Esempio n. 1
/* Convolve image with the 1-D kernel vector along image rows.  This
   is designed to be as efficient as possible.  Pixels outside the
   image are set to the value of the closest image pixel.
static void ConvHorizontal(LWImage<flnum>& image, flnum *kernel, int ksize)
    flnum buffer[8000];
    const int rows = image.h;
    const int cols = image.w;
    const int halfsize = ksize / 2;
    assert(cols + ksize < 8000); /*TANG: this will give a limit of image size*/

    for(int comp = 0; comp < image.comps; comp++) {
        const int deltaComp = comp*image.stepComp();
        for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
            /* Copy the row into buffer with pixels at ends replicated for
            half the mask size.  This avoids need to check for ends
            within inner loop. */
            for (int i = 0; i < halfsize; i++)
                buffer[i] = image.pixel(0,r)[deltaComp];
            for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
                buffer[halfsize + i] = image.pixel(i,r)[deltaComp]; 
            for (int i = 0; i < halfsize; i++)
                buffer[halfsize + cols + i] = image.pixel(cols-1,r)[deltaComp];

            ConvBufferFast(buffer, kernel, cols, ksize);
            for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
                image.pixel(c,r)[deltaComp] = buffer[c];
Esempio n. 2
/* Same as ConvHorizontal, but apply to vertical columns of image.
static void ConvVertical(LWImage<flnum>& image, flnum *kernel, int ksize)
    flnum buffer[8000];

    const int rows = image.h;
    const int cols = image.w;
    const int halfsize = ksize / 2;
    assert(rows + ksize < 8000);  /*TANG: this will give a limit of image size*/

    for(int comp = 0; comp < image.comps; comp++) {
        const int deltaComp = comp*image.stepComp();
        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < halfsize; i++)
                buffer[i] = image.pixel(c,0)[deltaComp];
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                buffer[halfsize + i] = image.pixel(c,i)[deltaComp];
            for (int i = 0; i < halfsize; i++)
                buffer[halfsize + rows + i] = image.pixel(c,rows-1)[deltaComp];

            ConvBufferFast(buffer, kernel, rows, ksize);
            for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
                image.pixel(c,r)[deltaComp] = buffer[r];
Esempio n. 3
/// Apply geometric transform to image.
/// The transformation \a map is applied to the image \a in and the result
/// stored in \a im. If \a adjustSize is \c true, \a im will be sized so that
/// it contains all the transformed rectangle, otherwise it stays at original
/// size.
/// The returned pair of integers is the offset of the returned image \a im
/// with respect to original image \a in. If \a adjustSize is \c false, this is
/// (0,0), otherwise the location of upper-left corner of \a im in pixel
/// coordinates of \a in.
/// Interpolation is done by spline. Anti-aliasing filter is optional.
/// \a vOut is the background value to put at pixels outside image.
std::pair<int,int> map_image(LWImage<float> in,
                             libNumerics::Homography map,
                             LWImage<float>& im,
                             int order, bool adjustSize,
                             bool antiAlias, float vOut)
    int w = in.w, h = in.h;
    float zoomOut = antiAlias?
        static_cast<float>( minZoomOut(map.mat(), w, h) ): 1.0f;
    const libNumerics::Homography oriMap(map);
    const int oriW=w, oriH=h;
    std::pair<int,int> offset(0,0);
    if(adjustSize) {
        offset = boundingBox(map, w, h);
        im = alloc_image<float>(w, h, in.comps);
    if(zoomOut < 1.0f) {
        float zoomIn = 1.0f / zoomOut;
        // GF: added some extra space
        int wZoom=(int)std::ceil(w*zoomIn*1.5), hZoom=(int)std::ceil(h*zoomIn*1.5);
        LWImage<float> imZoom = alloc_image<float>(wZoom,hZoom,in.comps);
        libNumerics::matrix<double> mapZ(3,3);
        mapZ = 0.0;
        mapZ(0,0) = zoomIn;
        mapZ(1,1) = zoomIn;
        mapZ(2,2) = 1.0;
        map.mat() = mapZ*map.mat();
        map_image(in, map, imZoom, order, false, false, vOut);
        float sigma = 0.8f*sqrt(zoomIn*zoomIn-1.0f);
        gauss_convol(imZoom, sigma);
        map.mat() = 0.0;
        in = imZoom;
    LWImage<float> tmp = alloc_image(in);
    if( prepare_spline(tmp,order) ) {
        libNumerics::Homography inv = map.inverse();
        const int stepComp = im.stepComp();
        float* out = new float[im.comps];
        float* pixOut =;
        for(int i = 0; i < im.h; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < im.w; j++) {
                double x=j+offset.first, y=i+offset.second;
                for(int k=0; k < im.comps; k++)
                    out[k] = vOut;
                interpolate_spline(tmp, order,
								   static_cast<float>(y+.5), out);
                for(int k=0; k < im.comps; k++)
                    pixOut[k*stepComp] = out[k];
                pixOut += im.step();
        delete [] out;
    if(zoomOut < 1.0f) {
        free(; // Was allocated above
        if(! is_number(vOut)) { // Put back mask
            libNumerics::Homography inv = oriMap.inverse();
            const int stepComp = im.stepComp();
            float* pixOut =;
            for(int i = 0; i < im.h; i++)
                for(int j = 0; j < im.w; j++) {
                    double x=j+offset.first, y=i+offset.second;
                    if(x<0 || x>=oriW || y<0 || y>=oriH)
                        for(int k=0; k < im.comps; k++)
                            pixOut[k*stepComp] = NaN;
                    pixOut += im.step();
    return offset;