Esempio n. 1
void Compiler::raMarkStkVars()
    unsigned   lclNum;
    LclVarDsc* varDsc;

    for (lclNum = 0, varDsc = lvaTable; lclNum < lvaCount; lclNum++, varDsc++)
        // lvOnFrame is set by LSRA, except in the case of zero-ref, which is set below.

        if (lvaIsFieldOfDependentlyPromotedStruct(varDsc))
            goto ON_STK;

        /* Fully enregistered variables don't need any frame space */

        if (varDsc->lvRegister)
            goto NOT_STK;
        /* Unused variables typically don't get any frame space */
        else if (varDsc->lvRefCnt() == 0)
            bool needSlot = false;

            bool stkFixedArgInVarArgs =
                info.compIsVarArgs && varDsc->lvIsParam && !varDsc->lvIsRegArg && lclNum != lvaVarargsHandleArg;

            // If its address has been exposed, ignore lvRefCnt. However, exclude
            // fixed arguments in varargs method as lvOnFrame shouldn't be set
            // for them as we don't want to explicitly report them to GC.

            if (!stkFixedArgInVarArgs)
                needSlot |= varDsc->lvAddrExposed;


            /* Is this the dummy variable representing GT_LCLBLK ? */
            needSlot |= (lclNum == lvaOutgoingArgSpaceVar);


#ifdef DEBUG
            /* For debugging, note that we have to reserve space even for
               unused variables if they are ever in scope. However, this is not
               an issue as fgExtendDbgLifetimes() adds an initialization and
               variables in scope will not have a zero ref-cnt.
            if (opts.compDbgCode && !varDsc->lvIsParam && varDsc->lvTracked)
                for (unsigned scopeNum = 0; scopeNum < info.compVarScopesCount; scopeNum++)
                    noway_assert(info.compVarScopes[scopeNum].vsdVarNum != lclNum);
              For Debug Code, we have to reserve space even if the variable is never
              in scope. We will also need to initialize it if it is a GC var.
              So we set lvMustInit and verify it has a nonzero ref-cnt.

            if (opts.compDbgCode && !stkFixedArgInVarArgs && lclNum < info.compLocalsCount)
                if (varDsc->lvRefCnt() == 0)
                    assert(!"unreferenced local in debug codegen");
                    varDsc->lvImplicitlyReferenced = 1;

                needSlot |= true;

                if (!varDsc->lvIsParam)
                    varDsc->lvMustInit = true;

            varDsc->lvOnFrame = needSlot;
            if (!needSlot)
                /* Clear the lvMustInit flag in case it is set */
                varDsc->lvMustInit = false;

                goto NOT_STK;

        if (!varDsc->lvOnFrame)
            goto NOT_STK;

        /* The variable (or part of it) lives on the stack frame */

        noway_assert((varDsc->lvType != TYP_UNDEF) && (varDsc->lvType != TYP_VOID) && (varDsc->lvType != TYP_UNKNOWN));
        noway_assert((lclNum == lvaOutgoingArgSpaceVar) || lvaLclSize(lclNum) != 0);
        noway_assert(lvaLclSize(lclNum) != 0);

        varDsc->lvOnFrame = true; // Our prediction is that the final home for this local variable will be in the
                                  // stack frame

        varDsc->lvFramePointerBased = codeGen->isFramePointerUsed();


        if (codeGen->doDoubleAlign())
            noway_assert(codeGen->isFramePointerUsed() == false);

            /* All arguments are off of EBP with double-aligned frames */

            if (varDsc->lvIsParam && !varDsc->lvIsRegArg)
                varDsc->lvFramePointerBased = true;


        /* Some basic checks */

        // It must be in a register, on frame, or have zero references.

        noway_assert(varDsc->lvIsInReg() || varDsc->lvOnFrame || varDsc->lvRefCnt() == 0);

        // We can't have both lvRegister and lvOnFrame
        noway_assert(!varDsc->lvRegister || !varDsc->lvOnFrame);

#ifdef DEBUG

        // For varargs functions, there should be no direct references to
        // parameter variables except for 'this' (because these were morphed
        // in the importer) and the 'arglist' parameter (which is not a GC
        // pointer). and the return buffer argument (if we are returning a
        // struct).
        // This is important because we don't want to try to report them
        // to the GC, as the frame offsets in these local varables would
        // not be correct.

