void NETLIST_EXPORTER::findAllInstancesOfComponent( SCH_COMPONENT*  aComponent,
                                         LIB_PART*       aEntry,
                                         SCH_SHEET_PATH* aSheetPath )
    wxString    ref = aComponent->GetRef( aSheetPath );
    wxString    ref2;

    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList;

    for( SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheet = sheetList.GetFirst();  sheet;  sheet = sheetList.GetNext() )
        for( EDA_ITEM* item = sheet->LastDrawList();  item;  item = item->Next() )
            if( item->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )

            SCH_COMPONENT*  comp2 = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item;

            ref2 = comp2->GetRef( sheet );
            if( ref2.CmpNoCase( ref ) != 0 )

            int unit2 = comp2->GetUnitSelection( sheet );  // slow

            for( LIB_PIN* pin = aEntry->GetNextPin();  pin;  pin = aEntry->GetNextPin( pin ) )
                wxASSERT( pin->Type() == LIB_PIN_T );

                if( pin->GetUnit() && pin->GetUnit() != unit2 )

                if( pin->GetConvert() && pin->GetConvert() != comp2->GetConvert() )

                // A suitable pin is found: add it to the current list
                addPinToComponentPinList( comp2, sheet, pin );
Esempio n. 2
 * Managed cursor callback for placing component pins.
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::PlacePin()
    LIB_PIN* Pin;
    LIB_PIN* CurrentPin  = (LIB_PIN*) m_drawItem;
    bool     ask_for_pin = true;
    wxPoint  newpos;
    bool     status;

    // Some tests
    if( (CurrentPin == NULL) || (CurrentPin->Type() != LIB_PIN_T) )
        wxMessageBox( wxT( "LIB_EDIT_FRAME::PlacePin() error" ) );

    newpos = GetCrossHairPosition( true );

    // Test for an other pin in same new position:
    for( Pin = m_component->GetNextPin(); Pin != NULL; Pin = m_component->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
        if( Pin == CurrentPin || newpos != Pin->GetPosition() || Pin->GetFlags() )

        if( ask_for_pin && SynchronizePins() )
            m_canvas->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( true );
            status =
                IsOK( this, _( "This position is already occupied by \
another pin. Continue?" ) );
            m_canvas->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( false );

            if( !status )
                ask_for_pin = false;
 * Clean up after aborting a move pin command.
static void AbortPinMove( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* Panel, wxDC* DC )
    LIB_EDIT_FRAME* parent = (LIB_EDIT_FRAME*) Panel->GetParent();

    if( parent == NULL )

    LIB_PIN* pin = (LIB_PIN*) parent->GetDrawItem();

    if( pin == NULL || pin->Type() != LIB_PIN_T )


    if( pin->IsNew() )
        delete pin;

    // clear edit flags
    parent->SetDrawItem( NULL );
    parent->SetLastDrawItem( NULL );
    Panel->Refresh( true );
SCH_COMPONENT* NETLIST_EXPORTER::findNextComponentAndCreatePinList( EDA_ITEM*       aItem,
                                                              SCH_SHEET_PATH* aSheetPath )
    wxString    ref;


    // continue searching from the middle of a linked list (the draw list)
    for(  ; aItem;  aItem = aItem->Next() )
        if( aItem->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )

        // found next component
        SCH_COMPONENT* comp = (SCH_COMPONENT*) aItem;

        // Power symbols and other components which have the reference starting
        // with "#" are not included in netlist (pseudo or virtual components)
        ref = comp->GetRef( aSheetPath );

        if( ref[0] == wxChar( '#' ) )

        // if( Component->m_FlagControlMulti == 1 )
        //    continue;                                      /* yes */
        // removed because with multiple instances of one schematic
        // (several sheets pointing to 1 screen), this will be erroneously be
        // toggled.

        LIB_PART* part = m_libs->FindLibPart( comp->GetPartName() );

        if( !part )

        // If component is a "multi parts per package" type
        if( part->GetUnitCount() > 1 )
            // test if this reference has already been processed, and if so skip
            if( m_ReferencesAlreadyFound.Lookup( ref ) )

            // Collect all pins for this reference designator by searching
            // the entire design for other parts with the same reference designator.
            // This is only done once, it would be too expensive otherwise.
            findAllInstancesOfComponent( comp, part, aSheetPath );

        else    // entry->GetUnitCount() <= 1 means one part per package
            LIB_PINS pins;      // constructed once here

            part->GetPins( pins, comp->GetUnitSelection( aSheetPath ), comp->GetConvert() );

            for( size_t i = 0; i < pins.size(); i++ )
                LIB_PIN* pin = pins[i];

                wxASSERT( pin->Type() == LIB_PIN_T );

                addPinToComponentPinList( comp, aSheetPath, pin );

        // Sort pins in m_SortedComponentPinList by pin number
        sort( m_SortedComponentPinList.begin(),
              m_SortedComponentPinList.end(), sortPinsByNum );

        // Remove duplicate Pins in m_SortedComponentPinList
        eraseDuplicatePins( );

        // record the usage of this library component entry.
        m_LibParts.insert( part );     // rejects non-unique pointers

        return comp;

    return NULL;