void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnCreateNewPartFromExisting( wxCommandEvent& event )
    LIB_PART*      part = GetCurPart();

    wxCHECK_RET( part, wxT( "Cannot create new part from non-existent current part." ) );

    INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, m_canvas );
    m_canvas->CrossHairOff( &dc );

    EditField( &part->GetValueField() );

    m_canvas->CrossHairOn( &dc );
void DIALOG_EDIT_LIBENTRY_FIELDS_IN_LIB::OnOKButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( !copyPanelToSelectedField() )

    // test if reference prefix is acceptable
    if( !SCH_COMPONENT::IsReferenceStringValid( m_FieldsBuf[REFERENCE].GetText() ) )
        DisplayError( NULL, _( "Illegal reference prefix. A reference must start by a letter" ) );

    /* Note: this code is now (2010-dec-04) not used, because the value field is no more editable
     * because changing the value is equivalent to create a new component or alias.
     * This is now handled in libedit main frame, and no more in this dialog
     * but this code is not removed, just in case
    /* If a new name entered in the VALUE field, that it not an existing alias name
     * or root alias of the component */
    wxString newvalue = m_FieldsBuf[VALUE].GetText();

    if( m_libEntry->HasAlias( newvalue ) && !m_libEntry->GetAlias( newvalue )->IsRoot() )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format(
            _( "A new name is entered for this component\n"
               "An alias %s already exists!\n"
               "Cannot update this component" ),
            GetChars( newvalue )
        DisplayError( this, msg );
    /* End unused code */

    // save old cmp in undo list
    m_parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( m_libEntry );

    // delete any fields with no name or no value before we copy all of m_FieldsBuf
    // back into the component
    for( unsigned i = MANDATORY_FIELDS; i < m_FieldsBuf.size(); )
        if( m_FieldsBuf[i].GetName().IsEmpty() || m_FieldsBuf[i].GetText().IsEmpty() )
            m_FieldsBuf.erase( m_FieldsBuf.begin() + i );


#if defined(DEBUG)
    for( unsigned i = 0;  i<m_FieldsBuf.size();  ++i )
        printf( "save[%u].name:'%s' value:'%s'\n", i,
                TO_UTF8( m_FieldsBuf[i].GetName() ),
                TO_UTF8( m_FieldsBuf[i].GetText() ) );

    // copy all the fields back, fully replacing any previous fields
    m_libEntry->SetFields( m_FieldsBuf );

    // We need to keep the name and the value the same at the moment!
    SetName( m_libEntry->GetValueField().GetText() );


    EndQuasiModal( wxID_OK );
Esempio n. 3
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::SaveOneSymbol()
    wxString        msg;
    PROJECT&        prj = Prj();
    SEARCH_STACK*   search = prj.SchSearchS();
    LIB_PART*       part = GetCurPart();

    if( !part || part->GetDrawItemList().empty() )

    wxString default_path = prj.GetRString( PROJECT::SCH_LIB_PATH );
    if( !default_path )
        default_path = search->LastVisitedPath();

    wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Export Symbol Drawings" ), default_path,
                      part->GetName(), SchematicSymbolFileWildcard,
                      wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

    wxFileName fn = dlg.GetPath();

    /* The GTK file chooser doesn't return the file extension added to
     * file name so add it here. */
    if( fn.GetExt().IsEmpty() )
        fn.SetExt( SchematicSymbolFileExtension );

    prj.SetRString( PROJECT::SCH_LIB_PATH, fn.GetPath() );

    msg.Printf( _( "Saving symbol in '%s'" ), GetChars( fn.GetPath() ) );
    SetStatusText( msg );

    wxString line;

    // File header
    line << wxT( LIBFILE_IDENT ) << wxT( " " ) << LIB_VERSION_MAJOR
         << wxT( "." ) << LIB_VERSION_MINOR << wxT( "  SYMBOL  " )
         << wxT( "Date: " ) << DateAndTime() << wxT( "\n" );

    // Component name comment and definition.
    line << wxT( "# SYMBOL " ) << part->GetName() << wxT( "\n#\nDEF " )
         << part->GetName() << wxT( " " );

    if( !part->GetReferenceField().GetText().IsEmpty() )
        line << part->GetReferenceField().GetText() << wxT( " " );
        line << wxT( "~ " );

    line << 0 << wxT( " " ) << part->GetPinNameOffset() << wxT( " " );

    if( part->ShowPinNumbers() )
        line << wxT( "Y " );
        line << wxT( "N " );

    if( part->ShowPinNames() )
        line << wxT( "Y " );
        line << wxT( "N " );

    line << wxT( "1 0 N\n" );

        FILE_OUTPUTFORMATTER    formatter( fn.GetFullPath() );

            formatter.Print( 0, "%s", TO_UTF8( line ) );
            part->GetReferenceField().Save( formatter );
            part->GetValueField().Save( formatter );
            formatter.Print( 0, "DRAW\n" );

            LIB_ITEMS& drawList = part->GetDrawItemList();

            for( LIB_ITEM& item : drawList )
                if( item.Type() == LIB_FIELD_T )

                // Don't save unused parts or alternate body styles.
                if( m_unit && item.GetUnit() && ( item.GetUnit() != m_unit ) )

                if( m_convert && item.GetConvert() && ( item.GetConvert() != m_convert ) )

                item.Save( formatter );

            formatter.Print( 0, "ENDDRAW\n" );
            formatter.Print( 0, "ENDDEF\n" );
        catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
            msg.Printf( _( "An error occurred attempting to save symbol file '%s'" ),
                        GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
            DisplayError( this, msg );
    catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
        DisplayError( this, ioe.errorText );