        if (varDsc->lvIsParam && raIsVarargsStackArg(lclNum))
            if (!varDsc->lvPromoted && !varDsc->lvIsStructField)
                noway_assert(varDsc->lvRefCnt() == 0 && !varDsc->lvRegister && !varDsc->lvOnFrame);
Esempio n. 2
void TreeLifeUpdater<ForCodeGen>::UpdateLifeVar(GenTree* tree)
    GenTree* indirAddrLocal = compiler->fgIsIndirOfAddrOfLocal(tree);
    assert(tree->OperIsNonPhiLocal() || indirAddrLocal != nullptr);

    // Get the local var tree -- if "tree" is "Ldobj(addr(x))", or "ind(addr(x))" this is "x", else it's "tree".
    GenTree* lclVarTree = indirAddrLocal;
    if (lclVarTree == nullptr)
        lclVarTree = tree;
    unsigned int lclNum = lclVarTree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum;
    LclVarDsc*   varDsc = compiler->lvaTable + lclNum;

#ifdef DEBUG
#if !defined(_TARGET_AMD64_)
    // There are no addr nodes on ARM and we are experimenting with encountering vars in 'random' order.
    // Struct fields are not traversed in a consistent order, so ignore them when
    // verifying that we see the var nodes in execution order
    if (ForCodeGen)
        if (tree->OperIsIndir())
            assert(indirAddrLocal != NULL);
        else if (tree->gtNext != NULL && tree->gtNext->gtOper == GT_ADDR &&
                 ((tree->gtNext->gtNext == NULL || !tree->gtNext->gtNext->OperIsIndir())))
            assert(tree->IsLocal()); // Can only take the address of a local.
            // The ADDR might occur in a context where the address it contributes is eventually
            // dereferenced, so we can't say that this is not a use or def.
#endif // !_TARGET_AMD64_
#endif // DEBUG

    compiler->compCurLifeTree = tree;
    VarSetOps::Assign(compiler, newLife, compiler->compCurLife);

    // By codegen, a struct may not be TYP_STRUCT, so we have to
    // check lvPromoted, for the case where the fields are being
    // tracked.
    if (!varDsc->lvTracked && !varDsc->lvPromoted)

    // if it's a partial definition then variable "x" must have had a previous, original, site to be born.
    bool isBorn  = ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF) != 0 && (tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_USEASG) == 0);
    bool isDying = ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEATH) != 0);
    bool spill   = ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_SPILL) != 0);

    // Since all tracked vars are register candidates, but not all are in registers at all times,
    // we maintain two separate sets of variables - the total set of variables that are either
    // born or dying here, and the subset of those that are on the stack
    VarSetOps::ClearD(compiler, stackVarDeltaSet);

    if (isBorn || isDying)
        VarSetOps::ClearD(compiler, varDeltaSet);

        if (varDsc->lvTracked)
            VarSetOps::AddElemD(compiler, varDeltaSet, varDsc->lvVarIndex);
            if (ForCodeGen)
                if (isBorn && varDsc->lvIsRegCandidate() && tree->gtHasReg())
                    compiler->codeGen->genUpdateVarReg(varDsc, tree);
                if (varDsc->lvIsInReg() && tree->gtRegNum != REG_NA)
                    compiler->codeGen->genUpdateRegLife(varDsc, isBorn, isDying DEBUGARG(tree));
                    VarSetOps::AddElemD(compiler, stackVarDeltaSet, varDsc->lvVarIndex);
        else if (varDsc->lvPromoted)
            // If hasDeadTrackedFieldVars is true, then, for a LDOBJ(ADDR(<promoted struct local>)),
            // *deadTrackedFieldVars indicates which tracked field vars are dying.
            bool hasDeadTrackedFieldVars = false;

            if (indirAddrLocal != nullptr && isDying)
                assert(!isBorn); // GTF_VAR_DEATH only set for LDOBJ last use.
                VARSET_TP* deadTrackedFieldVars = nullptr;
                hasDeadTrackedFieldVars =
                    compiler->LookupPromotedStructDeathVars(indirAddrLocal, &deadTrackedFieldVars);
                if (hasDeadTrackedFieldVars)
                    VarSetOps::Assign(compiler, varDeltaSet, *deadTrackedFieldVars);

