Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the pie chart
    double data[] = {21, 18, 15, 12, 8, 24};

    // The labels for the pie chart
    const char *labels[] = {"Labor", "Licenses", "Taxes", "Legal", "Facilities", "Production"};

    // The colors to use for the sectors
    int colors[] = {0x66aaee, 0xeebb22, 0xbbbbbb, 0x8844ff, 0xdd2222, 0x009900};

    // Create a PieChart object of size 600 x 320 pixels. Use a vertical gradient color from light
    // blue (99ccff) to white (ffffff) spanning the top 100 pixels as background. Set border to grey
    // (888888). Use rounded corners. Enable soft drop shadow.
    PieChart *c = new PieChart(600, 320);
    c->setBackground(c->linearGradientColor(0, 0, 0, 100, 0x99ccff, 0xffffff), 0x888888);

    // Add a title using 18pt Times New Roman Bold Italic font. Add 16 pixels top margin to the
    // title.
    c->addTitle("Pie Chart With Legend Demonstration", "timesbi.ttf", 18)->setMargin(0, 0, 16, 0);

    // Set the center of the pie at (160, 165) and the radius to 110 pixels
    c->setPieSize(160, 165, 110);

    // Draw the pie in 3D with a pie thickness of 25 pixels

    // Set the pie data and the pie labels
    c->setData(DoubleArray(data, (int)(sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]))), StringArray(labels, (int)(
        sizeof(labels) / sizeof(labels[0]))));

    // Set the sector colors
    c->setColors(Chart::DataColor, IntArray(colors, (int)(sizeof(colors) / sizeof(colors[0]))));

    // Use local gradient shading for the sectors

    // Use the side label layout method, with the labels positioned 16 pixels from the pie bounding
    // box
    c->setLabelLayout(Chart::SideLayout, 16);

    // Show only the sector number as the sector label

    // Set the sector label style to Arial Bold 10pt, with a dark grey (444444) border
    c->setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 10)->setBackground(Chart::Transparent, 0x444444);

    // Add a legend box, with the center of the left side anchored at (330, 175), and using 10pt
    // Arial Bold Italic font
    LegendBox *b = c->addLegend(330, 175, true, "arialbi.ttf", 10);

    // Set the legend box border to dark grey (444444), and with rounded conerns
    b->setBackground(Chart::Transparent, 0x444444);

    // Set the legend box margin to 16 pixels, and the extra line spacing between the legend entries
    // as 5 pixels
    b->setKeySpacing(0, 5);

    // Set the legend box icon to have no border (border color same as fill color)

    // Set the legend text to show the sector number, followed by a 120 pixels wide block showing
    // the sector label, and a 40 pixels wide block showing the percentage

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The data for the bar chart
    double data0[] = {100, 115, 165, 107, 67};
    double data1[] = {85, 106, 129, 161, 123};
    double data2[] = {67, 87, 86, 167, 157};

    // The labels for the bar chart
    const char *labels[] = {"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"};

    // Create a XYChart object of size 600 x 360 pixels
    XYChart *c = new XYChart(600, 360);

    // Set the plotarea at (70, 20) and of size 400 x 300 pixels, with transparent background and
    // border and light grey (0xcccccc) horizontal grid lines
    c->setPlotArea(70, 20, 400, 300, Chart::Transparent, -1, Chart::Transparent, 0xcccccc);

    // Add a legend box at (480, 20) using vertical layout and 12pt Arial font. Set background and
    // border to transparent and key icon border to the same as the fill color.
    LegendBox *b = c->addLegend(480, 20, true, "arial.ttf", 12);
    b->setBackground(Chart::Transparent, Chart::Transparent);

    // Set the x and y axis stems to transparent and the label font to 12pt Arial
    c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 12);
    c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 12);

    // Add a stacked bar layer
    BarLayer *layer = c->addBarLayer(Chart::Stack);

    // Add the three data sets to the bar layer
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data0, (int)(sizeof(data0) / sizeof(data0[0]))), 0xaaccee,
        "Server # 1");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data1, (int)(sizeof(data1) / sizeof(data1[0]))), 0xbbdd88,
        "Server # 2");
    layer->addDataSet(DoubleArray(data2, (int)(sizeof(data2) / sizeof(data2[0]))), 0xeeaa66,
        "Server # 3");

    // Set the bar border to transparent

    // Enable labelling for the entire bar and use 12pt Arial font
    layer->setAggregateLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 12);

    // Enable labelling for the bar segments and use 12pt Arial font with center alignment
    layer->setDataLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 10)->setAlignment(Chart::Center);

    // For a vertical stacked bar with positive data, the first data set is at the bottom. For the
    // legend box, by default, the first entry at the top. We can reverse the legend order to make
    // the legend box consistent with the stacked bar.

    // Set the labels on the x axis.
    c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(labels, (int)(sizeof(labels) / sizeof(labels[0]))));

    // For the automatic y-axis labels, set the minimum spacing to 40 pixels.

    // Add a title to the y axis using dark grey (0x555555) 14pt Arial Bold font
    c->yAxis()->setTitle("Y-Axis Title Placeholder", "arialbd.ttf", 14, 0x555555);

    // Output the chart

    //free up resources
    delete c;
    return 0;