StudioModel *model = m_pModel;
	if ( !model )

	CStudioHdr *hdr = model->GetStudioHdr();
	if ( !hdr )
	if ( sequence < 0 || sequence >= hdr->GetNumSeq() )

	mstudioseqdesc_t &seqdesc = hdr->pSeqdesc( sequence );

	Con_ColorPrintf( FILE_COLOR, "Creating bitmap %s for sequence '%s'\n", pchBitmapFilename, seqdesc.pszLabel() );

	int iLayer = model->GetNewAnimationLayer();
	model->SetOverlaySequence( iLayer, sequence, 1.0 );
	model->SetOverlayRate( iLayer, FindPoseCycle( model, sequence ), 0.0 );

	for (int i = 0; i < hdr->GetNumPoseParameters(); i++)
		model->SetPoseParameter( i, 0.0 );

	float flexValues[ GLOBAL_STUDIO_FLEX_CONTROL_COUNT ] = { 0 };

	if ( pExpression )
		float *settings = pExpression->GetSettings();
		float *weights = pExpression->GetWeights();

		// Save existing settings from model
		for ( LocalFlexController_t i = LocalFlexController_t(0); i < hdr->numflexcontrollers(); ++i )
			int j = hdr->pFlexcontroller( i )->localToGlobal;
			if ( j == -1 )
			flexValues[ i ] = model->GetFlexController( i );
			// Set Value from passed in settings
			model->SetFlexController( i, settings[ j ] * weights[ j ] );

	model->ClearLookTargets( );

	QAngle oldrot, oldLight;
	Vector oldtrans;
	VectorCopy( model->m_angles, oldrot );
	VectorCopy( model->m_origin, oldtrans );
	VectorCopy( g_viewerSettings.lightrot, oldLight );


	g_viewerSettings.lightrot.y = -180;

	bool bSaveGround = g_viewerSettings.showGround;
	g_viewerSettings.showGround = false;

	if ( bZoomInOnFace )
		Vector size;
		VectorSubtract( hdr->hull_max(), hdr->hull_min(), size );

		float eyeheight = hdr->hull_min().z + 0.9 * size.z;
		//	float width = ( size.x + size.y ) / 2.0f;

		model->m_origin.x = size.z * .6f;

		if ( hdr->GetNumAttachments() > 0 )
			for (int i = 0; i < hdr->GetNumAttachments(); i++)
				const mstudioattachment_t &attachment = hdr->pAttachment( i );
				int iBone = hdr->GetAttachmentBone( i );

				if ( Q_stricmp( attachment.pszName(), "eyes" ) )

				mstudiobone_t *bone = hdr->pBone( iBone );
				if ( !bone )

				matrix3x4_t boneToPose;
				MatrixInvert( bone->poseToBone, boneToPose );

				matrix3x4_t attachmentPoseToLocal;
				ConcatTransforms( boneToPose, attachment.local, attachmentPoseToLocal );

				Vector localSpaceEyePosition;
				VectorITransform( vec3_origin, attachmentPoseToLocal, localSpaceEyePosition );

				// Not sure why this must be negative?
				eyeheight = -localSpaceEyePosition.z + hdr->hull_min().z;

		KeyValues *seqKeyValues = new KeyValues("");
		if ( seqKeyValues->LoadFromBuffer( model->GetFileName( ), model->GetKeyValueText( sequence ) ) )
			// Do we have a build point section?
			KeyValues *pkvAllFaceposer = seqKeyValues->FindKey("faceposer");
			if ( pkvAllFaceposer )
				float flEyeheight = pkvAllFaceposer->GetFloat( "eye_height", -9999.0f );
				if ( flEyeheight != -9999.0f )
					eyeheight = flEyeheight;

		model->m_origin.z += eyeheight;
		Vector mins, maxs;
		model->ExtractBbox(mins, maxs);
		Vector size;
		VectorSubtract( maxs, mins, size );

		float maxdim = size.x;
		if ( size.y > maxdim )
			maxdim = size.y;
		if ( size.z > maxdim )
			maxdim = size.z;

		float midpoint = mins.z + 0.5 * size.z;

		model->m_origin.x = 3 * maxdim;
		model->m_origin.z += midpoint;

	pWnd->SuppressResize( true );

	RECT rcClient;
	HWND wnd = (HWND)pWnd->getHandle();


	GetWindowPlacement( wnd, &wp );

	GetClientRect( wnd, &rcClient );

	MoveWindow( wnd, 0, 0, nSnapShotSize + 16, nSnapShotSize + 16, TRUE );

	// Snapshots are taken of the back buffer; 
	// we need to render to the back buffer but not move it to the front
	pWnd->SuppressBufferSwap( true );
	pWnd->SuppressBufferSwap( false );