            for (unsigned i = varDsc->lvFieldLclStart; i < varDsc->lvFieldLclStart + varDsc->lvFieldCnt; ++i)
                LclVarDsc* fldVarDsc = &(compiler->lvaTable[i]);
                if (fldVarDsc->lvTracked)
                    unsigned fldVarIndex = fldVarDsc->lvVarIndex;
                    noway_assert(fldVarIndex < compiler->lvaTrackedCount);
                    if (!hasDeadTrackedFieldVars)
                        VarSetOps::AddElemD(compiler, varDeltaSet, fldVarIndex);
                        if (ForCodeGen)
                            // We repeat this call here and below to avoid the VarSetOps::IsMember
                            // test in this, the common case, where we have no deadTrackedFieldVars.
                            if (fldVarDsc->lvIsInReg())
                                if (isBorn)
                                    compiler->codeGen->genUpdateVarReg(fldVarDsc, tree);
                                compiler->codeGen->genUpdateRegLife(fldVarDsc, isBorn, isDying DEBUGARG(tree));
                                VarSetOps::AddElemD(compiler, stackVarDeltaSet, fldVarIndex);
                    else if (ForCodeGen && VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, varDeltaSet, fldVarIndex))
                        if (compiler->lvaTable[i].lvIsInReg())
                            if (isBorn)
                                compiler->codeGen->genUpdateVarReg(fldVarDsc, tree);
                            compiler->codeGen->genUpdateRegLife(fldVarDsc, isBorn, isDying DEBUGARG(tree));
                            VarSetOps::AddElemD(compiler, stackVarDeltaSet, fldVarIndex);

        // First, update the live set
        if (isDying)
            // We'd like to be able to assert the following, however if we are walking
            // through a qmark/colon tree, we may encounter multiple last-use nodes.
            // assert (VarSetOps::IsSubset(compiler, regVarDeltaSet, newLife));
            VarSetOps::DiffD(compiler, newLife, varDeltaSet);
            // This shouldn't be in newLife, unless this is debug code, in which
            // case we keep vars live everywhere, OR the variable is address-exposed,
            // OR this block is part of a try block, in which case it may be live at the handler
            // Could add a check that, if it's in newLife, that it's also in
            // fgGetHandlerLiveVars(compCurBB), but seems excessive
            // For a dead store, it can be the case that we set both isBorn and isDying to true.
            // (We don't eliminate dead stores under MinOpts, so we can't assume they're always
            // eliminated.)  If it's both, we handled it above.
            VarSetOps::UnionD(compiler, newLife, varDeltaSet);

    if (!VarSetOps::Equal(compiler, compiler->compCurLife, newLife))
#ifdef DEBUG
        if (compiler->verbose)
            printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLive vars: ");
            dumpConvertedVarSet(compiler, compiler->compCurLife);
            printf(" => ");
            dumpConvertedVarSet(compiler, newLife);
#endif // DEBUG

        VarSetOps::Assign(compiler, compiler->compCurLife, newLife);

        if (ForCodeGen)
            // Only add vars to the gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur if they are currently on stack, since the
            // gcInfo.gcTrkStkPtrLcls
            // includes all TRACKED vars that EVER live on the stack (i.e. are not always in a register).
            VarSetOps::Assign(compiler, gcTrkStkDeltaSet, compiler->codeGen->gcInfo.gcTrkStkPtrLcls);
            VarSetOps::IntersectionD(compiler, gcTrkStkDeltaSet, stackVarDeltaSet);
            if (!VarSetOps::IsEmpty(compiler, gcTrkStkDeltaSet))
#ifdef DEBUG
                if (compiler->verbose)
                    printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGCvars: ");
                    dumpConvertedVarSet(compiler, compiler->codeGen->gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur);
                    printf(" => ");
#endif // DEBUG

                if (isBorn)
                    VarSetOps::UnionD(compiler, compiler->codeGen->gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, gcTrkStkDeltaSet);
                    VarSetOps::DiffD(compiler, compiler->codeGen->gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, gcTrkStkDeltaSet);

#ifdef DEBUG
                if (compiler->verbose)
                    dumpConvertedVarSet(compiler, compiler->codeGen->gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur);
#endif // DEBUG

    if (ForCodeGen && spill)
        if (VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, compiler->codeGen->gcInfo.gcTrkStkPtrLcls, varDsc->lvVarIndex))
            if (!VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, compiler->codeGen->gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, varDsc->lvVarIndex))
                VarSetOps::AddElemD(compiler, compiler->codeGen->gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, varDsc->lvVarIndex);
#ifdef DEBUG
                if (compiler->verbose)
                    printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVar V%02u becoming live\n", varDsc - compiler->lvaTable);
#endif // DEBUG