	// make it square, assumes w > h
	char fullpath[ 512 ];
	Q_snprintf( fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ), "%s%s", GetGameDirectory(), pchBitmapFilename );
	pWnd->TakeSnapshotRect( fullpath, 0, 0, nSnapShotSize, nSnapShotSize );

	// Move back to original position
	SetWindowPlacement( wnd, &wp );

	pWnd->SuppressResize( false );

	VectorCopy( oldrot, model->m_angles );
	VectorCopy( oldtrans, model->m_origin );
	VectorCopy( oldLight, g_viewerSettings.lightrot );

	g_viewerSettings.showGround = bSaveGround;

	if ( pExpression )
		// Save existing settings from model
		for ( LocalFlexController_t i = LocalFlexController_t(0); i < hdr->numflexcontrollers(); ++i )
			int j = hdr->pFlexcontroller( i )->localToGlobal;
			if ( j == -1 )

			model->SetFlexController( i, flexValues[ i ] );

	if ( bitmap->valid )
		DeleteObject( bitmap->image );
		bitmap->image = 0;
		bitmap->valid = false;

	LoadBitmapFromFile( pchBitmapFilename, *bitmap );
Esempio n. 16
// Purpose: Reloads all scheme fonts
void CScheme::ReloadFontGlyphs()
	// get our current resolution
	if ( m_SizingPanel != 0 )
		g_pIPanel->GetSize( m_SizingPanel, m_nScreenWide, m_nScreenTall );
		g_pSurface->GetScreenSize( m_nScreenWide, m_nScreenTall );

	// check our language; some have minimum sizes
	int minimumFontHeight = GetMinimumFontHeightForCurrentLanguage();

	// add the data to all the fonts
	KeyValues *fonts = m_pData->FindKey("Fonts", true);
	for (int i = 0; i < m_FontAliases.Count(); i++)
		KeyValues *kv = fonts->FindKey(m_FontAliases[i]._trueFontName.String(), true);
		// walk through creating adding the first matching glyph set to the font
		for (KeyValues *fontdata = kv->GetFirstSubKey(); fontdata != NULL; fontdata = fontdata->GetNextKey())
			// skip over fonts not meant for this resolution
			int fontYResMin = 0, fontYResMax = 0;
			sscanf(fontdata->GetString("yres", ""), "%d %d", &fontYResMin, &fontYResMax);
			if (fontYResMin)
				if (!fontYResMax)
					fontYResMax = fontYResMin;
				// check the range
				if (m_nScreenTall < fontYResMin || m_nScreenTall > fontYResMax)

			int flags = 0;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "italic" ))
				flags |= ISurface::FONTFLAG_ITALIC;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "underline" ))
				flags |= ISurface::FONTFLAG_UNDERLINE;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "strikeout" ))
				flags |= ISurface::FONTFLAG_STRIKEOUT;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "symbol" ))
				flags |= ISurface::FONTFLAG_SYMBOL;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "antialias" ) && g_pSurface->SupportsFeature(ISurface::ANTIALIASED_FONTS))
				flags |= ISurface::FONTFLAG_ANTIALIAS;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "dropshadow" ) && g_pSurface->SupportsFeature(ISurface::DROPSHADOW_FONTS))
				flags |= ISurface::FONTFLAG_DROPSHADOW;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "outline" ) && g_pSurface->SupportsFeature(ISurface::OUTLINE_FONTS))
				flags |= ISurface::FONTFLAG_OUTLINE;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "custom" ))
				flags |= ISurface::FONTFLAG_CUSTOM;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "bitmap" ))
				flags |= ISurface::FONTFLAG_BITMAP;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "rotary" ))
				flags |= ISurface::FONTFLAG_ROTARY;
			if (fontdata->GetInt( "additive" ))
				flags |= ISurface::FONTFLAG_ADDITIVE;

			int tall = fontdata->GetInt("tall");
			int blur = fontdata->GetInt("blur");
			int scanlines = fontdata->GetInt("scanlines");

			if ( (!fontYResMin && !fontYResMax) && m_FontAliases[i].m_bProportional ) // only grow this font if it doesn't have a resolution filter specified
				tall = g_Scheme.GetProportionalScaledValueEx( this, tall );
				blur = g_Scheme.GetProportionalScaledValueEx( this, blur );
				scanlines = g_Scheme.GetProportionalScaledValueEx( this, scanlines );

			// clip the font size so that fonts can't be too big
			if (tall > 127)
				tall = 127;

			// check our minimum font height
			if (tall < minimumFontHeight)
				tall = minimumFontHeight;
			if ( flags & ISurface::FONTFLAG_BITMAP )
				// add the new set
					g_pSurface->GetBitmapFontName( fontdata->GetString( "name" ) ), 
					fontdata->GetFloat( "scalex", 1.0f ),
					fontdata->GetFloat( "scaley", 1.0f ),
				// add the new set
					fontdata->GetString( "name" ), 
					fontdata->GetInt( "weight" ), 

			// don't add any more